Will Israel Lobby Succeed In Sacking Bristol Uni Sociology Prof David Miller For Stating Facts? – Mark Shelford, Tory candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner On Policing Afghanistan, Northern Ireland and Lloyds Bank – Have Boris/Starmer Created A One Party State? – Biden Incoherent, Forgetful at First (and last?) Press Conference – The Hidden History The Secret History Of WWI By Gerry Docherty – Mail Covers 9/11 & MH370 Plots – 9-11, Israel Did It, Did The Israeli Deep State Do 9/11 -Cutting Through The Matrix Alan Watt, Who Died Aged 55, On Family Destruction, Covid Depopulation Agenda, The Great Reset And Experimental Vaccines – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 2nd April 2021

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Tony’s 3 eBooks available for donation or to buy at www.bilderberg.org

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a personal friend of Blairite ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating propaganda called The Bristol Agenda

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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Tom Baldwin, Bristol Mayor candidate for TUSC (Trade Union and Socialist Coalition), joins Tony and Martin.  What is TUSC? No real political opposition at the moment. LATEST BRISTOL MAYORAL CANDIDATE PROMISES TO GIVE A VOICE TO WORKING CLASS With just over a month to go before the Bristol mayoral elections, another candidate has announced he’s throwing his hat into the ring. Tom Baldwin, who has twice run for the city’s top job, will once again be standing on an anti-austerity platform and promises to give a fighting voice to the working class. The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidate says his staunch opposition to public sector cuts is more important than ever in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. If he secures victory at the polls on May 6, Baldwin pledges to mobilise a mass campaign against the “Tories’ austerity agenda and the failing capitalist system of profit and greed” and to demand council money is returned. “Bristol needs a mayor who will stand up for the working class and oppose the attacks on our jobs, services and standard of living,” says Baldwin, who is currently chair of the Bristol area Unite Community branch.

Strong rumours Priti Patel ordered Police to break up Bristol travellers Tue 23 March Resist Anti Trespass protest. Jim, from Right to Reside, explaining what it was like at the protest, and how police attacked protestors.  Roy Williams, former Met Police Inspector, complaining about recent Police behaviour. Police violently shut down peaceful sit down occupation of College Green The protest was peaceful before police arrived, with participants sitting down listening to speeches and singing. Riot police showed up in force to break up a peaceful sitdown protest on College Green at 10pm last night, battering protesters with their shields. This is the second time riot police have been deployed on Bristol’s streets in a matter of days, but these were very different scenes to that of the protest and riot on Sunday. Next to no resistance was put up by protesters but police used significant violence to disperse the crowd of about 200 people. Up to 100 police from seven different forces were on the scene with dogs, horses, two helicopters and a drone to forcefully disperse around 200 protesters, stating that they were enforcing coronavirus restrictions. Having warned that Covid-19 regulations would be enforced, videos show the officers had surrounded the Green on three sides and advanced in on the sitting group. Fourteen protesters were arrested, no officers were injured. An unknown number of protestors were injured. One of the protesters, Lucy* said the emphasis had been on it being a peaceful occupation to protest the elements of the Police and Crime Bill that target travelling and van dwelling communities. “They just came in with a helicopter and forces from all sides and blocked off all the roads. One young girl just got picked up and thrown to the ground, I saw another man just being dragged out and arrested,” she told the Cable.

Mark Shelford, Tory candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner, on Poppies in Afghanistan, and what he would do about white collar crime ie Lloyds Bank fraud. Review alleges ‘major fraud’ at Lloyds Bristol unit committed – ITV West: Bristol protest policing questioned by PCC candidates An independent review into the handling of historic fraud allegations against Lloyds Bank has been shown new documents said to allege a “major fraud” may have been committed. Several business owners alleged they have been ruined by the firm’s business support unit based in Bristol. Avon and Somerset Police said it had found no evidence any criminal offences had been committed. But up to 200 alleged victims say their claims were not properly investigated. Last year, Avon and Somerset Police asked Thames Valley Police to conduct a review into allegations made against the financial institution. Thames Valley police and crime commissioner (PCC) Anthony Stansfeld oversaw the successful prosecution of corrupt financiers from HBOS in Reading for a multi-million pound loans scam that destroyed several businesses.

Jo and Diane Drayson, from Norton-St-Philip PTSD Rehabilitation Farm, on how they were raided by Police on claims of hidden firearms, and wonder if this raid is linked to police paranoia around their anti-lockdown activist friends? Two released on bail after suspected firearm offences and huge police raid on Bath farm Search activity remains on-going at the farm today Two people arrested on suspicion of firearms offences after a large scale search of a farm have been released on bail. On Tuesday (March 30) police officers reportedly raided a farm that does rehab for ex-servicemen suffering from PTSD on Bath Road in Norton St Philip near Bath at 5am. Officers were seen making extensive searches of cars, the property and fields with one witness saying hundreds of officers were ‘combing’ the whole place and a police helicopter landed to assist the operation. A 57-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman were arrested after police secured a warrant to search the property under the Firearms Act. Searches were still being conducted yesterday (March 31) at the property and a witness said ‘massive holes’ had been created in the fields during the search effort. The force has confirmed that searches on the property and the investigation are still ongoing today (April 1).

Protest in Bristol against the potential sacking of Professor David Miller, Sociologist at Bristol University, for supposed anti-Semitism.  Ron Mandel, Academic and Jewish, claims academic freedom is under threat. Tina Birkman, from Labour Against the Witch Hunt, says pro Palestinian rights activists are smeared as anti Semites.  Sandy Kennedy, whose parents died in the Holocaust, says Palestinians are ‘unsafe’.  Prince Charles gives speech at World Holocaust Forum in Feb 2020.

Educators and researchers in support of Professor Miller Public intellectuals, educators and researchers speak out against the censorship campaign targeted at Bristol’s David Miller Dear Professor Brady, We wish to express our serious concerns about the unrelenting and concerted efforts to publicly vilify our colleague Professor David Miller. Professor Miller is an eminent scholar. He is known internationally for exposing the role that powerful actors and well-resourced, co-ordinated networks play in manipulating and stage-managing public debates, including on racism. The impact of his research on the manipulation of narratives by lobby groups has been crucial to deepening public knowledge and discourse in this area. The attacks on Professor Miller stem from a lecture on Islamophobia that he gave to students at the University of Bristol two years ago. In the most recent instance of this harassment, Professor Miller was approached to provide a statement on Israel-Palestine. When he responded honestly to the query, well-orchestrated efforts were made to misrepresent these responses as evidence of anti-Semitism. A call was then made to the University of Bristol to deprive him of his employment. We oppose anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism. We also oppose false allegations and the weaponisation of the positive impulses of anti-racism so as to silence anti-racist debate. We do so because such vilification has little to do with defeating the harms caused by racism. Instead, efforts to target, isolate and purge individuals in this manner are aimed at deterring evidence-based research, teaching and debate. Prolonged harassment of a highly-regarded scholar and attempts to denigrate a lifetime’s scholarship cause significant distress to the individual. Such treatment also has a broader pernicious effect on scholarship and well-informed public discourse. It creates a culture of self-censorship and fear in the wider academic community. Instead of free and open debate, an intimidatory context is created and this can be particularly worrying for those who do not hold positions of seniority, influence or stable employment, particularly in times of job uncertainty and in a sector with high levels of casualised employment. As a result, important scholarship is omitted, and this curtails the public’s and students’ right to learn and to engage in thoughtful debate. At a time when the Black Lives Matter movement has reinvigorated public consciousness about the structural factors entrenching racism, attempts to stifle discourse on Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism are particularly regressive and inconsistent with the values the University of Bristol espouses. As public intellectuals and academics, we feel duty-bound to express our solidarity with Professor Miller and to oppose such efforts to crush academic freedom. Given your roles within the University and your responsibilities to the wider academic community, we urge you to vigorously defend the principle of academic freedom and the rights to free speech and to evidence-based & research-informed public discourse. We hope that you will uphold the integrity of academic debate.

UK steel industry collapsing. Liberty Steel boss: Plants won’t shut on my watch –  10,000 troops cut. British Army to be cut by 10,000 troops The size of the British Army will be reduced as part of a move towards automation and cyber warfare. The cut will leave the British Army at 70,000 troops. Northern Ireland unification referendum? 

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Boris’! Britain’s slide into authoritarianism: How the Tories are building a one-party state – They say “it can’t happen here,” but over the years the Conservatives have been undermining democracy. Britain has always had elements of authoritarianism. It is a constitutional monarchy before it is a parliamentary democracy. The Royal Prerogative means that the monarch can and sometimes does override Parliament. The Parliament is not wholly representative. For instance, in 1951 Labour got 0.8 percent more votes than the Tories, but the Tories got more seats. Lack of proportional representation means that in 2017, for instance, Labour under Jeremy Corbyn had just two percent fewer votes than Theresa May’s Tories, yet ended up with 56 fewer seats. It is tempting to point the finger at PM Johnson alone, but building on this history Theresa May tried to take executive control of Brexit and subsequently handled the Parliamentary deadlock by addressing the public in a manner that pitted them against their elected representatives. May’s was the first government in history to be held in contempt of Parliament over its refusal to publish legal advice. By 2019, more than half of Britons supported “a strong leader … willing to break the rules.” Against this background of growing public support for autocracy, Brexiteers turned their agenda into a religion, with gods who cannot be seen or touched replaced with vague notions of “sovereignty” and “freedom.” As far-right groups flocked to join the Tories, member polls suggested that a majority would rather see the end of both their party and the UK as a whole than sacrifice Brexit. In this milieu of extreme irrationality, Tory authoritarianism solidified under Johnson.

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BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download] 
Full interview with Tory Avon Somerset PCC candidate Mark Shelford [30m]

Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

George Floyd court case.  Report that Britain is not racist.  Black Lives Matter – orchestrated? Funded by Soros.  Political assassinations.  Minority groups are flourishing but more needs to be done to tackle racism, says report Britain should be seen “as a model for other white-majority countries” but racism still exists, says a landmark report today. 

Sleepy Joe Biden’s first press conference doesn’t go well. Joe Biden completely forgets what he’s talking about in excruciating press conference. New photos reveal several cheat sheets used by President Joe Biden during his Thursday press conference ­ including one with the headshots and names of reporters he planned to call on. The President also used notes to assist with facts about US infrastructure, a policy area Mr Biden is focusing on during his first months in the White House. “The United States now ranks 13th globally in infrastructure quality ­ down from 5th place in 2002,” read one bullet point. But despite having the answers in front of him, Mr Biden still slipped up, saying America ranked 85th in the world in infrastructure, before correcting himself.

Gestapo Vaccine Passports: Steve Hilton, Naomi Wolf, The Next Revolution Sunday 28 March 2021 on Fox NewsNaomi Wolf on vaccine passports and personal data being collected.  70 UK MPs protest against vaccine passports. WATCH: Liberal activist Naomi Wolf warns that vaccine passports will spell the end of individual freedom “Your networks can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included, all of your medical history can be included,” Wolf said “Vaccine passports sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do. I’m CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It’s not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus: It’s about your data. “And once this rolls out you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. And what that means is that it can be merged with your PayPal account, digital currency, Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. “Your networks can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included, all of your medical history can be included,” Wolf said. This came after it was reported in the Washington Post that the Biden administration is working with businesses to develop this new credential, which will be able to be used by businesses in a variety of industries to allow admittance only to those who have been vaccinated. “The effort has gained momentum amid President Biden’s pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies­from cruise lines to sports teams­saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again,” according to The Washington Post.

France – new strict Covid rules.  New semi-confinement in France: What you can and cannot do What the new lockdown rules that come into force across France on Saturday mean in practice for residents The new rules will come into force from the evening curfew time of 19:00 on Saturday, April 3. People who wish to travel to a different part of France for the semi-confinement can do so, as long as they travel this weekend (April 3 and 4). What are the daytime rules? Non-essential shops closed (but hairdressers, bookshops and more are now considered essential) Everyone should work from home if possible Mandatory attestation forms needed for anyone travelling more than 10km away from home Travel between departments banned, unless for a permitted essential reason and within 30km of your home, or if you are travelling to an airport or station, or moving your main home No private gatherings or parties More checks in public space to limit public gatherings

Dr. Mike Yeadon on who should have a Covid vaccine  Dr Mike Yeadon, [full EXCLUSIVE ONE YEAR ON interview below] on how we know lockdowns don’t work, respiratory illnesses don’t spread asymptomatically, and data showing Covid was in SW in winter 2019. Mike Yeadon on how none of his contemporaries want to admit to the Government lies, as they don’t want to lose their jobs. Melinda Gates, on BBC WS ‘Heart and Soul’, discussing her beliefs in abortion and eugenics ‘helping’ the poor not to have so many children. Three facts No 10’s experts got wrong: DR MIKE YEADON says claims that the majority of the population is susceptible to Covid, that only 7% are infected so far and virus death rate is 1% are all false – The ‘scientific method’ is what separates us from pre-renaissance peoples, who might tackle plagues with prayer. We can do better, but only if we’re rigorous. If an important theory isn’t consistent with the findings it purports to oversee, then we’ve got it wrong. Honest scientists occasionally are forced to accept they’ve gone astray and the best scientists then go back and distinguish what they’ve assumed from what can be shown beyond reasonable doubt. 

BBC Panorama – undercover filming in a PCR test lab – huge cross contamination and malpractice. 30 blood clots in UK from Astrazeneca vaccine.  Politics and profits of vaccines. Massive power of Western pharmaceutical industry vs socialised medicine. Secret filming at one of the biggest UK Covid testing labs has found evidence of potential contamination, discarded tests and pressure to hit targets. A BBC reporter working as a lab technician, filmed staff cutting corners and processing samples in a way that could cause contamination. This means some people who had taken a test via NHS Test and Trace may have received no result or a wrong result. The lab said it had followed all necessary rules and regulations. Evidence at the lab captured on film shows: Checks to ensure samples could be identified, were rushed, meaning tests were sometimes discarded unnecessarily Some test samples “glooped” across an area where other samples had been placed, risking contamination Swabs used by people to take Covid tests were left in their tubes when processed, presenting a further contamination risk A quality control scientist telling the reporter that the quality of the results progressively got worse throughout the day The findings have led experts to question the way the lab was operating.

Eustace Mullins on the Rockefeller medical monopoly.  History of the Rockefellers.  The Great Reset and Davos. 

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and James MacGregor (2014) This is a much more detailed account of the World War I central players, the people behind the scenes, than is usually given. Going all the way to the origins of the groups that were at the center of the drive for war, at the Rhodes Society, the authors give a very researched and well connected account of the overall political picture at the time. The authors highly influenced, by Georgetown University professor Carol Quigley and his books on the 20th century history of these organizations, and the roles the people behind them played in shaping policy. In that respect, the official version of the war is reevaluated, to link the motivations of the known British figures such as Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner with the way the events unfolded. Documents, articles and books written in the immediate afterword of the Great War, and in the next few decades, have largely been ignored and suppressed, and their opposite point of view to the official version point to the fact that they probably hold an important aspect of the truth. If they were wrong, historians would have been able to criticize and refute them, but what we have is a total eclipse of this information, proving once again the old adage that “history is written by the winners”. (There is a parallel with the way modern journalists such as Seymour Hersh, Chris Hedges and Bill Moyers are ignored today, especially when the matter was criticism of military endeavors such as Iraq.) Starting from the origins of the Rhodes Society in South Africa, and the machinations that led to the Second Boer War, the players who came out of this Society to have roles in politics, media and education are closely followed, making Hidden History feel almost like an engulfing thriller. A new interpretation of their biographies is given, in light of their role in the British governments that led the country into the war. No unverified information is presented, while more emphasis is put into some important events of their lives, such as the trial for the extramarital affair of Lloyd George, and his indebtedness, as a result, to the Rhodes and Milner groups. The connections that Docherty and Macgregor make are very clear and well proofed, especially when it comes to the pre-war telegrams between Austria and Serbia, and Germany and Britain. 

MH370 Mail article…New conspiracy theory claims US Air Force shot down MH370 in a failed bid to intercept it and seize electronic equipment on its way to China Florence de Changy has been reporting and investigating MH370 since 2014 The plane went missing on March 8, 2014, with the mystery never solved But the French author argues that the ‘mystery’ itself is the greatest con of all In the 400-page book, de Changy argues that current theories are off the mark, and that there has been a combined effort to cover the truth of what happened Instead, she suggests the plane could have been downed by the US Air Force in an attempt to intercept the plane and confiscate cargo en-route to Beijing The US was responsible for downing missing flight MH370, which disappeared in 2014 with the loss of all 239 passengers on board, a new book claims. The American military used electronic jamming technology to make the plane disappear from radar screens before finally shooting it down after a failed bid to re-route it and seize highly-sensitive electronic gear to China. That’s the startling theory put forward by French journalist Florence de Changy in her new book ‘The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370’. De Changy has been reporting and investigating on the missing airline since the mystery dominated news channels for weeks and months after March 2014. In the 400-page book, the investigative journalist and Far-Eastern correspondent for the French newspaper Le Monde delves into the numerous theories that have been put forward to explain the mystery of what happened to the plane. But the idea that the case is a mystery, de Changy argues, is a fabrication in and of itself, perpetuated by those responsible and in-the-know about what really happened to the Boeing 777 on March 8, 2014. As de Changy writes, ‘It was not possible […] for a Boeing 777 to have simply disappeared.’ She ironically calls the disappearance ‘the greatest mystery in the history of aviation’ which, she believes, is its biggest con. After the writer goes into great detail over 14 chapters dispelling a number of theories that have been put forward – that the plane was hijacked; that the captain had run amok; that there had been a fire on-board; that there was a hypoxia event in the cabin – de Changy puts forward her own hypothesis in the book’s epilogue. Flight MH370, she suggests, was brought down by the United States Air Force after a failed attempt to intercept the plane and seize a shipment of ‘electronic equipment’ that was en-route to Beijing, and that the US did not want China to have.

The conspiracy theory that still won’t rest in peace: Think it’s only cranks who believe the Twin Towers attack was a U.S. government plot? Twenty years on, the family of one British victim is demanding a fresh inquest in the hope of proving just that By SUE REID FOR THE DAILY MAIL :2 April 2021 Just imagine Geoff Campbell’s last terrified moments, trapped on the 106th floor of the North Tower of New York’s World Trade Centre. Incredible though it sounds, this British family are challenging all we have been told about the Twin Towers’ collapse. After examining the testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses and forensically dissecting the scientific trail of the towers’ collapse, down to analysing dust on the ground at the New York site, they have compiled a lengthy dossier. We are now in the 20th anniversary year of 9/11, the worst terror atrocity the world has witnessed, the day when more than 2,600 people were killed in the Twin Towers and the surrounding area of downtown Manhattan It is a document which, they claim, proves that controlled demolition explosives ­ not aircraft ­ brought the buildings down. Many will dismiss the dossier’s contents as the work of conspiracy theorists and refuse to believe a word. But the detailed findings, say the Campbells and their team of scientific and legal advisers, are based on hard evidence and the laws of physics. So convinced are they of their theory that later this month they will formally ask the acting Attorney General for England and Wales, Michael Ellis ­ who is standing in for Suella Braverman during her maternity leave ­ to allow them to apply to the High Court for a fresh inquest into Geoff’s death. Six other families who lost loved ones in the Twin Towers plane attacks on 9/11 plan to send their own statements in support of the Campbells. If Mr Ellis gives the go-ahead ­ as the Campbells think likely ­ they plan an attempt to dismantle the notion that the Twin Towers were brought down by raging fires caused by leaking jet fuel which melted their supporting metal girders. At any new inquest, they would call in eyewitnesses to numerous mystery explosions at the towers, and scientists who insist the plane attacks could not have toppled the two buildings. Caroline told the Mail this week from New York that they were determined to change the official narrative: ‘Knowing what Geoff and other victims had to endure that day has encouraged us to seek the truth about the cause of his death.’ Geoff’s mother Maureen, 75, from Brighton, added: ‘Caroline was ‘the one’ for Geoff. They planned to marry, to have children, to make their lives in Britain. Their future together was destroyed on 9/11. There is a piece missing in the Twin Towers jigsaw and we hope to prove it.’

Webster Tarpley – ‘9/11: The Key to Stopping WW3’. As in the case of 9/11, they will manufacture the provocation they need for the next phase of the war of civilizations. Arabs and Moslems will be involved as patsies—under the label of Hezbollah, Iran, etc. An attack on Iran will kill Chinese in the oil fields and Russians in the nuclear reactor sites. It will begin the inexorable slide into World War III. Neocon fascist madmen Lieber and Press, writing in the March-April issue of Foreign Affairs, promise that a thermonuclear first strike against Russia and/or China is eminently feasible. The same neocon networks which promised the Iraqi cakewalk are now promising a nuclear cakewalk. This time the result could be the incineration of the U.S. and large parts of the world. The neocons must be driven from public life, even as the September criminals are brought to justice. The attack on Iran has little to do with unproven allegations that Teheran might acquire a nuclear device. Israel alone has nearly 500 nuclear weapons of all types, plus an ABM system. The insanity of the Anglo-American elites reflects the death agony of the U.S. dollar. As Iran, Russia, Venezuela and even Norway prepare to buy and sell oil in rubles, euros, and through barter deals, hundreds of billions of dollars of central bank reserves are poised to quit the greenback. The result would be a dollar panic, with dollar owners stampeding towards the exits. The U.S. currency might lose between 25% and 75% of its value. With emerging market currencies and stock markets crashing, the tropism of the U.S.-UK elites is toward war in a bid to retain world domination.

“9-11/Israel did it” 2015 Report: evidence for the proposition that the Israeli deep state was involved in the 9-11 event. This article presents evidence that the Israeli deep state was a prime mover in the events of 9-11. Note that it does not imply that other groups (i.e. the US deep state and maybe others) were not involved in both the commission and cover up of the September 11 attacks. The 9-11 event advanced the Neocon PNAC agenda, with its explicitly stated need for “…a catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel’s enemies. The idea that Israelis might have been involved in perpetrating or covering up the 9-11 event is “anti-semitic” in itself, and as such is not to be publicly expressed without immediate condemnation as such. In 2015 the Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer linked to this page from his Facebook wall, and asked “Is this anti-Semitic? If so, no doubt I’ll be asked to remove it. It raises so many questions.” In response the Church of England banned him from social media. In 2018, after Emeritus Professor Kees van der Pijl tweeted support for this page, the University of Sussex, where he headed the Department of International Relations for 12 years, announced that it would investigate him. This was picked up by the UK Independent and the Daily Mail, although discussion centred on whether or not he should be subject to disciplinary action rather whether or not his allegations were correct. Control of World Trade Center Complex One of the first operational steps in preparation for the 9/11 attacks would have been to secure control of the World Trade Centre Complex itself. This is crucial because without complete control, the setting of explosives to bring down the towers would be next to impossible without serious risk of discovery. Four key Zionist Network assets: Larry Silverstein – Frank Lowy – Lewis Eisenberg – Ronald Lauder

Eric Prinz article The dark Prince A short history of a very modern mercenary ..Prince moved to Abu Dhabi in 2010 to avoid a string of lawsuits and potential prosecutions related to Blackwater’s work in Iraq. One of his companies, Reflex Responses, was hired in 2011 to raise a force of several hundred guards for the emir of Abu Dhabi, to ‘assist the UAE government with intelligence gathering, security, counter terrorism and suppression of any revolts’. Meanwhile an outfit he was also connected to reportedly helped to train soldiers in Colombia who were later sent to fight ­ and die ­ in the war in Yemen. The New York Times claimed in 2011 that it was unclear whether any of the outfits connected to Prince had a US license to raise foreign armies. Was Prince skirting his country’s laws? A State Department spokesman told the paper at the time that the government was investigating the circumstances, and that Xe Services (another of Blackwater’s incarnations) had already paid $42 million in fines connected to similar work in Jordan. As this was going on, Prince had already moved on to the next continent in the US war on terror: Africa. Prince attempted to get into the anti-piracy business in Somalia in 2008. Blackwater even purchased its own 183-foot vessel, the McArthur, to serve as a ‘mothership’ for operations against pirates. But dogged by legal issues and a discrimination lawsuit, the plan was thwarted. So Prince moved on once more, to Puntland in northern Somalia, and then Mogadishu in 2011. Here, according to Scahill, Prince sat ‘at the top of the management chain of Saracen’, another Blackwater-affiliated mercenary outfit. Saracen was reportedly funded in part by the UAE and further bankrolled by Prince himself, though he has denied any role in providing its seed money. 

Alan Watt, 28th Feb 2021, on the Great Reset and experimental vaccines. Feb. 28, 2021 “Cutting Through the Matrix” with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Great Reset and Experimental Vaccine Informed Consent: “Behaviourists Authorised to Ply Their Craft Upon Citizens, Gov. Collusion Truly Damning, Freedom to Reason, Rationalise, Given the Shaft, For a Great Reset, Years in the Planning Using Professional Psychological Persuaders Avoiding Study Facts Recipients Should Know Means We’re Run by Elite Corporate Dictators, Fawning Democracy is a Child’s Story Show, Informed Consent Means Reading These Studies, With Each Vaccination Offer to Each One of You, Not Crowd Techniques “We’re Good Guys Buddies, Majority Accepted so You Should Too”, Stigmatizing, Shaming, are Methods of War Uniform Opinions are Created and Managed, Do You Know What Legal Indemnity’s For? You’re on Your Own if Your Health is Damaged.”

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 220 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interview with Alan Watt Cutting Through The Matrix Vaccine Deaths 28 Feb 21 [5hrs]
Full interview with Gerry Docherty Hidden History of WWI [75m]
Full Webster Tarpley 2005 NYC ‘9/11 The Key To Stopping WWIII’ Presentation [120m]

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “Will Israel Lobby Succeed In Sacking Bristol Uni Sociology Prof David Miller For Stating Facts? – Mark Shelford, Tory candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner On Policing Afghanistan, Northern Ireland and Lloyds Bank – Have Boris/Starmer Created A One Party State? – Biden Incoherent, Forgetful at First (and last?) Press Conference – The Hidden History The Secret History Of WWI By Gerry Docherty – Mail Covers 9/11 & MH370 Plots – 9-11, Israel Did It, Did The Israeli Deep State Do 9/11 -Cutting Through The Matrix Alan Watt, Who Died Aged 55, On Family Destruction, Covid Depopulation Agenda, The Great Reset And Experimental Vaccines – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. Thought you might like this one Tony . Another covid satirical song sung by country western and pop singer Ray Stevens . Steven’s was quite popular on the US airwaves in the 1960’s early 1970s with his satire, pop and country songs . say howdy to Martin for me. See yah later partner .

    Ray Stevens – “The Quarantine Song” (Live on Larry’s Country Diner, 2020)


    some other Ray Stevens videos

    Ray Stevens – “Everything Is Beautiful” (Music Video)


    The Best Of Ray Stevens


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