Call to contest Bristol’s 5G rollout on health and profiteering grounds – Brexit: Customs Union creators, “Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe” – a matter of trust as government prepare to drag negotiation out for years – Jill Dando: 1999 contract killing by Russian mercenary to hide BBC paedophile ring

Friday 5th April 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven –
 straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with retired international relations lecturer Ron Mandel

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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This week’s events: Bristol Transformed, People Powered Politics; PRSC Easter School of Activism; Extinction Rebellion shut down London

First hour news review: with Green councillor for Clifton Down Clive Stevens and retired international relations lecturer Ron Mandel – Vietnam – what is it like now?

Health dangers of new 5G mobile microwave data technology: 5G data is between 20 and 100 times faster than 4G but uses a much higher microwave power and frequency which is highly likely to have adverse health effects. 5G health standards were written 30 yrs ago by an unnacountable private telecoms and energy group based in Germany called the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP);  bad effects on health; Around 250 scientists from around the world signed a petition recently to the United Nations and World Health Organization outlining their concerns that “cellular and cordless phones [2G, 3G and 4G networks] and broadcast antennas,” amongst other radio frequency emitting devices, may produce cancer risks due to the electromagnetic field (EMF) radio waves they produce;   Glastonbury says no to 5G;  will Bristol Council stop it?;  standards drawn up by industry members; human sweat glands act as antennae absorbing 5G microwaves and they heat your body up effects bees; government to get around £1.4bn from 5G auctions (4G raided 2.3bn in 2013, 3G raised £22.5bn in 1999).

Brexit:  BBC 5 Live – Peter Fahy from NPCC talks of ‘wrong language’ used in Brexit debate – Brendon O’Neill from Spiked answers ‘police state’ and says MPs are traitors for not delivering Brexit;  ‘Imagine yourselves to be the dictators of Europe’: Philips Electronics and the long buried story of how the Single Market, and Customs Union the ‘#SoftBrexit’ MPs & PM are now embracing, was conceived in 1985;  history of Martial Plan after WW2 –  European integration to counter threat of communist expansionism;  Guy Verhofstadt in European Parliament – transfer more power to Brussels; Nigel Farage his ‘penultimate speech in the European Parliament – EU officials should veto Brexit extension;  Tony Benn – EU is not democratic and we must leave as soon as possible; Mervyn King discussing low economic impact of Brexit on Radio 4 Today programme.

Central London ‘Ultra Low Emmission Zone’ (ULEZ) £11.50 emmission charge begins on Monday (8th April) – but the rich in their ‘Chelsea tractors’ will not be paying. Extinction Rebellion, locally based globally expanding direct action campaign for clean air and better environment in London stopping traffic next weekend

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Second hour Investigative reports: twenty years on, commemoration, Jill Dando murder and subsequent framing of Barry George: MOTIVE, with investigative journalist Don Hale; MEANS and OPPORTUNITY with firearms expert Gerry Coulter; this week’s appalling and insulting BBC1 ‘commemorative’ programme; ‘The Murder of Jill Dando’ – much better amateur documentary: The Jill Dando Web

Interview with Don Hale, author of many books and award winning investigative journalist – Don’s original Jill Dando article – he discusses how Jill Dando was accumulating information on a paedophile and sexual abuse ring of about five or six employees within the BBC that included Britain’s most prolific paedophile Jimmy Savile – how senior BBC managers didn’t want to know, and how shortly before her death she and other staff received death threats: senior police at MET didn’t want to know – leads ignored by police; Man with learning difficulties Barry George fitted up by DI Hamish Campbell leading to a miscarriage of justice; this week’s appalling and insulting ’20th anniversary commemoration’ TV documentary ‘The Murder of Jill Dando’; current national VIPaedophile inquiry into child sex abuse (IICSA) once again kicking the investigation of these elite criminals into the long grass – Don Hale gave evidence to IICSA but was cross-examined in what he describes as a ‘hostile environment’;  he interviewed whistleblowers from MI5, the MET, and Special Branch requesting immunity from the Official Secrets Act (OSA) – Theresa May did nothing so these whistleblowers have not been able to testify; Northampton police gave false evidence against Don; Don’s KGB source had info on honeytraps but was shocked to find key people weren’t interested in women,they wanted sex with boys and young men, so they spied on the Westminster paedophiles and built up a large file on Westminster VIPaedophiles; Don’s latest book is ‘Murder in the Graveyard’;;

Interview with Gerry Coulter, former engineer and businessman, about how he met a group of mercenaries in Budapest led by a man called Petrokov that offered to kill three Dorset police officers Gerry was in an unresolved legal dispute with and boasted they had killed Jill Dando giving details of the firearm used – allegedly a Tokarev pistol – Gerry reported his evidence to the police in Dorset but they weren’t interested and apparently didn’t pass it on: the type of gun and bullet they would have used; why Barry George couldn’t possibly have done it.

Easter activism: Saturday 06 April Bristol Transformed, People Powered Politics; Easter holidays PRSC Easter School of Activism; From Monday 15th April for two weeks Extinction Rebellion will attempt to ‘shut down London’

Israeli Finance Minister, Moshe Kahlon, discusses the great successes and the right of the Israeli state to exist.  Is Christian Zionism a bogus ‘religion’ fuelling pro- Israeli state sentiment as well as Islamophobia based on a twisted interpretation of the Bible, a heresy?

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2 Comments on “Call to contest Bristol’s 5G rollout on health and profiteering grounds – Brexit: Customs Union creators, “Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe” – a matter of trust as government prepare to drag negotiation out for years – Jill Dando: 1999 contract killing by Russian mercenary to hide BBC paedophile ring

  1. What are illegal wars? Dr. Daniele Ganser 01.11.2016 (Conversations in Dresden)|
    English subtitles and English voice over

    Klagemauer TV – English
    Published on Jan 12, 2018
    It is often said that the peace movement is no good or that is extreme right-wing biased and they are just idiots. In any case, don’t let this convince you. (Make sure that you won’t be talked into it.?) The peace movement is still important.

    • Hey D, lease try to keep to the subject – this show was about the murder of Jill Dando and posting things which aren’t relevant to the show is not very helpful – with respect – T

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