Bristol’s penniless forced to pay council tax? Would Charlottesville mayor remove Bristol’s slave trader statues?

  1. Friday 25th August 2017

    BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

    At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
    After six –
     straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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    First hour: News review: Jack Lopresti cancelled; Council Tax Reduction Scheme – to help poorest – Bristol council tax consultation slammed as ‘cruel and immoral’possibly illegal Bristol City Council tax consultation – Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees will be leading a ‘surreal’ demonstration on Saturday 9th September against the cuts he himself is implementing – although Council now thinking of charging 25% which the Greens think is illegal;  Bristol mayor says city ‘is at breaking point’ and is calling people to protest – Tory cuts from central government;  Three MPs quit Bath University roles over vice-chancellor pay – Bath University’s robotic Prof. Dame Glynis Brakewell earns £450,000 a year;  Online retailer Inc said on Wednesday it would open a distribution centre in Bristol, south west England, in 2018, continuing a rapid expansion that saw its investments in the UK triple last year to over 400 million pounds ($513.96 million) – one of biggest tax evaders on planet and union busters – tax evasion;  question and answer from Manfred Petritsch – from All Smoke and Mirrors blog (in German) – asking which country is very close to Brussels but a tax haven not in the EU; Sasha Baron Cohen, in the personality of Ali G interviews Jacob Rees Mogg about class in 1999; local MP Jacob Rees Mogg bid to become the next Tory Prime Minister? RICH MOGG Tory rising star Jacob Rees-Mogg one of parliament’s richest MPs – raking in £1m this year – history of Rees-Mogg and family – Brexit; ‘Self-driving’ lorries to be tested on UK roads Pound worth less than Euro in British airports as it plummets to 8-yr lows  – parity with the Euro and Swiss Franc, exports, balance of payments; Unlease, hell – Britain battles EU plans to ‘wreck’ UK car industry by stopping manufacturers selling service deals – Britain being punished;  Lord Rothschild – “Share Prices Are At Unprecedented Levels, This Is Not A Time To Add Risk” ;  homeless register used to locate illegals and remove them from UK; only 3% of foreign students stay in UK, contrary to popular belief; Critically ill two-year-old left homeless after repossessing agents forced to evict familyBritish property divide revealed as over five MILLION own second homes despite 250,000 homeless  – immigration and housing;  clip from the end of Channel 4 documentary ‘Diana – in her own words’ soon to be removed from Channel 4 catch up website – Diana’s bodyguard Ken Wharf and her Private Secretary and former Royal Navy officer Patrick Jephson has no respect left for Royalty after what he’s seen.

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    Second hour: Investigative reports: Russia pays off balance of Soviet Union’s foreign debt – at the same time, Russia has written off a large part of the debt developing countries owed it e.g. Russia forgave more than $30 billion in debt owed by Cuba – British economy and QE. Barcelona terror attack – LIHOP or MIHOP:  interview with Chris Bollyn by Sean Stone on Buzzsaw – discussing 3 main operational areas of false flag attacks – architects, managerial, working – GLADIO – SITE website run by ex-Mossad Rita Katz.  Nelson’s Pillar in Dublin was blown up by the IRA in 1966 – Up Went Nelson song which became a popular hit. Journalist Alan Whicker interviewing people in Dublin about Nelson’s Pillar prior to the attack. Interview with Christine Townsend, from Counter Colston group, and William Brown, Secretary of Bristol Branch of National Union of Teachers: Bristol NUT on Twitter – spate of complaints and getting rid of statues in US;  Texas university removes ‘white supremacy’ statues overnightSan Jose, California, city councilman considers removing Christopher Columbus statue;  Colston, slavery and Merchant Venturers;  teaching or misleading children about slavery; plaques and statues to Jimmy Savile removed;  expanding empires of Academies – more schools being taken over; ‘orphan schools’ – no-one wants to fund;  how teaching is different in commercially run Academy schools; anti-cuts march and rally on September 9th on College Green – a message from trades unions and Bristol mayor Marvin Rees to Central Government.

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3 Comments on “Bristol’s penniless forced to pay council tax? Would Charlottesville mayor remove Bristol’s slave trader statues?

  1. In 1989 i remember being glued to the television (the tele) when sledge hammered and later bulldozers were making openings to East Berlin. There were many sections of the wall with wonderful colorful graffiti and wall painting. One that I think was the most important was by the Berlin Prostitutes Union . There was a primative painting of several ladies of the night under a street lamp. But the most important part of their contribution was the statement in big painted text : DON’T DESTROY HISTORY !!! In other words keep sections of this wall up with plaques explaining the history of the wall for future generations not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

    We should not take statues down. Do not destroy the original plaques. what’s needed are extra plaques and text on the base or on a sign in front of statues like Robert E. Lee and the inhumane institution he was fighting for : slavery .

    The wall and “no man’s land” and checkpoint Charlie were completely destroyed and public and private buildings built over and on top of it . They should have left at least a hundred meters of the wall , “no man’s land” and checkpoint Charlie as a reminder of totalitarianism, and so on. No visitors or today’s youth are going to be able to learn from history where the iron curtain use to stand anymore.

    • But all of the past history was not bad . For example up until the 18th century in small towns and cities in Great Britain there was the practice of the commons. Land just outside these places was for shared communal agricultural use . Until the Enclosure Laws movement where the wealthy would take the land and use it for private gain for sheep herding and what ever else . There should be monuments and plaques for this sort of history too.

    • continued….And what the Iron Curtain stood for , and the history that led up to the Berlin Wall or Iron Curtain in what ever physical, political and defensive form dividing eastern europe from western Europe. Agree or Disagree, but one reason the ussr had control of those eastern european countries Was Napolean’s incursion into Russia and Hitler’s too. Although both made the same mistake of over extending their supply lines and were sent running back to France and Germany. 30 million Soviet citizens and soldiers were killed by Nazi Germany in ww2 .

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