Bristol squat opens in solidarity with this week’s Amsterdam ADM eviction – His Trumped up distraction wall: US Government shutdown is Republican policy anyway – ‘Restoration genocide’ – King Charles II used corporations to subdue New World native peoples

Friday 11th January 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven –
 straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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First hour news review: with Labour Councilor for Brislington East Mike Langley: First Bus – Bus Unions, Bristol Buses before privatisation and with part privatisation, problems with First Bus, Tim Bowles – Metro Mayor, Maggie Thatcher and privatisation, Unions and conditions for bus workers used to be much better; Excellent new ITV Wednesday night Drama called ‘Cleaning Up’, starting at 9pm, where cleaners spy on City of London insider traders to make money – Struggling mum Sam discovers access to lucrative stock market information while working as a cleaner at Canary Wharf. Is this the answer to her spiralling debts? ITV Wednesday evenings 9pm – Council Housing and Right to Buy in 1980s;  Government needs to build three million social homes to solve housing crisis, finds landmark review – Corbyn government;  Alan Shane discusses closure of ADM squat in Amsterdam: Life in Amsterdam’s biggest squat – in pictures – Several children have been born and raised in the community that has grown up around the former shipyard – After 20 years, squatters occupying the Amsterdamse Droogdok Maatschappij former shipyard have been ordered to leave. Photographer Sanne Derks met members of the community, who say moving elsewhere is impossible – and a new ‘ADM Solidarity’ squat at 39-40 High Street, next to the Bristol Ticket Shop; Council run Bristol Energy made £8.4m loss – although if you use it an average saving of £200 a year could be made; Bristol Waste – not doing their job properly; Brislington Park and Ride – Buses in Brislington, First Bus App;  Full Council Meeting – Marvin Rees criticises auditors for saying £100,000 pay out to Anna Klanowski was questionable; PMQs Jack Lopresti – end of tolls on Seven Bridge – why no Prime Ministers’ Questions from Bristol Labour MPs? PMQs – 11 homeless died in York last year; PMQs Brexit – Dominic Grieve and Yvette Cooper amendment hopes to stop government spending on ‘no deal’ Brexit – are we really leaving EU on 29th? London pensioner jailed for accusing school parents of killing and eating babies – how the case of Sabine McNeil has been portrayed in press – she is jailed for 9 years for stalking and breaching a restraining order.
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Second hour Investigative reports: Interview with Anthony Hall, author of ‘Earth into Property: Colonisation, Decolonisation and Capitalism’: history of colonialism and capitalism in America and the treatment of Indians;  Cabot from Bristol and other explorers to America; Edward Colston and the slave trade; Royalty giving Indian territory away and creating corporations;  treaties with Indians; Native American genocide to marginalisation of Indians in N. America;  Osama bin Laden’s code name by US military was Geronimo;  the hunting down and killing of Osama bin Laden – theatre – Seal Team 6,  who did the hunting and killing, all died in mysterious circumstances;  9/11 and myths of Al Quiada – US Government working with Islamic extremists;  has War on Terror come to a halt after failure to oust Assad in Syria;  false flag and Yellow Vests – Strasbourg used to distract people away;  Israel lobby – any criticism of Israel as anti Semitic; International Relations academic and author Ron Mandel discusses the Transatlantic Israel Lobby – criticising BDS as anti Semitic is like McCarthyite witch-hunt; Integrity Initiative has £200m from Foreign Office – seen to be smearing Corbyn – has a smear report, done a hatchet job on our esteemed producer/presenter TonyHuawei employees arrested in Poland on spying charges – demonising Iran;  BBC Fake News – Jonah Fisher on the BBC World Service claiming there is a war going on between Russia and Ukraine – but what about the Minsk Agreement? The man who should be president, who had his nomination stolen by Hilary Clinton Bernie Sanders calls out Trump and the Mexico wall as a distraction from the real crisis in America which is economic: Trump and the Wall; US Government shutdown is actually Republican and big business bankster policy – minimal and bankrupt government.
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2 Comments on “Bristol squat opens in solidarity with this week’s Amsterdam ADM eviction – His Trumped up distraction wall: US Government shutdown is Republican policy anyway – ‘Restoration genocide’ – King Charles II used corporations to subdue New World native peoples

  1. As always(ok, most of the time) thank you Tony for a superb two hours . cheers . Here is another fine speaker and investigator for we the people like yourself, who finds the way to the truth . He is not a conspiracy theorist , he works hard on his research and presents “conspiracy facts” like you do . And he has a down to earth sense of humor , often self effacing .

    Dr. Michael Parenti On Being Called A “Conspiracy Theorist.”

    Michael Parenti: Conspiracy and Class Interest.

  2. Thank you Tony Gosling for having Anthony Hall on your show . I didn’t know anything about him or what he wrote and has been speaking about until i listened to your interview with him .

    Face to Face with Professor Anthony J. Hall – Earth Into Property

    perhaps a related topic ( to a lesser or greater degree ) writer and speaker akin to Professor Hall

    American Holocaust: The Destruction of America’s Native Peoples

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