Panel Discussion ‘I Would Die For This Cause’, ‘Don’t Want My Children To Grow Up In Tyranny’: Women Lead UK Anti Lockdown Movement Now Banned By Police – Prof. Allyson Pollock: Junk Science Behind Covid-19 Testing – Dr Vernon Coleman Book Censored: Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good – Covid-19 ‘Smoking Gun’, Life-Saving SARS Treatment Chloroquine Banned in Europe, Used Successfully All Over Asia and Africa – The Princess Diana Interview: Revenge of a Princess’ ITV Documentary On 1995’s Explosive Martin Bashir Panorama Interview – Tony’s New ‘Siege Of Heaven’ Book Published – NOT The BCfm Politics Show with Martin Summers and Tony Gosling
Friday 13th November 2020
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Repeats 2100 & 0900 BST daily on the stream
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers has been forced off FM, now online only, being ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity boss Pat Hart. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-19:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a less analytical show called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to request our reinstatement you can contact the BCfm board and manager here.
We have been ready to go live on BCfm’s FM server remotely, awaiting the go-ahead from Pat Hart since 16th March. Initially we were told ‘In the light of government and Ofcom guidance’ Pat Hart’s team decided ‘not to broadcast discussion or political shows’ that ‘might put the FM licence at risk’, because they ‘don’t want the burden of dealing with potential Ofcom complaints’. As it turns out ‘bad health and medical advice’ came from official government decisions and announcements which we were’t able to criticise on FM and thousands are dead unnecessarily. Now we’ve been told a wider ‘reorganisation’ is underway and this show may be allowed to return to FM in November 2020.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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First hour News Review:
Kate, Julie, and Delia – anti lockdown campaigners who plan to attend tomorrow’s ‘unlawful’ demonstration on College Green in Bristol – join Tony. The proposed Covid-19 vaccine; protests banned during lockdown; Prof Allyson Pollock, Professor of Public Health at Newcastle University, on BBC, about how flawed PCR testing doesn’t work; The whole approach to testing in the UK is wrong-headed, says Allyson Pollock, clinical professor of public health at Newcastle University. “It’s just a chaotic mess,” she says. Aiming to test hundreds of thousands of people in the next few months, including many who are not actually showing symptoms, is, in her words, “mad”. “What we should be doing is reintegrating testing into the health service and focusing on getting the symptomatic people tested and diagnosed, and getting that right,” she adds. The concerns expressed by Deeks and Pollock also apply to the recently revealed Operation Moonshot programme, in which the UK would aim to test up to ten million people every day from early next year. Such a scheme would be hampered by large numbers of false positives and much of it would have no sound precedent in public health, they argue. Meanwhile, the number of positive Covid-19 cases detected in the UK every day is rising sharply. Even if the true number of cases is below the modelled estimates of how many there were back in April, the worry is that the UK is now entering a second spike of contagion – without a testing programme that is fit for purpose.
All these the subject of tomorrow’s banned demonstration on College Green which the police have banned as ‘unlawful’. Policing plan in place for unlawful protest due to be held in Bristol Organisers of an anti-lockdown protest in Bristol have confirmed their intention for it go ahead this weekend despite firm warnings they will be breaking the law. Current coronavirus regulations prohibit gatherings of more than two people and while there are certain exemptions, protests are not allowed. Officers have been engaging with Stand Up Bristol, the organisers of Saturday’s event, to explain the rules and to encourage them to postpone it. However, they have informed us the demonstration will continue as planned with participants expected to gather on College Green at 12pm before marching through the city. By law, anyone organising or facilitating a gathering of more than 30 people is liable to a fixed penalty notice of £10,000 while those participating in a gathering of more than two people can be fined £200. Chief Inspector Mark Runacres said: “We fully recognise the important right to freedom of expression and right to assemble but there is a deadly virus which has killed more than 50,000 people in the UK which simply cannot be ignored. “The Government has passed legislation for a reason which is to prevent further loss of life and we have a legal and moral duty to uphold these laws. “Officers have spoken with Stand Up Bristol about Saturday’s protest and have made every effort to explain the situation which makes it even more disappointing that they continue to press ahead with their plans.” He added: “We remain hopeful the event will still be postponed but would like to reassure the public a comprehensive policing plan has been put place should it go ahead. “In the event of an unlawful gathering officers will take the same approach to policing the regulations as they have done throughout the pandemic and look to encourage people to go home in the first instance. However, should anyone fail to disperse we will look to proactively take enforcement action which could mean they receive a fine or get arrested. “We will not stand by and allow a small minority to endanger the health of the vast majority who have sacrificed so much to protect others.” Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said: “Everyone should be following the current public health advice in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic while adhering to the current rules in place around lockdown. “While lockdown is a difficult period for everyone, the guidance and rules are in place for a good reason, to continue to protect public health and we would urge those considering protests to find other safer ways to make their voices heard.” Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: ““I understand the fundamental role that protests and demonstrations play in our society. However, we are in the midst of a global pandemic that has affected us all in one way or another, and we have made changes to our everyday lives with the aim of protecting the most vulnerable and helping the NHS cope. “If the protest takes place on Saturday, I want local people to know that Avon and Somerset Police has an extensive policing plan in place. Officers will actively encourage attendees to go home but, in the event people do not follow this advice to help keep local people safe, officers have my full support to take enforcement action including fining or arresting those who refuse to comply or continue to breach the regulations. “I understand that people have different views about the Government restrictions, but there are other ways to make your voices heard rather than holding a demonstration and increasing the public health risk posed by coronavirus.” “I would urge those who are considering attending the protest to think about the many, many local people and businesses who have made sacrifices over the last eight months to protect others and ensure the NHS is not overwhelmed; their actions are at risk of being wasted because of a small group of people. “This lockdown is in place to lessen the impact of the virus and this will be hampered if we do not follow the regulations. We need to all work together to ensure we can come out of this lockdown in a better, safer position.”
Dr. Vernon Coleman on Monday’s Richie Allen Show, his new book was immediately censored by You Tube and Smash Words. Vernon discussing his new book ‘Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good’ and how Covid 19 is a PsyOp. Many mask wearers keep their masks on even when out of doors, where it is not yet mandatory to do so. These over-compliant collaborators are making oppression easy for the totalitarians who will doubtless soon be demanding that we all wear our masks wherever we are and whatever we are doing – even in our own homes. Most mask wearers have no idea of the harm they are doing by wearing masks. Indeed, many seem to understand very little about how to wear a mask. I have, on several occasions, seen people drop their mask onto the pavement – face side down of course – pick it up and put it on. Many people wear the same mask for more than two hours (which is dangerous), wear disposable masks more than once (which is dangerous), fail to wash cloth masks (which means they accumulate bacteria, fungi and viruses – all of which are breathed in) touch their mask while it is in position (which makes the mask even worse than useless), put masks into their pockets or handbags and then put them back on creased and grubby (a very dangerous thing to do since the wearer will then be breathing in whatever bugs have been transmitted to the mask. Scarves are often used as face coverings without ever being washed (an effective way to catch throat and lung infections). Nearly everyone constantly fiddles with their masks – not realising that touching a mask is something you should not do. The incidence of throat and chest infections is going to rocket. I wonder how many people will be killed by their masks. We’ll never know. What the hell has happened to people? I am appalled at how easily people have become so compliant and have accepted the Government lies. Many mask wearers now choose their masks as fashion items and wear masks designed to match their outfits. A few wear dark glasses and gloves as well as masks. I fear they probably think they look cool and welldressed. As I said earlier, it won’t be long before the Government will order them to wear masks indoors. And they will. Some will sleep in them – and doubtless die in them. Most mask wearers are clearly being made ill by their masks. Because their oxygen levels are low, their eyes are glazed, as though they are drugged. When the covid-19 hoax began, authorities around the world announced that mask wearing was pointless, and it was widely agreed by experts that they could probably do more harm than good. Indeed, mask wearing was dismissed as ‘virtue signalling’ by Dr Fauci, the American coronavirus expert. The World Health Organisation supported this general view which was in accordance with the available scientific evidence. Medical advisors around the world agreed that there was no need to wear masks. Later during the year the story changed. Although there did not seem to be any scientific evidence supporting such a dramatic change, the World Health Organisation suddenly supported face mask wearing and almost instantly governments around the world, led by medical and scientific advisors, changed their views overnight and decided that we should all wear masks. The WHO’s main financial supporter is the American software billionaire Bill Gates who has a number of powerful alliances with media organisations (such as the BBC), strong financial links with Monsanto and a number of drug companies and an enthusiasm for vaccination which, to put it politely, does not seem justified by the evidence. Why, in the absence of a change in medical advice did the WHO change its mind? Well, it seems that the campaign for masks to be worn worldwide was either founded by the World Economic Forum, which advocates a global reset and of which that well-known medical expert Prince Charles of England appears to be a leading member, or by an organisation called masks4all. The promotion of masks was supported by Goldman Sachs, the bank, in my view one of the most evil companies on earth (along with Google and Monsanto) which was once memorably described by Matt Taibbi as a vampire squid on the face of humanity. The bank is reported to have claimed that if everyone in America wore a mask, the American economy would be boosted. I have no idea how they came to this conclusion or why they think their advice is better than medical research.
Stroud anti lockdown protest last Saturday: Debbie Hicks’ speech; interviews with people at the protest and why they attended; comparisons with Nazi Germany and GDR (East German) policing. BBC Points West report by Andrew Plant, who was spotted on the protest wearing a mask but didn’t interview any protesters; interview with Debbie Hicks – the spiritual aspect of Covid 19 restrictions Arrests made at Stroud Freedom Rally Arrests were made at a freedom rally in Stroud yesterday afternoon. Among those arrested at the rally in Stratford Park was speaker Debbie Hicks. Hicks said the rally was about ‘standing up against tyranny’ and ‘freedom of speech’ when speaking to protesters at the event. The rally went ahead against the wishes of Stroud District Council, who refused permission for the event to take place. A large police presence was at the rally, with more than 15 officers in attendance. It’s believed that two further protesters were arrested at the rally, including a 74-year-old woman. Anti-lockdown campaigner Piers Corbyn who was scheduled to speak at the rally was not present. A spokesman for Gloucestershire Constabulary said: “Earlier today Gloucestershire Constabulary attended a mass gathering of between 80 and 100 people in Stroud. “The vast majority of people dispersed however, three arrests were made and a number of fixed penalty notices were given in relation to violations of coronavirus restrictions. “After failing to leave, despite being warned before and during the event, a 46-year-old woman was arrested under the Coronavirus Act. “A 24-year-old man and 74-year-old woman were also arrested for failing to provide their name and address when being issued with a fixed penalty notice. “A number of fines were also given, including a £10,000 fixed penalty notice that was issued to a woman for organising an event of more than 30 people. “All who attended were engaged with by local police who examined the new legislation. The majority dispersed from the gathering at Stratford Park. “As from Thursday, the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions, England, No.4) Regulations 2020 came into effect as England entered into its second lockdown period. “This legislation makes it clear that the general population’s public health is to be prioritised over an individual’s right to protest. “Previously, with certain conditions, protest activity was permitted. This is not the case during this current lockdown. Gathering in groups of more than two in public spaces is now illegal.
Dr Zac Cox, holistic dentist and secretary of the World Doctors’ Alliance , on asymptomatic spread of disease, Covid 19 in Sweden compared to UK, and Communist China. Common Law. Solutions to situation? Chloroquine banned in Europe, used all over Africa. THE SMOKING GUN – MUMBAI/NEW DELHI — India is spending around $16 million — half of it in Africa — on pharmaceuticals, test kits and other medical assistance for some 90 countries battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The South Asian nation has already sent consignments of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), paracetamol and other drugs to 25 African countries at a total cost including transportation of around 600 million rupees ($7.9 million), according to a foreign ministry source. “We worked out a list of essential drugs keeping their requests in mind,” the official told the Nikkei Asia Review on condition of anonymity. “Transportation is a problem, but we are trying to reach them by the end of May or early June.” “HCQ has a preventive use, although there is no conclusive evidence on its efficacy against coronavirus,” a medical officer posted in one of the COVID-19 hospitals in New Delhi told Nikkei. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, the anti-malarial HCQ can be used as a prophylaxis to prevent COVID-19 infection, but not as a treatment. It can be taken by doctors, health care workers and close contacts of COVID-19 cases. U.S President Donald Trump once promoted the drug as a coronavirus “game changer,” but lately he has toned it down….
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Dr Vernon Coleman censored mask science, 20m summary
Full Dr Vernon Coleman censored Richie Allen interview
Full Debbie Hicks interview
Full Dr Zac Cox interview
Full George Szamuely interview
Second hour Covid Plandemic News and Investigative Reports: Black Lives Matter affecting US elections. Brexit and US trade deal.
Different factions of Tories – Dominic Cummings to leave Downing Street by Christmas Boris Johnson’s senior adviser Dominic Cummings is expected to leave his position by the end of the year. Mr Cummings told the BBC “rumours of me threatening to resign are invented”, after speculation this week. But he added that his “position hasn’t changed since my January blog” when he said that he wanted to make himself “largely redundant” by the end of 2020. And a senior Downing Street source said that Mr Cummings would be “out of government” by Christmas. BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said there was no question the announcement of his departure was “accelerated by turmoil in No 10 in recent days”. It comes after Lee Cain – the director of communications and an ally of Mr Cummings – stood down amid reports of internal tensions at Downing Street. The pair are long-time colleagues, having worked together on the Leave campaign during the EU referendum – and Mr Cain’s departure prompted rumours that his ally would also step down. Meanwhile, former Treasury adviser Sonia Khan, sacked after Mr Cummings accused her of leaking from inside Downing Street, has settled her unfair dismissal claim with the government.
Chair of Bristol Labour West suspended – Jewish Voice for Labour. Andrew Feinstein, Jewish, discusses the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn. Anti Semitism in Labour Party 0.3%. Labour’s Bristol West Suspensions Are an Attack on Party Democracy By Tom Blackburn The suspension of the chair and co-secretary of Bristol West CLP over a motion supporting Jeremy Corbyn is a calculated attack on Labour members’ rights and party democracy. Seven months into his leadership of the Labour Party, the meaning of Keir Starmer’s ‘new management’ is becoming ever clearer. In the latest attack on party democracy, several members of Bristol West CLP – including its chair and co-secretary – have been suspended from the party for considering a motion opposing Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension. General secretary David Evans – a veteran New Labour apparatchik – last week warned constituency parties, in an obviously anti-democratic manoeuvre, not to discuss Corbyn’s suspension. Yet since Corbyn was suspended, Starmer himself has loudly and regularly endorsed the decision (while insisting it wasn’t his call). He has been joined by numerous leading figures in the Shadow Cabinet, as well as many of the most prominent columnists in the liberal press. Local parties, however, are denied the same right – and have effectively been gagged. Already this new clampdown on members’ rights has provoked further backlash. Last night, the neighbouring CLP of Bristol North West similarly defied Evans’ orders to pass a motion criticising Corbyn’s suspension as “divisive, demoralising and wrong,” continuing that it would “weaken our Party when we need to be strong to resist the harm that Tory policies are doing to millions of people.” The motion passed by a margin of more than 2-to-1, joining twelve other CLPs who had passed the CLPD motion in support of Corbyn in the past week. But the suspension of members in Bristol West wasn’t the only crackdown of recent days. Members in nearby Kingswood CLP reported this week that the regional director had intervened to block them from donating £3,000 of the constituency party’s money to important local causes including food banks, a local refugee charity and tenants’ rights organisation Acorn.
Remembrance Sunday – Veteran’s protest Bagpiper shoved to ground by police then arrested by police while trying to play at Remembrance service. A police officer has sparked outrage after he was filmed pushing a military piper to the floor during a Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph – VIDEO OF ASSAULT – VIDEO OF ARREST. The veteran was seen marching towards a line of police guarding the memorial in central London where a scaled-back ceremony was being held. As he does, a masked officer shoved him away from them, causing him to stumble and fall backwards. There were immediate shouts of ‘disgrace’ and ‘disgusting’ while people in the crowd started swearing at him. Now identified as Ben Buckland, a Scots Guards veteran from Romford and an ex-UKIP candidate, was filmed saying: ‘Sometimes you have to sometimes create to get what you want,’ as he admits, ‘I actually did it. I provoked them.’ It comes as a number of people headed to the Cenotaph, and other memorials across the country, to pay respects to those who died in the world wars despite the Government urging the public to stay away during England’s second lockdown…. The footage caused outrage among members of the public and online (Picture: @accesssubject / Twitter) After being pushed in the original footage, Mr Buckland said: ‘I tried in my speech down the road to support the Metropolitan Police – I did. ‘And what do we get? They attack us. This is a police state. What do we get from them? Violence. Violence. They’re the violent ones.’ Other witnesses are heard urging the police to ‘take a knee for the fallen’ and yelling ‘this is Germany’ in outrage at the incident. Mr Buckland’s reference to a ‘speech down the road’ appears to be a reference to an earlier video shared on Twitter. He was previously filmed shouting at the police: ‘We have the workers of state barricading us from showing our respects for our fallen comrades. ‘I didn’t come here for a fight – I’ve done enough of that in the past – and no one else did. ‘We’ve come here to respect our friends, brothers in arms and also the fallen that we didn’t even know. ‘And yet the state, the state, the state tells us that we cannot!’
‘Spy Cops’ Inquest. Collapse of Capitalism and rule of law degenerating. Undercover policing inquiry – Lawrence family ‘losing confidence’ in inquiry The parents of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence are losing confidence in the public inquiry into undercover policing, their lawyers have said. In an opening statement for Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Imran Khan QC said the campaigner had doubts the inquiry would reveal why her family were spied on. Counsel for Stephen’s father Dr Neville Lawrence echoed her concerns. The Lawrences also raised questions about the number of police officers granted anonymity during the inquiry. It emerged that undercover officers had spied on the family’s campaign for justice, with whistleblower Peter Francis claiming he had been tasked with finding “dirt” on the Lawrences and their supporters. Currently, the cover names of 51 officers must remain secret, along with 119 of the real names of officers and staff. So far, one has been published – David Hagan – but there are four others who remain anonymous that Dr Lawrence would like identified. Heather Williams QC, representing Stephen’s father, said if the family were at least given the cover names, they would be able to give evidence about what the police spies did.
US elections and postal vote. PMQs – Trumps refusal to accept vote. President Trump‘s legal team said allegations of rigged voting machines not only cast doubt on the election results but also demand a national security investigation. Dominion Voting Systems‘ widely used ballot-scanning machines and vote tabulation software are suspected of inflating vote totals for presumed President-elect Joseph R. Biden. Those suspicious so far are not fully substantiated. The company, however, is not a stranger to election integrity concerns, including a corporate lineage with links to the late Venezuelan socialist strongman Hugo Chavez. “It was designed to rig elections,” Sidney Powell, a leader of the Trump legal team, told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on her “Sunday Morning Futures” program. Ms. Powell said Mr. Trump should fire CIA Director Gina Haspel for allowing the software to be used throughout the U.S.
‘Revenge of a Princess’ ITV documentary about Lady Diana and the Panorama Martin Bashir interview. Tapes of Lady Diana for Andrew Morton’s book – Diana facing Camilla down. The Diana Interview: Revenge of a Princess – Series 1 – Episode 1 – Friends of the Princess describe how the public image of the couple’s marital happiness was a mirage from the start. – The Diana Interview: Revenge of a Princess – Series 1 – Episode 2 – The second part of the series examines how and why the interview that stunned the nation and threw the monarchy into a constitutional crisis took place. – The documentary centres on the now infamous Panorama head-to-head interview, in which the Princess revealed a royal marriage in crisis, infidelities on both sides, and a degree of personal misery that had made her seriously ill. It was watershed television, affecting public perceptions of the monarchy and prompting a constitutional crisis, but what led to this extraordinary moment? The first episode explores Prince Charles and Diana’s lacklustre marriage, examining the public images of happiness and the decade of betrayal that inspired in the Princess an anger and desire for public recognition of her private pain. Jennie Bond tells the programme: “Diana told me she feared that as part of the divorce settlement she felt was coming she would be gagged. She would be prohibited from talking publicly about the marriage in any way. It was then or never.” The second part of the series examines how and why the extraordinary interview took place previously unseen documents and testimony from eyewitnesses who have never spoken before.
Tony’s new book, the second in two weeks, on the The Siege of Heaven – how breaking the grip of oligarchy will unleash the world’s potential – by Tony Gosling – Free or donation watermarked PDF of collection of articles and timeline, explaining how power really operates – how diabolical secret societies have been controlling humanity’s spiritual, economic and political institutions for millennia (Nov 2020). Oliver Cromwell and probable assassination of future Labour leader Robin Cook. With the sun and the moon being the same size despite their nearly 400 times difference in distance, the anomalous expansion of water as it solidifies, being necessary for the preservation of aquatic life, the impossibility of the forst miraculous random cell forming coinciding with its ability to reproduce as well. The evidence for Godfs creation is everywhere but even the church donft seem to want to teach it. I guess thatfs evidence of just how active these Babylonians have been in supressing knowledge through turning on and off the valve of cultural freedom over the centuries! The evidence they are still most active. Carrying out strategic assassinations and hoping nobody will notice is most clear in my eAssassins Guide To Western Democracyf. As for Covid-1984 and the Brave New Normal, it really is the beginning of their end game. Which their arrogance on the one hand and our studying scripture with the Holy Spirit on the other will ensure they lose. eThe End of Daysf Catholic Archbishop Vigano reckons, on Youtube, from his hiding place. Heavenly father Yahweh bless him, and you all, in Jesusf name.
Anton Chaitkin: Pentacostal, Charismatic, Tavistock, CIA/MI6. Britain’s Invisible Empire- Religious Brainwashing – Britain’s Invisible Empire: Religious Brainwashing – Anton Chaitkin – During president Clintons presidency, the specter of militias and radical anti-government movements came into the news following the massacre at Waco and Ruby Ridge and warnings of police state measures enacted. Anton Chaitkin presents the result of his investigation into the British Empires role in fostering such conflicts through agencies such as Pentecostalism, the Anglican Church, the military, intelligence agencies, and news agencies. The history of Pentecostalism and the practice of speaking in tongues is presented as part of the British Empires method of brainwashing subjects loyal to the Empire.
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Whether we like Puting or not , Among the Russian people Putin has a 65% approval rate . But that has gone down from 80% from around 5 years ago . However I don’t believe another faction will take over after Putin leaves or dies . As Martin Summers points out Putin is the figurehead of a faction where someone from the Putin faction will become the next president or whatever they call it in Russia . Under Yeltsin corruption and shock capitalism most Russians suffered badly . Elderly people were selling collectable heirlooms for a weeks groceries which these collectables sold now are worth millions in the west . If memory serves male life expectancy went down to 49 years of age under Yeltsin . Putin brought back infrastructure improvements, pensions, better pay and salaries, kicked out the western leaning oligarchs(although you could say Putin is an oligarch himself regarding inside russia) and national healthcare . I hope that young Russians are taught this . If not there’s going to be a color revolution or a stern military faction takes over and all hell we break loose in Russia which could lead to ww3 if military hawks take over .
Whenever I hear about the breakup of Yugoslavia , The best video I can think of i will leave link here . I know i’ve posted it before but i still think it is one of the best explanations : Talking Stick TV – Michael Parenti – The U.S. War on Yugoslavia ( to a lesser or greater degree based on his book he had probably finished by the time of the video, first published in 2000, “To Kill a Nation The Attack on Yugoslavia ” . The video talk by Parenti was in 1999. Parenti was 66 yrs of age in this video ) . Dr. Parenti sets up for about 30 minutes US imperialism, war capitalism, etcetera . Parenti was born into a poor Italian American family . Beginning in the FDR era grants for higher education increased . Parenti achieved a PhD in political science from Yale . Dr. Parenti was blackballed from achieving tenure at most US universities for becoming actively involved in the anti vietnam protests early on as a professor . His career after consisted of being a visiting professor, independent scholar whose many articles, papers became published by large and small publishers . Parenti wrote about 37 books . He is a very down to earth speaker and has a good sense of humor and quite passionate . link :