Joe Banks, Journalist, has done an investigation in to Bristol City Council Corporate Chief Executive, Steve Peacock. Former jobs of Steve Peacock including at BP. Bristol Arena public/private partnership – Bristol’s Blairite mayor Marvin Rees’ final State of the City Address as his role was voted out in a 2022 referendum. The Bristolian – Real State of City Address. Marvin attends Brussel’s Urban Summit 2023 – TOP LIAR: Bristol Council’s top lawyer Tim O’Gara on investigations in to Councillors Bristol City Council’s top lawyer apologises over misconduct cases advice Tim O’Gara has changed his story – Amazing 24% swing from Tory to Labour but this week’s two by-elections both appear to have been turned into a Labour victory by Richard Tyce’s Reform Party. – On 3.7% and 5.4% the ‘Tory stalking horse’ Reform party, who take almost all their votes from Conservatives, appear to have let Labour in in both Min-Beds and Tamworth. – Why can’t ex-Labour ‘Corbynistas’ form a new party to stalk Starmer’s Labour? – ‘Labour now opposes strikes, rejects renationalisation, refuses to defend refugees, and won’t scrap student fees – or even the two-child benefit cap’. New party to ‘transform’ politics after Keir Starmer’s betrayal of the left – Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies – UK’s greatest satirical cartoonist Steve Bell CANCELLED: Stella Perrett, Cartoonist and author of 2020, the year we were all CANCELLED, on the cancelling of Steve Bellon the grounds of anti Semitism – Israel’s Gaza war crimes just another murderous land grab, Bibi should read rest of Hebrew Bible, not just Joshua – Jewish guy Hermes The Cynic on Tik Tok bemoaning Israel’s shameful behaviour in the treatment of it’s neighbours and Mossad behind Hamas. Demos by Jews in US against Israeli action in Gaza. – Dr David Miller on Press TV with Chris Williamson – ‘A great military and intelligence victory for Hamas”. Israel ‘caught unawares’? Hmmmmm. – Lady from Kibbutz on Israel radio saying IDF killed lots of Jews along with Hamas. Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by IDF – Bristol Palestine Museum: Rita Cangalousi from the Palestinian Museum in central Bristol on Israel’s massacre in Gaza. ITVs Peston – poll says most Israelis want Netanyahu out. Hamas created by Mossad – Israel’s Nazi-style surveillance of innocent civilians – The Listening Post on Al Jazeera ‘How Israel Automated Occupation in Hebron’. Israel’s Automated Occupation: Hebron – James Tweedie, London-based journalist for Sputnik, on situation in Israel/Gaza. Hananya Naftali from IDF Information Warfare Taskforce. ‘Mowing the Lawn’. Biden’s ‘Humiliation’ in Middle East Reflects Popular Contempt for US – At least 22 journalists killed in Gaza. Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict October 20, 2023 The Israel-Gaza conflict has taken a severe toll on journalists since Hamas launched its unprecedented attack – THE LIE OF THE DECADE: IDF’s Hananya Naftali caught red-handed, lying to the world about their hospital atrocity. Israel announced it had bombed Gaza’s Baptist hospital, killing 500 innocent people, then changed its story You’ve already confirmed that Netanyahu has put you on an official Israeli task force to control the narrative online, this means you get information from Israeli intelligence BEFORE the media does. – Al Jazeera report on Biden vetoing UN ceasefire resolution, and the hospital bombing in Gaza. Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution US vetoes the Brazilian-led draft resolution on the Israel-Gaza crisis – MP Crispin Blunt on how UK could be complicit with Israel’s war crimes legally. UK could be complicit in war crimes if it supports Israel in Gaza as his group vows to prosecute UK government officials – Tony Greenstein, Jewish human rights activist, on Gaza as a prison and Netanyahu’s ultimate goal. Greenstein on genocide in Gaza, Egypt taking US aid, and Biblical guide on how Jews in Israel should treat non Jews. – Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies – Of course if we were to call the Zionists and Israelis Nazis that would be anti-Semitic ..but if the Zionists call Palestinians ‘Nazis’ then that is fine because the Holocaust narrative is Israeli property – What do MI6 & the CIA think about Gaza? Sir Alex Younger, former head of MI6, on Peston, saying war will not accelerate. Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, – David Livingstone on Dark Enlightenment. Nazis on Acid: Fascism & Psychedelics, Satanism & Transhumanism, David Livingstone – David Livingstone on drugs and MK Ultra – – Psychedelics and Fascism: From MK-Ultra, to Esalen and Silicon Valley – It’s commonly assumed that the “mind-expanding” capabilities of psychedelics usually lead to progressive or liberal views.. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Joe Banks, Journalist, has done an investigation in to Bristol City Council Corporate Chief Executive, Steve Peacock. Former jobs of Steve Peacock including at BP. Bristol Arena public/private partnership. New Chief Planner for Bristol, Simone Wilding, former work colleague of Steve Peacock. Cumberland Basin project. John Savage ‘I’m not a megalomaniac’ on various Boards. Cuts leading to more public/private partnerships in local government. SWRDA and LEPs. Small group of people/companies running things.  Bristol City Council staff lose trust with bosses, survey shows But immediate line managers and colleagues received enormous support in the annual report Bristol City Council workers are losing faith in top bosses, an annual staff survey reveals. Twenty per cent of employees said they disagreed that the senior leadership team was steering the ship well – a four per cent increase on the year before. There was a 12 per cent rise in negative responses to the question: “I believe the council is now a better place to work than it was 12 months ago”, while six per cent fewer staff said they would recommend the local authority as a good place to work. But there was huge support for line managers, with 87 per cent saying they were approachable and 79 per cent replying that their boss gave them the support needed to do their job well. Head of human resources James Brereton told the HR committee on Thursday, September 21: “The results continue a longstanding trend of good and positive findings in relation to colleagues’ immediate managers and team, and another longstanding situation where senior leadership is seen a less warm light. There is a drop in the number of colleagues who feel Bristol City Council is a better place to work than last year.” He said the senior leadership team referred to directors and heads of service rather than politicians. Mr Brereton said chief executive Stephen Peacock had started a programme of visits by senior managers to staff who worked outside of City Hall to get a feel of experiences of working for the council on the frontline. He said the main focus would be on improvements in the growth and regeneration directorate where the most negative comments were received. A report to the committee said there were more positive answers across the board on questions to do with being treated fairly because of a person’s identity.

Bristol’s Blairite mayor Marvin Rees’ final State of the City Address as his role was voted out in a 2022 referendum. The Bristolian – Real State of City Address. Marvin attends Brussel’s Urban Summit 2023 – housing main issue in Bristol and City Leap to retrofit houses on an industrial scale. City Leap to ‘decarbonise’ the city funded by big US Company Amaresco.  MARVIN ‘THE MARVELLOUS’ REES’ REAL STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS 2023- Last night the Reverend Rees delivered his final State of the City speech from the University of Bristol’s shithouse Wills Building. Here’s a response: Marvin, your State of the City speech seems to be a list of things that haven’t been delivered or resolved in your time in office. Most of the key infrastructure projects that previous Labour council’s failed to invest in remain uninvested in but with a tab left to be picked up by the next administration. There’s no funded mass transit proposal. It’s stalemated due to a lack of agreement between two bickering Labour Mayors who have prioritised their own personal animosity and egos above the needs of the city and region. The city continues to have deep divisions along race and class lines despite all the talk about diversity, equity and inclusion and tackling the “issues”. Where are the measurable outcomes showing improvement? But then you did watch the Colston statue come down and spot a self promotional media opportunity rather than a chance to trigger a real attempt to tackle the city’s long standing divisions. Congratulations Marvin, you built some homes (the vast majority at market rates with many being bought by private landlords) and yet still managed to miss every housing target you set yourself. The housing waiting list has increased to 20,000 families. The highest it has ever been, despite officers actively discouraging residents from going on the list “because it’s a waste of time”. Homelessness remains noticeably present everywhere, except, maybe, in the Bearpit, despite your promise to solve it. The vast majority of the 14,000 homes with planning permission are not being built and you try to blame a minority opposition party for this failure to deliver. Still no arena, public or privately funded, anywhere. And tens of millions in public funds sunk into an elitist city centre cultural venue because of a binding legal contract signed on your watch. All while deprived suburbs lose community/cultural facilities. City Leap has potential but so far isn’t unlocking any private investment and is falling behind its real investment plan, never mind this unsubstantiated £1bn you constantly quote at the press. Goram Homes also has some potential but your planning delays means it’s falling massively behind schedule. Bristol Waste is a basketcase with a revolving door board of directors. A direct result of poor corporate oversight. Your political interference in its business planning, meanwhile, has undermined any efforts to reduce costs. Elsewhere, your council is still complicit in developing SNCIs despite declaring an ‘Ecological Emergency’ and creating plenty of photo-ops of Labour politicians standing in fields saying how important green spaces are. There’s still no real plan for achieving net zero despite declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’. Then there’s the poorly implemented CAZ, almost as if it was designed to fail and disrupt. You are creating only one Liveable Neighbourhood and this is being poorly implemented and poorly consulted on with middle class neighbourhoods getting disproportionate input while poorer neighbourhoods are ignored. Local CiL projects, especially transport and parks, are not being delivered partly because staff are being taken away to work on “headline grabbing” strategic projects. The budget gap is currently larger than the Bundred one under Ferguson and there’s still no realistic plan to address it beyond service reduction and selling off council property. SEND?!?!! Say no more. Your “Deputy” Mayor hasn’t a clue what she is doing just like the chain of useless Labour education leads before her. Our kids and, increasingly, their parents are paying the price of this serial incompetence. The Dedicated Schools Grant is effectively in special measures and your administration is just crossing it’s fingers and hoping the government doesn’t pull the plug on this ever growing debt. Basically Marvin, you have left behind a stinking pile of crap and then have the nerve to lecture the councillors who will have to clear up your shit about how the city should be run!!! Get da fuck!

Marvin’s great achievement: Bristol underground and overground cancelled.

TOP LIAR: Bristol Council’s top lawyer Tim O’Gara on investigations in to Councillors Bristol City Council’s top lawyer apologises over misconduct cases advice Tim O’Gara has changed his stance over the appointment of independent advisers assigned to examine complaints against councillors Bristol CIty Council’s top lawyer appears to have backtracked over how independent advisers are assigned to examine misconduct complaints against elected members. Director of legal and democratic services Tim O’Gara last week denied the authority had broken the law over the appointments. Answering a question from resident and democracy campaigner Mike Oldreive, he told a council meeting on Monday, October 9, that there was no requirement in legislation for the “independent persons”, who have an advisory role in investigations against councillors, to be voted in at full council. But Mr O’Gara, the monitoring officer who ensures the authority complies with the law, now says they do need the approval of a majority of members and that this is due to take place next month. At last week’s values & ethics sub-committee, Mr Oldreive asked whether the appointments had been made “unlawfully”, arguing that the Localism Act required a full council decision, which is common practice in many other local authorities. Mr O’Gara replied that this was a “complete misreading” of the law and that such a vote was not necessary. However, in an email to the resident, who was one of those whose complaints against councillors were not upheld, he now seems to have reversed his position and apologised for the “confusion”. The officer wrote on Friday, October 13: “Having reviewed the relevant legislation, I would like to clarify the position for you. “The recent recruitment process for Independent Persons will require the ratification of those appointments by full council and it is anticipated that this will be at the next ordinary meeting of full council on November 14. This is not the position that was outlined in the meeting.

Amazing 24% swing from Tory to Labour but this week’s two by-elections both appear to have been turned into a Labour victory by Richard Tyce’s Reform Party. On 3.7% and 5.4% the ‘Tory stalking horse’ Reform party, who take almost all their votes from Conservatives, appear to have let Labour in in both Min-Beds and Tamworth. Why can’t ex-Labour ‘Corbynistas’ form a new party to stalk Starmer’s Labour? Labour by elections victory – Starmer’s speech.Reform Party took Tory lead? Results Labour overturns huge majorities to inflict two by-election defeats on Tories The Labour leader says the by-election results are a “game changer”. The Conservatives have suffered two heavy by-election defeats, with Labour overturning huge majorities to take Mid Bedfordshire and Tamworth. The party saw off a challenge from the Liberal Democrats to make history in Mid Bedfordshire, overcoming a 24,664 Tory majority to win the seat for the first time. In Tamworth there was a 23.9% swing to Labour from the Tories. Leader Sir Keir Starmer said Labour was “redrawing the political map”. Speaking from the Bedfordshire constituency,Sir Keir told supporters: “I think this really is a game changer.” “There is a confidence now in this changed Labour party that we can go anywhere across the country, put up a fight and win seats that we’ve never won before.” However, he said: “I don’t want to get carried away” and added that “every single vote on this journey has to be earned”. He later travelled to Tamworth, where he told party activists they had “absolutely smashed it”.

‘Labour now opposes strikes, rejects renationalisation, refuses to defend refugees, and won’t scrap student fees – or even the two-child benefit cap’. A group wants to form a new party to ‘transform’ politics after Keir Starmer’s betrayal of the left Transform Politics is the name of a new group looking to form a fresh left-wing party in the UK. It’s made up of individuals and pre-existing parties – and it’s launched its campaign with a flurry of interest on social media, as well as some criticism. The group appears to be the brainchild of Left Unity – the Ken Loach-and-co-founded party. Transform Politics shares the same registered address – working out of Housmans Bookshop in Islington. The project is also supported by the Breakthrough Party, the People’s Alliance of the Left, and Liverpool Community Independents. Some of these groups formed in the wake of Jeremy Corbyn’s departure from the Labour leadership, and party.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies

UK’s greatest satirical cartoonist Steve Bell CANCELLED: Stella Perrett, Cartoonist and author of 2020, the year we were all CANCELLED, on the cancelling of Steve Bell, famous Guardian Cartoonist, on the grounds of anti Semitism. The Guardian infiltrated by MI5? Journalists and Cartoonists arrested abroad. Reporters Without Borders. Some of Steve Bell’s great cartoons remembered. Substack good place for those cancelled.  Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell takes aim at editors in series of tweets after his sacking over Netanyahu sketch, saying it was ‘nigh on impossible to draw this subject without claims of anti-Semitism – and reveals bosses wanted to ‘vet jokes by 10.30am’ Critics have claimed the work depicts the anti-Semitic ‘pound of flesh’ trope Artist Steve Bell has hit back at The Guardian, claiming cartoons on Israel became ‘impossible’ without ‘being accused of deploying anti-Semitic tropes’ and insisting his editors wanted to ‘vet all jokes by 10.30am’ so would have to start work at 2am. The cartoonist, who has worked for the Left-wing newspaper for more than 40 years, claims he has been told it is no longer willing to publish his work after he submitted a controversial image of Benjamin Netanyahu. He has taken to Twitter to defend himself against claims of anti-Semitism and took aim at The Guardian for dumping him. Sharing the image he said: ‘Spiked again. It is getting pretty nigh impossible to draw this subject for the Guardian now without being accused of deploying ‘antisemitic tropes’.’ But Jimmy Wales, who co-founded Wikipedia, replied: ‘Well, you might consider not drawing antisemitic tropes’. One Jewish user said: ‘Well just stop doing it over and over again Steve?’ Another, replying to Bell’s defence, said: ‘You drew it Steve’. On Monday, a spokesperson for Guardian News and Media said: ‘The decision has been made not to renew Steve Bell’s contract. Steve Bell’s cartoons have been an important part of The Guardian over the past 40 years – we thank him and wish him all the best.’ Earlier this year the paper apologised over a cartoon depicting ex-BBC chairman Richard Sharp carrying a Goldman Sachs box in another sketch branded anti-Semitic. Artist Martin Rowson also apologised. Critics have taken this to be a reference to Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice who demands a ‘pound of flesh’ from someone who cannot pay him back. Mr Bell also claimed The Guardian had suggested the same and he retweeted a supporter who defended him against the claim. The tweet said: ‘The alleged Shakespearan analogy in the message hardly fits the political message of the cartoon, except possibly to someone who is ignorant of both’.

Jewish guy Hermes The Cynic on Tik Tok bemoaning Israel’s shameful behaviour in the treatment of it’s neighbours and Mossad behind Hamas. Demos by Jews in US against Israeli action in Gaza. 

Dr David Miller on Press TV with Chris Williamson – ‘A great military and intelligence victory for Hamas”. Israel ‘caught unawares’? Hmmmmm.

Lady from Kibbutz on Israel radio saying IDF killed lots of Jews along with Hamas.   Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces. Israeli forces shot Jewish civilian hostagess, kibbutz survivor says An Israeli woman who survived the Hamas assault on settlements near the Gaza boundary on 7 October says Israeli civilians were “undoubtedly” killed by their own security forces. It happened when Israeli forces engaged in fierce gun battles with Palestinian fighters in Kibbutz Be’eri and fired indiscriminately at both the fighters and their Israeli prisoners. “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she told Israeli radio. “There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling. The woman, 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat, said that prior to that, she and other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave. A recording of her interview, from the radio program Haboker Hazeh (“This Morning”) hosted by Aryeh Golan on state broadcaster Kan, has been circulating on social media. The interview has been translated by The Electronic Intifada. You can listen to it with English subtitles in this video and a transcript is at the end of this article: Notably, the interview is not included in the online version of Haboker Hazeh for 15 October, the episode in which it apparently aired. It may well have been censored due to its explosive nature. Porat, who is from Kabri, a settlement near the Lebanese border, undoubtedly experienced terrible things and saw many noncombatants killed. Her own partner, Tal Katz, is among the dead. However, her account undermines Israel’s official story of deliberate, wanton murder by the Palestinian fighters. Although it no longer appears on the Kan website, there can be little doubt about the recording’s authenticity. At least one Hebrew-language account posted part of the interview on Twitter, now officially called X, and accused Kan of functioning as “media in the service of Hamas.”

Bristol Palestine Museum: Rita Cangalousi from the Palestinian Museum in central Bristol on Israel’s massacre in Gaza. ITVs Peston – poll says most Israelis want Netanyahu out. Hamas created by Mossad. Theories on attack and Netanyahu’s possible big picture. Palestinian Museum on Facebook, open Saturday and Sunday 11am to 6pm Free.  Bristol Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre – The Museum was founded in 2013, and is run entirely by volunteers It explores Palestinian culture, heritage and daily life… Who we are: An organisation of volunteers, with charitable goals and without political affiliations From different backgrounds – of all faiths and none. What we do: Educate, inform and communicate… The story of Palestine and its people Host events Such as talks, cultural exhibitions, films and seminars Support … And promote the culture and heritage of Palestine We are run entirely by volunteers If you would like to join our team of volunteers; whether it be for half-day shifts or the various other ways of getting involved, then do check our ‘Get Involved’ page here, and contact us via email here: Pre-arranged weekday visits (Groups or Individuals): Under certain circumstances, we will be able to arrange to open on other days as well. For instance, if you are not local, and can’t come at these times, or if you are a school group or any ‘other organisation wanting to visit the Museum, this can be arranged. Just let us know at least a couple of days in advance (for individuals), or two weeks in advance (for groups). Events and Conferences: We are also open for organising speakers, meetings, conferences, discussions and video conferences with people in Gaza and the West Bank. Sign up to our mailing list Subscribe to our newsletter here (below / to the right) to be kept informed of our upcoming events, or see the Events page here, our facebook page, and/or the board outside!

Israel’s Nazi-style surveillance of innocent civilians – The Listening Post on Al Jazeera ‘How Israel Automated Occupation in Hebron’. Israel’s Automated Occupation: Hebron Tariq Nafi examines Israel’s use of AI-powered surveillance in Hebron, which has entrenched the Israeli government’s control over Palestinians. Palestinians in Hebron are some of the most heavily monitored and controlled people on the planet. In the first episode of a two-part special, Tariq Nafi reports from the occupied West Bank on the previously unknown facial recognition system ‘Red Wolf’, uncovered by Amnesty International and Breaking the Silence.  IBM and the Holocaust, by Edwin Black Chronicling the story of Big Blue’s strategic alliance with Nazi Germany, ‘IBM and the Holocaust’ is a chilling investigation into corporate complicity VII: With Blitzkrieg Efficiency Hitler’s armies swarmed over Europe throughout the first months of 1940. The forces of the Reich slaughtered all opposition with a military machine unparalleled in human history. Blitzkrieg — lightning war — was more than a new word. Its very utterance signified coordinated death under the murderous onslaught of Hitler’s massive air, sea, and 100,000-troop ground assaults. Nothing could stop Germany. Nazi Europe — and Berlin’s new world order — was becoming a reality. Austria: annexed in March 1938. Sudetenland: seized October 1938. Czechoslovakia: dismembered March 1939, and the Memel region ceded from Lithuania that same month. Poland: invaded September 1939. By January 1940, nearly 42 million people had come under brutal German subjugation. Disease, starvation, shattered lives, and fear became the desolate truth across the Continent. The Jews were running out of refuges. One overrun sanctuary after another slid back into the familiar nightmare of registration, confiscation, and ghettoization. No sooner did the Swastika flag of occupation unfurl, than the anti-Semitic decrees rolled out. Eastern European countries not yet conquered emulated the pattern as German sympathizers and surrogates in Romania, Hungary, and Italy undertook Berlin’s bidding to destroy local Jewish populations.

Eldin Fahmy and Helen Green from Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign on situation in Gaza and protests in Bristol and London.

James Tweedie, London-based journalist for Sputnik, on situation in Israel/Gaza. Hananya Naftali from IDF Information Warfare Taskforce. ‘Mowing the Lawn’. Biden’s ‘Humiliation’ in Middle East Reflects Popular Contempt for US Role Richard Becker, author of Palestine, Israel and the US Empire and west coast coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, and Robert Fantina, journalist and Palestine activist, discussed how US diplomacy in the Middle East has been reduced to cheerleading for its ally Israel. US President Joe Biden’s “humiliation” by Arab leaders on his visit to the Middle East is a sign of popular rage against his support for Israel. Biden was left with egg on his face after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pulled out of a four-sided meeting with his US counterpart in the Jordanian capital Amman which Egypt was also set to attend. Jordanian King Abdullah II called off the summit shortly afterwards, forcing Biden to cancel his trip to Israel’s eastern neighbor. The unprecedented snub was in protest at the bombing of the al-Ahli Baptist hospital in Gaza — run by the Church of England — on Tuesday evening, which the Palestinian Health Ministry said killed at least 500 people and injured hundreds more. Most of the victims were civilians sheltering in the hospital’s grounds after being driven from their homes by Israeli bombing. In a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Biden endorsed Tel Aviv’s claim that the massacre was caused by “the other team” when a home-made rocket launched by Islamic Jihad guerrillas fell short. Peace campaigner Richard Becker told Sputnik that Biden had suffered a great “humiliation.” “They told him, ‘No, don’t come. We can’t afford to have you in our country right now.’ And that went for Egypt, that went for Saudi Arabia, went for Jordan,” Becker underscored. “The anger is so great that that they told Biden: ‘don’t come.'” The hospital attack provoked spontaneous protests that night across the capitals of the Middle East, from Egypt to Turkiye and Morocco to Iran — many of them targeting Israeli, US, British, and French diplomatic missions — as the people rejected Netanyahu and Biden’s claims. “Why against the French? Why against the British?” the activist posited. “It’s really an indication and really another proof of the fact that the era of colonialism, while it’s largely over, is not really over, and that the anger that still exists because the whole region was colonized by Europe and then the US after World War II.” “It’s seen through the prism of the struggle against colonialism and seeing the state of Israel as the ultimate form of what is meant to be permanent colonialism,” Becker stressed. “Not ending, but a colonial project emanating from Europe supported by the United States and meant to do harm to the Arab world.” US President Joe Biden speaks – Sputnik International, 1920, 18.10.2023 World Biden Believes Gaza Hospital Attack Carried Out by ‘Other Team,’ Not Israel

At least 22 journalists killed in Gaza. Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict October 20, 2023 The Israel-Gaza conflict has taken a severe toll on journalists since Hamas launched its unprecedented attack against Israel on October 7 and Israel declared war on the militant Palestinian group, launching strikes on the blockaded Gaza Strip. CPJ is investigating all reports of journalists killed, injured, detained, or missing in the war, including those hurt as hostilities spread to neighboring Lebanon. As of October 20, at least 22 journalists were among the more than 4,000 dead on both sides since the war began on October 7, with hundreds killed in Tuesday’s hospital blast in Gaza. Journalists in Gaza face particularly?high?risks as they try to cover the conflict in the face of a ground assault by Israeli troops, devastating Israeli airstrikes, disrupted communications, and extensive power outages. As of October 20: 22 journalists were confirmed dead: 18 Palestinian, 3 Israeli, and 1 Lebanese. 8 journalists were reported injured. 3 journalists were reported missing or detained. Continued attacks, arrests, threats, and censorship CPJ is also investigating numerous unconfirmed reports of other journalists being killed, missing, detained, hurt or threatened, and of damage to media offices and journalists’ homes. “CPJ emphasizes that journalists are civilians doing important work during times of crisis and must not be targeted by warring parties,” said Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator. “Journalists across the region are making great sacrifices to cover this heartbreaking conflict. All parties must take steps to ensure their safety.” The list published here includes names based on information obtained from CPJ’s sources in the region and media reports. It is unclear whether all of the journalists were covering the conflict at the time of their deaths, but CPJ has included them in our count as we investigate their circumstances. The list is being updated on a regular basis.

THE LIE OF THE DECADE: IDF’s Hananya Naftali caught red-handed, lying to the world about their hospital atrocity. Israel announced it had bombed Gaza’s Baptist hospital, killing 500 innocent people, then changed its story, said a Hamas missile ‘misfired. Escalation of conflict and nuclear weapons? Hospital bombing in Gaza – who did it? Israel’s fake theories on Al-Ahli hospital attack  – Israel is floundering in its statements regarding the airstrike of Al-Ahli hospital in the Gaza Strip. Different fake theories were made to cover up Israel’s responsibility for targeting the Gaza hospital. An Israeli airstrike at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza killed over 500 Palestinians raising the total death toll in the strip to 3,500, According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Before the Al-Alhi Hospital attack, Israeli assaults on Gaza killed at least 2,778 people and wounded 9,700 others. Meanwhile, Egyptian football star Mohammed Salah lost 1 million on Facebook after his silence on Israeli attacks on Gaza.” /> Meanwhile, following the attack on the hospital, many world leaders decried the airstrike that targeted civilians, including French President Emmanuel Macron, Jordan King Abdullah II, UN human rights chief Volker Turk, and African Union chief Moussa Faki Mahamat. Israeli officials and the army have been releasing many statements to cover up their attack on Al-Ahli hospital. Palestinian Islamic Jihad failed rocket: Israeli army spokesperson Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari claimed on Wednesday that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad failed rocket was the reason behind the Gaza hospital attack on Tuesday night. Furthermore, a fake audio was released by the Israeli army in which it fabricated recordings of Islamic Jihad members to claim they were “responsible for the explosion.” The army also posted fake footage to verify their theory about the failed rocket. Palestinian Islamic Jihad released a statement rejecting Israel’s claims that it hit Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza, Anadolu Agency reported. – Hamas base under hospital: Israeli YouTuber Hananya Naftali posted on his X account shortly after the airstrike on Al-Ahli hospital reportedly saying that Israeli struck a Hamas base, which he claimed to exist under the Gaza hospital. However, after the Israeli army’s denial of striking the Gaza hospital, Naftali released another post that he was wrong in his earlier remarks. He wrote: “Earlier today I shared a report that was published on @reuters about the bombing at the hospital in Gaza which falsely stated Israel struck the hospital.” Naftali maintained: ” I mistakenly shared this information in a since deleted post in which I referenced Hamas’ routine use of hospitals to store weapons caches and conduct terrorist activity. I apologize for this error.” “As the IDF does not bomb hospitals, I assumed Israel was targeting one of the Hamas bases in Gaza.” “It is known that Hamas is using civilians as human shields, it is a war crime and a crime against humanity. This should be the focus.”

Al Jazeera report on Biden vetoing UN ceasefire resolution, and the hospital bombing in Gaza. Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution US vetoes the Brazilian-led draft resolution on the Israel-Gaza crisis. 18 October 2023 Riyad Mansour, Palestinian Representative in UN, gives speech. Gilad Erdan, Israel Representative in UN, gives speech. Jordanian Ambassador, Mahmoud Hmoud, at UN, gives speech. Peace and Security The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Council to make its first public intervention on the Israel-Gaza crisis followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on Monday evening. While 12 of the Council’s 15 members voted in favour of the Brazilian-led text, one (United States) voted against, and two (Russia, and the United Kingdom) abstained. A ‘no’ vote from any one of the five permanent members of the Council stops action on any measure put before it. The body’s permanent members are China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Russian amendments Prior to the vote, two amendments proposed by Russia, calling for an immediate, durable and full ceasefire, and to stop attacks against civilians were rejected by the Security Council. Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told Council Ambassadors “the time for diplomatic metaphors is long gone.” Anyone who did not support Russia’s draft resolution on this issue bears responsibility for what happens, he said. The current draft “has no clear call for a ceasefire” and “will not help to stop the bloodshed”. He said Russia’s amendments proposed a call to end indiscriminate attacks on civilians and infrastructure in Gaza and the condemnation of the imposition of the blockade on the enclave; and adding a new point for a call for a humanitarian ceasefire. “If these are not included in the current draft, it would not help to address the human situation in Gaza and polarize positions of the international community,” he said. US rejection US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield explained her country’s veto in the Council chamber saying “this resolution did not mention Israel’s right of self-defence.” “Israel has the inherent sight of self-defence as reflected in Article 51 of the UN Charter,” she added, noting that the right was reaffirmed by the Council in previous resolutions on terrorist attacks, “this resolution should have done the same.” She said that though the US could not support the resolution, it will continue to work closely with all Council members on the crisis, “just as we will continue to reiterate the need to protect civilians, including members of the media, humanitarian workers, and UN officials.” Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield also noted the US is also engaged in on the ground diplomacy, with the visit of President Joseph Biden, and other senior officials. “Yes, resolutions are important, and yes, this Council must speak out. But the actions we take, must be informed by the facts on the ground and support direct diplomacy that can save lives,” she said. Brazil ‘heeded the call’ for action Ambassador Sérgio França Danese of Brazil said his country, as President of the Security Council for October, responded to a call by Council members to forge a united response to the crisis. “We heeded the call with a sense of urgency and responsibility, in our view the Security Council had to take action and do so very quickly,” he said. “Council paralysis in the face of a humanitarian catastrophe is not in the interest of the international community,” he added, noting efforts to build a unified position. Ambassador Danese reiterated that the focus was and remains on the critical humanitarian situation on the ground, guided by political realism, “but our sight was always set on the humanitarian imperative.” He regretted that collective action had stalled, stating “Very sadly, the Council was yet again unable to adopt a resolution on the crisis, again silence and inaction prevailed”. UK abstention UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward said that her country abstained from the resolution as the text needed to be clearer on Israel’s inherent right to self-defence, and because it ignored the fact that extremist group Hamas, which controls Gaza, is using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

MP Crispin Blunt on how UK could be complicit with Israel’s war crimes legally. Tory MP Crispin Blunt says UK could be complicit in war crimes if it supports Israel in Gaza as his group vows to prosecute UK government officials Crispin Blunt is co-director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestine   The UK could be complicit in war crimes in Gaza and may even face legal action if it does not do more to try and force Israel to show constraint in its attacks on Palestinians, a UK MP has warned. Tory MP for Reigate Crispin Blunt told Sky News he does not believe members of government ‘have grasped the legal peril they are in’ as he condemned Israel’s heavy bombing of the Gaza strip, a 25-mile long stretch of land in which 2.2 million people live. The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), of which Mr Blunt is co-director, today confirmed it intends to prosecute UK government officials for ‘aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza.’ It is estimated that 2,200 people have so far been killed by relentless airstrikes in Gaza in response to Hamas militants’ incursion onto Israeli territory last Saturday and slaughtering civilians, including more than 250 attendees at a music festival. The letter from the ICJP follows Israel’s warning to Palestinians to evacuate to the south of the Gaza Strip or risk being caught up in military action and calls for the UK to support an immediate ceasefire. It comes ahead of a planned protest in support of Palestine in central London on Saturday, which thousands of people are expected to attend. The IDF yesterday warned 1.2 million people to flee in just 24 hours, including those critically ill in hospital who cannot be moved. The deadline expired in the early hours of Saturday, although the IDF today said citizens could evacuate via two main roads between 10am and 4pm local time. The UN and World Health Organisation both condemned the Israeli order, warning of ‘calamitous’ results and a humanitarian crisis if it was not revoked. So far in the conflict, more than 1,300 Israelis have been killed with around 150 people, north Israelis and foreign citizens, taken hostage and imprisoned in Gaza. Palestinian authorities say of the 2,200 killed by Israeli strikes so far, 583 are confirmed to be children. Mr Blunt told Sky that ‘everyone must act to restrain people’ if they know war crimes are likely to happen. He continued: ‘If you know that a party is going to commit a war crime – and this forcible transfer of people is a precise breach of one of the statutes that governs international law and all states in this area – then you are making yourself complicit,’ he said. ‘And as international law has developed in this area, the fact of being complicit makes you equally guilty to the party carrying out the crime.’

Tony Greenstein, Jewish human rights activist, on Gaza as a prison and Netanyahu’s ultimate goal. Greenstein on genocide in Gaza, Egypt taking US aid, and Biblical guide on how Jews in Israel should treat non Jews. Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies The Conversation Between 2 Hamas Members that Israel Posted are Fake & Digitally Manipulated – the Missile Came From the East not West Al Jazeera Investigation in Israel’s Bombing of the Al Ahli Hospital Was the Gaza hospital attack caused by a failed rocket launch? | Bird’s Eye View Channel 4 News tonight broadcast the first scientific analysis by Forensic Architecture based at London University that Israel’s ‘evidence’ that Islamic Jihad carried out the horrific bombing the Al-Ahli hospital is as genuine as a 9 bob note. Israel’s Crude Forgery of a Conversation Between 2 Hamas Operatives Firstly the missile came from the opposite direction to that which Israel alleged – East not South West. Secondly that the ‘conversation’ between two Hamas operatives had been digitally manipulated and consisted of two separate conversations, clearly by two Israeli actors. Now why should Israel do this if its conscience is clean? If in fact it was a misfiring by Islamic Jihad that caused the explosion that killed 500 people what possible reason is there to employ actors to narrate a fictional conversation? The Missile that destroyed the Al Ahli Hospital came from the East not the South-West as Israel alleged Of course the Americans and the BBC are eager to accept the Israeli denial that it deliberately targeted a hospital because they wish to portray the Israeli attack on Gaza as what they say it is, highly selective rather than it being an indiscriminate attack on the civilian population of Gaza. Why should Israel behave in this way? Because it has ordered Palestinians to vacate northern Gaza and therefore wanted all hospitals to close and not to shelter Palestinian civilians. This is genocide pure and simple. Channel 4 Investigation of Attack on Al Hilwa Hospital In a press conference, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Hosam Naoum, said the al-Ahli al-Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza was warned on Saturday, Sunday and Monday by the Israeli army to evacuate. It was then bombed on Tuesday. Clearly the Israelis were becoming impatient with the hospital still functioning and decided to take it out. Three days before the fatal missile strike the hospital had already been hit. However it is understandable that Israel wants to reassure its gullible Zionist supporters abroad that it was not the culprit and sure enough the BBC and Sky News go to town on Israel’s lies, endorsed by the senile American President Biden and his puppet Sunak. If there was any doubt about whether Israel has lied then the Al Jazeera investigation tonight lays that doubt to rest. There was only one rocket launched from Gaza that night and it was intercepted. The only party who could have launched the missile on the hospital was Israel and of course they know that. It comes hot on the heels of Israel’s attack on the Greek Orthodox Church of St Porphyrius, the oldest church in Gaza, some 1600 years old. Once again Palestinian civilians were sheltering in the church assuming that although Israel bombs mosques without qualms it would draw the line at Christian churches. The reality is that Israel has no red lines when it comes to attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza – be it hospitals, schools, churches or mosques. These are multiple war crimes yet Biden, Sunak, Starmer et al. have no hesitation in backing Israel. We are led by war criminals….

Of course if we were to call the Zionists and Israelis Nazis that would be anti-Semitic ..but if the Zionists call Palestinians ‘Nazis’ then that is fine because the Holocaust narrative is Israeli property, to twist and distort as they will. Instead of being an object in why racism and fascism is a wrong, the Zionists use the Holocaust as a justification for whatever evils they perpetrate.

What do MI6 & the CIA think about Gaza? Sir Alex Younger, former head of MI6, on Peston, saying war will not accelerate. Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says Israel was warned by Egypt of potential violence three days before Hamas’ deadly cross-border raid, a US congressional panel chairman has said. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee head Michael McCaul told reporters of the alleged warning. Israeli intelligence services are under scrutiny for their failure to prevent the deadliest attack by Palestinian militants in Israel’s 75-year history. “We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” Mr McCaul told reporters following a closed-door intelligence briefing on Wednesday for lawmakers about the Middle East crisis, according to AFP news agency. “I don’t want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given,” the Texas Republican added. “I think the question was at what level.” An Egyptian intelligence official told the Associated Press news agency this week that Cairo had repeatedly warned the Israelis “something big” was being planned from Gaza. “We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Cairo official said Israeli officials had played down the threat from Gaza, instead focusing on the West Bank. Sir Alex Younger, who served as chief of the UK’s foreign intelligence agency between 2014 and 2020, said Hamas fighters were able to carry out their attack on 7 October due to “institutional complacency” in Israel. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today Podcast there may have been an assumption by Israel that Hamas was not interested in a new conflict, so any information that contradicted that was discounted. “It is my assumption – though I’m not on the inside – that there would be data breaking through that could have been interpreted differently and certainly would be with hindsight,” he said. He added that complacency could have been compounded by an over-reliance on technological means to monitor Gaza, leading to a false sense of security….

David Livingstone on Dark Enlightenment. Nazis on Acid: Fascism & Psychedelics, Satanism & Transhumanism, David Livingstone – David Livingstone on drugs and MK Ultra – Thiel is also an exponent of a right-wing philosophy the neo-reactionary movement (sometimes abbreviated to NRx), an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, reactionary philosophy. The movement is also known as the Dark Enlightenment, a term coined by English author and philosopher Nick Land, in his essay of the same name. Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change.[113] Accelerationism reflected a similar approach adopted by Satanists, particularly the Process Church and Charles Manson. Land has also “highly-recommended” the works of David Myatt’s fascist Satanist Order of Nine Angles (O9A), whose international distributor is adept Kerry Bolton, founder of the Black Order and associate of Alexander Dugin, known as “Putin’s Rasputin.”[114]

Psychedelics and Fascism: From MK-Ultra, to Esalen and Silicon Valley – It’s commonly assumed that the “mind-expanding” capabilities of psychedelics usually lead to progressive or liberal views. So, their proponents are surprised by their persistent association with the right. In “Right-Wing Psychedelia: Case Studies in Cultural Plasticity and Political Pluripotency,” Brian A. Pace and Nese Devenot observe that, “Recent media advocacy for the nascent psychedelic medicine industry has emphasized the potential for psychedelics to improve society, pointing to research studies that have linked psychedelics to increased environmental concern and liberal politics.”[1] However, in “Why is the American right suddenly so interested in psychedelic drugs?” for The Guardian, Ross Ellenhorn and Dimitri Mugianis report that “psychedelic therapies are receiving unprecedented financial and political support – and much of it comes from the right.”[2]  The history of psychedelics begins with Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963), a fascist who inspired the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. And ultimately, interest in psychedelics derives from occult interest in the ancient shamans of the Altai Mountains, which is believed to be the original religion of the Aryans. H.P. Blavatsky(1831 – 1891), who is considered the “godmother” of the New Age movement, despite the fact that she inspired the racial ideas of the Nazis, was inspired in her knowledge of Shambhala, a Tibetan Buddhist legend mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra. Csoma de Körös (1784 – 1842), a Hungarian orientalist from Transylvania, was the first to report of the legend of Shambhala in the West, which he located in “the land of the Yugurs (Uighurs)” in Xinjiang, a province of Northwestern China. In an 1825 letter, Csoma de Körös wrote that Shambhala is like a Buddhist Jerusalem, and he believed it would probably be found in Kazakhstan, close to the Gobi desert, where it would later be situated by Blavatsky.[3] Others later would also locate it more specifically either in Xinjiang, or the Altai Mountains. Thus the Altai Mountains are the reputed source of the early form of spirit or “divine” communication known as shamanism, regarded among occultists as the “Oriental Kabbalah,” a supposed remnant of the migrations of Aryan survivors of Atlantis.

Radio4All download pages
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#1 –
Complete 3hr 10min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Tony Greenstein UK PSC founder Gaza Prison Break Sunak Starmer Gaza beware Joshua 00:15:00
#3 – UN Security Council debate over Baptist Hospital massacre Palestine Israel Jordan and Egypt ambassadors 00:50:00
#4 – Crispin Blunt MP ICJP intends to prosecute UK government officials for complicity in Gaza war crimes 00:05:00
#5 – Hananya Naftali psychological warfare officer at IDF digital warfare task force HQ 00:01:00
#6 – Israel PM Netanyahu and UK PM Sunak reiterates support for Israeli war crimes no mention of ceasefire 00:05:00
#7 – Al Jazeera ZioNazi 1of3 How Israel automated occupation in Hebron The Listening Post 00:26:00
#8 – ex-MI6 boss Sir Alex Younger and ex-CIA boss General Petreus on Peston 00:15:00
#9 – Palestine Declassified David Miller Gaza Prison Break Press TV 14Oct23 00:25:00
#10 – David Livingstone Nazis on acid fascism and psychedelics 00:49:00

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “Joe Banks, Journalist, has done an investigation in to Bristol City Council Corporate Chief Executive, Steve Peacock. Former jobs of Steve Peacock including at BP. Bristol Arena public/private partnership – Bristol’s Blairite mayor Marvin Rees’ final State of the City Address as his role was voted out in a 2022 referendum. The Bristolian – Real State of City Address. Marvin attends Brussel’s Urban Summit 2023 – TOP LIAR: Bristol Council’s top lawyer Tim O’Gara on investigations in to Councillors Bristol City Council’s top lawyer apologises over misconduct cases advice Tim O’Gara has changed his story – Amazing 24% swing from Tory to Labour but this week’s two by-elections both appear to have been turned into a Labour victory by Richard Tyce’s Reform Party. – On 3.7% and 5.4% the ‘Tory stalking horse’ Reform party, who take almost all their votes from Conservatives, appear to have let Labour in in both Min-Beds and Tamworth. – Why can’t ex-Labour ‘Corbynistas’ form a new party to stalk Starmer’s Labour? – ‘Labour now opposes strikes, rejects renationalisation, refuses to defend refugees, and won’t scrap student fees – or even the two-child benefit cap’. New party to ‘transform’ politics after Keir Starmer’s betrayal of the left – Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies – UK’s greatest satirical cartoonist Steve Bell CANCELLED: Stella Perrett, Cartoonist and author of 2020, the year we were all CANCELLED, on the cancelling of Steve Bellon the grounds of anti Semitism – Israel’s Gaza war crimes just another murderous land grab, Bibi should read rest of Hebrew Bible, not just Joshua – Jewish guy Hermes The Cynic on Tik Tok bemoaning Israel’s shameful behaviour in the treatment of it’s neighbours and Mossad behind Hamas. Demos by Jews in US against Israeli action in Gaza. – Dr David Miller on Press TV with Chris Williamson – ‘A great military and intelligence victory for Hamas”. Israel ‘caught unawares’? Hmmmmm. – Lady from Kibbutz on Israel radio saying IDF killed lots of Jews along with Hamas. Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by IDF – Bristol Palestine Museum: Rita Cangalousi from the Palestinian Museum in central Bristol on Israel’s massacre in Gaza. ITVs Peston – poll says most Israelis want Netanyahu out. Hamas created by Mossad – Israel’s Nazi-style surveillance of innocent civilians – The Listening Post on Al Jazeera ‘How Israel Automated Occupation in Hebron’. Israel’s Automated Occupation: Hebron – James Tweedie, London-based journalist for Sputnik, on situation in Israel/Gaza. Hananya Naftali from IDF Information Warfare Taskforce. ‘Mowing the Lawn’. Biden’s ‘Humiliation’ in Middle East Reflects Popular Contempt for US – At least 22 journalists killed in Gaza. Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict October 20, 2023 The Israel-Gaza conflict has taken a severe toll on journalists since Hamas launched its unprecedented attack – THE LIE OF THE DECADE: IDF’s Hananya Naftali caught red-handed, lying to the world about their hospital atrocity. Israel announced it had bombed Gaza’s Baptist hospital, killing 500 innocent people, then changed its story You’ve already confirmed that Netanyahu has put you on an official Israeli task force to control the narrative online, this means you get information from Israeli intelligence BEFORE the media does. – Al Jazeera report on Biden vetoing UN ceasefire resolution, and the hospital bombing in Gaza. Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution US vetoes the Brazilian-led draft resolution on the Israel-Gaza crisis – MP Crispin Blunt on how UK could be complicit with Israel’s war crimes legally. UK could be complicit in war crimes if it supports Israel in Gaza as his group vows to prosecute UK government officials – Tony Greenstein, Jewish human rights activist, on Gaza as a prison and Netanyahu’s ultimate goal. Greenstein on genocide in Gaza, Egypt taking US aid, and Biblical guide on how Jews in Israel should treat non Jews. – Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies – Of course if we were to call the Zionists and Israelis Nazis that would be anti-Semitic ..but if the Zionists call Palestinians ‘Nazis’ then that is fine because the Holocaust narrative is Israeli property – What do MI6 & the CIA think about Gaza? Sir Alex Younger, former head of MI6, on Peston, saying war will not accelerate. Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, – David Livingstone on Dark Enlightenment. Nazis on Acid: Fascism & Psychedelics, Satanism & Transhumanism, David Livingstone – David Livingstone on drugs and MK Ultra – – Psychedelics and Fascism: From MK-Ultra, to Esalen and Silicon Valley – It’s commonly assumed that the “mind-expanding” capabilities of psychedelics usually lead to progressive or liberal views.. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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