‘It doesn’t have to be like this’ Thangam Debbonaire MP on homeless cold deaths, child poverty, A&Es at breaking point, Carillion collapse – Oliver Cromwell’s regicide cult: Zionism + Masonry origins?
Friday 26th January 2018
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: news review: with Bristol West Labour MP Thangam Debbonaire. Thangam’s recent case work; her public meeting on Brexit tomorrow www.debbonaire.co.uk; Holocaust Memorial Day – other holocausts (not just Jewish); slave trader Edward Colston statue gets pride of place in Bristol’s new city centre; Indian Christianity – India and British colonialism – Tatar, Indian company that bought British assets; PMQs Corbyn – A & E problems – NHS in crisis; PMQs reducing the deficit and reckless nationalisation that will allegedly cost £170bn – the global 2008 banking crisis – nationalising trains and energy; BBC Question Time – we have state owned utilities but not by Britain: Jeremy Corbyn’s nationalisation policies are grounded in cold, hard economic sense. Europe proves it We do have public ownership in UK rail and energy markets. It’s just that the government ownership is by foreign governments; collapse of Carillion – warning signs; UK insolvencies at highest level since financial crisis – Personal debt rises to £1.6tn as record number of households turn to ‘bankruptcy deals’; Seven in 10 UK workers are ‘chronically broke’, study finds; Gordon Brown tried to stop or change tax havens and failed because US wouldn’t play ball; EU didn’t stop tax havens like promised; Brexit worries; PMQs death of homeless man due to police and ambulance service failures; Pensioner found wandering streets in tears because she couldn’t stand to stay in freezing home; Homeless man died days after council took his sleeping bag away – Bristol homeless and homeless charities; ‘I knew I was in labour’ – why are women being turned away from hospital during childbirth?; Number of rough sleepers in England hits highest level on record – high rents; ‘Davos Man is diehard enemy of a fairer world and sustains grotesque inequality’ – John McDonnell at conference – addressing income inequality on agenda! – inequality inefficient economically – Soros and bandit capitalism – Sunday Times Rich List; Former KPMG Executives Charged With Conspiracy – auditors to Carillion – failures of capitalism; endless studies of poor but not many studies of rich; Messages sent by Tommy Robinson to terror suspect Darren Osborne revealed in court; Theresa May’s new fake news unit.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Consumer advocates outraged after top court allows Schrems but rejects class action lawsuit against Facebook. Max Schrems is sucessful moves his privacy case against social media companies to Vienna, His website for people wanting to bring their own case: Get your Data! Make an Access Request at Facebook! According to European data protection law every individual has the right to get a copy of all personal data a company holds about them. Every user with a residence outside of the US and Canada has a contract with “Facebook Ireland Limited”, based in Dublin, Ireland and has a right to access therefore. By sending an access request you get an idea about the use of your personal data by Facebook. It also shows Facebook that users care about their data and privacy. Of Facebook Max Schrems says ‘Today Facebook is a monopoly. There is no realistic choice to chose an other provider. The failed Google+ experiment shows that not even Google was able to provide for an alternative in the market. This is typical for a “closed system”: Like a black hole Facebook managed to get more and more users until there was a point where everyone had to join because all of their friends moved to Facebook. Today Facebook is in a position where they can more or less do whatever they wand without serious consequences. There is no free market for social networks anymore.‘ – Defence secretary warns of Russia plot against infrastructure – we’re living in an age of fake news and cold war style propaganda. Julian Assange’s health not good and his lawyers want his arrest warrant cancelled. Afghanistan brings in biometric identity cards and scuffles over ethnicity. Russia says Britain’s Defence Secretary’s claim of attack threat ‘like something from Monty Python’ – Government spending £11bn on roll out of smart meters but they could be hacked. PMQs – concern over armed forces – West’s ideas of ‘regime change’. Intel’s Spectre fixes are ‘complete and utter garbage,’ says Linux inventor. Hamed Ghasgavi from New Horizons Conference in Iran, discusses misconceptions of how women are treated in Iran – propaganda against Iran. Presidents Club and hostess groping fiasco – prostitution is unfortunately normal in society. Alexis Jay and the VIP child sexual abuse national enquiry – has been forgotten about. Jackie Walker – a Jewish lady barred from Labour Party for criticising Israel and Jews in history – she tells her story in a play ‘The Lynching’ being performed next Saturday evening at The Arc Bar on Broad Street, with Middle Eastern food being served from 6pm. Steve Norman’s funeral, Friday 2nd February 0930hrs at South Bristol Crematorium, Bedminster Down BS13 7AS. Followed by wake at Lawrence Weston Social Club AKA the Cabbage Patch Lawrence WestonRoad, BS11 0ST. Freemasons: descended from alchemists? Dozens of Devon councillors are also Freemasons – Is yours? There are 26 councillors in Devon who are also members of Masonic Lodges – Freemasons are blocking reform, says Police Federation leader; December: Mafia join Italy’s Freemasons to ‘do deals’ with judiciary; Today: Italy clamps down on #Masons after #mafia links exposed; Operation Tiberius + Project Riverside – Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police; history of Free Masons – their mythology about rebuilding the Temple of Solomon and Zionism; Royal Family – The Queen and her Masonic nurse; Bilderberg Conference and Free Masons; Kemal Attaturk was a Free Mason; Oliver Cromwell – regicide cult and Freemasonry origins? This 1658 engraving by William Faithorne the Elder (1616-1691), unofficially called “Cromwell Between Two Pillars”, could possibly have inspired the claim that Freemasonry was established by Oliver Cromwell
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Politics show Blacklisted by Bristol mayor’s office
Bristol’s former BBC journalist mayor Marvin Rees has responded, and that was negatively, to only one interview request since he was elected, all other requests have been ignored. Two weeks ago I put my 25th request in to interview him with the words ‘if I don’t hear back, and bear in mind the only time I did hear back in the last 20 months Marvin cancelled the interview without telling me, I’ll know we’re blacklisted. Be clear this will be the final interview request and unless I hear any different from you I’ll be announcing we’re blacklisted by the mayor.’ Surprise surprise. Didn’t get any reply. It’s the ‘wall of silence’ treatment I’ve had, almost unbroken, since May 2016.
debt and deficit : tax the banksters, national and international corporations and the billionaires . if they leave they should not be able to take their riches and money with them . here in the us of a , a big tax cut for the super wealthy and financial sector and corporations.
chump trump believes these robber barrons are going to create american jobs . they will just invest in sweat shops and more speculating and more tricks in the legal illegal financial sector.
also in the US we have a military budget that is absolutely evil and taxpayers expecteted to give socialism to the military and live and let die to the common man, woman and child . next financial crisis is not if but when . all hell is going to break out . biggest civil unrest ever in usa and uk . i’m hoping that at least i can speak for the us of a, that if the military are called in by the corporate run US gov, that these soldiers won’t fire on us, join us and shoot at the police of the police state….whatever
How did food from the West Midlands end up in Isis-controlled territory in Syria?
by Robert Fisk
Good to hear Kevin Chahill again . Hope Martin gets well soon . And you too Tony . You sounded as if you had a cold, flu or bronchitis . I find what works for me is an herbal called Echinacea . You can make a tea out of it or take the capsule. It’s made from what we call here in the states the Cone flower . it is an immune system booster . although im no doctor and it might be best to consult with him or her first. Don’t wait at the A&E !!!
We are trying to increase global awareness of the extremely important story regarding William Browder and the Magnitsky Act.