‘Cotham School is not Starbucks or Shell’ privatised school fences locals out of Stoke Lodge open space – Bristol Labour party ban candidates, enforce gender self-identification policy in ‘kangaroo court’ – Pablo Miller spyline: Russian defector handler – including Skripal and Litvinenko – Next Israeli foreign minister Yuval Steinitz hints at false flag attack on Iran?
Friday 1st Febuary 2019
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Listen live http://www.bcfmradio.com/player or http://stream.bcfmradio.com:7017/live.mp3
BCfm audio files usually available 1hr, Radio4All 3-4hrs, after TX
Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Like George Galloway on RT and Talk Radio this show is being investigated by UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom. I can’t go into detail except to say their enquiry may conclude with this and other programmes being taken off the air – with fining of BCfm charity’s management board and may ultimately threaten BCfm’s licence to broadcast.
I produce one of the only radio programmes outside London that presents independent foreign news and comment – and one of the only investigative programmes left in the UK. So if we suddenly vanish from the airwaves – you know why…
First hour news review with Conservative Cllr Richard Eddy, Labour activist Mal Sainsbury, Libdem activist Andrew Varney, Stoke Lodge campaigner Kathy Welham and former Sunday Times journalist Kevin Cahill: Campaign to save Stoke Lodge park from becoming fenced off by privatised Cotham School: ‘We Love Stoke Lodge’ with local campaigner Kathy Welham – Wednesday’s planning meeting at Bristol Council concerning park which Cllr. Eddy spoke at and Cllr Clive Stevens, Kathy was there too; Academy schools and privatisation profit making a factor? Richard Eddy, Tory Councillor for area, discusses issues – Ofsted says Cotham School’s plan to erect fences at Stoke Lodge playing fields ‘not required’ – Mayor Marvin said not his decision, decision of Bristol Planning Committee, but he can ‘come out’ in support if he wants and get planning to force removal of new fence if he wishes. Councillor Clive Stevens suggests planning chair Sultan Khan is, ‘bringing Bristol City Council into disrepute’ by evading planning enfocement questions over Sandra Fryer’s fence which, doesn’t have planning permission. Penny Beeston, from Beeston Media and mum of school pupil, who runs a pro Cotham school twitter account, didn’t respond to request to appear on tonight’s show; neither did Cotham School’s finance officer Sandra Fryer – Lib Dems Mayor policy – get rid of position of elected Mayor – a referendum in 2022. Brexit: betting against the Pound; PMQs Corbyn – need Brexit deal that will unite Country – votes in Parliament on Brexit last week; Digby Jones discusses the uncertainty around Brexit causing problems – not ‘no deal’; Corbyn’s ‘Six points’ cannot be met by leaving EU; Brexit pushed forward – MEPs elected? Junker’s unelected replacement. Next EU president? Bavarian Manfred Weber “Brexiteers are egoists and liars” New President of EU in May, Manfred Weber from Bavaria, says Brexiteers are egoists and liars. Dispute in Labour Party over transgender issues: Matthew Strange, a bisexual man who was at the meeting, gives his views; complaints about Labour member Pamela Beamish’s comments ‘you are not a woman, whatever the law says’ and Esther Giles, Labour member, trying to ‘protect her from bullies’ also banned from standing as Labour candidates, without debate, says labour member Matthew Strange in ‘kangaroo court’, chair of the committee resigns; Mal Sainsbury was at last Wednesday’s meeting and supported the banning decision. Consultation on Gender Recognition Act in Bristol Council; identity politics problems, antisemitism and transgender self-identification, in Labour Party. –
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Second hour Investigative reports: Scott Bennett, former Psychological Warfare Officer, and author of ‘Shell Game – Booz Allen Hamilton Whistleblowing Report’, joins the news review – his blog Shellgame, about Scott’s work as a Psychological Warfare officer in the US Army uncovering financial support for Islamic fighting groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS from the West – politics in US at moment – Trump and State of Union Address – Troops in or out of Syria – Trump’s ‘Art of the Deal’ and his brinkmanship that seems to work; Venezuela – can’t just go in and take over; Iran – animosity between US and Iran goes back 40/50 years, back story of Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel, 9/11; US/ Russia relations – Trump Tower in Moscow – Skripal affair; George Galloway complaint from Ofcom about his reporting on Skripal affair – former soldier and special branch officer Charles Shoebridge discusses how Ofcom are not consistent; British role in Russiagate (anti Russian propaganda) – Pablo Miller spyline story; John Goss, discusses who Pablo Miller is – Russian spy defector handler – including Skripal and Litvinenko; US and Russiagate – Christopher Steele and Russia fixing election for Trump; psychological warfare – preparing the publics’ minds – Press TV journalist Marzieh Hashemi arrested without charge in US, now released – NeoCons; Israeli Foreign Minister to be, Yuval Steinitz, threatens to attack Iran; future false flag attack by Israelis, blaming Iran?; BDS Bill – banning Israeli settlement goods; Captain Boyott (1947 film) – Irish invented it; Paralympics – Malaysian PM, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, says he does not want Israelis to come because Israel does not abide by International Law: Malaysia’s PM: ‘the World Obeys Israel, We Don’t’. Mahathir Said That Malaysia Has The Right “To Voice Our Own Feelings And To Have Our Own Policies.”; Syria – Russian Military in there; Alex Krainer discusses the Magnitsky Act where individuals can be sanctioned; Hilary Clinton and her misdemeanours. Martial Law threatened in Britain because of Brexit.
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Inside the Integrity Initiative, the UK gov’s information war on the public w/ David Miller PhD , Bristol England (E32)
UK gov’t tries to fine journalists out of existence (UK Column VS ATVOD, Ofcom)
Ofcom controls what people should see – UK’s myth of freedom of press
Rumours are that the Integrity Initiative filed these Ofcom complaints. If true, with taxpayers money, that would be politically explosive.