‘Scientist’ Behind the Lockdown, Neil Ferguson Sacked, Imperial College ‘Expert’ Didn’t Believe His Own Rules – Evidence Emerging Nazis Tested Atom Bomb Nine Months Before US. The Secret Allied/Nazi Deals: VE Day Traitors Exposed. Friday 44th of Lockdown: With Yesterday’s Elections Cancelled Is Bristol Now A Dictatorship? Boris to Announce ‘Red’ Lockdown Relaxation Plan on Sunday? Banking it all on a vaccine that might never come? Nato today’s Nazis in travesty of VE Day 75 years on – BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 8th May 2020
At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers – internet only BCfm Politics Show available Friday afternoons. We are ready to go live remotely, awaiting a BCfm Covid-19 Emergency Schedule slot from managing editor Pat Hart and the team. In the light of government and Ofcom guidance they have decided not to broadcast discussion or political shows that might put the FM licence at risk and don’t want the added burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour news review with local politician: Was Sunday’s Boris Lockdown Lifting announcement leaked to the Daily Mirror three weeks ago?
Tory councillor John Goulandris: ‘Bristol Is Not, And Never Should Be, A One-Party Dictatorship’ – Changes to Bristol City Council’s constitution have been branded a “shameless power grab” that will “effectively neuter local democracy”. The Labour administration insists that the move will make the democratic process fairer and more transparent, as it effectively gives elected councillors from the ruling party more opportunity to make their voices heard on behalf of their constituents. Under the changes, Labour will increase the number of its backbench councillors taking chair roles in committees and decrease opportunities for opposition parties to put forward ‘golden’ motions for debate – which will reflect the proportionality of the chamber instead of working on rotation.
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees’ Bullying Breaks All His Own Rules: Why Bristol mayor Marvin Rees’ jokes are no laughing matter – Today, Bristol Live is standing up for a reporter targeted for public ridicule by our city’s political elite. This is why… – Look at this line-up of the most powerful politicians in our city. Mayor Marvin Rees, and, to his left, his deputy Craig Cheney. In front of them, ex-council leader Helen Holland and the housing lead Paul Smith, both of whom are laughing gleefully at a joke by the mayor. “Just joking, that’s just a joke,” smiles Mr Rees as he starts a public meeting of the city’s cabinet. And they all smile. “All very nice,” adds Mr Rees, as he turns on his microphone. But all isn’t very nice. Because the mayor is ridiculing another human being. In fact, some of those in front of Mr Rees are sneaking a look at the target of this so-called humour. He is sat on his own on the other side of the council chamber, trying to do his job while being publicly humiliated by Bristol’s political elite. That person is Adam Postans. He is a journalist. And, today, Bristol Live is standing up for Adam. The meeting began with what the mayor, still laughing at his own humour, called “a jovial start” – made, coincidentally, with the recording microphones switched off. Seeing Adam, Mr Rees had joked: “Be great to have a journalist here”. And how they laughed. This from a mayor who, in the same meeting, bemoaned the “downward spiral of the quality of our civic discourse”. Civic discourse? In another context, Mr Rees’ attempt to publicly tarnish Adam’s reputation could be seen as slander. It was certainly a breach of the council members’ code of conduct which, under a section entitled “Respecting others”, advises members that they should “Always treat people with respect, including the organisations and public you engage with.”…
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Second hour Investigative reports:
Venezuela says eight killed in foiled ‘invasion by sea’ Interior Minister Nestor Reverol says ‘mercenary terrorists’ launched attack from Colombia. 3 May 2020   Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said the group landed early on the coast of La Guaira, about 32km from the capital Caracas [Reuters] Venezuela’s government has said it foiled a marine incursion by “terrorist mercenaries” who attempted to enter the country on speedboats from neighbouring Colombia, adding security forces killed eight of the fighters. The group landed early on Sunday on a beach in the port city of La Guaira, about 20 miles (32km) from the capital Caracas, Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said in a televised address.
World War 3: How Japan could be ‘glove over US fist’ in fight against China – WORLD WAR 3 fears have intensified as Donald Trump ramps up his coronavirus rhetoric against China – but an unearthed documentary suggests Japan, in a strategic sense, could be “the glove over Washington’s fist”.
US Pulling Patriot Missiles, Warplanes Out of Saudi Arabia Amid Dispute. US wants Saudi oil production cut to ensure stable prices – The Trump Administration has been annoyed at Saudi Arabia’s inability to stabilize oil prices at a level high enough to ensure US producers a profit, and in a move that appears to be retaliation based on those tensions, the US is starting to pull military assets out of Saudi Arabia. Officials announced on Thursday that the US will be withdrawing two Patriot missile batteries, along with a number of warplanes from the Saudi desert, along with other air defenses. The assets were placed in the area in recent months to “counter Iran.” The US buildup in Saudi Arabia began after a Yemeni missile hit oil-producing regions. Saudis blamed Iran, and the US sent forces there to “deter” them. US-Iran tensions over Iraq ultimately led to more deployments into the area. Putting troops there appears to have given the US the leverage to pull troops out of there, and with Saudi efforts to try to get oil prices back up largely unsuccessful, the US appears to have decided that this will coax them into action…
VE Day Secrets Exposed 1: BBC Scotland (available for 25 days) Eminent Monsters – MK Ultra: US Human Experimentation, Picking Up Where The Nazis Left Off – Documentary tracing the shocking truth of our governments’ love affair with torture. In 1950s Montreal, Scottish-born psychiatrist Dr Ewen Cameron experimented on his unwitting patients. His techniques included sensory deprivation, forced comas and LSD injections. His work was covertly funded by the Canadian government and the CIA and since then, his techniques have been used in Northern Ireland, Guantanamo and 27 countries around the world. Featuring extraordinary first-hand testimony from Guantanamo Bay survivors, the Hooded Men from Northern Ireland and senior American psychologists and military personnel.
VE Day Secrets Exposed 2: Evidence emerging since 2017 that Hitler tested an atomic weapon in October 1944, nine months before the Manhattan Project’s Trinity Test on 16th July 1945. Daily Express: Secret documents reveal Germans tested nuclear bomb in 1944 as doodlebugs pounded London: “A cloud shaped like a mushroom with turbulent, billowing sections (at about 7000 metres) stood, without any seeming connections over the spot where the explosion took place. Strong electrical disturbances and the impossibility to continue radio communication as by lighting turned up.” He estimated the cloud stretching for nine kilometres and described further “strange colourings” followed by a blast wave which translated into a “strong pull on the stick” – meaning his cockpit controls. The report concurs that Hitler’s scientists failed to achieve a breakthrough in nuclear technology An hour later a pilot in a different machine took off from Ludwigslust and observed the same phenomenon. According to other archival documents, the Italian correspondent Luigi Romersa observed on the ground the same explosion. He had been sent by dictator Benito Mussolini to watch the test of a “new weapon” of the Germans. He was ordered to report his impressions back to Mussolini….
Discovery of radioactive metal points to ‘success’ of Nazi atomic bomb programme. Oranienburg was reportedly the location of Adolf Hitler’s secret uranium enrichment facility – An amateur treasure hunter in Germany has stumbled upon what could be radioactive material from a secret research facility dating back to World War II. 64-year-old Bernd Thälmann was exploring the ground in Oranienburg, north-east Germany, with his metal detector when it gave an unusual ‘bleep’. After bringing the mysterious object home, the pensioner alerted the authorities about his discovery of a shiny lump of metal. Police discovered the find was radioactive, leading to the evacuation of 15 residents from several houses by emergency services. Specialists in hazmat suits searched Mr Thälmann’s home and removed the suspicious object in a lead-lined container which was then placed inside a protective suitcase. Mr Thälmann is now being investigated for being in possession of “unauthorised radioactive substances”, according to the Berlin Courier. German authorities have revealed that the area of Oranienburg was the location of Adolf Hitler’s secret uranium enrichment facility. The research centre was tasked with enriching uranium oxide imported from South America, to make weapons-grade plutonium. The ultimate aim was to create a Nazi atomic bomb.
VE Day Secrets Exposed 3: The falsification of evidence as the truth was emerging in 1972 and 1998 that Hitler’s private secretary and treasurer Martin Bormann died on May 1 1945 fleeing the Berlin Fuhrerbunker: Firstly in 1972 as Daily Express journalist son of Jewish emigree parents Stewart Steven discovered Martin Bormann alive in Buenos Aires with Hungarian journalist Ladislas Farago. Just after this front page lead in the Daily Express the Body of the Bormann double ‘Gunther’ was unearthed. Secondly in 1996 on the publication of Op JB The Last Great Secret Of The Second World War about Ian Fleming, Desmond Morton, Winston Churchill and King George VI’s secret operation to rescue Bormann from the ruins of Berlin to do deals with him was published. The Establishment and press responded with derisive sneers and fabricated evidence that a skull had been DNA tested (quite how was not clear) and proven to be Bormann’s despite having red clay on it from Ita, Paraguay where Bormann is thought now to have lived out his days to a ripe old age as a Fourth Reich Mafia Kingpin.
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why cant i access the segment of the richie allen show on 5/5/20 in which Gosling talks about Boormans DNA???
Telesur News with Audio of conversation of contract to attack Venezuela
Also included in the Telesur video is the purported capture of two US mercenaries with passports and a statement by president Trump .
Where’s the logic in many people saying the trump administration had nothing to do with the failed coup ? The 15 million dollar reward put up by the Trump administration is a crime by itself . If people think the US had nothing to do with this failed coup on Venezuela May 2020, then they know nothing about the track record of US support for coup d’etats ( prior to, and after ww2 ) in Latin America of governments which try for a fair distribution of wealth . The filthy rich and corporations run the US government .
To Tony Gosling : We are eternally grateful for your keeping the show going and continuing to get the truth out which the corporate media ” incarcerates ” . Martin Summers ” hits the nail on the head ” regarding billionaires’ and corporations’ profit motive being behind their false veneer of caring about people and the planet . These fat cat’s raison d’etre is wealth and power accumulation at any cost – to others besides themselves, cronies and their families .
Martin Summers , how should i say it ,was just superb on this week’s show . Inter alia , Martin was absolutely correct about our current situation as likened to war time , as being in the midst of the greatest depression ever , regardless of covid-19 or no . Vital is the need for centralized economies , very high taxes on the super wealthy , banksters, corporations and the like . Privatization must be done away with . The public good must be first and foremost . Capitalism must be put on the back burner on a very low flame . When things stabilize we can slowly allow for the private sector for small and medium sized endeavors and businesses, but imho never again this dare i say it , this evil , profoundly immoral prevailing finance capitalism . The public good , vital goods and services must be public and the public good must have the upper hand over capitalism .