Annual Levellers Day taking place in Burford, Oxfordshire 21st May 2022 – Joanne Booth: Bristol’s Rich and Powerful Mourn Vote To Scrap The ‘Dictatorial’ Mayor System – Bristol traveller Rhiannon Craft from campaign group ‘Vehicles For Change’ speaks to Mark Willers QC about Priti Patel’s new Police Crime Courts and Evidence Act – New Research, Ionising Radiation and Cancer, Failure of the Risk Model: Dr Chris Busby on the dangers of mini-nuclear power stations – JP Sears comic portrayal of infant teacher discussing trans-sexuality with his five year old schoolchildren – Putin’s Victory Day speech: War in Ukraine is a continuation of WWII – Putin Tricked NATO Into Seizing Russian Assets, Thereby Ditching Global Petrodollar Primacy – Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Cuba all appeared to being subjected to US regime change and terrorism operations because they refused to support the US vote for Russia sanctions at the United Nations – Italy’s 1981 P2 Scandal Revealed Fascist Illuminati Secret Government, Confirmed By18th Century Masonic Writings – Freemasonry Is Witchcraft, outlawed by Orthodox Church ‘Oath Crime’ Law – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 13th May 2022 Show [right click to download]…
…(from c. 23:00) – More links to full length interviews at bottom of page
SHOW NOW STARTS AT 17:00 = 5pm BST – FOR 3 HRS TO 20:00
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Radio4All mp3 audio files usually available from 23:00 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast. Any probs. mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Fabian Breckles Labour councillor for St George Troopers Hill ward joins Martin and Tony. What’s happened to the St George Labour Club, has it been closed due to the pandemic like so many other businesses? No, apparently its still open in the evenings but they use a side entrance now and meeting rooms are unheated so generally unused. Being badly run by the Labour Party owners of the building it seems.We are now taking bookings for all types of Parties but spaces are limited. We can provide dj and buffet and balloon displays if needed.
Annual Levellers Day taking place in Burford, Oxfordshire 21st May 2022 with left-wing speakers including Richard Burgeon MP and musicians including Attila the Stockbroker. The Levellers were made up of parliamentary soldiers and writers who became increasingly alarmed as Cromwell’s nephew purged parliament of MPs who supported negotiating with the king. The Leveller soldiers in Burford hadn’t been paid but were being told to go and fight in Ireland so they left their officers and overnight in Burford they were rounded up and imprisoned in the church. Several soldiers were then executed for mutiny. FULL PROGRAMME ANNOUNCEMENT Saturday 21 May 2022 • 11.00 in the churchyard – Sea Green Singers open the event Rev Prof Mark Chapman pays tribute to the Leveller martyrs Posies laid under memorial plaque Internationale led by Red Kites & Sea Green Singers as march leaves the churchyard • 12.00 – march through Burford with music from Attila the Stockbroker • 13.00 – Levellers’ conversation in the main hall on the theme of the Levellers and the right to protest with Ted Vallance (author of A Radical History of Britain) Professor Ann Hughes, Keele University John Rees facilitating • 14.30 – Levellers’ Day debate in the main hall Chaired by Roger Mackenzie Siobhan Endean, Unite National Officer for Equalities Shami Chakrabarti House of Lords Chantelle Lunt Merseyside Kill the Bill Richard Burgon MP Leeds East • 17.00 – BREAK • 17.30 – Attila the Stockbroker and Barnstormer 1649 play live • 18.30 – Concert ends, event closes Stalls open throughout the day from 10.30am
The people disappointed with today’s results:
— Joanna P. Booth (@stillawake) May 6, 2022
1) Bristol Airport
Fabian is a supporter of the mayoral model despite several Labour councillors having been sacked or resigned alleging bullying by the Labour mayor Marvin Rees. Joanna Booth has pointed out James Cox at Bristol airport is sad the people voted to abolish the mayor. 100% council tax reduction in Bristol. Bristol mayor is anachronistically all powerful. Manchester mayor Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan in London are basically ‘metro mayors’ and councillors have moiré power there. Marvin Rees and Mary page on the Bristol referendum result which suits the population rather than big business and the World Economic Forum. Channel 4 creative hub did come to Bristol. Ex-Bristol mayor George Ferguson says Marvin Reess refusal to share power by having a cross-party cabinet is the main reason the city voted to scrap the role. Mr Ferguson, who became the first directly elected Mayor of Bristol 10 years ago but campaigned to abolish the position in last weeks referendum, says his successors insistence on an all-Labour executive was the biggest influence for change. A spokesperson for Mr Rees says it is over-simplistic to attribute any one reason to the outcome. Voters decided by 59 per cent to 41 per cent on Thursday, May 5, to abandon the mayoral model and return Bristol City Council to a committee system where groups of councillors make most decisions.The poll came 12 months after the local elections where Labour lost its overall majority in the chamber and ended up with the same number of members as the Greens, 24 apiece. But Labours Mr Rees refused to appoint any councillors from opposition benches to his cabinet, which, under the current set-up, collectively decides major policy and is where power is concentrated.
Queen’s speech read by Prince Charles for the first time while gazing longingly at the crown sitting on an ornate stool. Meanwhile Privy Council chairman Jacob Rees-Mogg announces on TV that 90,000 civil servants are to be sacked, without consulting with or telling them first. No economic need to cut government expenditure. Windfall tax on energy companies and Fabian wants to see energy companies should be brought back into public ownership. Cost of living crisis driven by massively inflated rents. British role in Ukraine a diversion from cost of living crisis at home. Boris refused to be interviewed by Andrew Neil. Illegal challenge crossings. Northern Ireland protocol is likely to go because so many Unionists are fed up with the border in the Irish sea. They want it to be on the Irish mainland with the Irish republic. Rebel Prods – Protestants from Belfast and Eire have contributed to the Easter Rising and the Republican cause.
Ionising Radiation and Cancer – Failure of the Risk Model – Dr Chris Busby warns about the dangers of mini-nuclear power stations as he publishes his most recent paper on the vastly underestimated health consequences of nuclear power. George Monbiot and Mark Lynas’ books are those of an ignoramus. Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950s directly accounts for the massive post 1960s explosion in cancer. Fabian says we need to decarbonise. Ionizing radiation and cancer: The failure of the risk model Christopher Busby Environmental Research SIA, Palejas, Kurmene, LV-5115, Latvia This review presents evidence that the methodology that supports the current radiation risk model for cancer is insecure. As a consequence, the legal limits on internal exposures to certain common radionuclides are incorrect by several orders of magnitude. Because of this, hundreds of millions of people will have developed cancer due to internal exposures from atmospheric testing fallout, nuclear accidents, Depleted Uranium and releases from nuclear sites. There are fatal errors in both the mechanistic and epidemiological bases of the Linear No Threshold (LNT) Absorbed Dose model. The review discusses the history of the model and refers to published studies that clearly demonstrate these errors. It argues that the ways in which the models were constructed were arbitrary, capricious and unscientific.
JP Sears comic portrayal of infant teacher discussing transsexuality with his five year old schoolchildren. Lampooning the sexualisation of children. Bristol’s Tobacco Factory recently cancelled a performance called The Family Sex Show where performers were naked in front of children in the audience as young as five. Some have accused the venue of encouraging paedophilia. JP Sears is a comedian who tours the country extensively doing stand-up comedy and publishing weekly online videos. His videos have been viewed more than 500 million times. In addition to inspiring laughter in a weird world, JP’s work takes an unapologetic stand for freedom, free speech, and encouraging people to free themselves from fear. JP lives in Texas because of FREEDOM! There he’s set a world record for how much he loves his family. When he’s not making videos or performing on stage, JP spends his time passionately playing all out, scaring himself daily, and choosing to live guided by his own free will.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Rand Paul Blocks Senate Vote on $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Paul wants to add text to the bill to create an inspector general for oversight of the billions being sent to Ukraine On Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blocked an effort in the Senate to hold a quick vote on the nearly $40 billion aid package for Ukraine that passed in the House on Tuesday. “My oath of office is to the US constitution not to any foreign nation and no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America,” Paul said on the Senate floor before blocking the vote. “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.” Paul blocked the vote because he wanted to include text in the bill that would create a special inspector general for oversight of the billions being sent to Ukraine. He initially offered to include the oversight as an amendment, which would have been voted on separately, but he ultimately wanted to change the legislation. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) were hoping to get the legislation passed on Thursday night, demonstrating the bipartisan support for spending massive amounts of money to fund Ukraine’s war. Paul’s objection will set the vote back at least one week.
Shock poll reveals Americans “are OK with Ukraine losing” the war with Putin’s Russia AMERICANS are “OK with letting Ukraine lose” the war to Russia, a shocking poll for has revealed. The monthly Democracy Institute/ poll of 1,500 Americans who are “likely voters” has shown that 43 percent are “OK” with Ukraine losing compared to 41 percent “not OK” while 16 percent have no opinion. This comes despite the heroic attempts of Ukraine President Zelensky to garner worldwide support against the Russian invasion. But Democracy Institute has warned that the reason for this is “cynicism” of Government policies created by the fact “at least half of Americans thought they were hoodwinked over covid” lockdowns. In another worrying development, Americans also appear to be losing confidence in the sanctions regime against Vladimir Putin’s Russia with 53 percent believing it hurts the USA more with the cost of living crisis the top political issue. The findings are yet another blow to the Democrats and Joe Biden with voters clearly showing their intention to back the Republicans in the midterm elections in November by 50 percent ro 42 percent. While Biden polls negatively in all policy areas one of the worst is foreign policy where 56 percent disapprove compared to 40 percent approve. This follows the catastrophic handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 but also appears to have shattered confidence in his Russia/ Ukraine policy. In fact according to the poll for a second month in a row more Americans believe that it would be better for Biden to leave office than Putin by 53 percent to 44 percent. Only 38 percent approve of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine crisis compared to 52 percent disapprove.
Who is left in the Azovstal tunnels? There are soldiers still resisting, though they are no doubt weary, and allegedly running out of supplies. Many are wounded. Russian and pro-Russian armies of the Donbas region have been accused of breaking the humanitarian ceasefire. This is likely true, especially since on Saturday (7 May 2022) a video was released of Azov soldiers using the humanitarian window as an opportunity to mine entrances to the tunnels. Alexander Khodakovskycommander of the East forces showed the video footage of Ukrainian nationalists preparing another sabotage against the Russian military at Azovstal. He wrote: “While we demonstrate humanism, the enemy uses the moment to mine the passages. Then, when they shout about our treachery again, like yesterday, after they calculated an anti-tank guided-missille, you will understand why we do this.” It is widely-held, from both sides in the conflict, that there are no civilians left in the catacombs – though whether that is true remains to be seen. There are thought to be scientists and civilian personnel in the biochemical laboratories funded by the west, and also military advisors from a number of NATO countries. If this is true no doubt the spin-doctors are working flat-out on a story to mitigate the damage over NATO involvement. Russia claims that one of its reasons for the pre-emptive attack was because Kiev, aided by NATO, planned to take military control of the Donbas regions. Kiev denies this, despite documents being found suggesting otherwise. A priority now is to get the wounded soldiers and doctors out and into hospital. It is unlikely any of Azov battalion soldiers will be allowed to go to Kiev when they have recovered. A number of those holed up in the tunnels have tried to escape, some dressed as women, others pretending to be civilians, some in daring outside attempts from Kiev and French forces by helicopter. Up to now 115 of Ukraine’s 148-strong fleet of helicopters have been destroyed according to Russian sources. It is suspected that few, if any escape attempts, have succeeded. The latest to be captured, it is claimed, is Canadian Lieutenant General Trevor Cadieu. What, another Lieutenant General? Some will recall that western paid fact-checkers worked tirelessly to dispel information that US Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier, had been captured.
US Sanctions Ambassador Daniel Fried 2: Putin WWII Victory Day 09 May Speech in Red Square: Are the Russians taking on pro Nazis in London and Washington as well as Ukraine? The Deep State in the West supports Nazis and jihadists. Will oil sanctions do the job? The EU is a tool of NATO, also based in Brussels. EU countries achieved nothing when UK left the EU as US is now in charge of their policy via NATO. Russians quids in for sanctions. – Ambassador Fried helped lead the West’s response to Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine starting in 2014: as State Department Coordinator for Sanctions Policy, he crafted U.S. sanctions against Russia, the largest U.S. sanctions program to date, and negotiated the imposition of similar sanctions by Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia.
Putin’s Victory Day speech: War in Ukraine is a continuation of WWII. Unravelling secret geopolitics of WWII. Admiral Doenitz took over from Hitler because the Nazi loot and Uranium was in submarines heading for Japan and as of May 12th for the USA. Hitler Stalin battle was biggest military struggle ever in human history – roughly 30 million Soviets killed as against 350,000 British in WWII. Significance of the failure of the Canadian British raid on Dieppe which was betrayed to the Germans by British spy John Ainsworth Davis as explained in his book Op. JB.
Donbass is the Heart of the Soviet Union or CCCP industrial heartland. Locals jeering Ukrainian army in 2014 when they took over the Marioupol police station. Russians preempted the Ukrainian attack and biolab info. Putin Warns Racist West: “Now Listen To This-The Donbass People Are NOT Stray Dogs!” An illuminating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting the articles now appearing in Western colonial nations like “European Countries Are Prioritizing White Refugees”, “The Racism Faced By Ukrainian Refugees Shows The Reality Of Traveling In Europe While Black” and “White Journalism Is Empathetic To Ukrainian Refugees, But Sees Black And Brown People Fleeing War As Uncivilized”, says in noticing this blatant racism that allowed these Western colonialist powers and their lying leftist media lapdogs to stand in silence while Ukrainian Nazi forces wantonly butchered innocent Russian Slavic peoples for the past 8-years in the Donbass Region of Ukraine, it caused President Putin to explode in righteous anger and warn: “Now listen to this: the Donbass people are NOT stray dogs!…Yet, 13,000-14,000 of them have been killed there over the past eight years, and more than 500 children have been killed or crippled”.
Hong Kongers and Chinese being treated like cattle so now 20,000 people are leaving Hong Kong every week. Robert Hanson has moved to the UK from Hong Kong because without a vaccine pass you couldn’t go to supermarkets, government buildings or cafes and restaurants without a vaccine passport. Actor Kenneth Jung died in a quarantine hotel – forced testing. Like the Stanford prison experiment. UK goes from Civil Defence Act to Civil Contingencies Act which fails to protect people. People are leaving. After two years of on-off pandemic restrictions and uncertainty, Hong Kong was battered earlier this year by a far deadlier fifth wave of the virus. For a period in March, the territory was registering tens of thousands of cases a day and had the world’s highest Covid death rate per capita. It meant that just as much of the world was pivoting to living with the virus, Hong Kong – which implemented a “dynamic zero-Covid” strategy aligned with mainland China – retained some of the strictest restrictions anywhere.
Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Cuba all appeared to being subjected to US regime change and terrorism operations because they refused to support the US vote for Russia sanctions at the United Nations. Banking crisis being precipitated across the world…. Imran Khan Recorded ‘tell-all video on conspiracy to be made public if I am assassinated’, says Imran Khan at Sialkot rally PTI chief Imran Khan addressing supporters in Sialkot. Screengrab Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman has said that he has recorded a video message that will be made public if he is assassinated. “It will have the names and details of all those invovled in the regime change that led to my ouster,” Imran told supporters in Sialkot on Saturday. He said that conspiracy had been hatched “in closed rooms in and outside the country” to kill him. “I knew of this conspiracy … so I have recorded a video and kept it in a secure place. If something happens to me, this video will be made public,” he said. “It names everyone who conspired against me since last summer or were complicit.” In another startling claim, Imran said that another FIA investigator in the money laundering case had died of a heart attack. “They put so much pressure on Nadeem Akhtar that he had a heart attack and died yesterday,” said Imran. This is the second case of an FIA officer investigating the money laundering case against PM Shehbaz and his son, Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz, to die of cardiac-related complications in less than a week.
Proof that the 1982 P2 scandal in Italy exposed a subversive fascist Illuminati Masonic lodge secretly running the country as predicted in leaked illuminati papers by secretary of the Royal Society in Edinburgh, John Robison, in 1793 – – In the Hamburg Political Journal, August, September, and October 1790, there are many proofs of the machinations of emissaries from the Mason Lodges of Paris among the German Free Masons–See pages 836, 963, 1087, &c. It appears that a club has taken the name of Propaganda, and meets once a-week at least, in the form of a Mason Lodge. It consists of persons of all nations, and is under the direction of the Grand Master, the Duke of Orleans. De Leutre is one of the Wardens. They have divided Europe into colonies, to which they give revolutionary names, such as the Cap, the Pike, the Lantern, &c. They have ministers in these colonies. (One is pointed out in Saxony, by marks which I presume are well understood.) A secret press was found in Saxe Gotha, furnished with German types, which printed a seditious work called the Journal of Humanity. This journal was found in the mornings lying in the streets and highways. The house belonged to an Illuminatus of the name of Duport, a poor schoolmaster–he was associated with another in Strasburg, who was also an Illuminatus.–His name was Meyer, the writer of the Strasburg Newspaper. He had been some time a teacher in Salzmann’s academy, who we see was also an Illuminatus, but displeased with their proceedings almost at the first.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
2 – Dr Chris Busby, Ionising Radiation and Cancer Failure of the Risk Model, Ukraine War and the Hinkley C Ponzi Scheme 00:50:00
3 – Reset in Ukraine Part II Catherine Austin Fitts Karel van Wolferen 01:30:00
4 – Putin speech for 09May Russia Victory Day parade IN FULL 00:11:00
5 – Prince Charles Delivers His First Queens Speech 2022 00:09:00
6 – Robert Hanson Hong Kong: UK consulate encouraged disastrous protests China treating people like cattle 00:30:00
PDF DOWNLOAD: Ionizing radiation and cancer failure of the risk model, Dr Chris Busby (2022) Ionizing radiation and cancer failure of the risk model (2022)

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Hi Tony I’m using mobile data, on a Galaxy Android phone. I’m clicking all the links in your email to download the show but none seems to work. I seem to have this problem every week; sometimes it works but usually it doesn’t. I want to download the MP3 so I can listen in my car. Where I am in the Philippines I have very bad reception. The download link does not work. Thanks.
Hi Roy, problems with the radio 4 all hosting site over the last few weeks I’m afraid – do please keep me abreast of developments – it should be getting easier now