Race Relations Adviser Ras Judah Says Mayor Marvin Rees Should Not Back Police Violence – Bristol Police Attack Peaceful Protesters As They Did To Provoke 1980 St Pauls Riots – Demockracy? Common Purpose Fifth Column Control Two Top Bristol Mayor Candidates – EXCLUSIVE Dr Mike Yeadon On A Year Of Fake Science Covid Dictatorship – Exposing Black Nobility ‘Man-god’ Klaus Schwab’s Nazi Family Nuke Business – Aims Of The The Historical Illuminati – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 26th March 2021

Listen live online each week 17:00 to c. 20:00 GMT, 12:00-15:00 EST, 09:00-12:00 PST. 06:00-09:00 NZ Summer Time – Repeats 11 & 5 PM and AM GMT daily on the stream https://www.internet-radio.com/station/PRSC

Tony’s 3 eBooks available for donation or to buy at www.bilderberg.org

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating BBC stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to request our reinstatement you can contact the BCfm board and manager here

Radio4All audio files usually available 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast
Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then

Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Bristol protests against Priti Patel’s new Bill. Karen Bell, ITV West report on ‘Right to Reside’ protest – did Police over-react? 

Recurring Crimes Of Home Secretary Priti Patel: Twelve Counts Of Pro-Israel Treachery (Nov 2017); Ordering Street Violence Against Grieving Women (Mar 2021) – Priti Patel expelled from Cabinet after 12 secret meetings with Israeli leadership whilst ‘on holiday. So who exactly did Ms Patel meet on her 13-day August holiday and what explanation has she given? * Benjamin Netanyahu – the controversial Israeli prime minister, who heads an ultra right-wing Coalition seen, by Palestinians and many others, as a key obstacle to a Middle East peace deal. Incredibly, Ms May did not know about the get-together when she hosted Mr Netanyahu at a London dinner last week. Ms Patel said their talks touched on her own thriving Jewish community, as well as the Israeli domestic political scene and his forthcoming visit to the UK. They also discussed prospects for closer collaboration between Israel and the UK on development and humanitarian issues. * Yuval Rotem a diplomat who is the director general of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the International Development Secretary, the pair discussed British politics, Israels approach to development and humanitarian issues, and prospects for partnership work between Israel and the UK on development and humanitarian issues. * Gilad Erdan the minister for public security, information and strategic affairs Again, we have been told they talked about British politics, as well as growing anti-Semitism within the British political scene, and a cultural festival in London. * Yair Lapid the leader of Yesh Atid, one of Israels major parties, which has refused to support Mr Netanyahu. Mr Lapid himself revealed the meeting after he tweeted a photo of it and described Ms Patel as a true friend of Israel.They also discussed growing anti-Semitism within UK politics, the Cabinet minister said. * The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid (IsraAID) a disaster relief charity used as intelligence cover. * Dr Aliza Inbal director of the Pears Programme for Global Innovation, an organisation working towards technology-based, financially sustainable solutions to poverty. * A dinner organised by the Pears Programme with Innovation Africa (an Israeli non-profit group), Milken Institute (a US think-tank), Energiya Global Capital (a renewable energy company) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. * Haim Taib the president of the Mitrelli Group, a group of companies involved in infrastructure projects in emerging markets. * A visit to Save a Childs Heart a hospital where Ms Patel met children and their families from Gaza and Africa who received life-saving heart surgery. * Dr Hirschfeld, Shimon Hefetz of the Galilee International Management Institute, a management training institution. * A meeting with a group of start-ups with a focus on Africa including Vital Capital, MobileODT, Equatel Health, Cassit Orthopedics, Ltd, NUFiltration Ltd and Fair Planet. Ms Patel was given a demonstration of new technologies for development, including mobile cancer screening, water filtration, splints and supports for people with disabilities. * Jean Judes and Pablo Kaplan of Beit Issie Shapiro and Wheelchairs of Hope, respectively, charities for disabled children. Labour has also accused Ms Patel of misleading the British public, because she admitted the Foreign Office was not informed about the meetings three days after claiming Boris Johnson had been told. There was fresh anger when she failed to turn up to answer questions from MPs about the meetings, because she was in the air, en route to Africa.

Blue, from ‘Right to Reside’, explains what it was like at the protest – and how Police had agreed they could stay overnight. 

Police lying about injuries. Guardian – Police retract claims that officers suffered broken bones at Bristol protest – Avon and Somerset force said in press release officers had broken bones and one had a punctured lung – Avon and Somerset police have retracted widely reported claims that officers suffered broken bones and a punctured lung during attempts to disperse a protest on Sunday night. There was widespread outrage when the force made the claims in a press release on Monday that a total of 20 officers were assaulted or injured and two of them were taken to hospital after suffering broken bones. One of them also suffered a punctured lung. But in an updated press release on Wednesday, the force clarified this was not true, saying: Thankfully, following a full medical assessment of the two officers taken to hospital, neither were found to have suffered confirmed broken bones. Around the same time, a BBC reporter said on Twitter that Andy Marsh, the head of the force, had admitted in a press conference that no officer had a punctured lung. However, the force has since updated the number of injuries suffered by police officers to 40. The Guardian has contacted Avon and Somerset police for clarification on why these claims were made and to request a list of the injuries sustained by officers policing Sunday nights protest. The force had not replied by the time of publication. Kevin Blowe, the coordinator of Netpol, which campaigns around the policing of protest, said exaggerated claims of injuries by police were not without precedent. Its par for the course, Blowe said.

People have flagged up the whole business of the injuries at Kingsnorth that were used to crack down on the protest there, which turned out to be insect bites [and] exhaustion. Regarding the claims of injuries at Bristol, Blowe said: It does raise concerns that Avon and Somerset may have been trying to sell the case not only for their operation on the night, but for what happens next. Bristol is geared up for raids on homes. Saranya Thambirajah, a University of Bristol student who was at the protest on Sunday, said she was frustrated at how the false claims by police had come to dominate media reports of what happened. She said: Its just frustrating because obviously Sunday was a very explosive day. No one expected things to go down the way that they did and its unfortunate that people got hurt. But the media narrative that came out was very much focused on the fact that these officers got broken bones, had punctured lungs, were very seriously injured. I think thats what a lot of the public now associate those protests with and its the first thing people are going to think of, when in reality thats not true. Its frustrating because it takes attention away from the actual cause of the protest, why people were there, how the police treated protesters. There were a lot of protesters that were hurt as well, people were pepper-sprayed, people were battered by the police. No one was talking about that.

Ras Judah discusses the Police’s action this week, comparing this to the 1980’s Bristol riots, where there were agent provocateurs.  Victoria Davies, ITV West report on protests and Marvin’s reaction.  Ras Judah disappointed with Marvin.    Blue, on the poor being criminalised, and what ‘Right to Reside’ want.  RAT – Resist Anti Trespassthe newly emerging Resisting Anti-Trespass (RAT) movement that is organising to challenge the forthcoming changes to the law – changes that threaten not only squatters, but protesters, travellers and ramblers alike, potentially criminalising thousands of people across the UK. Another group elected to revive the currently dormant Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) in response to the need for our community to report, share and create the media that is relevant to us – as well as to acknowledge a welcome return of the infamous Bastard Watch column that named and shamed an ever-growing number of sneaky bailiffs and landlords. Questions were also raised about the status of EU migrants and those from outside the UK considering the imminent Brexit and how we might organise in solidarity through groups such as the Anti-Raids network, aswell as how to form greater unity with the burgeoning tenant’s rights movement with such groups at the London Renter’s Union and ACORN.

Top Two Bristol Mayor Candidates Marvin Rees (Labour) and Sandy Hore-Ruthven (Green) both graduates of ‘fifth column’ secret networking group ‘Common Purpose’. Brian Gerrish, from Plymouth-based ‘UK Column’, on Common Purpose, full interview below. Unmasking Common Purpose By Brian Gerrish It recruits and trains ‘leaders’ to be loyal to the directives of Common Purpose and the EU, instead of to their own departments, which they then undermine or subvert, the NHS being an example. Beyond authority Common Purpose is backed by the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM), Head of the Civil Service Commission is a member and its Chief Executive is Julia Middleton. In Leadership in a Changing World, published by Palgrave Macmillan, with its 163 pages, under a dark cover featuring a maze, the author Julia Middleton, outlines her brand of leadership training, which is sold by her charity for millions of pounds, most of it our taxes, to over 25,000 people largely in the public sector. Her leadership is one that can cope in unfamiliar territory, where leaders are taken beyond the closed doors of their own organisations, into, of course, Common Purpose meetings behind closed doors. In CP terms, beyond authority means to abuse the authority of your paid employment for control and private gain. Beyond authority is Mrs Middletons phrase for dissolving democracy, and shes doing it on a vast scale. We quickly learn that Mrs Middletons charity is very different from others. Middleton seems obsessed with power, wealth and money, be it with the Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Natwest, Lehman Brothers, The Young Foundation, Unilever, KPMG, The Financial Times, Imperial Tobacco, the Chairman of the Law Society, Chief Constables, and a host of named elitist individuals. As Sir Derek Higgs, Chairman, Alliance and Leicester plc says on the rear cover Julia Middleton has a contact list to die for.

Dark arts In his Foreword, Sir David Bell, Chair of the Financial Times, attempts to explain Middleton and her work in terms of leaf people, forest people, alchemy, and magic. He praises Charles Darwin. The undertone is certainly humanist, and with an encroaching darkness, it directs people to undertake continual change, thus destroying the old, without specifying anything to change to. Confusion and inactivity results. CP has used this well established Frankfurt School subversion technique on the NHS (National Health Service), which it has been paralysed, and also on the Conservative Party. In the book itself, the word conspiracy is used repeatedly to describe the process of Common Purpose networking, and the reader is even asked if the dark arts apply. There is no Christian charity in this book, and with its wealthy clients, CPs charity status should be revoked immediately.

Do not resuscitate orders on elderly in care homes during pandemic.  Surveillance and fascist societies. 

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Ras Judah Bristol police riot interview         00:35:00
Full ‘Right To Reside’ Tuesday peaceful protest account     00:30:00
Full Brian Gerrish Common Purpose Bristol mayors interview    00:30:00


Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

Giant Container Ship the Ever Given stranded in Suez Canal deliberate really just part of the US trade war with China? US Super Computers – 30% owned by China.

China imposes sanctions on 10 UK individuals, because of their criticism of Uighar re-education camps. Criticism not allowed – cancel culture. US and Canada follow EU and UK in sanctioning Chinese officials over Xinjiang Sanctions over treatment of Uighurs mark first time for three decades UK or EU has punished China for human rights abuses – Is China’s atheist Communist Party trying to eradicate Islam? In a west China city, Muslim children have been banned from religious activity, while authorities have curtailed the number of people over 16 allowed to study and limited the certification processes for new imams – Britain and the EU have taken joint action with the US and Canada to impose parallel sanctions on senior Chinese officials involved in the mass internment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province in the first such western action against Beijing since Joe Biden took office. The move also marked the first time in three decades that the UK or the EU had punished China for human rights abuses, and both will now be working hard to contain the potential political and economic fallout. China hit back immediately, blacklisting MEPs, European diplomats and thinktanks. The US and Canada also imposed sanctions on several senior Chinese officials as part of the coordinated pressure campaign. The UK foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, said China’s treatment of the Uighur minority was “the largest mass detention of an ethnic and religious group since the second world war”. Evidence of repression in Xinjiang “is clear as it is sobering”, he said. The sanctions will be imposed immediately and include travel bans and asset freezes on four officials, Raab told MPs. “Amid growing international condemnation, [China] continues to commit genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang,” said the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken. “We will continue to stand with our allies around the world in calling for an immediate end to the PRC’s crimes and for justice for the many victims.” The Chinese ambassador to the EU, Zhang Ming, had given advance warning that there would be countermeasures, including against those organisations spreading “lies” about the situation in Xinjiang. China also said it was sanctioning 10 EU individuals and four entities. The German Green politician Reinhard Bütikofer, an active voice in the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a group that attempts to reform the approach of democratic countries to China, was among five MEPs sanctioned. Two academics were also targeted.

Email from BCFM Board 23Mar2021. Dear Tony, In response to your submitted grievance regarding the removal of your Politics Show, three Board members – Phil Vickery, Jerry Cowhig and Michael MacMahon – discussed your documents. The Station Manager Pat Hart was not involved in this meeting, thus making this a Board-only response. It was our view that Pat’s decision to change shows and presenters is within his remit as to roles and responsibilities. The station’s output and its views must be representative and balanced. The result of the discussion was that we could not see any evidence that Pat had acted outside his role, and our response is that your grievance has been fairly reviewed but not upheld.

Dulwich College not allowing pupils to protest against rape there ‘because of Covid restrictions’. Dulwich College is a ‘breeding ground for sexual predators’, claims ex-pupil in open letter containing anonymous accounts of assault, harassment and revenge porn from 100 girls who went to school near the £21,246-a-year college Former Dulwich College pupil Samuel Schulenburg published an open letter It includes harrowing accusations of sexual violence, revenge porn and shaming Dr Joe Spence, Dulwich master, ‘condemned unreservedly’ the alleged incidents A former pupil at Dulwich College claims the £21,000 a year school is a ‘breeding ground for sexual predators’ in an open letter sharing accusations from victims of assault and revenge porn. The letter was written by 19-year-old Samuel Schulenburg and includes about 250 anonymous stories from girls who went to schools nearby such as James Allen’s Girls’ School ( Jags), the Sunday Times reported.

The Government’s shameful use of Psychology to Exaggerate and Terrify People  … The Government’s Shameful Use of Psychological Techniques to Terrify People 

Dr Mike Yeadon, [full EXCLUSIVE ONE YEAR ON interview below] on how we know lockdowns don’t work, respiratory illnesses don’t spread asymptomatically, and data showing Covid was in SW in winter 2019. Mike Yeadon on how none of his contemporaries want to admit to the Government lies, as they don’t want to lose their jobs.   Melinda Gates, on BBC WS ‘Heart and Soul’, discussing her beliefs in abortion and eugenics ‘helping’ the poor not to have so many children. Three facts No 10’s experts got wrong: DR MIKE YEADON says claims that the majority of the population is susceptible to Covid, that only 7% are infected so far and virus death rate is 1% are all false – The ‘scientific method’ is what separates us from pre-renaissance peoples, who might tackle plagues with prayer. We can do better, but only if we’re rigorous. If an important theory isn’t consistent with the findings it purports to oversee, then we’ve got it wrong. Honest scientists occasionally are forced to accept they’ve gone astray and the best scientists then go back and distinguish what they’ve assumed from what can be shown beyond reasonable doubt. After nearly 35 years of work leading teams in new drug discovery, and trained in several biological disciplines, I like to think I’ve a good nose for spotting inconsistencies. I was once told by a very senior person who, at the time, was responsible for an R&D budget similar to the GDP of a small country that they’d noticed I did have an outstanding talent for “spotting faint patterns in sparse data, long before the competition did”. I’ll take that. Sometimes I spot inconsistencies in my own thinking (more commonly, it must be admitted, others do that for me); on other occasions it can be about others’ scientific work. This is an example of the latter – specifically, Sage. It is my contention that Sage made – and tragically, continues to make to this very day – two absolutely central and incorrect assumptions about the behaviour of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and how it interacts with the human immune system, at an individual as well as a population level.

THE GATES FAMILY – Melinda on Heart And Soul BBC – EUGENICS AND COVID 19: WE CANNOT FULLY UNDERSTAND BILL GATES UNTIL WE KNOW ABOUT HIS AND HIS FATHER’S AGENDA TO DEPOPULATE OUR WORLD We have read articles ad nauseam about Covid-19 and the coming vaccines. But we must understand the man, Bill Gates and his father to fully appreciate what is happening in our world. It will help you to understand the agenda of these people. The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19 In the following, Ethan Nash examines links between COVID-19 ‘solutions’ and social eugenics movements, including Bill Gates Snr and Planned Parenthood, the Gates Foundation and philanthropy deceptions, vested vaccine interests and engineering a pandemic. THE EUGENICS MOVEMENT In the late 19th century ­ a critical time in development of the sciences ­ British scholar Sir Francis Galton, in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, coined the term ‘eugenics’. Galton, whose cousin was Charles Darwin, hoped to ‘better humankind’ through the ‘science of improving the human species’ by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. Decades of research on ‘controlled breeding’, including through means of sterilization, soon became accepted mainstream science at the turn of the century and the eugenics movement was born. Supporters of eugenics believe people inherit mental illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these conditions can be ‘bred out’ of the human gene pool through forced sterilization. Not surprisingly, ‘undesirable’ traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated and minority populations. Many professionals in the scientific and biological fields rigorously researched ways to ‘improve the human race’ through means of eliminating these ‘negative traits’, and the movement would soon garner widespread political support ­ particularly in Australia. As we have explored, the likes of Professor Richard Berry and growing Eugenics Societies of NSW and Victoria played a pivotal role in mass campaigns for laws allowing the establishment of a ”lethal chamber” to euthanise what these groups called ”the grosser types of our mental defectives”. Following World War I, numerous eugenics-based ideologies were beginning to enter mainstream societies across the world. However, after Hitler would adopt these concepts and implement an aggressive form of the concept, the world grew sour and a new change was needed to continue.

THE KLAUS SCHWAB PODCAST – Natalie Minis, of ‘Imagining Freedom’ podcast, discusses the biography of Great Reset guru Klaus Schwab, founder of WEF, and discovers his elite family background in Nazi nuclear technology and going back to the Holy Roman Empire, that has links with the EU. Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies and his group of researchers have done a DEEP dive into the history and the lineage of the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab. He shares their shocking discoveries in this audio, with AIM4Truth’s Douglas Gabriel. Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. His Jewish mother fled the country, forced to abandon her year-old son with Klaus’ father, whose family businesses were Nazi collaborators. Over the course of Schwab’s life, he has ingratiated himself to the royal houses of the Holy Roman Empire, with the goal of consolidating Europe – and now the world – under the control of their Swiss bankers, aka “the Gnomes of Basel”. Excellent background information on those who would would enslave you and the entire planet

THE KLAUS SCHWAB 3RD REICH FAMILY FORTUNES INVESTIGATION – Klaus Schwab Is The Great Barker Of The Fourth Reich –  Founder and only chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that first met Feb. 04-07, 1971 in Davos, Switzerland. It’s original name was the European Management Forum until 1987. It was founded under the “supervision of the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior” by Klaus and the soon-to-be Mrs. (Hilde) Schwab (née Stoll). They were married within weeks of that first conference. Since inception WEF has been a British-American Pilgrims Society new world order League of Nations cum United Nations cum Marshall Plan hustle, under the direction of Rockefeller Foundation operatives Otto von Habsburg, IBM, Henry Alfred Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Adolph Volcker and other “new world order” globalist hucksters from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics (communism central). Sir Klaus Martin Schwab. (Compiled Feb. 15, 2021). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. communists A barker is a person who stands in front of a theater, sideshow, etc., and calls out to passersby to attract customers In 1971, Klaus Schwab, under British Pilgrims Society direction, chose Otto von Habsburg, the would-be Fourth Reich king, to keynote the first World Economic Forum (then named the European Management Forum) Schwab’s hometown­ Ravensburg, Germany­ was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”) Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.­Dulles’ boss) Until 2003, the British Pilgrims Society in America operated under Donovan’s New York non-profit. Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker became Pilgrims Society vice-presidents 2007-09 during the “bank bailout” Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labour and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America­making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense

The Illuminati – ….documentary clip. Churchill – Dennis Wheatley. Great terror.

Snowden – data mining from 1987.


George Grant Mackay buys large slice of what is to become Vancouver, 6,000 acres for $6,000. Doctrine of discovery – Canada.

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Dr Mike Yeadon 1 yr on interview  00:35:00
Full Introduction To The Illuminati documentary  00:40:00

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

0 Comments on “Race Relations Adviser Ras Judah Says Mayor Marvin Rees Should Not Back Police Violence – Bristol Police Attack Peaceful Protesters As They Did To Provoke 1980 St Pauls Riots – Demockracy? Common Purpose Fifth Column Control Two Top Bristol Mayor Candidates – EXCLUSIVE Dr Mike Yeadon On A Year Of Fake Science Covid Dictatorship – Exposing Black Nobility ‘Man-god’ Klaus Schwab’s Nazi Family Nuke Business – Aims Of The The Historical Illuminati – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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