May criticised, misleading parliament over Tory ‘housing success’ statistics – Presscoin: new cryptocurrency to fund investigative journalism

Friday 15th December 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: news review: with Green councillor for Redland Martin Fodor. Correction to interview with Stephan Lebanowski – a study into beliefs about death of Lady Diana –  ‘Dead and Alive’ report –  misleading Kent and Winchester University study into beliefs about death of Lady Diana  ‘Dead and Alive’ report – study’s ‘conclusions’ in no way reflect Dr Michael Wood’s raw data  – only 2 people thought Diana staged her own death, so not applicable. Bristol Full Council Meeting, and Q & A with Mayor Rees – surplus from resident’s parking to be put into transport? Parking schemes generally, austerity; Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees told he is ‘blackmailing’ the city and favouring Government over residents in open letter – A section of the UNITE union has taken a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the elected mayor – Council Tax Reduction Scheme, infrastructure money from central government, Marvin to China for investment in building: Concern as ‘rising Bristol rents’ portrayed as investment opportunity in Marvin Rees’ China brochure – only budget for care and waste systems by 2020; PMQs  Corbyn – home ownership under Tories gone down – Theresa May says statutory homeless down by 50% – Theresa May faces investigation after ‘misleading Parliament about scale of homelessness’ – Universal Credit;  80 new homeless people a month in Bristol as family breakdowns the most common reasonBristol’s Housing Crisis blog at The Bristol Post;  if house prices fall… whole economy crashes; Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees promises to increase protection for music venues – housing with sound proofing – Agent of Change principle;  Bristol wants to be the first city to use electronic voting to elect its politicians – Darren Jones MP is leading the charge for e-voting in the city – and the city council backs the move – hacking?;  PMQs RBS closing 259 branches – banking online;  PMQs Caroline Lucas – disabled workers responsible for fall in productivityTory rebels explain why they defied the Government: ‘We had to make clear hard Brexiteers are not running the country’More than 75,000 sign petition calling for Richard Branson’s Virgin Care to hand settlement money back to NHS – Anger grows at reported £328,000 payment to business tycoon’s private healthcare company; LINK TO PETITION: Richard Branson and Virgin Care: return the NHS’s money, and never sue the NHS again – Princes William and Harry could REFUSE Charles request to let Camilla be Queen.
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Apologies: no BCfm audio file this week
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Presscoin – new cryptocurrency to fund investigative journalism. US jets intercept Russian planes over Syria and fire warning flares. The Russian Defense Ministry released a statement Thursday denying reports of an alleged “intercept” of Russian Su-25s by US F-22 fighter jets in Syria.  U.S. military to indefinitely delay ban on cluster bombsUK foreign aid money ‘diverted to extremists’ in Syria.  Interview with Nafeez Ahmed – investigative journalist – about PressCoin, a new crypto currency to fund investigative journalism – he got sacked from Guardian for his story ….Nafeez’ ‘offending’ article about Gaza gas reserves IDF’s Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis  – @RealPressCoinarticle about how he got sacked: ‘Palestine is not an environment story’  – Nafeez Ahmed’s 7/7 book: The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry – Are you fed up with the media? Do you realise that much of the mainstream press is broken? That alternative media is often ineffective, confused or even insane? Without a strong, independent press, democracies erode. No matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, this is obvious — and it’s obviously happening right now. If the above hits a nerve, then you know that something is deeply wrong. That something needs to change. You have an opportunity, right here, right now, to be this change. We are launching PressCoin: an opportunity for you and those around you to fundamentally transform the media landscape – Dr. Watson and the Communist Plot play – thespians amateur and professional Mal Sainsbury and Joe Hall discuss radio play they are performing live tonight and tomorrow – money going to Feed Bristol food charity.  US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies  – could be transferred to people?  F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules‘Netanyahu At War – PBS Frontline documentary from 2016 – Yitzhak Rabin’s Oslo accords with Arafat September 1995, smaller far right Likud protest a few days later lead by Netanyahu with Rabin effigy dressed as Hitler – peace rally in Jerusalem draws 100,000 making Palestinian towns self-governing in Israel – Rabin assassinated.
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5 Comments on “May criticised, misleading parliament over Tory ‘housing success’ statistics – Presscoin: new cryptocurrency to fund investigative journalism

  1. I agree about going to paper ballots . of course there are many socially conscious hackers who can find if digital voting has been tampered with . But in this age of crony , corporate politics , the big corporate media isn’t going to report digital or electronic voting corruption. With paper ballots it’s easier to catch nefarious ballot destroyers and burners by a video from even a moderately priced mobile phone . And more probability of eye witnesses . One more thing, a bit of a digression : young and a significant percent of middle aged people are not controlling their expensive iphones and pads, the virtual life is controlling them . There is little commonality left in the western world like politics and government . there has been an explosion in many exclusive internet, not face to face contacts and groups

      • Indeed Tony . but younger people love digital in a benign way and not out to hack elections in a fascist way . during election time to encourage them to get digital people out to vote with a pencil and a piece of paper , election day polls should be open 24/7 and this will also get more votes from night , evening job workers and we insomniacs or night owls.

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