Nick Georges, from Palestine Action, joins Tony and Martin, Nick was a humanitarian witness in Palestine before the present ‘war’, and he explains his experiences, and what people have told him. – Busharat Ali, from Bristol4Palestine, joins Tony and Martin. Busharat on how it is not a war in Gaza, as it is too one sided. He also explains where they have been protesting in Bristol. – Charles III Puts Cameron, Destroyer of Libya, Back In Charge As UK Foreign Secretary – David Cameron, King Charles’ perfect diabolist Foreign Secretary: Tony and Martin on show in 2013, when Mandela died, on rumours of David Cameron and dodgy funding of South African nuclear weapons. – David Cameron during Syrian war and how Assad must go. Hamas were aligned with overthrowing Assad. Will David Cameron, war criminal, save Gaza situation? Various polls showing people do not want Cameron back – Barton Hill tower block Barton House is evacuated just before November’s full council meeting where Blairite Labour mayor Marvin Rees was due to be publicly embarrassed over his support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza. – Zara Sultana MP in Parliament on the heart-rending situation in Gaza and pleading for a ceasefire. Layla Moran MP on how she has lost a relative in Gaza war. – Harrowing moment Layla Moran MP stuns Commons confirming death of family member in Gaza. Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran broke the news ahead of Wednesday night’s vote on a ceasefire. – Gaza ‘war’ and UK involvement. Socialist Worker story British state tries to cover up its military operations in Middle East – Socialist Worker has defied a D Notice to the media—a state instruction to remain silent – Palestinians could go to Ireland story -An Israeli minister has said that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip is an option, adding that the Palestinian population should “go to Ireland or the deserts”. – Netanyahu proposes Tony Blair as Peace Envoy in Palestine! Israel-Hamas war: Tony Blair acting as broker for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer in Middle East – Young Leaders, Blair, and Rothschild story – Tony Blair and the Rothschilds 14Nov23 by Paul Cudenec #WinterOak Blair told media as he walked in through several revolving corporate doors in 2008: – Erdogan calls Israel a terrorist state “Those who have lost whatever there is related to morals, conscience and dignity can no longer be a human being, but they can only be lower even than animals” – Human Rights Watch Warns Gaza Communications Blackout Can Cover Up Atrocities – The United Nations human rights chief says he will launch an investigation into profound breaches of humanitarian law by Israel – Sergei Lavrov on how the UN should enforce Israel’s legal borders and push for a two state solution. Creation of Palestinian state historically inevitable – Netanyahu is not one of ‘God’s chosen people’. Netanyahu Reminds Rivals That He is “God’s Chosen” Incoming Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responds with his own public invocation of the Almighty – Russian sea-nukes can destroy all US Atlantic/Pacific coast cities and make Yellowstone super-volcano erupt – Russian reserve army colonel Vladimir Trukhan: The US is Extremely Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack – Vladimir Trukhan: Russian Military, with a blunt Ukraine and WWII nuclear war scenario update – The US’s Yellowstone caldera is one such supervolcano and has for decades seriously concerned volcanologists who fear that humans won’t be able to do anything to prevent the fallout from a future eruption – A new Russian video may show a ‘doomsday machine’ able to trigger 300-foot tsunamis — but nuclear weapons experts question why you’d ever build one A nuclear-weapon-powered tsunami wave is possible – David Livingstone on the Kabbalah and what it says about God giving Jews Israel. Zionism Heresy: Kabbalah Freemasonry Babylon Doomsday #OrdoAbChao David Livingstone – Genealogy of the House of Rothschild – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Nick Georges, from Palestine Action, joins Tony and Martin on phone. Nick was a humanitarian witness in Palestine before the present ‘war’, and he explains his experiences, and what people have told him. This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain. Their are many forms of action that you can take and each has their own benefits and limitations. We will provide a guide to how each of these actions work and what would be most suitable for you. If you’d like to hear more about the measures we take to #ShutElbitDown you should attend this workshop and find out exactly how we intend to disrupt, and ultimately close down, every link on the chain of Palestinan opression here on British soil.
Busharat Ali, from Bristol4Palestine, joins Tony and Martin. Busharat on how it is not a war in Gaza, as it is too one sided. He also explains where they have been protesting in Bristol. Jacob Rees-Mogg, BBC Question Time, on how there shouldn’t be a ceasefire in Gaza and why. Propaganda and lies during this ‘war’. Bristol MP supports Palestine before they are elected. Benjamin Netanyahu on hostages and potential ceasefire. Nick on the effects of his efforts over the years. ITV Peston – Melanie, head of Ofcom, on how they regulate media. Busharat on how he has been cancelled. Where to find Busharat, Bristol4Palestine, and when their protests are – on X, Instagram or 07720021978 WhatsApp group. Hundreds take to Bristol’s streets to call for ceasefire in Gaza – Marchers called for a ceasefire and an end to arming Israel’s offensive – Campaigners calling for a ceasefire in the war in Gaza gathered in their hundreds in Bristol city centre, Saturday (November 18). Following weeks of similar protests, the march once again demanded an end to the military campaign that is estimated to have killed more than 12,000 people since the October 7 attack on Israel that saw more than 1,200 people killed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The march was organised by Bristol’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign and started just after midday, leaving Castle Park and passing through Broadmead before ending their protest on College Green. Alongside calls for a ceasefire in the conflict, many marchers demanded an end to the arming of Israel in their offensive. Bristol’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign said after the march: “Britain’s political class overwhelmingly supports Israel’s war on Gaza, even though the British public backs the call for a cease-fire. One of the biggest protest movements in living memory is defying threats of state repression to challenge this complicity.”
David Cameron, King Charles’ perfect diabolist Foreign Secretary: Tony and Martin on show in 2013, when Mandela died, on rumours of David Cameron and dodgy funding of South African nuclear weapons. David Cameron on why he has taken the role of Foreign Secretary. Cameron on Gaza a while ago. Find Nick George and Palestine Action on X, Instagram, and website. David Cameron just after ‘winning’ the Libyan war and ousting Gaddafi. Al Jazeera – Libya a mess Operation Southern Mistral. Libyan Islamic Fighting Group worked with MI6. David Cameron’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Deal Raised £17.8m for Conservative Party Funds – Sets Pretext for War Sometimes you come across a story that seems so unbelievable that you simply can’t absorb and process the information properly. It doesn’t compute or make much sense – until an investigation produces evidence. The allegation is this. David Cameron sold three nuclear weapons of a foreign state, put them in unsafe hands and the Conservative party banks nearly £19 million which then sets the pretext for a conflict that kills a million people. Conspiracy theory? Fake news? Read on. South Africa – A nuclear state armed by Israel Although UN Security Council Resolution 418 of 4 November 1977 introduced a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa, requiring all states to refrain from “any co-operation with South Africa in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons”, it was with the help of the Israelis that the apartheid regime designed and built a total of 10 fully operational nuclear weapons.[1] One device was successfully tested in 1979, which left 9 nuclear weapons in South Africa’s stockpile.[2][3] In August 1988, foreign minister Pik Botha announced that South Africa had “the capability to make one [a nuclear weapon]” should it want to do so. A month later, in September 1988, South Africa sent a letter to IAEA Director-General Hans Blix expressing willingness to accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if certain conditions were met, primarily that South Africa be allowed to market its uranium subject to IAEA safeguards. In summary, South Africa operated a covert nuclear ballistic missile program. The United Nations introduced a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa in the development and manufacture of such weapons. Israel assisted anyway. The result was that nine nuclear weapons were left after testing. The purpose was to prove to international markets it had that capability and was willing to sell that capability to willing buyers. Bomb casings at South Africa’s abandoned Circle nuclear bomb production facility near Pretoria (Source: Wikipedia) David Cameron’s Sanction Busting Trip Peter Eyre is a documentary film maker who specialises in Middle-Eastern wars, weapons technology, terrorism and human rights abuses. He wrote a series on the subject of the UK’s involvement in the selling of South Africa’s nuclear weapons. Eyre writes that David Cameron visited South Africa in 1989 accompanied by Conservative MP, Sir Kenneth Warren, and nuclear weapons inspector, Dr David Kelly. Kelly had made a number of earlier visits having been given access to the covert nuclear weapons research facility at Pelindaba, near Pretoria. An excerpt from part two of his documentation [4]: “I find it amazing that David Cameron and others traveled to South Africa during the embargo period and not only violated international law but also violated international law in dealing with nuclear weapons that were not known to the UN. In 1989 David Cameron and others went down to South Africa to carry out some sinister plan that resulted in only 6 operational nuclear weapons going back to the US for de commissioning.The other three were to be purchased by the British Government as a standby mechanism against Saddam. Remember this is all under the radar of the United Nations Eyre stated that David Cameron’s trip, although officially ‘a fact-finding mission,’ [5] which was heavily criticised at the time, was to arrange for three of South Africa’s nuclear weapons to be shipped to the Arabian peninsular, where they would be stored in case they were required in Iraq. This fact alone is alarming. These weapons were not only stored unsafely but they were stored in a volatile region and subsequently went missing.
David Cameron during Syrian war and how Assad must go. Hamas were aligned with overthrowing Assad. Will David Cameron, war criminal, save Gaza situation? Various polls showing people do not want Cameron back. David Cameron: The Leading Architect of Libyan Catastrophe Returns – Just as campaigners from various social movements – including those defending the rights of refugees and those who refused to be bowed into not marching for a ceasefire in Gaza – were rightly taking credit towards the removal of Suella Braverman from the office of Home Secretary, the reshuffle that followed brought David Cameron back to frontline politics as Foreign Secretary. A lot of the coverage on this has focused on the Greensill scandal, but it is also important to look at his record on foreign policy in his time as PM, including the war on Libya, of which he was a central part of. In 2016, a report found that the intervention of British, French, and American armed forces into Libya in 2011 was ‘not informed by accurate intelligence’. It went on to say that the action, which was ostensibly to protect civilians from Muammar Gaddafi’s government, had ‘drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change’, the result of which was ‘political and economic collapse, inter-militia and inter-tribal warfare, humanitarian and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of [weapons] across the region and the growth of ISIL in North Africa.’ This summary of the war on Libya in 2011, was not from an anti-war organisation or one of the 15 MPs who opposed the war, including Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell. These are the words of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee, in “ Libya: Examination of intervention and collapse and the UK’s future policy options.” Looking at this report and other investigations into the war, we see that not only was it clearly in reality a war of external powers planning to enforce ‘regime change,’ but also (like the war on Iraq) a war where control of oil and resources was a central motivation. Indeed, on the day Tripoli fell, the New York Times’ led with the telling headline ‘The scramble for access to Libya’s oil wealth begins.’
Barton Hill tower block Barton House is evacuated just before November’s full council meeting where Blairite Labour mayor Marvin Rees was due to be publicly embarrassed over his support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Ostensibly due to ‘safety concerns’. Former cabinet member for housing Paul Smith said Council knew about it for ages. Israeli flag projected on to Bristol Council building. Six households refused to leave Barton House after tower block is evacuated – Bristol City Council have provided an update after the evacuation on Tuesday evening (November 14). A protest is set to take place on College Green this morning (November 17) in solidarity with those affected Some residents of Barton House have refused to leave the building since it was evacuated on Tuesday evening (November 14). According to Bristol City Council, six households still occupy their homes while a further 14 are yet to confirm their arrangements. A major incident was declared after a survey revealed three of the 98 flats at Barton House, in the Redfield area, are a “risk to the structure of the block” in the event of a fire, explosion or large impact. It saw 400 tenants asked to leave immediately as “as a precautionary measure” while inspections are carried out. In an update issued today (November 17), Bristol City Council confirmed that 61 households have since been supported into hotel accommodation while 14 are staying with family and friends. However, a number of other still remain in their homes at Barton House. Among those remaining is Stuart Roberts, 44, who lives on the eighth floor of Barton House. He told the Sun: “I’m not going anywhere. They are wanting to put me in a bed and breakfast but I’m not moving. “I’ve already lost one place and they put me in Barton House last year and I can’t keep moving around like this.” The council said: “Surveyors are currently carrying out detailed work in Barton House to confirm earlier findings and establish the differences between how the building was built and its design. The findings from this work will inform decisions on what to do next and ensure we can provide residents with certainty over the future of the block. “Food and drink are being made available to all residents in hotels and transport is being offered to those who need to travel between sites for hot meals. Transport is also on offer for those who need to get to essential locations such as work, school or to return to Barton House to collect essential items. Some residents will be moved into another hotel by the weekend which will reduce their need to travel for hot meals.” They added: “Any resident who has not been able to speak to council officers or needs help with any aspect of their temporary arrangements should visit the council website or email the council website. Our free helpline remains open and taking calls on 0800 694 0184 between 8.30am and 9pm or 0117 922 2050 outside of these hours.” A protest is taking place at College Green this morning in solidarity with the people that were evacuated. It is organised by ACORN Bristol and will begin at around 10am.
Zara Sultana MP in Parliament on the heart-rending situation in Gaza and pleading for a ceasefire. Layla Moran MP on how she has lost a relative in Gaza war. Highlights: Labour MPs turn on Starmer to demand Gaza ceasefire Last night the Commons voted on an amendment to the King’s Speech which would have parties call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Keir Starmer threatened his front bench with sackings if they supported the vote, and lost ten of his top team as a result.
Harrowing moment Layla Moran MP stuns Commons confirming death of family member in Gaza. Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran broke the news ahead of Wednesday night’s vote on a ceasefire. Layla Moran: MP confirms death of family member in Gaza Layla Moran told the House of Commons her family member died due to their inability to access medical care Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran has said a member of her family has died in Gaza. The Oxford West and Abingdon MP, whose mother is Palestinian, told the Commons her family member died due to their inability to access medical care. She was speaking ahead of a vote on a motion calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war. Ms Moran said it was the “most difficult day” she had endured in her parliamentary career. “We are now over a month on from the atrocious attacks by Hamas on 7 October, and we were all right to utterly condemn the attacks,” she told the House of Commons. “But ahead of the votes that we are going to take in a moment I wanted to let the House know that today I lost my first family member. “The reason why this is important, having spoken about how they are in a church in Gaza City and how they didn’t, I am afraid, die of a bomb – instead they died perhaps for lack of food, perhaps for dehydration. “Their health deteriorated in the last week and they couldn’t get to the hospital they needed.”
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Gaza ‘war’ and UK involvement. Socialist Worker story British state tries to cover up its military operations in Middle East – Socialist Worker has defied a D Notice to the media—a state instruction to remain silent A crowd shot of the Palestine demo to illustrate a story about the British forces in the Middle East cover up through a D Notice Along with other newspapers, Socialist Worker received an instruction on Saturday morning from the state to cover up its military manoeuvres. Specifically this “D notice” concerned British special forces operating in the Middle East. The email was an “advisory notice from the Defence and Security Media Advisory (DSMA) Committee”. It said, “Reports have started to appear in some publications claiming that UK Special Forces have deployed to sensitive areas of the Middle East and then linking that deployment to hostage rescue/evacuation operations.” The Daily Mail newspaper, which has the right sort of contacts for such a story, had reported, “UK’s elite SAS on ‘standby in Cyprus’ to rescue British hostages held captive in Gaza by Hamas.” The D Notice continued, “May I take this opportunity to remind editors that publication of such information contravenes the DSMA notice code. I therefore advise that claims of such deployments should not be published nor broadcast without first seeking Defence and Security Media advice” Socialist Worker has not sought such advice, but we are publishing it anyway. Everyone should know what is happening in their name. D Notices are generally deployed to protect MI5 and MI6 spies, state secrets and the military. The instruction from Brigadier Geoffrey Dodds, DSMA secretary, continued, “This Notice aims to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of classified information about Special Forces and other MOD units engaged in security, intelligence and counter-terrorist operations, including their methods, techniques and activities. “Such disclosure could reveal details of operations or operating methods and techniques before, during and after their execution which would bestow an advantage on an adversary which could endanger national security and increase the risk to UK lives. “Should any editor currently be considering publishing or broadcasting information on these operations, may I ask you to seek my advice beforehand?”
Palestinians could go to Ireland story -An Israeli minister has said that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip is an option, adding that the Palestinian population should “go to Ireland or the deserts”. Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, a member of the Otzma Yehudit party, told Israeli station Radio Kol Berama that dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza “is one of the possibilities”. Eliyahu called for Israel to retake the Gaza Strip and restore settlements there, adding that displaced Palestinians can go to Ireland.”They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves,” Eliyahu told Radio Kol Berama. Eliyahu stated that anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag “shouldn’t continue living on the face of the earth”, adding that the northern Strip has no right to exist. He also voiced his objection to humanitarian aid entering Gaza, stating that “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid”. “There is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza,” Eliyahu added. Eliyahu is not part of Israel’s security cabinet, which is involved in wartime decision-making. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has distanced himself from Eliyahu’s comments, describing the remarks as “divorced from reality”. The Associated Press reports that Eliyahu has been suspended from cabinet meetings until further notice. However, the AP additionally notes that the move has no real impact as he is not a member of the wartime cabinet formed in the aftermath of the Hamas attacks in southern Israel on October 7.
Netanyahu proposes Tony Blair as Peace Envoy in Palestine! Israel-Hamas war: Tony Blair acting as broker for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer in Middle East The Scotsman Tony Blair is acting as a broker for Sir Keir Starmer in the Middle East, helping him to build relationships with regional leaders including the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, it can be revealed. The former prime minister is understood to be drawing on the wide-ranging contacts he made as Middle East envoy for the ‘Quartet’ of the US, Russia, the EU and the United Nations between 2007 and 2015. Earlier this week Sir Keir faced his biggest rebellion as Labour leader when 56 MPs defied the whip to vote for an SNP amendment demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Ten frontbenchers resigned. Sir Keir has held firm on his policy of not calling for a ceasefire, with insiders saying that with a general election a year away at most he must act as he would if he were Prime Minister. Sir Tony, Britain’s most successful Labour politician with three general election victories, has been advising Sir Keir on how to transition into power. It is understood the former PM is also brokering diplomatic introductions and contacts in the Middle East. There has not been any direct conversations between Mr Netanyahu and Sir Tony, who maintains an office in Tel Aviv, but the former PM has been working to assure the Israeli Government the current Labour leader is “not Jeremy Corbyn”. a source said. He has informed them that Israel can expect a consistent approach from the UK should Labour win the next general election. Rishi Sunak this week also brought back former Conservative prime minister David Cameron to help on the world stage, offering him the role of foreign secretary. Middle East experts from The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) could also take on temporary roles in Labour to advise on the Party’s position on the Israel-Hamas conflict, The Scotsman has been told….
Young Leaders, Blair, and Rothschild story – Tony Blair and the Rothschilds 14Nov23 by Paul Cudenec #WinterOak Blair told media as he walked in through several revolving corporate doors in 2008: “I have always been interested in commerce and the impact of globalisation. Nowadays, the intersection between politics and the economy in different parts of the world, including the emerging markets, is very strong”. The most cursory of glances at the 2023 “Ideas to Transform the Future of Britain” offered by Blair’s Institute for Global Change will confirm that he is peddling exactly the same plan as the Rothschilds and the WEF. He wants a new 21st-century “strategic state” harnessing artificial intelligence and digital identity to “give and receive information in real time”. Just like Klaus Schwab (funny, that!), Blair chooses the word “agile” to describe this new kind of governance. He wants to see “far deeper state investment in technological and AI-era infrastructure, utilising cloud and modern software”. And “a new treatment of data as a competitive asset, which can, for example, stimulate innovation in health”. That’s about impact investment, by the way. He also, somewhat predictably, calls for “a greater alignment between the government and private sector to mobilise effectively behind clear purposes, such as around climate”. Blair sees the need for “a greater appetite for risk and innovation, with greater expertise from the outside informing direction”. Maybe Rothschild & Co have some suggestions regarding the possible source of such “expertise”? Blair goes on: “The United Kingdom has been at the forefront of many of these breakthroughs and was home to one of humanity’s great leaps: the Industrial Revolution. “Another revolution is now taking place with developments in AI, a technology with a level of impact akin to the internal combustion engine, electricity and the internet, so incrementalism will not be enough”. Great Leap Forward, Great Reset, Impact, Fourth Industrial Revolution – we get the picture. “Growth and prosperity” has long been a catchphrase of the likes of the World Bank and Blair’s vision is, once again, very much in line, with its talk of a “new era of growth and prosperity”. To achieve this, democratic opposition to industrial acceleration has to be crushed by Blair’s fascistic new “agile” state. He wants “reform to build more critical infrastructure faster”, including an expansion of the meaning of that term. Blair complains: “Planning has become the epitome of democracy’s efficacy problem, with a small number of organised voices halting progress, slowing construction and pushing up costs. “Done right, a new model for national infrastructure planning would cut the time it takes to obtain consent by 80 per cent”. Blair also wants to see “modernisation” of public services in the UK, including, of course, the National Health Service. This would facilitate the impact agenda by imposing digital health accounts, with data held centrally in a “new NHS cloud infrastructure” and “used as a collective national asset to help our life-science sector to be world-leading”. For “life-science sector” read the highly profitable Biotech and Big Pharma empires with which the Rothschilds have long been closely linked, as I have previously set out. Just to make sure we get the point, Blair’s report envisages “turning the Genomic Medicine Service into a fully fledged part of the health system, providing whole-genome sequencing to all patients”. Privatisation is very much on the Blair agenda. He want to give his proposed Integrated Care Systems “multi-year budgets so they can redeploy efficiency savings, use private providers freely and allow patient choice across GP practices and hospitals in their region”. Schoolkids are on the Blair radar as well. His proposals for “reforming” education include: “1. Establishing a digital learner ID that would contain all educational information, enabling a personalised education for every child. “2. Increasing parent choice and access to quality education by giving schools the freedom to provide hybrid lessons and parents the right to request online classes delivered by other schools, incentivising schools to improve performance. “3. Overhauling Ofsted so that accountability is based on real-time insights and geared towards continuous improvement of standards”. Real-time insights means permanent digital surveillance so that educational “outcomes” can be assessed and traded by the financial parasites of the impact industry. Meanwhile, his solution to the need for “safer communities” is “an expansion of facial recognition technology” and his idea of caring for the environment is to call for “A Decade of Electrification”! Although Blair has publicly accepted the Brexit decision, he would like to see “a better relationship with the EU”, which would involve “deepening the existing security partnership” and establishing a new “strategic pillar” on foreign policy, defence and security within the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Finally, I have described elsewhere how the Swiss-based Edmond de Rothschild entity, in setting out its support for the whole totalitarian Great Reset agenda, used the slogan: “We are bold builders of the future”. Zurich Financial Services, the Swiss-based business that employed Blair in 2008, declares its desire to “create a brighter future together”. How peculiar that Blair’s propaganda should manage to perfectly combine the two phrases, with its slogan: “Britain deserves a bold agenda for a brighter future”! In truth, of course, the future he is trying to force upon us is anything but bright. It is difficult to disagree with researcher Rubin’s warning that “Tony Blair is coordinating with the Rothschild family to fundamentally reshape British society and implement a global, digital slave state”.

Human Rights Watch Warns Gaza Communications Blackout Can Cover Up Atrocities – The United Nations human rights chief says he will launch an investigation into profound breaches of humanitarian law by Israel Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a report explaining that the Israeli fuel embargo of Gaza will cause a near-total blackout of communications in Gaza. The group warned that the isolation could be used to cover up atrocities. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk said there is a need to investigate “extremely serious allegations of multiple and profound breaches” of humanitarian law in Gaza. After a Hamas attack in southern Israel on October 7, Israel has imposed a complete siege of Gaza. Tel Aviv has allowed a small amount of aid to enter the enclave, but shortages have caused hospitals and other critical facilities to shut down. HRW says the next part of the infrastructure to fail will be the communication network. “The Israeli government’s decision to bar delivery of fuel to Gaza will trigger a complete communications blackout imminently if not urgently addressed, further endangering the lives of Gaza’s population, Human Rights Watch said today,” reads the report published on Wednesday. “Israel should allow desperately needed fuel into Gaza and refrain from deliberately shutting down or destroying telecommunications systems that cause disproportionate harm to civilians.” The organization’s senior technology researcher, Deborah Brown, said the blackout could be exploited to commit undocumented war crimes. “Intentional, blanket shutdowns or restrictions on access to the internet violate multiple rights and can be deadly during crises,” she explained. “Prolonged and complete communications blackouts, like those experienced in Gaza, can provide cover for atrocities and breed impunity while further undermining humanitarian efforts and putting lives at risk.”
Sergei Lavrov on how the UN should enforce Israel’s legal borders and push for a two state solution. Creation of Palestinian state historically inevitable — Lavrov The top Russian diplomat stressed that the cessation of hostilities and the adoption of measures to resolve humanitarian problems were urgent tasks in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. The creation of a Palestinian state is historically inevitable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT. “The creation of a Palestinian state is historically inevitable,” Lavrov stated. At the same time, he noted that most current discussions on the future of the Gaza Strip “do not pay due attention” to the creation of a Palestinian state neighboring Israel. Lavrov stressed that the cessation of hostilities and the adoption of measures to resolve humanitarian problems were urgent tasks in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone. “The immediate and most urgent task is the cessation of hostilities and the taking measures to resolve humanitarian problems, which are observed everywhere,” he said. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the radical Palestinian group Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its operation as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel has declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and carried out air strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as some areas of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also underway in the West Bank.
Netanyahu is not one of ‘God’s chosen people’. Netanyahu Reminds Rivals That He is “God’s Chosen” Incoming Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responds with his own public invocation of the Almighty Netanyahu looks to God to legitimize his rule It was to Benjamin Netanyahu’s good fortune that the date of Israel’s change of government just happened to fall on the anniversary of the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. That provided Bibi with the opportunity to remind his political rivals of what the rebbe, considered by some in the Chabad movement to be the soon-coming Messiah, told him decades ago in New York. “I am reminded of comments made to me by the rabbi of Lubavitch: ‘You will need to fight with 119 people [i.e. all other members of Knesset], but you will certainly not be impressed by this as God is on this [i.e. your] side. Blessing and success to you. God will give a blessing and success,’” Netanyahu tweeted. Naftali Bennett appeared to react to Netanyahu’s post with a tweet of his own showing the incoming prime minister draped in a tallit (Jewish prayer shawl) accompanied by the priestly benediction: “May God bless you, and keep you; may God make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may God lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Russian reserve army colonel Vladimir Trukhan: The US is Extremely Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack – Vladimir Trukhan: Russian Military, with a blunt Ukraine and WWII nuclear war scenario update – how disastrous a nuclear strike on US would be due to the Wyoming volcanic region and beyond, and wiping out the entire US coastal population. Wyoming’s Yellowstone caldera super-volcano contains an estimated nearly 1000 cubic miles of high pressure molten rock ready to be ejected into the atmosphere of USA as either atmospheric ash or ground lava were a nuke to trigger it. ‘We could trigger Tsunamis up to 500m high on the USA Pacific & Atlantic seaboard and make the Yellowstone super-volcano erupt. Not even a nuclear weapon can devastate a country like a natural catastrophe’. Yellowstone supervolcano warning as 90,000 would ‘immediately’ die in horror eruption – One of the world’s largest active volcanic systems, an eruption at Yellowstone would affect not only the US but the whole world. The last supervolcanic eruption to occur on planet Earth came 27,000 years ago when Stone Age humans were crafting flints and painting caves. Back then, Taupo, located at the centre of New Zealand’s north island, exploded in what was known as the Oruanui eruption. It covered the island in as much as seven inches of ash, with material thought to have been deposited a staggering 620 miles away. What makes supervolcanoes different is their magnitude the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI) which comes in at an eight, meaning at one point in time they erupted more than 1,000 cubic kilometres (240 cubic miles) of material.
The US’s Yellowstone caldera is one such supervolcano and has for decades seriously concerned volcanologists who fear that humans won’t be able to do anything to prevent the fallout from a future eruption. Located in Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park is as beautiful as they come, but beneath its surface hides the huge caldera home to a supervolcano. It has remained dormant for more than 600,000 years, but some scientists fear that the sleeping giant might one day wake. Pressure beneath the park’s surface has mounted for thousands of years and is occasionally released by the various geysers which have popped up from the ground. In the event of an eruption, heat rising deep beneath the volcano would make its way upwards and melt the molten rock just below the ground surface, creating a mixture of magma, rock, vapour, carbon dioxide and other gases. A dome will eventually build and cause the ground to rise, and eventually blow its lid, covering neighbouring states Montana and Idaho in volcanic magma and ash. According to HowStuffWorks, the initial blast would “immediately” kill an astonishing 90,000 people — and that’s only the start. The blast would send three metres of magma across 1,000 miles of land, preventing rescue teams from reaching certain areas and the blast site itself which would lead to loss of life. Ash sent spiralling into the atmosphere would stop all travel within a few hundred miles radius, similar to what happened when Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. This ash would travel around the world and lead to something known as a ‘nuclear winter’, with ash and debris blocking out sunlight and forcing temperatures to drop. The climate would shift with massive amounts of sulphur dioxide being sent into the atmosphere which may form a sulphur aerosol that reflects and absorbs sunlight. With a temperature drop of up to 10C, crops would fail to grow which would lead to famine in large parts of the world. While the aftereffects of a Yellowstone eruption would undoubtedly change the way the world works, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates there is around a 0.00014 percent chance each year that the potentially catastrophic volcano could blow.
A new Russian video may show a ‘doomsday machine’ able to trigger 300-foot tsunamis — but nuclear weapons experts question why you’d ever build one A nuclear-weapon-powered tsunami wave is possible, though not the most deadliest use of such a device. Paramount / “Deep Impact” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in early 2018 that Russia was developing a nuclear-powered torpedo that carries a “massive” nuclear weapon. New videos posted to the Russian Ministry of Defense’s YouTube account appear to show a prototype of such a torpedo codenamed “Poseidon.” If Poseidon is ever completed, it might be able to create a 300-foot tsunami. One arms-control expert described such a hypothetical weapon as “Putin’s doomsday machine.” But nuclear-weapons researchers have pointed out that an underwater bomb’s explosive power and fallout would be less than a nuke detonated in the air. Shortly after President Donald Trump’s controversial meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, the Russian government published several videos that appear to show off a host of new nuclear weapons systems. One particular video stands out: an alleged prototype of a giant torpedo that one expert dubbed a “doomsday machine.” Putin first publicly described that nuclear-powered device on March 1 during an address to the Russian Federal Assembly. He said the autonomous drone would quietly travel to “great depths,” move faster than a submarine or boat, “have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit,” and “carry massive nuclear ordnance,” according to a Kremlin translation of Putin’s remarks. “Unmanned underwater vehicles can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads, which enables them to engage various targets, including aircraft groups, coastal fortifications, and infrastructure,” Putin said. The videos the Russian president presented in March were primarily computer renderings, though Putin claimed Russia had finished testing a nuclear-powered engine for the torpedo in December. However, on July 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense uploaded several new clips to its YouTube account that may show real-world hardware — including one of a torpedo-shaped device called “Poseidon.” russia possible megaton nuclear weapon torpedo doomsday device russia ministry defense youtube 01 What may be Russia’s prototype “doomsday machine” that could explode a nuclear weapon thousands of times more powerful than the bomb detonated over Hiroshima. Russian Ministry of Defense/YouTube Defense analyst H.I. Sutton wrote in a blog post that the prototype in the new video is “generally consistent” with Russia’s prior depictions of a giant, autonomous, nuclear-powered, nuclear-weapon-armed submarine. The device also goes by the code names Oceanic Multipurpose System Status-6, Skif, and Kanyon. Based on still images from the video, Sutton said he figures Poseidon could be about 2 meters (6.5 feet) wide and 20 meters (66 feet) long, with room for a nuclear reactor in the center and a large thermonuclear warhead toward the front. “It is really fantastic,” Putin said of the device in March, adding, “there is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.” The Russian government reportedly leaked a diagram of a Poseidon-like weapon in 2015 that suggested it would carry a 50-megaton nuclear bomb about as powerful as Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear device ever detonated. In a 2015 article in Foreign Policy, Jeffrey Lewis, an expert on nuclear policy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, dubbed the hypothetical weapon “Putin’s doomsday machine.” Nuclear physicists say such a weapon detonated below the ocean’s surface could trigger a local tsunami, causing great devastation. US nuclear tests of the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, including the underwater operations Crossroads Baker and Hardtack I Wahoo, demonstrated why.
David Livingstone on the Kabbalah and what it says about God giving Jews Israel. A Satanic heresy called Zionism: Kabbalah Freemasonry Babylon Doomsday #OrdoAbChao David Livingstone – Genealogy of the House of Rothschild – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (built fortune as banker to William I, Elector of Hesse, brother of Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, member of Illuminati and Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren) Amschel “Anselm” Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855, Frankfurt branch. Died childless, his brothers assumed responsibility for the business from 1855) Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (1774–1855, Austrian branch, retained ties with Prince Metternich, whose father, Franz Metternich (1746 – 1818), had been a member of the Illuminati) Anselm Salomon von Rothschild (1803 – 1874) + Charlotte Nathan Rothschild Nathaniel Meyer von Rothschild (1836 – 1905, in homosexual relationship with Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg, close friend of friend of Kaiser Wilhelm II, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, who shared his interest in the occult. Eulenburg summoned Theodor Herzl to Liebenberg to announce that Wilhelm II wanted to see a Jewish state established in Palestine) Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836, London branch, founder of N. M. Rothschild & Sons) + Hannah Barent-Cohen (sister of wife of Moses Montefiore, Freemason who founded Alliance Israëlite Universelle with Benjamin Disraeli and Adolphe Crémieux, member of Memphis-Mizraim and Grand Commander of the Grand Lodge of France) Lionel Nathan (1808–1879) + Charlotte von Rothschild (cousin of Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, grandmother of Karl Marx) Baron Lionel de Rothschild (1808 – 1879, friend of Benjamin Disraeli) + Charlotte von Rothschild Baron Nathan “Natty” Rothschild (1840 – 1915, friend of Cecil Rhodes and funded founding of the Round Table. Friend of Lord Randolph Churchill (1849 –1895), father of Winston Churchill. Friend of Prince of Wales, father of Prince Albert Victor (1864 – 1892), who had an illegitimate child with Mary Jean Kelly, whose friends numbered among Jack the Ripper’s victims) + Emma Louise von Rothschild Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (1868 – 1937, close friend of Weizmann, who helped to draft the Balfour Declaration presented to him, written by Round Table member Lord Balfour, along with the help of Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter and Rabbi Stephen Wise, all leading Zionists and known Sabbateans) Alfred Rothschild (1842 – 1918, tutored by Wilhelm Pieper, Karl Marx’s private secretary. Friend of Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII. Friend of Round Table member, Field Marshal Lord Kitchener (1850 – 1916), who Lanz von Liebenfels claimed was a member of his Order of New Templars (ONT) and a reader of his anti-Semitic magazine Ostara, a magazine avidly ready by a young Hitler) + Marie Boyer Leopold de Rothschild (1845 – 1917) + Marie Perugia Lionel de Rothschild (1882 – 1942, close friend of Winston Churchill) + Marie Louise Eugénie Beer Calmann “Carl” Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855, Naples branch) James Mayer de Rothschild (1792–1868, Paris branch, patron of Rossini, Chopin, Balzac, Delacroix, and Heinrich Heine) Alphonse James de Rothschild (1827 – 1905) Edmond James de Rothschild (1845 – 1934, supporter of Zionism, his large donations lent significant support to the movement during its early years, which helped lead to the establishment of the State of Israel. In Jerusalem, Theodor Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II met at Mikveh Israel, a village and boarding school, founded in 1870 by Charles Netter, an emissary of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, with Baron Edmond James de Rothschild contributing)
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#2 – David Cameron SA nuclear arms dealer Hedge Funds Mayors Bullingdon Club Proxy Wars In Libya & Syria – 00:15:00
#3 – Highlights Labour MPs turn on Starmer to demand Gaza ceasefire – 00:25:00
#4 – Ofcom CEO Dame Melanie Dawes on Peston – 00:08:00
#5 – Netanyahu on a potential cease-fire, Al-Shifa hospital raid – 00:09:00
#6 – Sergey Lavrov Palestinian State Is Unavoidable RT – 00:45:00
#7 – Russian Col Vladimir Trukhan US Nuclear War Vulnerabilities & Ukraine war 09Nov23 – 01:40:00
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Re: Marvin Rees’ failures in Bristol.
Why has Starmer, as Party leader, not reigned him in ?