Bernard Kennedy, Bristol branch secretary of train drivers union ASLEF, joins Tony and Martin. – Who’s COINING IT?-£1 billion annually between the Train Operating Companies and Railtrack? The ROSCOs – Nurses first ever strike ballot in history. Oil and Gas Rig drilling workers, dockers, BT emergency operators and telecoms engineers strikes – Vicious racism in Kier Starmer’s Labour Party ‘The Labour Files’ documentary on Al Jazeera – new Tory PM Liz Truss’s speech at conference interrupted by Greenpeace – New Truss Oligarchy ‘Is Mad, Bad, And Has To Go’ says FT’s Martin Wolf – Holding the Line – Journalists Against Censorship. founder Henry Widdas, newspaper journalist and branch chair in the NUJ, joins Tony and Martin – Publisher Reach PLC’s new pay deal to benefit journalists by up to £11,000 a year – Don’t Extradite Julian Assange: NUJ in support, Thousands Surrounding Parliament Tomorrow – CENSORSHIP Tony Gosling’s Public Enquiry YouTube Channel is taken down by the CIA Google front 15 years old with 1500 videos and 12.5 million views – UK Covid enquiry begins but is Matt Hancock the greatest mass murderer in British history? – Head of ‘shambolic’ public inquiry into handling of Covid in Scotland steps down – Separate papers in USA and New Zealand show Covid booster jabs are associated with mysterious spikes in excess deaths: – ‘Safe and Effective’ shocking documentary about Covid jab injuries. – UWE Frenchy Covid vaccine centre closed by protesters. – Dr John Campbell: Fully vaccinated but still getting sick with Covid! Pfizer boss, President Biden and Dr Fauci’ – Ukraine – since large parts of ‘Russia’ are now in Ukrainian Army hands are September’s referendums legitimate? – US forces are on the ground in Ukraine. – Russia’s Lavrov mentioning assassinated Swedish UN Secretary \general Dag Hammersjold. – The Greatest Reset documentary about the antichrist and a satanic agenda (September 2022) – Genetic Entropy latest: Some of the most recent and devastating failures of ‘science’. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Bernard Kennedy, Britol branch secretary of ASLEF, joins Tony and Martin. Train strikes. Avanti West Coast trains. Nationalisation of railways. “The Government has rewarded chaos and failure”: Anger in Greater Manchester as Avanti West Coast is handed a new six-month rail contract Politicians in Greater Manchester have been left dismayed after ‘worse than dreadful’ Avanti West Coast was given another six months to run rail services. The Department for Transport announced today (October 7) it was giving the under-fire operator until April 2023 to turn things around. It comes after direct services between London and Manchester were slashed to one an hour this summer due to ‘operational difficulties’, and the Government admits Avanti’s performance has been ‘unacceptable’. Passengers have been faced with packed trains and difficulties buying tickets in advance – leading to Andy Burnham demanding an ultimatum for Avanti yesterday. Following today’s announcement, the mayor of Greater Manchester is urging Government to keep a close eye on Avanti’s performance every day. And if the company is still found wanting in just over two months’ time, Mr Burnham believes Avanti should be stripped of the franchise. Mr Burnham said: “Putting Avanti West Coast on notice marks a significant shift in tone under the new Secretary of State. At last, there is a clear recognition of the crisis engulfing the country’s most important railway line and the management failure that has led to that.

Who’s COINING IT in-between the Train Operating Companies and Railtrack? The ROSCOs, Rolling Stock Companies How today’s railways work – Train leasing companies pay out nearly £1 billion in dividends during the pandemic During the year in which the Coronavirus devastated Britain, the three Roscos paid out dividends worth £950 million. £950 million is equivalent to 50% of the passenger revenue generated during the pandemic year and 23% of the total government support to the Train Operating Companies over the financial year 2020-21.1 • During the pandemic year of 2020 Eversholt, paid a £46.5 million dividend. • Porterbrook recently announced that it was paying £80 million to its overseas owners. • Angel Trains’s main UK operation (Angel Trains Limited) didn’t pay an ordinary dividend to its UK parent company this year. However, the UK parent company that sits at the top of the UK operations and receives dividends from Angel Trains Limited, did choose the pandemic year in which to pay out a thumping dividend of £822 million to its overseas parent. The dividend was paid out as part of a restructure leaving Angel Trains Group Ltd a dormant company. The dividend went to Angel’s overseas parent company dividend to its UK parent company this year. However, the UK parent company that sits at the top of the UK operations and receives dividends from Angel Trains Limited, did choose the pandemic year in which to pay out a thumping dividend of £822 million to its overseas parent. The dividend was paid out as part of a restructure leaving Angel Trains Group Ltd a dormant company. The dividend went to Angel’s overseas parent company (Figure 1). Figure 1: Extract from Angel trains Group Ltd Annual accounts, December 2020 The dividends are only part of the story of the Roscos’ value extraction. Because they are primarily financing vehicles, they act as banks for themselves, raising money from the bond markets and then lending to their subsidiaries often at rates of around 7% interest. These transactions are difficult to unpick because of the complexity of group structures, but company accounts for Eversholt show that in 2020 it paid £48 million in interest payments to its overseas parent company. Over the last 10 years it has paid £424 million in interest on this loan.2

Nurses first ever strike ballot in history. Oil and Gas Rig drilling workers, dockers, BT emergency operators and telecoms engineers all balloting for industrial action or joining strikes. Kier Starmer’s speech at Labour conference makes it clear he does not support strikes – and he is still having a go at his Labour love-rival Jeremy Corbyn. STRIKE MAP UK We launched Strike Map in December 2020 because there were no coordinated records kept of the strike action happening across the UK. Our map is an attempt to start to catalog the action taking place and we hope will be useful to other workers. This site is a ‘worker-powered’ attempt to map the industrial action taking place in the UK and relies purely on the information supplied via our submission form. We do not claim to be an official account of all action across the country, or represent all the collective action and different tactics of disruption that people are engaged in. We are trade union activists that work full time and were behind the Red for Key Workers initiative on May Day 2020. We are independent of any one union, party or candidate. Our map was inspired by Aims of the website Document and present the levels of strike action in the country. Enable others to see the levels of action and pass on messages of solidarity. Encourage other workers in their struggles. Bring those leading struggles together through a network.

‘The Labour Files’ documentary on Al Jazeera – racism in the Labour Party? New Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer CONDEMNS Colston statue being pulled down in Bristol by Black Lives Matter protesters. Documents reveal discrimination and racism rife in his criminal UK Labour Party Al Jazeera reveals how Labour created a hierarchy of racism that discriminated against Black, Asian and Muslim members. By Al Jazeera Investigative Unit Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) reveals how a British political party that claims to embrace progressive values created a hierarchy of racism that discriminated against its Black, Asian and Muslim members. Interviews, internal documents and social media messages shared by the most senior staff in The United Kingdom’s Labour Party betrayed a racist culture where abuse was aimed at their own colleagues, councillors and political leaders. The Labour Files, an I-Unit investigation based on 500 gigabytes of documents, emails, video and audio files from the Labour Party dating from 1998 to 2021, exposes how the party’s campaign to present a tough image on anti-Semitism, while ignoring other forms of discrimination, drove many staff to resign.

Liz Truss’s speech at conference interrupted by Green Peace – fracking. Liz Truss conference speech – the anti growth coalition. Threadneedle Street said it was taking urgent steps to buy long-dated UK government bonds, beginning immediately in an attempt to stabilise the market. Taking evasive action less than a week after the chancellor announced £45bn in unfunded tax cuts, the Bank said it would undertake temporary and targeted purchases in the gilt market on financial stability grounds. “The Bank of England stands ready to restore market functioning and reduce any risks from contagion to credit conditions for UK households and businesses,” it said. The Bank said it would buy bonds on “whatever scale is necessary” to calm markets, after the collapse in sterling to the lowest level in history on Monday and a dramatic rise in the UK’s borrowing costs to the highest level since the 2008 financial crisis. “Were dysfunction in this market to continue or worsen, there would be a material risk to UK financial stability. This would lead to an unwarranted tightening of financing conditions and a reduction of the flow of credit to the real economy,” it added.

Liz looks like Beaker –  Mad, bad and dangerous to know – Thatcherism. Tax cuts for the rich. Rees-Mogg on what he thinks of Liz Truss. These People are Mad Bad and Dangerous – They Have To Go [full article from behind the paywall is at the bottom of this page] Truss’s growth plan is nothing but a magic potion Martin Wolf – FT – Tue 04 October 2022 – Liz Truss has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. So, too, has Kwasi Kwarteng. A week of unnecessary and damaging turmoil has proved this. But behind it is an even bigger danger. The only sort of leader more dangerous than the rogue the UK used to have is the zealot it has now. The dominant characteristic of zealots is their conviction that reality must adapt to their desires, rather than the other way around. If this attitude to life is adopted by an individual, it can do great damage to those close to them. In political leaders, the result may be a disaster for the country.

Henry Widdas, newspaper journalist and branch chair in the NUJ, joins Tony and Martin. Gas shortages and Nord Stream 2 being blown up. Strikes this winter. What NUJ have achieved for journalists. State of journalism today. How has it come to this? By Henry Widdas How do we tolerate political leaders braying for division? How do we tolerate friends being coerced into medical treatments against their will? How do we allow for fear to dominate our entire world? How do we allow for the elderly and vulnerable to be railroaded into medical treatments they know nothing about? How do we tolerate a medical profession that no longer puts the patient first? How do we tolerate a media industry that no longer holds authority to account? How do we allow for cancer sufferers to die alone at home without the treatment they need? How do we allow for children to die alone in hospital, their family not allowed to hear their dying breath? How do we allow this hysteria to control our lives? How do we tolerate a world where asking questions is a hate crime? How do we allow for ignorance to dominate over enlightenment, for hate to dominate over love? How do we? How do we get out of this? How has it come to this?

Publisher Reach PLC’s new pay deal to benefit journalists by up to £11,000 a year Some journalists at a regional publisher are set to receive pay increases of more than £11,000 per year after a new deal was struck, it has been revealed. The National Union of Journalists previously revealed the offer, ratified in a ballot of its members at Reach plc would lead to salary increases of between 14 and 44pc for “many” editorial staff at the group. Neither side has publicly disclosed any further detail about how the new pay structure will work, but HTFP has now uncovered further information on the deal that was put to Reach staff ahead of the ballot, It shows that some journalists including senior local democracy reporters and senior journalists, engagement producers and newsletter leads based in London aer set to receive pay rises in excess of five figures. Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, with striking Reach journalists on the picket line at the company’s London headquarters in Canary Wharf The proposed increases are set out in a message to staff from Reach which has been seen by HTFP. It reveals that: Trainee journalists studying towards the NCTJ diploma, trainee local democracy reporters and journalists taken on under the Facebook-funded Community News Project will go from a starting minimum salary of £19,305 per annum to £22,000. This impacts 66 journalists. Trainees who have completed their NCTJ diploma will go from a starting minimum of £20,500 to either £27,000 in London or £23,500 in the rest of the country. This impacts 112 journalists. Senior journalists, engagement producers and newsletter leads will go from a starting minimum of £22,446 to either £33,500 in London or £30,000 in the rest of the country. This impacts 290 journalists. Senior local democracy reporters will go from a starting minimum of £22,260 to either £33,500 in London or £30,000 in the rest of the country. This impacts 47 journalists. Social media editors will go from a starting minimum of £22,260 to £32,000. This impacts 12 journalists. Regional sub-editors and story editors will go from a starting minimum of £24,287 to either £33,500 in London or £30,000 in the rest of the country. This impacts 20 journalists. Content editors, audience editors, national sub-editors and senior story editors will go from a starting minimum of £27,599 to either £37,947 in London or £34,000 in the rest of the country. This impacts 203 journalists. The deals benefit a total of 750 editorial staff, while the remainder of Reach journalists will receive a basic salary increase of 3pc or £750, whichever is more.

NUJ article about Julian Assange – IFJ president joins human chain for Assange NUJ members joined thousands of free speech supporters opposing the extradition of Julian Assange at a protest in London today. International Federation of Journalists president Dominique Pradalié joined NUJ activists forming a human chain around the Palace of Westminster to oppose the extradition of Julian Assange. Pradalié, who was formerly the general secretary of France’s Syndicat National des Journalistes, travelled from Paris to join the demonstration. She spoke of her fears for journalism if Assange’s prosecution proceeds. She said: “The offences for which the United States is pursuing Assange are acts that every journalist performs ever day – finding witnesses to wrongdoing, encouraging them to share evidence and helping them to cover their tracks. “If Assange goes to jail, there is not a journalist on earth who will be safe. The British government should bring this grotesque persecution to an end at once”.

CENSORSHIP Tony’s Public Enquiry You Tube channel has been shut down by Google/NSA. PROTECTING THE FASCIST INTERNATIONAL, HOW MANY LIVES IS NSA YOUTUBE MEDICAL CENSORSHIP POLICY RESPONSIBLE FOR…?  Over fifteen years it had 12.5 million views and Tony uploaded 1500 videos for his 26,000 subscribers.  For backups of your YouTube Channel videos go to and THIS is the video – uploaded four months BEFORE YouTube brought ‘community guidelines’ in to restrict discussion about covid. Digitally Disappeared: YouTube Has Deleted Fifteen Years of My classics and archives – Are we a more informed and better society because of this wholesale censorship? The entire archive of On Contact, the Emmy-nominated show I hosted for six years for RT America and RT International, has been disappeared from YouTube. Gone is the interview with Nathaniel Philbrick on his book about George Washington. Gone is the discussion with Kai Bird on his biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Gone is my exploration with Professor Sam Slote from Trinity College Dublin of James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” Gone is the show with Benjamin Moser on his biography of Susan Sontag. Gone is the show with Stephen Kinzer on his book on John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles. Gone are the interviews with the social critics Cornel West, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Gerald Horne, Wendy Brown, Paul Street, Gabriel Rockwell, Naomi Wolff and Slavoj Zizek. Gone are the interviews with the novelists Russell Banks and Salar Abdoh. Gone is the interview with Kevin Sharp, a former federal judge, on the case of Leonard Peltier. Gone are the interviews with economists David Harvey and Richard Wolff. Gone are the interviews with the combat veterans and West Point graduates Danny Sjursen and Eric Edstrom about our wars in the Middle East. Gone are the discussions with the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. Gone are the voices of those who are being persecuted and marginalized, including the human rights attorney Steven Donziger and the political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. None of the shows I did on mass incarceration, where I interviewed those released from our prisons, are any longer on YouTube. Gone are the shows with the cartoonists Joe Sacco and Dwayne Booth. Melted into thin air, leaving not a rack behind. 

It won’t expose Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s prevention of early Covid treatment with Chloroquine and ivermectin which may have killed over 100,000 British people, nor look at ongoing deaths due to the reckless trials of the Covid ‘poison death’ jabs  but nevertheless the whitewash of a ‘Public Enquiry’ into Covid-19 begins. As UK Covid Public Enquiry opens UK begins first inquiry into government’s pandemic response The first preliminary hearing has been opened in the United Kingdom, looking into the government’s COVID-19 pandemic response has promised it will get to the truth and the process will “not drag on for decades”. Baroness Heather Hallett, a former Court of Appeal judge, who chaired the inquiry that began on Tuesday after a one-minute silence, said, “There’s one word that sums up the pandemic for so many, and that is the word ‘loss’.” While the first session laid out the procedures for future meetings, Tuesday’s in-person inquiry was heard from those who lost family members to the coronavirus pandemic and at the height of lockdown. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to share their experiences with losing a family member to COVID-19 through a formal listening exercise. At the same time, there will be a permanent tribute in the hearing hall to those who died from the disease. Hallett said the inquiry would look into how the pandemic unfolded and consider whether the “level of loss was inevitable or whether things could have been done better”. “My principal aim is to produce reports and recommendations before another disaster strikes the four nations of the UK and, if it is possible, to reduce the number of deaths, the suffering and the hardship,” she said. The United Kingdom recorded more than 22 million COVID-19 infections and almost 178,000 deaths – the seventh-highest death rate, globally. Hugo Keith, the lead counsel providing legal advice to Hallett, said the inquiry would be unprecedented and vast. “[Its duty is] to get to the truth, to ensure that the full facts are revealed, that culpable and discreditable conduct is exposed and brought to public notice, that plainly wrongful decision-making and significant errors of judgement are identified, and that lessons may be properly learned,” he said. “The bereaved and those who have suffered are absolutely entitled to no less,” Keith added.

Head of ‘shambolic’ public inquiry into handling of Covid in Scotland steps down ‘for personal reasons’ Lady Poole is resigning as chairwoman of the Scottish Covid-19 Public Inquiry for personal reasons. The judge appointed to chair the independent public inquiry into the handling of the Covid pandemic in Scotland is resigning from the role. Lady Poole gave notice on Friday of her intention to step down from the key post for personal reasons. It comes 10 months after her appointment was announced, with Deputy First Minister John Swinney saying in December last year that Lady Poole was “highly qualified for the demanding task put in front of her”. I have already spoken with the Lord President about arrangements for appointing a new judicial chair for the independent inquiry Deputy First Minister John Swinney Mr Swinney said he was “grateful” for the “important work” Lady Poole had done since then with the Scottish Covid-19 public inquiry. She has also offered to assist her successor while serving her notice period, the Deputy First Minister added.

Separate papers in USA and New Zealand show Covid booster jabs are associated with mysterious spikes in excess deaths:  USA: The most significant is a study coming from Oxford, Washington, Toronto, Harvard, and John Hopkins Universities, which looked at 18-29-year olds boosted with an mRNA vaccine. And what they found was this: “Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalization prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade 3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities.” To put it another way: for those below 30 years old, vaccines are more harmful than COVID by a factor of 18-98%. NEW ZEALAND – A study based on weekly government data in New Zealand – one of the world’s most vaccinated nations – found that the age groups most likely to have had COVID booster shots had up to 10% more excess deaths. Excess mortality is the number of deaths from all causes above what would be typically expected in one year. Authored by John Gibson, an economics professor at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand, the study found there were 16 excess deaths per 100,000 booster doses in the country, amounting to more than 400 excess deaths, reported the website The Expose. Gibson said that if extrapolated, it amounted to 300,000 excess deaths worldwide. In his paper, “The Rollout of COVID-19 Booster Vaccines is Associated with Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand,” the economist said the bottom line from his study is that the risks of the COVID vaccines outweigh any benefits. “The ratio of vaccine risk to benefits likely has swung more towards risk than during the original randomised trials, due to dose-dependent adverse events and to fixation of immune responses on a variant no longer circulating,” he wrote. The study found that the age groups “most likely to use boosters had 7-10 percentage point rises in excess mortality rates as boosters were rolled out while the age group that is mostly too young for boosters saw no rise in excess mortality.”

‘Safe and Effective’ documentary about Covid jabs. Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject. Produced in collaboration with Oracle Films and Mark Sharman; Former ITV and BSkyB Executive and News Uncut, it’s a self-financed, one-hour TV programme, formatted for 2 commercial breaks.

UWE Frenchy Covid vaccine centre disrupted by protesters. Excess deaths in NZ in those who had booster Covid jab UWE Covid vaccination centre disrupted for second day One person said: “There’s around 8/10 people single handedly slowing down the region’s response to the crisis” The Covid-19 vaccination centre at UWE’s Frenchay campus was disrupted for a second day yesterday (October 4) as demonstrators gathered outside of the premises. One person, who tried to enter the centre for a walk-in appointment, said that there were about eight to 10 people “hanging around trying to explain their theories”. At one point, the centre was reportedly closed to all walk-ins and people were told, unless they had an appointment booked, they wouldn’t be allowed in. One man said: “I left the site at around 12:45pm having been informed that no further walk-ins were available today, but the anti-vaxxers are still there and the security guys are very nervous about letting anyone in, understandably. “The security guys are doing what they’ve been briefed to do. It looks like an impasse. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of unhappy people wanting to get in for their jab. “Loads of people have been turning up from all over the region only to be sent away – one guy who was turned away had come from Malmesbury. There were people wanting to know where they get compensated for the cost of their travel.” He went on to say: “The message from the anti-vaxxers was they’re ‘saving the children’. They were quoting some doctor’s name and some stats.

Fully vaccinated but still getting sick with Covid! Pfizer boss, President Biden and Dr Fauci’s vaccination status: Dr. John Campbell on Fauci getting Covid. John gives full disclosure Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID for a second time… Pfizer Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Albert Bourla, (60) Saturday, (last week) tested positive for COVID-19 I’m feeling well and symptom free August, contacted COVID, course of oral paxlovid Has received four doses of Pfizer / BioNTech Has not yet taken the new bivalent booster I was following CDC guidelines to wait three months since my previous COVID case which was back in mid-August Photo in the Reuters article, (I don’t think I can show you) Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer attends a discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland May 25, 2022. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann President Biden tests positive for Covid-19 Mr. Biden (79)… July 21st tested positive for Covid-19 Fully vaccinated and two booster shots Fauci tests positive for Covid-19… June 15th Dr. Anthony Fauci, (81) Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases President Biden’s chief medical adviser Fully vaccinated and two booster shots Paxovid

Holding the Line – Journalists Against Censorship. The fight against tyranny has to come from the bottom, not the top. Don’t wait for a knight in shining armour; there isn’t one coming. It is up to you – the coalface journalist – to get out there and hold authority to account. And then, perhaps, our industry will become less hated than it is today; it could even become a profession again. 

Ode to Tony and Martin poem (see ‘about’ page).

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Ukraine – since large parts of ‘Russia’ are now in Ukrainian Army hands are September’s referendums legitimate? Zelensky calls for US to strike Russia before they strike them – Zelensky Calls for NATO to Launch Pre-emptive Strike on Russia Russia says Zelensky is trying to start World War III, Ukrainian officials tried to downplay the comments by Dave DeCamp  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday called for NATO to launch a “preventative strike” on Russia to prevent Moscow from using nuclear weapons, a move that would almost certainly spark World War III and possibly nuclear war. “What should NATO do? Exclude the possibility of use of nuclear weapons by Russia,” Zelensky said via video link at an event hosted by the Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank. “But the most important, I’m again addressing the international community, is how it was before February 24: preventative strikes, so that they know what will happen if they use [a nuke],” he said. “And not the opposite, waiting for Russia to strike and then saying ‘oh, that’s how you are, now you can take it from us.’ Reconsider how you apply pressure, the order of application.” The Kremlin jumped on the comments and said that Zelensky was trying to spark a world war. Ukrainian officials tried to downplay what Zelensky said, with his advisor Mykhailo Podolyak insisting that Zelensky “said nothing about a preventive nuclear strike” on Russia. Serhii Nikiforov, Zelensky’s press secretary, also said that the Ukrainian leader was not calling for a nuclear strike and claimed he was talking about other actions, such as sanctions. “The president was speaking about the period before February 24. Preventative measures should have been used at that time to prevent Russia from unleashing a war. I will remind you that the only measures discussed at that time were preventative sanctions,” he said.

US forces are on the ground in Ukraine. = Biden on the fake Ukraine referendum. Nord Stream 2 pipeline bombed. Scott Ritter on the reality on the ground after results of Ukraine referendum. Victor Pinchuk – Scott Ritter – can NATO really stand up to Russia? Demonisation of Putin. Pro Western snipers in Maidan Square. Liz Truss conference speech on Ukraine. Report: US Special Operations Forces are on the Ground in Ukraine The presence is part of a broad clandestine operation that includes the CIA by Dave DeCamp US special operations forces are on the ground in Ukraine as part of a broad covert operation that includes CIA personnel, The Intercept reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed US intelligence and military officials. The report said that the US withdrew its CIA and special operations assets from Ukraine shortly before Russia’s invasion, although one US official said the CIA “never completely left.” The CIA initially predicted that Kyiv would fall quickly to Russia, but after it became clear that wouldn’t happen, the Biden administration sent its covert assets back into Ukraine. The report said that US clandestine operations inside Ukraine “are now far more extensive than they were early in the war, when US intelligence officials were fearful that Russia would steamroll over the Ukrainian army.” Several current and former intelligence officials said that there “is a much larger presence of both CIA and US special operations personnel and resources in Ukraine than there were at the time of the Russian invasion in February.” Back in June, The New York Times reported that there was a CIA presence in Ukraine, but it made no mention of US special operations forces. The Times report did say that several US allies have special operations troops in Ukraine, including Britain, France, Canada, and Lithuania.

Lavrov mentioning assassinated Swedish UN Secretary \general Dag Hammersjold. Ukraine is not in any way democratic. Sergey Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation addresses the general debate of the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 20 – 26th September 2022). –Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov today (24 Sep) said, the General Assembly’s General Debate is convening “at a dramatic moment” as “crises are growing, and the situation in the area of international security is deteriorating rapidly.” Lavrov said, “instead of having an honest dialogue and looking for compromises, what we’re dealing with is disinformation, course stagings, and provocations.” He said, “the future of the world order is being decided today” adding that “the question is whether or not it will be the kind of order with one hegemon at the head of it, making everyone else follow its rules, which notoriously benefit that hegemon only, or are we going to have a democratic, fair world without blackmail and the fear of Neo Nazism and Neo colonialism.” Lavrov said, “despite common sense, Washington and Brussels compounded the situation when they announced economic war against Russia. As a result, there is a growing price on foodstuffs, fertilizers, oil and gas.” He welcomed Secretary-General António Guterres’ efforts towards the Black Sea Grain Initiative agreements but stressed that “they need to be implemented.” So far, he said, “the ships with the Ukrainian grain go somewhere but not into the poorest countries. On the other hand, the impediments by US and EU, the financial and logistical impediments against our grain and fertilizers have not been lifted.” The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs said, “the incapacity of Western countries to negotiate and the continued war by the Kyiv regime against their own people, left us with no choice but to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic and to start a special military operation to protect the Russian and other people on Donbass, and so as to remove the threats against our security, which NATO had been consistently creating in Ukraine at our borders.” – The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter. The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world. But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.

The Greatest Reset documentary (September 2022) TruNews own pagewatch online – Trump’s Doctor Zev Zelenko on Hydroxychloroquine for Covid treatment. Prince Charles, now King Charles III, told the opening session of a World Economic Forum virtual meeting on June 3, 2020, that world leaders had “a golden opportunity to seize something good” from the coronavirus pandemic. The future King of England saw Covid-19 as the way to “reset” human civilization and to recognize “the interdependence of all living things.” Reuters reported that Prince Charles’ speech was “part of a launch event for ‘The Great Reset’, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.” One month later, World Economic Forum founder and president Klaus Schwab published his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. It was a manifesto for a radical restructuring of human civilization. Indeed, the world dramatically changed in 2020 and 2021. The globalists told us that mask mandates, mRNA gene-therapy vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school closings, social distancing, working from our homes, and online censorship of criticism of these things were part of the “new normal.” The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising is a Christian response to the World Economic Forum’s globalists who think they were born to rule the world. Hopefully, this is the first film in a series of documentaries about the Greatest Reset – which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the full manifestation of His kingdom. Christ is coming, but the Antichrist must come first.

Genetic Entropy latest: Some of the most recent and devastating failures of ‘science’. Scientism. Dr John Gideon Hartnett – creation scientist extract 2 from recent ‘Genetic Entropy’ interview You see, really this is all about the authority of Scripture. So, the age of the Earth does matter. The date for Creation then by my reckoning is 4174 BC, giving us a total of 6188 years for the age of the Earth and the whole Universe, measured by Earth clocks. WHY IS A 6000-YEAR-OLD UNIVERSE SO HARD TO BELIEVE? (I recommend a detailed analysis of the date of Creation from the Old Testament by Dr Floyd Nolen Jones. He lists a range of Creation dates that others get and offers his reasoning for his own determination.2) From my table above the year of the Flood in Noah’s time is 2518 BC, but others like Hales has the Flood at 3155 BC, Josephus at 3146 BC, the Samaritan Pentateuch at 2998 BC and Ussher at 2348 BC.2 None of those dates are anything like the 40,000-80,000 years for the date of the Flood based on the opinions of some unnamed geologists that Hugh Ross relies on for his distorted timescale.3 Based on the Masoretic Hebrew text an age of the Earth of about 6000 years only is possible. How can so-called Bible scholars like Gleason Archer and Walter Kaiser claim to interpret holy scriptures as indicating that the period of time in Genesis 1 for the Hebrew word ‘yom’, translated ‘day’, means some long indefinite period­i.e. eons of time, ‘deep time’?4 6000 years is a far cry short of the 4.6 billion years claimed by the secular geologists, that these guys rely on. It is the Bible which translates the Bible, not some man with a degree from some divinity school influenced by so-called modern science. Ross and his ‘Reasons to Believe’ team accepts the big bang’s 13.8 billion year history of the Universe, but Ross’ compromise on scripture has not won him any friends from the atheist camp.5 Our God is the one, That frustrates the tokens of the liars, and makes diviners mad; that turns wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolish; Isaiah 44:25 This post is really all about the authority of Scripture. Can you accept it as ‘God breathed’ words? (The meaning of the Greek text in 2 Timothy 3:16.) Most importantly Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15 God wants you to obey his Word but how can you obey, that is, keep His commandments, if you don’t believe what He wrote and that includes what He through the prophets? Christ said, If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? John 3:12 When did Christ tell us of earthly things? Right from the first verses in Genesis. Jesus is YHWH THE CREATOR GOD. He is THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE WITNESS OF THE CREATION OF GOD. This is the problem, isn’t it? Where does the literal truth start and the supposed allegory end? Or vice versa? It makes man the judge of what God has written in His Words. I would rather taken the plain reading of what is the straightforward-at-face-value meaning and not try to read into it what God has not said.

Radio4All download pages
COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]

EMERGENCY DOWNLOAD – show files all mysteriously deleted 1am off Radio4all

#1 – Complete 3hr 30m show WAS ORIGINALLY WORKING – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – The Labour Files Al Jazeera 1-4 Purge, Crisis, Hierarchy, Spying Game – 04:00:00
#3 – Liz Truss conference speech PM 2022 – 00:30:00
#4 – Russian FM Sergei Lavrov slams West for grotesque Russophobia in his UN GA 2022 speech 00:30:00
#5 – Dr John Campbell Vaccination status 04Oct22 – 00:10:00
#6 – The Greatest Reset Beast Rising Jesus and antichrist documentary (2022) – 02:30:00
#7 – Genetic Entropy Dr John Gideon Hartnett Creation Science Evolution Scientism Dark Matter – 02:00:00


These People are Mad Bad and Dangerous – They Have To Go

Truss’s growth plan is nothing but a magic potion

Martin Wolf – FT – Tue 04 October 2022

Liz Truss has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. So, too, has Kwasi Kwarteng. A week of unnecessary and damaging turmoil has proved this. But behind it is an even bigger danger. The only sort of leader more dangerous than the rogue the UK used to have is the zealot it has now. The dominant characteristic of zealots is their conviction that reality must adapt to their desires, rather than the other way around. If this attitude to life is adopted by an individual, it can do great damage to those close to them. In political leaders, the result may be a disaster for the country.

The irony is that for these people “the market” is god and economics 101 their religion. Yet actual markets have rebutted them, as investors fled sterling and gilts, causing such mayhem that the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee was driven to intervene, in an attempt to rescue the Government and an ill-regulated pensions industry from their follies.

The reality is that Truss does not have a growth plan. She has a “growth plan” – a ‘magical potion’ into which she sprinkles the reversal of recent tax increases, freedom for bankers’ bonuses and lower taxes for the prosperous, says “abracadabra” and suddenly trend productivity growth quadruples, conjuring 2.5 per cent annual growth. Such dreams might be amusing if they were not so perilous for the country. .

First, they come on top of a long line of fibs – fibs that justified excessive fiscal austerity after the financial crisis, fibs that Brexit would bring prosperity, fibs that the Northern Ire1and Protocol ‘had solved the Brexit conundrum and the fibs that the Government would do something serious about levelling up lagging regions of the country. Now those in charge promise a huge jump in productivity growth. In its analysis for the Tony Blair Institute, Oxford Economics concludes that aggregate output might be cumulatively 0.4 per cent higher five years hence. The mountain labours and brings forth a mouse.

Second, while this is not a growth plan, it is a plan for inequality and~ The recent mayhem will surely reinforce the Government’s desire to go in the direction of slashing welfare and public services. They would then be shifting incomes from the bottom to the top of the distribution in the midst of a cost of living crisis, in a country with the highest inequality of disposable incomes in the high-income democracies, after the US. They will justify this with the old canard that countries are like companies and so cannot afford high public spending; Eliminating foreign aid would add some of the poorest people on the planet to the unnecessary victims. This parliament was not elected on any such programme. The party has been captured by zealots indifferent to reality or simple decency. As my FT colleague John Burn-Murdoch notes: “The Tories have become unmoored from the British people”.

Finally, the Government has savaged the credibility of public institutions and UK policymaking, they have assaulted the Treasury, repudiated fiscal transparency, caused mayhem in the gilt and foreign currency markets and forced the Bank into an ill-timed return to quantitative easing. Populist movements always despise constraining institutions run by “elites”. But institutions are the bulwark of a civilisation. The Conservative Party used to understand just this. No longer. Investors now know this. It is self-evident.

The UK’s longer-term economic performance must indeed improve if the desires of its people for a better life are to be realised. If the Government wants to do something useful about this, it might dust off the report of the London School of Economics Growth Commission of 2017. Better incentives are indeed •a part of the answer, but only a part. This is why systematic tax reform would be desirable. There must also be difficult deregulation, notably of land use. The state must supply first-class public goods, in the understanding that these are a social benefit, not a cost. There must be fiscal and monetary stability. There must be far higher investment in physical and human capital, both public and private. There must be higher savings. There must be a pro-growth regional policy. There must be an int9mationallyopen economy. There must, not least, be stable and credible policies, not the constant risk of another trade war with our closest neighbours.

Truss and Kwarteng will not deliver this. Unfunded tax cuts and investment zones will certainly not deliver this. Another big jump in inequality will not deliver this. These people are mad, bad and dangerous. They have to go.

Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “Bernard Kennedy, Bristol branch secretary of train drivers union ASLEF, joins Tony and Martin. – Who’s COINING IT?-£1 billion annually between the Train Operating Companies and Railtrack? The ROSCOs – Nurses first ever strike ballot in history. Oil and Gas Rig drilling workers, dockers, BT emergency operators and telecoms engineers strikes – Vicious racism in Kier Starmer’s Labour Party ‘The Labour Files’ documentary on Al Jazeera – new Tory PM Liz Truss’s speech at conference interrupted by Greenpeace – New Truss Oligarchy ‘Is Mad, Bad, And Has To Go’ says FT’s Martin Wolf – Holding the Line – Journalists Against Censorship. founder Henry Widdas, newspaper journalist and branch chair in the NUJ, joins Tony and Martin – Publisher Reach PLC’s new pay deal to benefit journalists by up to £11,000 a year – Don’t Extradite Julian Assange: NUJ in support, Thousands Surrounding Parliament Tomorrow – CENSORSHIP Tony Gosling’s Public Enquiry YouTube Channel is taken down by the CIA Google front 15 years old with 1500 videos and 12.5 million views – UK Covid enquiry begins but is Matt Hancock the greatest mass murderer in British history? – Head of ‘shambolic’ public inquiry into handling of Covid in Scotland steps down – Separate papers in USA and New Zealand show Covid booster jabs are associated with mysterious spikes in excess deaths: – ‘Safe and Effective’ shocking documentary about Covid jab injuries. – UWE Frenchy Covid vaccine centre closed by protesters. – Dr John Campbell: Fully vaccinated but still getting sick with Covid! Pfizer boss, President Biden and Dr Fauci’ – Ukraine – since large parts of ‘Russia’ are now in Ukrainian Army hands are September’s referendums legitimate? – US forces are on the ground in Ukraine. – Russia’s Lavrov mentioning assassinated Swedish UN Secretary \general Dag Hammersjold. – The Greatest Reset documentary about the antichrist and a satanic agenda (September 2022) – Genetic Entropy latest: Some of the most recent and devastating failures of ‘science’. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. Hi Tony,

    I’ve been waiting for this book by Whitney Webb called – ‘One nation under backmail’. It’s all about Epstsien’s handler Les Wexner. Big Isreal??
    US capured like Corbyn here??
    I saw a 5news and GBnews YT vid with Lady Victoria Heveray, Andy’s ex, saying that she had written signed statements
    from the photogapher who took the famous photo of Andrew with his arm round Virginie whats her name.
    The brown hand on her waist: its too big, too brown tanned to match Andy’s face. Its all chopped she says
    Any chance you could intrerview Whitney Webb?
    She has a website called Unlimited Hangout. She spoke to Linda Farmer who George Galloway had on his channel.
    I ordered Ms. Webb’s book months ago on Waterstones. Their ‘ customer service’ line is an answering machine.
    Anyway, my opinion is that Ms. Webb would be very interesting to hear from.

    Ken Lambie

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