US Vice President Kamala Harris: Columbus Brought A ‘Wave Of Devastation’ – Dr John Dee, Father Of The British Empire Says Greenwich Maritime Museum – Off-Grid’s Nick Rosen: Last Chance To Amend PCSC ‘Police State’ Bill To Withdraw Power To Seize Live-In Vehicles – Sweden’s No Lockdown Policy Was A Success Which We should Emulate – Fundamental Breakdown In NHS And State: GCHQ Whistleblower Katharine Gun On UK Govt Junk Science – Sky News Australia Documentary By Sharri Markson ‘What Really Happened In Wuhan?’ – Good Doc. But Fundamentally Flawed – No Exploration Of Possibility West Deliberately Released Sars-Cov-2 At The World Military Games – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 15th October 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Captain James T. Kirk aka. William Shatner (1000 times better series than the Patrick Stewart dirge!) spends ten minutes in space in a globalist climate crisis PR stunt for Jeff Bezos. William Shatner in space: the most elitist spiritual experience imaginable? Watching Jeff Bezos send the 90-year-old actor speeding into the atmosphere was equal parts thrilling and creepy. Today, on 13 October 2021, 60 years after doing it on TV, Captain Kirk flew to space for real. Ninety-year-old William Shatner, who played Kirk in the original Star Trek, boarded a Blue Origin rocket – the spaceflight company owned by Jeff Bezos – with three other passengers, “to boldly go where no man has gone before”. Except Bezos, obviously, who has already been there, for about ten minutes, at a small personal cost of $5.5bn. (Blue Origin, Bezos’s spaceflight company that ran the mission, has not disclosed the cost of a ticket on board today’s flight.)
HOME TRUTHS about Columbus Day, from 1934, October 12th, nowadays the second Monday in October which is treated as a bank holiday in many states. US Vice President Kamala Harris criticises Columbus Day in the US as celebrating white colonisation. Kamala Harris: European colonizers ‘ushered in wave of devastation for tribal nations’ Vice-president says ‘epidemic’ of murders of Native women must end in Indigenous People’s Day address Promising to speak the truth about American history, Kamala Harris told the National Congress of American Indians the Biden administration would not shy from a history since the first arrival of European explorers that she said was “shameful”. The US vice-president also highlighted an “epidemic” of murders of Native American women and girls, which she said “must end”. Harris delivered a virtual address the day after a federal holiday originally named for Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer who arrived in the Americas in 1492. The naming of the holiday for Columbus, a slave-holder and trader who brought disease as well as oppression to the Americas, has proven increasingly controversial, criticized on the left and defended on the right and among some Italian heritage groups.
Full speech: Kamala Harris addresses 2021 National Congress of American Indians – video highlights
The launch of the British Empire under Elizabeth I’s occultist adviser Dr John Dee, and the history of colonisation. John Dee (1527-1609) was a philosopher and scholar whose work during the Tudor period has been overshadowed by his alleged sorcerous and occultist activities. What John Dee may not be as well-known for is his influence on English navigation and being the first person to coin the term ‘British Empire’..– Dee linked navigation with what he proposed as Britain’s imperial ambitions through his book ‘The General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation (1577)’. It is a text that has faded into obscurity, and its influence is hard to measure since most Tudor histories do not comment on it. It is significant however, because it is one of the first references in print to the idea of a British Empire. Dee wrote four volumes under this name but, unfortunately, only the first survives in a complete form in various libraries and archives. – In this book, Dee presents his arguments for building and financing a large navy. England was one of the few countries with a standing fleet of military ships. This fleet comprised only 34 ships (less than 20% of the size of Spain’s fleet) however, nearly a third of which were not worth maintaining by the time Elizabeth I came to the throne. Dee calls the expansion of this fleet the ‘Master Key’ of the British Empire and lists a wide variety of benefits such as: – 1. Facilitating the acquirement of commodities for the betterment and increased wealth of England – 2. Protecting the merchant fleet from pirates and potential foreign aggressors, which Dee lists as France Denmark, Scotland and Spain – 3. Giving young men in the country a purpose, where they could learn a new set of skills and also reduce the amount of men currently idle within the country.
Quemada – or ‘Burn’ (1969) feature film about a slave uprising in a Caribbean colony modelled on Haiti An epic film that tells the story of the move from colonial to post-colonial rule. Brilliant didactic cinema by Gillo Pontecorvo with Marlon Brando in his best role… according to him and me 😉
Priti Patel’s ‘Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill’ – Nick Rosen, of, has started a campaign to try and change Section 4 of the bill, where lived in vehicles staying overnight in a place can be seized by the Police. Travellers protest outside the Tory Conference – Di Davies, a retired Police Detective, on how you get a leadership role in the Police nowadays. Gypsy and Traveller activists have gathered at the Tory Party Conference to show their determined opposition to the Police Bill. – Gypsy and Traveller community members and their supporters across the labour, human rights and environmental movement have gathered in Manchester outside the Conservative Party Conference. With everything at their disposal from their homes, vehicles and horses they came with one purpose: to show their determined opposition to Boris Johnson’s Police Bill will seeks to make their traditional way of life illegal. – On Saturday the 2nd of October 2021 members of the Romany, Irish Traveller, New Traveller, Scottish Traveller and Welsh Gypsy communities held a national rally in the People’s Assembly marquee set up in Picadilly Gardens. A selection of pictures by photographer Matt Pritchard can be seen here:
Nick Rosen author of Off Grid and from Off-Grid-Net takes us through the Police Crime Courts and Sentencing Bill, otherwise known as the Police State Bill and provoking various campaigns to stop it including ‘Drive 2 Survive’, ‘Right 2 Reside’ and ‘Kill The Bill’. He explains – Petition – Amend PCSC Bill to withdraw power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes – An estimated 60,000+ people are living off-grid in accommodation such as vans, cars, buses, lorries or other mobile shelters in the UK. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Bill should be amended to remove the power for police to seize their vehicles. These people tend to group together for security and companionship, but their occupation of land is due to the housing and job shortage. It does not amount to creating a protest site. “Van dwellers” are distinct from “travellers” which is a category with special protection under human rights legislation. Nor are they “protesters”, whose activities are the main focus of Sections 3 and 4 of the PCSC Bill. The Bill creates a new offence targeting individuals who “reside on land without consent of the occupier of the land; have, or intend to have, at least one vehicle with them on the land…and “confers power on a constable to seize their vehicle/other property for up to 3 months…”.
Travelling communities rally outside Conservative Party Conference to protest new police bill – Members of the Romany community, the Irish traveller community, and the Scottish traveller community joined together for the demonstration. Catherine Gould, 49, left home when she was 16 and has been a traveller ever since. She said she was taken in by a group of new-age travellers and taught about their way of life and how to look after herself. She said it felt hopeful to see different travelling communities joining together. Catherine said: ‘Most people in these communities just stick to their own, which is why this is a really big deal. ‘We’ve all come together for the first time ever. ‘It’s really powerful – there’s a lot of us when we come together.’ Jake said: ‘It feels good and it feels hopeful. ‘The one thing that can give you hope in this situation is to stand together because it makes you feel stronger.’ As well as being a blacksmith, Jake is a journalist and filmmaker, working to tell the unheard stories of his community. He is currently working on a TV documentary entitled ‘60 Days with the Gypsies’, that will air on Channel 4.
‘Chris made threats he would use his Masonic links to ruin my father’s career if I ever reported the violence.’ BLACK ‘N BLUE – Sarah Everard and the Met Cover Up Culture – Now that former Metropolitan police commissioners Lords John Stevens and Ian Blair have joined other blue voices calling for an independent inquiry into how Wayne ‘the rapist’ Couzens remained a member of the UK’s biggest force, their own problematic record deserves revisiting. Consider, if you will, what Stevens and Blair did when confronted with horrific allegations of domestic abuse and bullying by their own intelligence chief in charge of the very squad responsible for rooting out bad apples. The Untouchables – Detective chief superintendent Chris Jarratt served his entire Met career in south London. His postings included the Brixton robbery squad, the Tower Bridge Flying Squad and Southwark crime squad before he was made staff officer in 1996 to Deputy Assistant Commissioner David Veness. wo years later Jarratt was hand-picked by a cabal of self appointed men with the right stuff to investigate corruption in specialist squads and offer up just enough bodies to satisfy politicians that the Met should continue policing itself after the Stephen Lawrence scandal. Jarrett was appointed intelligence chief of a new covert anti-corruption unit called CIBIC, which carried out deep undercover infiltrations as part of what the Met claimed was a no fear nor favour blitz on the bent. Jarrett’s direct boss at CIBIC was Dave Wood, who in turn answered to other anti-corruption busters, among them Bob Quick and Andy Hayman. The chain of command stopped at Stevens, who as deputy commissioner from 1998 to 2000 was responsible for the entire anti-corruption effort. Its motto: Integrity is Non-Negotiable.
The reunification of Ireland post Brexit. Ben Habib, former Brexit Party MEP, and owner of a property company, on the Brexit protocol for Northern Ireland. Doesn’t cut it! Former MEP slaps down EU proposals to NI Brexit deal – THE European Union’s proposals for changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol “don’t cut it”, an ex-MEP has warned. Brussels put forward measures on Wednesday to slash the red tape the arrangements have imposed on moving goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. But former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib said the EU’s proposals “don’t cut it”. Mr Habib insisted the removal of the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in overseeing the protocol should be a “red line”. He told “They don’t go far enough, they’re not acceptable and we need a red line to get rid of the ECJ.” Mr Habib referred to Brexit minister Lord Frost’s claim on Wednesday that no “red lines” have been set for talks with the EU over the protocol, despite UK demands to axe the role of European judges. He said: “My fear is that the EU has done enough optically to allow the Prime Minister to claim that we really got rid of the vast majority of the problems across the Irish Sea and do a fudge kind of deal and for the real problems to be yet again brushed under the carpet.
Netflix showing an anti-Assange documentary a few days before his trial.
Gas problems in Europe – Russia being blamed for this – but EU regulations are holding up the starting of Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Explosion in new Amur gas refinery in Eastern Russia – foul play? Putin gives an interview on CNBC – he says US doesn’t want the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline to start up. Cambridge spies and MI5, MI6 recruitment. World Economy & Sanction Tools: Putin Says US Undermining Position as Global Reserve Currency – The Russian president earlier spoke to reporters and relayed that his government is by no means using energy as a weapon against Europe amid the growing crisis, underscoring that Russia solely stands ready to help the region ahead of the looming winter months. Offering more color on his earlier remarks, Russian President Vladimir Putin commented late Wednesday that the US is effectively undermining its position as the world’s reserve currency by using the US dollar as a sanctions tool. The remarks were made during an exclusive interview with CNBC’s Headley Gamble at the end of the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week forum. The discussion touched on a variety of topics, including Putin’s presidential term, military blocs and cryptocurrency, among other subjects. Asked whether the US dollar is moving away from being the world’s reserve currency, the Russian president commented that the US is actually “undermining its position” as Washington continues to use the dollar as an instrument of sanctions abroad. “It is undermining its position as the world’s reserve currency,” Putin told Gamble. “The volume of settlements in dollars is shrinking, and the volume of personal reserves of the world’s countries in dollars is also reducing.”
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations
Jeremy Hunt and the interim report of Government handling of Covid 19. Sweden is a success story and the rest of the world should emulate it – Hector Drummond on Sweden’s non-lockdown approach and how well it worked. – The 2020 all-cause death rate for Sweden is now in and it shows unambiguously that Covid-19 is nowhere near as dangerous a disease as the lockdown fanatics are making out. The evidence is now clear: lockdowns are a pointless infringement upon our liberties. I’ve made a video on Sweden’s death figures. Because it’s taken me longer to make than I thought it would, and because I think it’s important, I’ve decided to just release it straight away rather than going through Patreon and SubscribeStar. – 00:00 Introduction – 00:56 Sweden death rate Jan-Apr 1990-2020 – 01:28 Sweden worst months since 1990 – 02:33 Sweden all-cause death rates 1851-2020 – 05:21 Close up of the 1851-2020 graph – 06:19 Some doomsayer predictions that were made in 2020 – 11:35 Did Sweden have an ‘unofficial’ lockdown? – 15:07 Is Sweden less urbanised than the UK? – 16:22 Sweden vs UK economics – 17:51 Conclusion
Katharine Gun, former brain box linguist from GCHQ and famous for whistleblowing information on the Iraq war, explains why the case against her for breaking The Official Secret Act was dropped – YOUTUBE – BITCHUTE – she also gives her opinion on Covid 19 and lockdowns. Illegal Iraq War whistleblower Katharine Gun joins us tonight in response to this week’s Health and Social Care Committee report on early pandemic failures by former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt – she explains why she thinks the Official Secrets Act court case against her was dropped in 2004 so as not to set a precedent or influence the 2005 General Election which Tony Blair was getting set to win.
Mike Yardley, who had severe health consequences after the Astrazeneca Covid vaccine, on how he couldn’t get a GP appointment.
The Black Community Doesn’t Trust The Vaccine; Here’s Why: From slaves to human guinea pigs – Billy Prempeh on how 72% of Black community in New York have not had a Covid vaccine, and the reasons why. BILLY PREMPEH NYC – WHY THE BLACK COMMUNITY IS THE MOST RESISTANT TO HAVING THE COVID VACCINE
Dr. John Campbell debunks last week’s unreferenced BBC article that smears Ivermectin. ‘They’ve been working together remotely on an informal and voluntary basis during the pandemic.’ Reference please… Ivermectin is a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades to treat onchocerciasis “river blindness” and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and has won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. FLCCC medical discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base, demonstrating ivermectin’s unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted FLCCC team to use ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not yet FDA-approved for the treatment of COVID-19, but on Jan 14, 2021, the NIH changed their recommendation for the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 from “against” to “neutral”. (see FLCCC press release).
Dennis Payter on how old fashioned news rooms operated. Daz Nez who started ‘The Light’ newspaper.
Sky News Australia documentary by Sharri Markson ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan?’ – GOOD DOC. BUT FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED – NO EXPLORATION OF POSSIBILITY WEST DELIBERATELY RELEASED SARS-COV-2 AT THE WORLD MILITARY GAMES – heads of Secret Services CIA and MI6 and others including a Russian genetic engineer say it’s 95% certain Covid 19 came from the Wuhan Lab and was man made. This Sky News Australia special investigation into the origins of COVID-19 reveals what really happened in Wuhan in the early days of the pandemic. Award-winning journalist Sharri Markson spent more than a year investigating the potential leak of the virus from a top-secret laboratory in Wuhan. – Ms Markson uncovered evidence of a widespread cover-up and unpacks the new theory that “patient zero” worked in the Wuhan lab. Sky News Australia anchor and Investigations Writer at The Australian, Sharri has been at the forefront of investigating the origins of COVID-19 since early in 2020 when the virus spread globally. Since that time, the precise genesis of COVID-19 has been hotly contested, with scientists, government officials, the World Health Organization, and the Chinese authorities releasing conflicting reports. In a coup for Australian television, Sharri secures the first sit-down interview for an Australian broadcast media outlet with Donald Trump since he was elected president in 2016. Sharri also speaks with a range of Chinese whistle-blowers, scientists, and high-ranking intelligence officials to bring us closer to discovering the truth of what happened in Wuhan. These include John Ratcliffe, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence from 2020 to 2021, and former head of British intelligence service, Mi6, Sir Richard Dearlove.
China’s ‘dangerous’ virus research could lead to another pandemic unless it’s held to account, it has been claimed. Australian journalist Sharri Markson has been investigating the origins of Covid-19 for 18 months and firmly believes the devastating virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), though there is currently no definitive evidence to prove that. The facility – close by to the original epicentre – is considered a leading authority on coronaviruses and is said to be still carrying out risky ‘Frankenvirus’ experiments. In her new book What really happened in Wuhan , Ms Markson lays out her argument for an “ongoing” cover up despite supposed evidence of genetic clues within the virus itself linking it back to the WIV labs. She also claims there was much suspicious activity at WIV in the months before China admitted there was an issue. Ms Markson is convinced it is “beyond doubt” Covid-19 came from a leak there.
Alan Whicker, and Fyffe Robertson on the (Alasdair Milne produced?) Tonight programme in 1959, asks the public for flu cures.
Major General Matthew Holmes, Commandant General of the Royal Marines, commits suicide. The Global War documentary from 2014 – warming leading CO 2 rises. Professor David Bellamy on how he was ostracised from BBC for thinking Climate Change wasn’t happening.
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February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
How can an authority call it’s self responsible if it grants powers to seize vehicles without at least 24 hours notification ?
Conditions may not permit the driver to pull off and proceed along the highway immediately.
Four examples that come to mind are :-
1) Weather conditions.
2) Vehicle condition.
3) Has the legal driver just consumed alcohol ?
4) Has the legal driver just consumed drugs, prescribed legally or otherwise ?
There maybe other reasons also – in fact another one – what if the legal driver or occupant/s were ill ?
This addition to police powers seems either poorly drafted or else yet further bullying tactics that could result in harm to life.
Law makers must lead by example and actively demonstrate good practice and responsibility.
Environmental Alarmism & Climate Change. Apocalypse Never ?
Michael Shellenberger