$36tn Squirrelled Away In Tax Havens, $800bn Tax Avoided: John Christensen on Pandora Papers And Morrisons Devoured – Horrifying Cardiff Corruption Both At The Welsh Parliament And At The Top Of The South Wales Police – ‘The Sweeney’ Director David Wickes on Euston Films, Hollywood And Covid Power Grab – BBC Propaganda ALERT: Deadly Ivermectin Lies And Omissions By Rachel Schraer And Jack Goodman For Big Pharma – Bristol University Professor David Miller Sacked By The Israel Lobby Working With Spineless Racists The Principal And Vice-Principal – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 8th October 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the Establishments Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
Radio4All audio files usually available 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast
Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations
False claims that Russia is behind £1000 annual gas price hike by holding up the gas supply to Europe – Russia is fulfilling ALL its contractual obligations for gas orders & is NOT to blame for soaring prices, Germany’s Merkel says – German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected suggestions that the increased price of gas is due to Russian policy. Instead she has pointed the finger at the EU’s own approach asking whether the bloc could have acted differently. Speaking on Wednesday, Merkel noted that Russia has never refused to deliver gas and has fulfilled its contractual obligations. “That’s why we should ask the question: was enough gas ordered, or is the high price at the moment maybe the reason for not ordering so much?” Merkel asked, according to London’s Financial Times. The European Union has sought to move gas trading to the spot market in recent years, whereas Russia has consistently preferred long-term contracts, often as long as 25 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed at the reluctance of the bloc to sign longer deals as a cause for rising prices. The view of outgoing Chancellor Merkel was also reflected on Wednesday by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who recalled that Russian gas corporation Gazprom is pumping as much gas as it can “within the framework of the existing contracts,” insisting that Moscow is playing no role in the raised prices.
John Christensen has retired from The Tax Justice Network, which has got into trouble after accepting Ford Foundation funding, and after a long, now foundering, battle trying to get tax havens shut down – he discusses tax evasion and how wealth and corporate power has become extraordinarily concentrated. – also looks at Morrisons – The MoS revealed in July that CD&R was locked in a decade-long court battle over allegations that it ‘asset stripped’ another US company and left it ‘on the verge of bankruptcy’. The firm strongly refutes the claims. It is also likely the tax arrangements of CD&R will be scrutinised after it had lined up an entity in the Grand Cayman tax haven to run the supermarket giant. Morrisons board backs Sir Terry Leahy’s £7bn takeover: Ex-Tesco chief’s US private equity giant CD&R knocks out rival after £660m pension pledge Morrisons board has given the go-ahead for a historic takeover Clayton Dubilier & Rice made a winning £7 billion offer for Morrisons during the auction overseen by officials from the Takeover Pane The £2.87 per share bid eclipsed a rival one by a group of private equity firms and billionaires by just 1p per share By NEIL CRAVEN, FINANCIAL MAIL ON SUNDAY = PUBLISHED: 21:50, 2 October 2021 The Morrisons board has given the go-ahead for a historic takeover after a knockout bid by a US private equity giant advised by former Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy. It has emerged in documents that Leahy’s team sweetened the deal ahead of yesterday’s dramatic auction with a £660million property pledge to the company’s pension funds. Clayton Dubilier & Rice made a winning £7 billion offer for Morrisons yesterday afternoon during the auction overseen by officials from the Takeover Panel, ending a 15- week battle for control. Go-ahead: Shareholders will have the final say later this month, but are highly unlikely to block the offer +1 Go-ahead: Shareholders will have the final say later this month, but are highly unlikely to block the offer The £2.87 per share bid eclipsed a rival one by a group of private equity firms and billionaires by just 1p per share. The purchase is expected to be two-thirds funded by debt – about twice the amount currently owed by Morrisons.
Boris’s big speech at Tory Conference – how accurate was it? Carrie Johnson giving an antichristian anti ‘conservative’ speech about the glories of LGBT+ rights and the now legal right to pretend to be someone of the opposite sex. Conservative conference 2021: Carrie Johnson reveals she was ‘moved to tears’ by hate crime victim as she speaks at LGBT+ reception The prime minister’s wife – who is pregnant with the couple’s second child – addresses an LGBT+ Conservatives reception at the Tory conference in Manchester on Tuesday night, during which she describes herself as an “ally”. Carrie Johnson has revealed she was “moved to tears” when hearing from the victim of a hate crime at a Pride reception in Downing Street earlier this year. The prime minister’s wife – who is pregnant with the couple’s second child – addressed an LGBT+ Conservatives reception at the Tory conference in Manchester on Tuesday night, during which she described herself as an “ally”. Mrs Johnson told the packed event, which was also attended by her sister-in-law Rachel Johnson, that her husband was “completely committed” to “protecting those gains” made in past years by the LGBT+ community and “extending them further”.
Long on laughs, short on reality. Boris Johnson’s keynote 2021 Tory party conference speech
Neil McEvoy, former Welsh MS, discussing Covid data passports, corruption in the Welsh Parliament, and jabs for children.
Maurice Kirk discusses a 20 year campaign against him by the South Wales Police. Lloyds has done a runner from Bristol. – My MP is still ignoring my letters for help over South Wales Police G4S Robbery – The masonic devil worshipping bunch in Bridgend’s police HQ were caught red handed in June 2009 when, while the deputy head of their legal department assisted me to their then Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding’s private office, lo and behold was Adrian Oliver also attending, no doubt, for both Gold Group and MAPPA level 3 category 3 clandestine meeting to have me eliminated. My ten year running BS614159 substantive civil claim, for the forty odd lost criminal prosecutions, was listed for trial that very summer and so had to be stopped by their ‘machinegun’ conspiracy. Hence the hurriedly arranged HQ MAPPA meeting on the very day I had accessed Wilding’s inner sanctum, to ‘exchange witness files’, only to be surrounded by machinegun tin hatted police sporting stun grenade laden flak jackets and itchy fingers. Real Enid ‘Noddy Land’ stuff had it not been so true My two recent farcical South Wales Police instigated failed jury trials, in Exeter Crown Court, are so serious a miscarriage of justice, a restraining order had to be immediately applied to block ‘what really goes on’ in the dark corners of the House of Commons and damned the expense!
David Wickes, former TV and film producer, discusses how he got the business, his experience of Hollywood, and his work at ABC TV, Thames TV, and Euston Films.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – News Review and Investigative Reports
David Wickes on the Covid 19 power grab. – Neil Oliver on how he is sensing fear of the masses from those in charge. We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You have to wonder if someone like Bill Gates is really stupid with respect to economics, or is he deliberately trying to further the same agenda he supported for Climate Change – reduce population and shut down the industry? You may have been laid off, struggling and hoping your employer will not fold, or you may be working from home and wondering if your employer will not cut jobs and leave you there eliminating offices. Then there is the home confinement which depends on whether or not you live in a Democratic state where they want 100% lockdown, fines, and/or imprisonment if you walk outside while telling neighbors to report on you as if this were East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then there is the confinement with the family which many find stressful while schools are closed along with day-care-centers and caring for children 100%. The Republican States seems to be following generally just the social-distancing and allowing stores and restaurants to be open following guidelines of limiting the number of customers. Others find their families split forced to facetime, skype, or zoom as elderly relatives are trapped away from loved ones. Then there are those who know someone with COVID-19 or have found their parents go into a hospital for one thing expecting them to die and then they suddenly change the cause of death to COVID-19 out of the clear blue sky causing many to question what is really going on. While we are all in prison since home confinement if a punishment inflicted by courts, we face the most amazing power grab in all recorded history thanks to socialism which authorizes the government to pretend to “care” for our well being as long it is profitable. This is one of the greatest rearrangements of power in modern history unfolding before our eyesand governments are counting of scaring-the-hell out of people to ensure we’re too overwhelmed to do anything about it.
Professor Matthieus on ‘mass formation phenomenon’, where certain stressful situations in society can breed a mass hysteria. My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell. Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response not unlike hypnosis to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected. Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late.
Ian Birrel, Mail on Sunday article What are they hiding? At the start of Covid many scientists believed it likely leaked from Wuhan lab – until a conference call with Patrick Vallance changed their minds. We asked for his emails about the call. This is what we got . . . Government condemned for not releasing details of key email conversations Conversation in question involves leading scientists discussing Covid origins Mail on Sunday FOI obtained 32 emails but nearly every word was blacked out The discussion was convened after Fauci, America’s Chief Presidential Medical Adviser, was sent an article from Science magazine examining how researchers were attempting to unravel the virus origins. The article, which Fauci hastily sent to other key officials, discussed controversies over risky ‘gain of function’ research – manipulating viruses in labs to make them more infectious – and detailed work by British scientist Peter Daszak and his friend Prof Shi in sampling bats and finding new coronaviruses. The teleconference was led by Farrar, an expert on infectious diseases, who admits that he saw the ‘huge coincidence’ of a novel coronavirus erupting in ‘a city with a superlab’ that was ‘home to an almost unrivalled collection of bat viruses’. Many prominent scientists, including several participants on the call, feared the new virus looked engineered – among them California-based immunologist Kristian Andersen, who told Farrar beforehand he was alarmed by Covid’s unusual properties.He said the binding mechanism ‘looked too good to be true, like a perfect key for entering human cells’ while its furin cleavage site – a feature not found on similar types of coronavirus that allows it to enter efficiently into human cells – might be expected ‘if someone had set out to adapt an animal coronavirus to humans by taking a specific suit of genetic material from elsewhere and inserting it.’ Farrar opened the discussion, which was then led by Andersen and Eddie Holmes, an Australian-based virologist who told the Wellcome chief before the call he was ‘80 per cent sure this thing had come out of a lab’. Yet after their conference call, these same experts played leading roles in efforts to dismiss such fears as conspiracy theories in science journals and on social media. Farrar admitted he was torn on the origins in a follow-up email to Fauci, yet signed a notorious Lancet article secretly organised by British scientist Peter Daszak days later that condemned ‘conspiracy theories’ alleging Covid was not natural, claiming they spread ‘fear’ and ‘prejudice’, while incredibly praising Beijing’s ‘open and transparent’ sharing of data. Farrar also convened a hugely influential Nature paper by Andersen, Holmes and three others insisting ‘any type of laboratory-based scenario’ was not ‘plausible’. Farrar admitted he was torn on the origins in a follow-up email to Fauci (pictured), yet signed a notorious Lancet article secretly organised by British scientist Peter Daszak days later that condemned ‘conspiracy theories’ alleging Covid was not natural, claiming they spread ‘fear’ and ‘prejudice’, while incredibly praising Beijing’s ‘open and transparent’ sharing of data Just three days after the conference call, Andersen emailed Daszak to discuss how to counter ‘crackpot theories’ suggesting ‘this virus being somehow engineered with intent’ when it was ‘demonstrably not the case’. Andersen, who deleted his combative Twitter account after emails emerged that exposed his earlier views, later said this was ‘a textbook example of the scientific method’ in which a preliminary theory was rejected as more information emerged. Yet there remains no evidence to show Sars-CoV-2 spilled over naturally from animals. So we need to understand why these experts changed their minds so fast and so decisively that they scorned people with views they had held themselves only recently. This is why the Government’s secrecy is both deplorable and dangerous, according to Gary Ruskin, head of the public health group US Right To Know that has exposed the activities of key experts including Daszak in this saga. ‘Transparency is crucial to expose corruption, abuse of power and hidden conflicts of interest,’ he said. ‘Even in the US, which is weak in science transparency, we have been able to unearth documents useful in pursuing the origins of Covid-19. Such efforts seem impossible in the UK. That is regrettable – and subsequent generations may end up paying for it with their lives if we cannot use the tools of transparency to figure out how Covid-19 came upon us.’
BBC article on Ivermectin Sonia Elijah on why this article is biased and incorrect. To date there’s been 3’ (Randomised Controlled Trials) involving 26,500 patients and 31 OCT’s (Observational Controlled Trials) and 7 meta-analyses of the RCT’s done on Ivermectin, all consistently finding that Ivermectin strongly reduces the risk of contracting Covid-19. Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies Covid Analysis, Oct 11, 2021, •Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 66% [52 76%] and 86% [75 92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials. •Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 30 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. •Results are very robust in worst case exclusion sensitivity analysis 53 of 64 studies must be excluded to avoid finding statistically significant efficacy. •While many treatments have some level of efficacy, they do not replace vaccines and other measures to avoid infection. Only 25% of ivermectin studies show zero events in the treatment arm. •Multiple treatments are typically used in combination, and other treatments could be more effective, including monoclonal antibodies which may be available in countries not recommending ivermectin •Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all variants. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used, including treatments, as supported by Pfizer [ Denying the efficacy of treatments increases the risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and increases mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage.
Dr. Stanley Laham, retired Immunologist, on the dangers of using the Covid vaccines on children, and how deadly the Covid response has been in the US. ‘The government is not being transparent about the risks’: Inventor of MRNA vaccines says people should not be forced to take experimental COVID vaccines because risks aren’t known and under 18s and those who’ve had virus shouldn’t take it – Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology that’s used in the COVID vaccine, said young adults and teens shouldn’t be forced to get the vaccine He told Fox’s Tucker Carlson that there isn’t enough risk-benefit analysis data for that age group Earlier today, a CDC advisory group said there is a ‘likely link’ between rare cases of heart inflammation in that age group and the COVID-19 vaccine
Nadhim Zahawi, Education Secretary, and was in charge of vaccine rollout – was chair of Neo-Nazi group Le Cercle.
Dr. Ian McCulloch, on the dangers of the Covid vaccines. American professor at university of Califonia suspended after refusing to have a Covid vaccine.
Prof. David Miller, former Bristol University lecturer, sacked for ‘anti-Semitism’. The University of Bristol has fired Professor David Miller, a leading UK critic of Israel and its lobby. After a years-long campaign of smears by that same lobby, the university said on Friday that, “Professor David Miller is no longer employed by the University of Bristol.” The statement said only that Miller “did not meet the standards of behavior we expect from our staff,” though it did not elaborate. Miller told The Electronic Intifada he would be appealing and “fighting it all the way.” Yet the statement appeared to exonerate Miller from the Israel’s lobby’s deliberately false allegations of anti-Semitism. An “independent report” by an unnamed lawyer had found that “Professor Miller’s comments did not constitute unlawful speech,” the statement acknowledged. Miller said the report had actually gone further and that the lawyer’s report had “explicitly determined” his remarks “were not anti-Semitic.” The Support David Miller Campaign, which has been rallying around the professor, responded that the university was sending a message that “it will protect racists, and [that] Muslims, Black students and Palestinians are not welcome at Bristol.” In a statement sent to The Electronic Intifada, the campaign said that the university’s decision was “designed to send a chill down the spines of academics around the world who expose Zionist racism.” The campaign said that Miller’s sacking had come after a “pressure campaign by Israel’s assets in the UK” and accused the university of collaborating with the Israel lobby. For his part, Miller said that the decision to fire him was “taken under pressure from the Israel lobby” which he said “lobbies for a hostile foreign state. The university has embarrassed itself.”
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interview with Prof. David Miller Sacked For Supporting Palestine 00:30:00
Full Sonia Elijah BBC Ivermectin Lies 01:00:00
Dr Stanley Laham on Malaria Vax & Child Covid Vax 01:00:00
Neil McEvoy on Welsh Parliament & S Wales Police Corruption 00:15:00
Maurice Kirk S Wales Police Corruption 00:40:00
Complete John Christensen Pandora Papers 00:40:00
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Your reporting on the BBC’s conduct reminds me of that old saying,
“Is that true ? Or did you hear it on the BBC ?”
Maybe it is time to file complaints with Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
About the way parents have to watch and endure the way their children are brutalized by agents of the state.
I interesting about Blackrock owning Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
I wonder if they own both the Labour and Conservative Parties too ?
Professor Miller gets support from wise and extremely knowledgeable people.
But are we in too powerful a totalitarian state for this support to make any difference ?