Bristol’s ‘Family Sex Show’, Naked Adult ‘Actors’ In Front Of Five Year Olds! Paedophile Apologists Sexualising Small Children? – Jimmy Savile, A British Horror Story documentary, “Unofficial Special Adviser To Prince Charles” – Was ‘Russian Army Massacre’ of Civilians at Bucha Actually a False Flag Event Staged by Ukrainian Nazis? – Rowan Williams the DRUID calls for Russian Orthodox Church to be expelled from World Council of Churches. – Is Putin Fighting In Ukraine The Same International Fascist Mafia Social Justice Campaigners Have Been In The West Since The Reagan/Thatcher Era? – Video of Ukrainian Soldiers Shooting Russian Prisoners In The Legs, Kicking Them Bleeding On The Ground – Bible Prophecy: Machine and Man like Iron and Clay – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 8th April 2022 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Stella Perret, cartoonist, joins Tony and Martin. “TRADE” – A cartoon about the trade in women and children in Ukraine, which has been exposed by the invasion for all the world to see. It is no mystery why some of the richest men in the world have treated this war torn country as their personal playground for so many years.Many of my illustrations were published in the ‘British Small Press’ (before we all had the internet) in the 70s and 80s, and I’ve included some on this site. GO TO THE ” VARIOUS” TAB to see my cartoons and illustrations on Feminist fight-back, Smiling Through Covid, sf/fantasy, children’s book illos, and more. Between 2015 and 2020 I was a regular political cartoonist for the UK’s only Socialist daily newspaper, the Morning Star, until I was cancelled by them for a feminist cartoon called “Endgame”, which they published, and then were forced to apologise for, knowing it was a comment on the potential changes to the GRA and the erosion of Women’s rights in the Equality Act 2010. You can easily find more about this online. For example: I want to thank all the people who have supported me:, the Free Speech Union, ObjectUK, Older Feminists Network, Womens Human Rights Campaign, Meghan Murphy, Faircop, Women’s Liberation Radio News…and all the women-friendly sites and channels who have used my art in their campaigns.
NAKED ADULT ‘ACTORS’ IN FRONT OF FIVE YEAR OLDS? BRISTOL’S PAEDOPHILE APOLOGISTS? SEXUALISING SMALL CHILDREN? Upcoming event at The Tobacco Factory ‘Family Sex Show: How we talk about sex’, straight talking for young people to learn about the complexities of sexuality. THE FAMILY SEX SHOW: A show for families about sex and relationships Knowing your body helps knowing your rights. A fun and silly performance about the painfully AWKWARD subject of sex, exploring names and functions, boundaries, consent, pleasure, queerness, sex, gender and relationships. Using real life bodies, personal stories, songs and movement, The Family Sex Show puts the good stuff at the forefront of conversation and imagines a future where there is no shame; but a celebration of difference, equality and liberation. ThisEgg invites you to bring your parents, bring your children, friends, lovers and bring your whole self. Made in consultation with the School of Sexuality Education, this is a show for everyone. The Family Sex Show is a theatre show ThisEgg have created for families to open up conversations around relationships. We are committed to safeguarding good practice and the show is being created with input and guidance from educational and safeguarding specialists. Children are naturally curious about bodies and relationships and we feel that it is important that they are offered accurate information in a non-judgmental manner. The nakedness in The Family Sex Show is not of a sexualised nature. We believe it is valuable to start equipping young people with the language and confidence to learn about relationships and bodies in a way that is safe.
Boris Johnson on how trans men can’t compete in women’s sport. . Stella’s family members’ bruises from being in a hospital ward – she tried FoI request but much was redacted. How Gov departments deal with FoI requests. Sajid Javid – Women’s hospital wards protected
Dementia Fraud: Scott Smyth’s story of how failing to have power of attorney for his Mum meant that when she got Dementia, the Social Services made all the decisions for his Mum, accused him of fraudulent money activity, and froze her bank account for 6 months.
Tony Greenstein on why he left the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and joined Palestine Action – also the fake anti-Semitism claims against Labour. I Have Resigned From Palestine Solidarity Campaign Because It No Longer Opposes Zionism, the Founding Ideology and Movement that created the Israeli State In Railroading a Constitution Through Its AGM in Less Than an Hour, PSC’s Ruling Clique Demonstrated Their Contempt for the Membership PSC Chair Kamal Hawwash was determined to brush aside all opposition In my letter of resignation I outline the reasons why Palestine Solidarity Campaign is today an obstacle to Palestine solidarity work. Instead of educating activists as to the nature of Zionism and the Zionist movement, PSC has abandoned all opposition to Zionism. PSC is depoliticising activists in the face of constant Zionist attacks. It also reduces the question of Palestine to a human rights issue. Of course the oppression of the Palestinians involves grave human rights abuses but if Palestine is simply a human rights issue then it is only one of many such examples. Who can doubt that the treatment of the Rohinga in Myanamar at the hands of the Burmese army, which is engaged in actual genocide, is worse than that of the Palestinians? Zionism has systematically exploited the Holocaust through its blanket attack on all opposition to its settler colonial project as ‘anti-Semitism’. Yet instead of pointing out that Zionism represents an acceptance of anti-Semitism’s belief that Jews are aliens in the countries where they live, PSC prefers to jettison anti-Zionism.
Campaign to stop Mayoral role in Bristol – vote on May 5th – Ms Page said that supporters of the mayor claim that handing all the decision-making power to one person “gets things done”, but she claimed that a recent Bristol Civic Leadership report has shown that’s simply not what happened. “Besides the more important question is, has what has been done been what most people in Bristol wanted?,” she continued. “Good decision making is not about the quantity and speed of decisions made, it is about the quality of those decisions and whose views have been considered. The quality of decisions is likely to better reflect what the majority of people want, if those decisions are made collectively by local committees with the opportunity for public input from all communities and political spectrums of the city. “The coming referendum on 5th May will have at its heart the question, ‘How would you like Bristol City Council to be run?’ Ask yourself, do I prefer the kind of democracy and leadership which leaves power over all council decisions in the hands of one person, or would I prefer the kind where power and decision making is shared, and I can be involved if I choose to be? “We believe that our directly elected councillors deserve a seat at the decision-making table. We want our local representatives to be able to have conversations together, because no decision about us should be made without us.”
Mass walk out at Hinkley C nuclear power construction site . Boris at Hinkley proclaiming 8 new nuclear power stations will be built. Hinkley Point contractor dispute resolved after workers walk out at nuclear power station site Workers employed by the nuclear plant’s main civil engineering contractor had expressed ‘concerns’ over working arrangements A dispute that saw hundreds of workers at Hinkley Point C nuclear power station walk out over “concerns” about working arrangements has been resolvedusinessLive understands between 200 and 300 workers employed by the £23bn plant’s main civil engineering contractor Bylor, a partnership between construction firms Laing O’Rourke and French counterpart Bouygues Travaux Publics, were involved in the stand-down staged last Friday (April 1). The joint venture is delivering works worth more than £2.8bn to the development near Bridgwater in Somerset, which is one of the largest building projects in Europe. Bylor employs a few thousand of the total 7,500 people working at the Hinkley Point C site, the vast majority of whom did not take part in the strike.
‘Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story’ new Netflix documentary – Alison Bellamy, journalist, shows us all the letters Prince Charles wrote to Savile asking for PR advice, including for Lockerbie. ‘Maltese Double Cross’ documentary by Frankovich on Lockerbie Prince Charles sought advice from late BBC star and sexual abuser Jimmy Savile, letters from a new Netflix docu-series reveal The doc includes an interview with Alison Bellamy, a journalist who wrote a biography about Savile that was published three months before the allegations against him became public knowledge. In the series, Bellamy shared copies of letters that were purportedly exchanged between Savile, who was knighted by the Queen in 1990, and members of the royal family, including both Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Princess Diana and Prince Charles stand on a stage with Jimmy SJimmy Savile and Prince Charles frequently wrote letters to each other, according to a new Netflix docuseries. Based on the letters, Savile seemed to act as an unofficial adviser to the future king of England, helping him write speeches and navigate the press. (Representatives for Clarence House did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.) “He obviously valued Jimmy’s opinion, which is bizarre really,” Bellamy said of Prince Charles in the docuseries. In a note dated January 2, 1989, Charles indicated that he wanted his office to “consult” Savile before meetings. “I can’t remember if I’ve written you a note recently, on the subject of you suggesting useful morale-boosting visits etc to worthwhile groups, places, projects and so on that don’t get enough attention,” he wrote, according to the docuseries. “I have a dreadful feeling that the office doesn’t consult you before each programme meeting.” “You are so good at understanding what makes people operate and you’re wonderfully sceptical and practical,” Charles wrote to Savile on April 16, 1990, according to the docuseries. “Can you cast an eye over this draft and let me know how you think we can best appeal to people on this score?”
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Was Alleged Russian Army Massacre of Civilians at Bucha Actually a False Flag Event Staged by Ukrainian Nazis? By Evan Reif April 6, 2022 Why was Nazi Butcher Botsun at Bucha? [The story below by Evan Reif raises an important challenge to the official storyline of the Bucha massacre promoted in the mainstream media. ….. All of this leads us to Bucha, Ukraine. What has been widely publicized is the massacre of civilians that took place there on the outskirts of Kyiv some time between March 31 and April 2, 2022. What has not been so widely publicized is that the Nazi murderer and terrorist, a well-paid agent of the Ukrainian state, Sergey Botsun Korotkikh was not only among the first Ukrainian forces in the town along with his squad of terrorists, he was making jokes about shooting civilians as he entered. He would later happily post these videos on his official telegram channel. At 6 seconds, you can hear the dialogue, a rough translation of which is: There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them? Fuck yeah. The Ukrainian government clearly has a lot of explaining to do. Not just for allowing this bloodthirsty Nazi terrorist free reign in Donbas, not just for making him rich, not just for arming and supporting his death squads, not just for granting him citizenship, status, and power within its society, but for allowing this right-wing fanatic to breathe the same air as decent people. I doubt we will ever receive satisfactory explanations.
Ukraine war – Bucha massacre – Russians automatically blamed without question. Maidan massacre – court case in 2018 shows Western backed militias to blame. ‘Timewatch: Operation Gladio’ 1992 documentary by Frankovitch on NATO false flag operations. Operation Gladio was the codename for a clandestine NATO post-WW2 “stay-behind” False Flag operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was to galvanize public opinion against the Radical Left and provoke armed resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion. Operation Gladio formed part of the ‘Strategy of Tension’, which was a theory that Western governments during the Cold war used tactics that aimed to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions in order to achieve their strategic aims. The theory began with allegations that the United States government, the Italian government, and the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 supported far-right terrorist groups in Italy and Turkey, where communism was growing in popularity, to spread panic among the population who would in turn demand stronger and more dictatorial governments. Stay behind forces – weapons cache found in Somerset Levels LINK to Tony’s article. History of Ukraine’s pro Nazi groups since WW2 encouraged by West to counter Soviet Union. “Werwolf.” The name struck terror in the hearts of Germany’s enemies at the end of World War II. Instructed by seasoned SS officers – veterans of brutal combat on the Eastern Front – Werwolf units were last-ditch resistance troops ordered to fight to the death against the Allied advance into Nazi, Germany. This complete historical overview of this terrifying group of Nazi guerrillas covers their mission, equipment and training, plus an exact reprint in German and an English translation of the Werwolf’s original training manual. A fascinating look at a little-known aspect of the final days of World War II.
Rowan Williams the DRUID (and ex-Archbishop of Canterbury) calls for Russian Orthodox Church to be expelled from The World Council of Churches. Pope Francis kisses Ukrainian flag. Archbishop becomes druid (2002) – The new Archbishop of Canterbury has been inducted as a druid in a centuries-old Celtic ceremony. Dr Rowan Williams, the current Archbishop of Wales, said that he had been “saddened” by the misrepresentations about the ceremony, which sparked concern about pagan links. “Some people have reached the wrong conclusion about the ceremony,” he said. “If people had actually looked at the words of the hymns and text used they would have seen a very Christian service.” Dr Williams became a member of the highest of the three orders of the Gorsedd of Bards – a 1,300-strong circle of Wales’ key cultural contributors – in a ceremony at this year’s National Eisteddfod celebration of Welsh culture in St Davids, Pembrokeshire.
Ursula von der Lyon visits Bucha and Zelenskyy. Weapons to civilians and dangerous groups in Ukraine. Ukraine could join the EU within WEEKS: Brussels chief Ursula Von Der Leyen vows to accelerate Kyiv’s bid to become a member state at historic press briefing with Volodymyr Zelensky after seeing Bucha atrocity victims on her visit to the wartorn country EU President Ursula von der Leyen today visited the site of the Bucha massacre, a town northwest of Kyiv She claimed Ukraine could become an official EU member ‘within weeks’ at an historic press conference It comes as the bloc is now under renewed pressure to wean member states off reliance on Russian gas The EU has paid Vladimir Putin 35billion euros for oil and gas since invasion of Ukraine began on February 24 Ukraine could become an official member of the European Union within weeks not years, it was revealed tonight, as Brussels chief Ursula von der Leyen vowed to accelerate the wartorn country’s ascension to the bloc in the wake of Russia’s invasion. The European Commission President symbolically handed Volodymyr Zelensky an official membership questionnaire at an historic joint press conference in Kyiv, in a move likely to infuriate Vladimir Putin and his inner circle. Becoming an EU member state normally takes years, and the process involves several rounds of applications, criteria checks and negotiations. Kyiv has long aspired to join the European bloc, with the country’s foreign minister pointedly using Ukraine’s 2021 independence day to tell Politico that Brussels must welcome Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine into the European Union. However, Ukraine’s desire to become an official member state fuelled the Maidan revolution in 2014 which led to Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea. Ukraine already belongs to the EU’s Eastern Partnership and European Neighbourhood Policy. Von der Leyen’s public appearance was the EU’s latest attempt to offer Kyiv both moral and financial support after Zelensky declared Russia’s invasion was a direct attack not only on Ukraine’s existence, but the security of Europe as a whole.
VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. – Ukrainian soldiers have shot these score or so of Russian POWs in the legs and are amusing themselves as they lay bleeding and possibly dying. New bunch of Russian soldiers actually being shot in the legs at the end of this sequence.. – Uncensored Russian alternative to Facebook is taking off
Consortium News – Israel did have neutral stance on Ukraine war but not any more – Israel has tried to toe a neutral line on Ukraine, but comments from the Israeli foreign minister and a blistering response from the Russian foreign ministry has imperilled the two states’ relations, reports Joe Lauria.
Ukraine Expert I: Liz Truss, Foreign Secretary, speech on Ukraine war – Russia should have no place on Human Rights Council. Ukraine soldiers shooting legs and groins of surrendered Russian soldiers. Liz Truss – Russians only selling oil and gas in Rubles. UK’s Truss Seeks Tougher Sanctions on Russia for ‘Appalling Crimes‘ British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is set to call for tougher sanctions on Moscow during a visit to Poland on Monday following evidence of civilian killings in Ukraine which she blamed on Russia. Truss’s visit comes as the world reacts to images from Bucha showing the bodies of civilians lying on the ground and makeshift graves after the town in northern Ukraine was retaken from Russian troops. The Kremlin categorically denied any accusations related to the murder of civilians in the town. Moscow has denied targeting civilians and has said similar reports of killings were “staged” to sully Russia’s name. “Reports of shallow graves outside Kyiv are truly horrifying,” Truss said on Twitter. “We will not rest until Russia has paid the price for these appalling crimes.” As part of her visit to Poland, Truss is due to meet Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba in Warsaw on Monday and her Polish counterpart Zbigniew Rau on Tuesday.
Ukraine Expert II: Scott Ritter on Russian Army tactics and shaping the information battlefield. Five major battles going on in Ukraine. Scott Ritter – West’s actions instigating the great decoupling between the East and the West towards a new dominance of Eurasian power. Europe will suffer from not having Russian coal, oil and gas. Scott Ritter’s Twitter Reinstated After Suspension Over Ukraine Remarks Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector in Iraq in the nineties, has had his Twitter account reinstated after he was suspended from the platform for calling U.S. President Joe Biden “a war criminal” in Ukraine. Last weekend, Ukrainian officials reported the discovery of hundreds of dead civilians in Bucha, 15 miles northwest of Kyiv, a city once held by Russian troops. Moved to tears, Ukrainian President Zolodymr Zelensky accused Russia of committing a “genocide” in Bucha on his visit to the city on Monday. The United States and many other countries have also condemned Russia. Cover ImageAnya Parampil, a journalist at Grayzone News, tweeted on Wednesday that Ritter had been suspended and screenshotted the social media website’s message to the former UN official. Newsweek Newsletter sign-up > The offending tweet by Ritter, was: “The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders onto Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America… we’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal!” These claims are unsubstantiated, and it is widely thought that Russian forces are responsible for the killings.
Ukraine expert III: Sergei Lavrov on the future of Ukraine and Russia. But I am sure, at the end of the day, the historic closeness of two fraternal nations will certainly prevail. Even now, when the armed forces of Ukraine are fighting, trying to procrastinate the crisis. The leaders of Ukraine with the help of American and other Western advisors have reformed the army in the way which puts these radicals, Bandera-like trained officers, to lead all more or less meaningful units in the Ukrainian army. And these people radicalise and terrorise others, especially those who don’t believe that this should be the fate of their country. It cannot come back fast because the efforts of our Western colleagues to make Ukraine a Russophobic and anti-Russian instrument – anti-Russia, as President Putin called it – they started long ago, and they are already rather deeply rooted in Ukrainian mentality, especially the young generation which was born after the demise of the Soviet Union. They have been indoctrinated in a very, very heavy way. Russian Foreign Minister Sergay Lavrov: Well, we never had any issues with the Ukrainian people. I have many Ukrainian friends, the two peoples are very close culturally. Practically all of them speak, and those who don’t, they understand the Russian language. Culture, common history, way of life, attitude to life, traditions of families and communities. So I hope that when this anomaly is over, this will gradually come back. It will have to be gradual. The efforts were taken systemically to train military officers on the basis of radical Bandera and Shukhevich-style methodology. The purpose being – to make sure that they would not become friendly to Russia again and that they would build their nationalism, nationalistic feelings as the means to strengthen the statehood of their country. The purpose was always to make sure that Russia does not have Ukraine as a friend. It’s like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the late 1990s said, “Russia with Ukraine, a friendly Ukraine next to it, is a superpower. Russia with Ukraine which is not friendly to Russia, is just a regional player.” This concept is very deeply rooted in the minds of American policymakers, and it will take time to get rid of these negative legacies. Their actions in Mariupol is an example of that. The refugees coming from Mariupol to Russia in dozens of thousands tell such stories. It’s really threatening how this kind of people command armed men and women.
Shanghai Covid lockdown of 25m people is brutal. Chinese population are rebelling! After the robot dogs, now China sends in the DRONES to warn Shanghai residents to ‘control the soul’s desire for freedom’ and not breach Covid restrictions Shanghai has been under strict lockdown since a recent surge in Covid cases Drones have been flying over Shanghai telling people to obey quaratine rules Residents’ve been singing from balconies in protest at being without essentials The drones tell fed up people ‘not to open the window or sing’ Residents are unable to go out for basic essentials and must rely on authorities The drones come on the tails of robot dogs that patrol the streets telling residents to ‘wear a mask, wash your hands, check your temperature’ China is using drones flying above Shanghai apartment blocks to tell grumpy residents to ‘control the soul’s desire for freedom’ over harsh lockdown rules. The move comes as residents banned from leaving their homes have reportedly taken to singing ‘why are you starving us?’ from their balconies in protest at the lack of food and water. A clip shared by a senior correspondent for the Economist, Alice Su, from Chinese social media site Weibo, appeared to show a drone in the sky telling residents to stop singing. – Rights observers have also expressed increasing concern. “The use of the word ‘lockdown’ can be quite imprecise when used in China compared with the rest of the world,” said Maya Wang, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, adding that it did not fully capture the severity of the situation.
Alpha and Omega Productions – the New World Order agenda of Transhumanism – Bible scripture warning of the mixture between iron and clay. There is a new religion being propagated in the world which correlates with 11 different “-isms” that we have seen evolve in our society for the past century. These 11 “-isms” are all working towards the revealing of the antichrist and the false prophet. 00:00 – Introduction 02:05 – Antichrist & The False Prophet 07:13 – #1 Rationalism 08:00 – #2 Intellectualism 09:17 – #3 Environmentalism 12:07 – #4 Saftyism 13:19 – #5 Scientism 14:46 – #6 Governmentalism 17:33 – #7 Stakeholder Capitalism 19:33 – #8 Utilitarianism 20:33 – #9 New Communism 23:48 – #10 Transhumanism 26:20 – #11 Wokeism 27:28 – Ending ARISE THE NEW WORLD RELIGION!!..The Spirit of the FALSE PROPHET is HERE!!!! Go Watch More Videos From Messages For Our Time
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Tony Greenstein quits PSC he helped found in 1982 00:30:00
Scott Smyth: Dementia Fraud Social Services Agency Workers 00:45:00
Scott Ritter: The Duran on Bucha Massacre & Ukraine Strategies 02:00:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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