Brexit Party stand down 320 candidates in UK General Election – Two new Merchant Venturers schools but original one still inadequate in special measures – GERM: the global education privatisation programme – US backed Bolivia coup could mean civil war – White Helmets founder ‘commits suicide’ – Prince Philip blocking British Army apology to scapegoated WW2 Poles? – JFK assassin describes Bush senior’s CIA ‘Group 40’ assassination squad role

Friday 15th November 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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First hour news review: with former Brexit party candidate for North Somerset Ann Tarr and retired teacher and NUT President Nina Franklin – Ann Tarr told to stand down – what has Brexit Party achieved? Need reform of political system; how Brexit Party works. Labour and electoral pacts; Farage announces some Brexit Party candidates will stand down to help Tories. Sheena Moore on Labour Brexit voters in Doncaster; Richard Ford, Brexit Party candidate for Gloucester, on the city being a leave one.

Nina Franklin, former NUT member and teacher, discusses privatisation of schools and the Global Education Reform Movement (GERM). But what is GERM? “The term was coined by Finnish educationalist Pasi Sahlberg,” “It refers to the international drive in education policy towards competition, standardisation, privatisation, test-based accountability and performance-related rewards. “Essentially it is the manifestation of neoliberalism in education. It asserts that only a competitive, market approach, with the attendant standardisation and testing regime, can improve education systems.

In Bristol its the Merchant Venturers: Christine Townsend on Merchant Venturers and local education; Galliford Try has begun construction on two new schools on the site of the existing Merchants’ Academy secondary school in Withywood, South Bristol, in a £12.5m contract but OFSTED ratings are terrible how academies are run – with not much scrutiny;  academies more selective of pupils – so some are excluded; Merchant Venturer backed schools; NUT not recognised and high turn over of staff; gagging clauses; what would improve schools?

Latest Election Poll from Britain Elects. Green Party election campaign launch. Marvin Rees on BBC Points West discussing diesel ban in city centre. Bristol Post apologises for ‘mug shot’ picture of mixed-race mayor Marvin Rees.  
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Supposed 'police mug shot' of Bristol mayor Marvin Rees for which the Bristol Post has apologised
Supposed ‘police mug shot’ of Bristol mayor Marvin Rees for which the Bristol Post has apologised

Second hour Investigative reports: US backed Bolivia coup could mean civil war, White Helmets founder ‘commits suicide’. Another general election in Israel – many Palestinians killed:  Israel Security Minister Threatens to Assassinate More Palestinians New Arab article; Al Jazeera programme The Lobby about Antisemitism and Israelis bribing  the UK Labour Party; who are Islamic Jihad? Gaza: Eight Family Members Killed, 12 Critical in Israeli Raids. Israeli forces. Syria story: Israel’s army said early on Friday it had launched fresh raids on targets linked to Islamic Jihad in Gaza, after it fired a number of rockets into Israel, despite a ceasefire that came into effect on Thursday morning. Lebanon protests: Lebanese protesters reject ‘another elite’ PM candidateAndre Vltchek warning article.

US/fascist coup against Morales in Bolivia: far right alliances with West in South America; growing left wing wins in South America;  far right and Bible. Bolivian coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a far-right multi-millionaire who arose from fascist movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the US has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil, and the Venezuelan opposition.  Protests in Chile – they have got their referendum on constitution;  protests in other South American countries; Americom. Veterans for Peace and white poppies. Bring our troops home protests at Capitol Hill in US.

Death of ex-British Army James le Mesurier, founder of the White Helmets: BBC backtrack on their own fake news as claims regarding Istanbul death of White Helmets co-founder are deleted ‘Phillip Cross’ changes Wikipedia entry on him on the same day – Le Mesurier Gets ‘Philip Cross’ by Craig Murray; was James an MI6 agent? CIA Has Interfered With Over 81 Foreign Elections in the Past Century.

‘Debt of Dishonour’ – film about how the Polish and General Sosobowski in the Battle of Arnhem in WW2 (Market Garden) were scapegoated – why Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh may be blocking the much-needed British Army apology. Wests’ deals with Nazis after WW2: Red House Meeting; book Op JB; ‘Hitler’s Henchman’ Martin Bormann film – in the bunker at the end of war – Bormann in charge of funds and goes missing; Bormann in South America; ‘M’ Section MI6. 

James Files, hit-man who killed JFK, discusses George H. Bush being part of the CIA and Group 40 (Operation 40). George Bush’s Granddad Prescott Bush’s working with the Nazis in WWII. 
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3 Comments on “Brexit Party stand down 320 candidates in UK General Election – Two new Merchant Venturers schools but original one still inadequate in special measures – GERM: the global education privatisation programme – US backed Bolivia coup could mean civil war – White Helmets founder ‘commits suicide’ – Prince Philip blocking British Army apology to scapegoated WW2 Poles? – JFK assassin describes Bush senior’s CIA ‘Group 40’ assassination squad role

  1. RAY McGOVERN: Ukraine For Dummies , Trump impeachment opening hearing
    November 14, 2019 • 33 Comments

    By Ray McGovern
    Special to Consortium News

    At Wednesday’s debut of the impeachment hearings there was one issue upon which both sides of the aisle seemed to agree, and it was a comic-book caricature of reality.

    House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff led off the proceedings with this: “In 2014, Russia invaded a United States ally, Ukraine, to reverse that nation’s embrace of the West, and to fulfill Vladimir Putin’s desire to rebuild a Russian empire…”

    Five years ago, when Ukraine first came into the news, those Americans who thought Ukraine was an island in the Pacific can perhaps be forgiven. That members of the House Intelligence Committee don’t know — or pretend not to know — more accurate information about Ukraine is a scandal, and a consequential one.

    As Professor Stephen Cohen has warned, if the impeachment process does not deal in objective fact, already high tensions with Russia are likely to become even more dangerous.

    So here is a kind of primer for those who might be interested in some Ukraine history: …

    Ray McGovern on Adam Schiff and The Trump Investigation
    KPFA Radio , program Flashpoints

    Today on Flashpoints: A former High level CIA analyst blows the lid off the Adam Schiff’s cold warrior Trump investigation: also our regular weekly segment on hunger and homelessness Food Fight, with Food Not Bombs founder, Keith McHenry

    Ray McGovern

    Raymond McGovern is a veteran CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990, and in the 1980s chaired National Intelligence Estimates and prepared the President’s Daily Brief. He received the Intelligence Commendation Medal at his retirement, returning it in 2006 to protest the CIA’s involvement in torture. McGovern’s post-retirement work includes commenting on intelligence issues and in 2003 co-founding Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
    More at Wikipedia

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