In her own words: Did royal family murder princess Diana’s bodyguard Barry Mannakee? Bullying, secrecy, cover-up: get involved to help save the NHS

Friday 11th August 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: Labour councillor for Brislington West Harriett Bradley. Sociology; immigration – is it sustainable about 1m people net coming in every 3 years? Housing – planning; former Elizabeth Shaw chocolate factory to be housing – include affordable housing? – housing racket, property bubble;  Nearly 160,000 households, estimated at just under a quarter of a million people, are experiencing the worst forms of homelessness across Britain, with rough sleeping forecast to rise by 76 per cent in the next decade; extracts from ‘Diana In Her Own Words’ documentary on C4 highest ratings of the year so far – including the suspicious death of Barry Mannakee, her body guard, shortly after having an affair with Diana; EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Will Prince Charles pass the throne straight to William? – Was the bodyguard Diana fell in love with bumped off? – Various suspicious deaths around Prince Charles: March 2009 Jude Richmond, a florist to Royalty and others, and her disabled daughter, were found drowned in a Cotswold Water Park lake near their home – supposedly suicide. May/June 2009 Sarah Champier-Lowe – florist for Prince Charles – was sacked weeks after her husband David Lowe was found dead in an estuary, supposedly having committed suicideDecember 2012 Jacintha Saldanha nurse that took hoax call in hospital where Kate was being treated for severe morning sickness – she committed suicide. Could, Would, Should Prince Charles Let Will and Kate Take the British Throne?; Source Claims the Queen Plans to Crown William & Kate King & QueenNewcastle sex ring – People care more about being called racist than preventing child abuse, says Rotherham’s Labour MP; Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in Bristol today but member only event, party apparatchiks keep ordinary people away; Filton and Bradley Stoke MP Jack Lopresti says we should join US if war declared on North Korea; rumours about South Africa selling off it’s nuclear weapons at end of apartheid – including some to N Korea; David Cameron’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Deal Raised £17.8m for Conservative Party Funds – Sets Pretext for War; who will be next Tory leader after Theresa May – Jacob Rees-Mogg? Tories back ‘none of the above’ in survey over which cabinet minister should succeed Theresa May. A minister told The Independent the survey shows it is time to look beyond the Cabinet for the next leader – Bristol library closures; Bristol MetroBus costs rise £10m to hit £230m.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Bullying, secrecy and cover-up as Tories race to kill the National Health Service (NHS) – Dr Charlotte Patterson, Sue Kilroe, Alan Condon. None of the 25 or so senior trustees or executives of United Hospitals Bristol (UHB) NHS trust were available to explain NHS changes. Interview with Charlotte Patterson, retired GP, and Sue Kilroe, retired Health Policy Advisor, from ‘Protect Our NHS’facebook page about the government systematically destroying the NHS:  Tory government quietly doubles number of NHS properties it is selling off; profits made from ill health; culture of silence in NHS – whistle blowers discouraged and blacklisting;  huge Tory plans to save/cut £300m in NHS with no consultation;  what can we do? revolving doors between private and public sector.  Interview with Allyn Condon, who lost his son Ben, when he took him with a common virus to Bristol Children’s Hospital – when he went through the process of finding out what happened he found the story regularly changed and he realised the process was to cover the NHS’s back – not to help him. Please sign our petition calling on the Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt and the Government to investigate Bristol Children’s Hospital to hold neglectful parties responsible for Ben’s death and the subsequent cover up and ensure other families don’t suffer the way we have.  Email Mark at –  Trump and North Korea:  NBC report saying N Korea may have miniature nuclear weapons;  what Trump actually said – ‘fire and fury…..’ etc; Dr Michael Bevacqua on BBC 5Live – about Guam Island which is 1/3 US military facilities.  US starts building strategic Black Sea navy base to Ukraine. Will there be a Nuclear false flag attack which is then blamed on N Korea?  Putin braves cold waters as he strips down to the waist in Siberia fishing holiday.
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4 Comments on “In her own words: Did royal family murder princess Diana’s bodyguard Barry Mannakee? Bullying, secrecy, cover-up: get involved to help save the NHS

  1. Why are you spending so much time on Diana and the Royals ? If by giving potential listeners some soap opera well maybe its may be a smart tactic to pursued listeners to listen to the important stuff too, like about the homeless, contracting out traditional public sector services to the vampire type of capitalists, wars of plunder UK led by the nose by our evil empire US government run by corporations , and the like . In the US our royals are the top of the 1% and corporations. A civilized compassionate society one of a more equitable distribution of wealth : a much smaller wealth gap. That means high taxes on the “1%” . the fdr administration, Beveridge and his researchers proved that public spending and putting caps on self serving profits via high tax rate and so on works. austerity is a failure and i believe its an intentional failure perpetrated by the fat cats. Your guest in the first hour who dismisses conspiracies out of hand is wrong. The British empire used the trojan horse of “the white man’s burden” to help resource rich countries to raise these so called backwards continents and countries which had there own high culture.

    Post ww2 and prior, the US empire uses the trojan horse of spreading democracy to exploit other weaker continents and countries’ resources. Yeah, we liberate their souls from their bodies(killed or maimed for life by war) to control and plunder their resources.

    by the way when the FDR regime put into law a tax of 96% on the 1% back then, the first 50,000 usd they made was not taxed. now, taking into account inflation, etc that was worth 350,000 in purchasing power, nothing to sneeze at.

    Did Harold Wilson fail because he taxed the richest 90+ % on the first farthing the wealthy made ? I remember reading that many millionaires including the Rolling Stones left the UK to get out of paying taxes. is this true ?

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