Witness: The End Of NATO; will London riots bring justice for the 72 killed in Grenfell roasted tower? NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Witness: The End Of NATO; will London riots bring justice for the 72 killed in Grenfell roasted tower? NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


MP3 of Friday 28th February 2025 show [right click to download] (from c. 11pm) This week’s full interview mp3s, bottom of page. SHOW STARTS 17:00 London time FOR c. 3½ HRS TO c. 20:30OUR LIVE STREAM to Listen live online. Alt. live streams RadioQUK.com, DJ Plug Radio OR Download Show After Transmission HERE. Repeats 11 & 5 AM & PM daily on our streamDownload NOT THE BCFM POLITICS SHOW ANDROID APP which Google Play banned [Aurora store] [APKpure] – [Apple App store]Only 31% trust UK Press!UK media oligopoly TONY’S BOOKS: Bilderberg.org2 PAPERBACKS – TONY’S CHANNELS: TelegramBitchute911 forumRadio4AllThe Land Is OursVKTwitter/XFarcebookBrighteonRumbleRT Live on Rumble –  Goebbelsesque YouTube: The Wrong Story; Peter Borenius; Occult Geopolitics & cancelled Public Enquiry

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Part One – Local and National News Review

Blacklisting: Mark Hollingsworth, journalist and author of ‘Blacklist’, on blacklisting of Union members and for political reasons. Mark on blacklisting at the BBC, with a Christmas Tree symbol – BBC bosses admitted to MI5 influence and blacklisting. MI5 and the BBC: Stamping the ‘Christmas Tree’ Files By Mark Hollingsworth | MI5 and the BBC, UK ‘One thing I can state quite categorically is that there has never been any victimisation of anyone for their political views at the BBC.’ Sir Hugh Greene, Director-General of the BBC 1960-69, reported in the Sunday Times, 20 February 1977. ‘On employment, our policy is to appoint the best people we can.’ Sir Ian Trethowan, Director-General of the BBC 1977 – 82, in a letter to Lord Avebury, 13 November 1980. If ever there was an example of ‘security’ factors being used as a pretext for political vetting, it is at the BBC. When their security procedures were revealed in 1985, the corporation said that vetting was restricted to a relatively small number of people who had access to ‘sensitive information’. But in reality a large number of BBC employees – ranging from Graduate Trainees and journalists to arts producers and drama directors – were vetted by MI5 via the Personnel Department. Perhaps the most graphic illustration of this was the attempt to blacklist Roland Joffe, probably Britain’s most distinguished film and television director. His track record includes The Killing Fields, for which Joffe received an Academy Award nomination, and The Mission which won the top prize at the 1986 Cannes Film Festival. In the spring of 1977 he was commissioned by the BBC to direct The Spongers, a new play about the failures of the welfare state and the desperate struggle of one woman caught in the poverty trap. The play’s author was Jim Allen and its producer was Tony Garnett. Garnett informed the BBC’s Drama Department that he wanted to hire Joffe as the director. But there was an unusually long delay in confirming his appointment. Eventually Garnett was summoned by Shaun Sutton, Head of Drama, to his fifth-floor office at the Television Centre, Wood Lane. Garnett had always had a frosty relationship with the corporation’s top executives. He had deliberately chosen an office on top of the East Tower – ‘to be as far away from management as possible.’ But as he walked into Sutton’s office that afternoon he was little prepared for what his Head of Drama was about to tell him. Sutton looked distinctly uncomfortable. ‘There is a problem with Joffe’s contract,’ he said. ‘He hasn’t got BH (Broadcasting House) clearance.’ Astonished, Garnett asked why. Sutton refused to give a reason except to mutter: ‘It was the man in the mac in Broadcasting House.’ Garnett stormed out and went straight to see Alasdair Milne, then Managing Director of BBC TV. Milne confirmed there was a problem and tried to placate Garnett by offering him a glass of whisky. But Garnett was seething, and said he would ‘go public’ if the veto on Joffe’s appointment was not withdrawn: ‘If you want all this business to come out then it’s in your hands. If you don’t hire Joffe then I’m off as well and imagine what it would look like if I walked out in the middle of my contract.’ Milne said nothing, so Garnett continued, ‘If this continues to happen then I won’t be able to hire the people I want, which is my job as a producer.’ Milne didn’t argue. He picked up the phone and rang Sutton. ‘Hire Joffe,’ he snapped. Joffe’s contract was confirmed and The Spongers became a big success, winning that year’s prestigious Prix Italia award…


Tony’s Thatcher article: Margaret Thatcher And The Man In The Shadows (Victor Rothschild) – 1925 October 13 – Margaret Thatcher is born in the market town of Grantham, Lincolnshire 1947 – Thatcher graduates from Oxford with a Chemistry degree 1954 June 1 – Qualifies as a lawyer 1970 – Enters the Cabinet as Education Secretary 1975 February 11 – Elected Conservative Party leader, beating Edward Heath. 1975-9 – Leader of the Opposition 1979 – May 4 – The Conservative Party wins the general election, Thatcher succeeds James Callaghan as PM 1979 – December 13 – Abolition of Exchange Controls 1980 – Buses deregulated and bus routes privatised 1980 – British Aerospace partly privatised 1980 – April – Local Government stopped from building council homes and tenants given the right to buy 1981 – March – Prisoners at Northern Ireland’s Maze Prison go on hunger strike to regain status as political prisoners 1981 – April-July – Urban rioting in Brixton in London, Toxteth in Liverpool and St. Pauls in Bristol. 1982 – January – Unemployment tops 3 million 1982 – April-June – Falklands War 1983 – Associated British Ports (ABP) privatised 1983 – British Shipbuilding privatised 1983 – June 9 – Second term as PM begins; the Conservatives secure a landslide election victory 1984-5 – Miners strike, amid the closure and privatisation of coal mines 1984 – British Leyland car manufacturers privatised 1984 – October 12 – Narrowly escapes death after the IRA bombs the Conservative party conference in Brighton, killing 5 1984 – November – British Telecom (BT) the old Post Office Telecommunications is privatised 1985 – Attempted suppression of former MI5 officer Peter Wright’s autobiography ‘Spycatcher’ which is then published in Australia & Scotland. 1985 – June 1 – Battle Of The Beanfield, Britain’s traveller peace convoy destroyed near Stonehenge, Wiltshire by violent police action as recorded in the ‘Operation Solstice’ documentary 1986 – January – Wapping dispute as Rupert Murdoch embraces electronic publishing and breaks the power of print unions, depicted in the documentary ‘Despite The Sun’ 1986 – British Airports Authority (BAA) privatised 1986 – March Abolition of Ken Livingstone’s opposition Labour controlled Greater London Council or GLC 1986 – October 27 – Big Bang deregulation of the City of London financial sector which many believe contributed to the 2008 financial crisis 1986 – December – British Gas privatised 1987 – January – After several TV and radio programmes critical of the Thatcher government Victor Rothschild & Marmaduke Hussey sack BBC Director General Alasdair Milne 1987 – February – British Airways privatised 1987 – Majority share in British Petroleum (BP) privatised 1987 – Rolls Royce aero engines privatised 1987 – June 11 – Wins third term as Prime Minister 1988 – British Steel privatised 1989 – British Aerospace fully privatised 1989 – Water Boards privatised 1990 – The Electricity Act began the complex privatisation of electricity (except nuclear) 1990 – March 31 – Poll tax riots culminate in a 200,000 strong march on central London, as portrayed in The Battle Of Trafalgar documentary 1990 – October 30 – Thatcher No!, No!, No! speech in Commons makes it clear she is set against European Monetary and Political Union 1990 – November 13 – Geoffrey Howe resigns in protest at Thatcher’s refusal to agree a timetable for European Monetary Union 1990 – November 14 – Former cabinet minister Michael Heseltine challenges Margaret Thatcher for the party leadership 1990 – November 28 – Thatcher resigns, despite having won the first ballot. She is succeeded by John Major 1992 – Thatcher leaves the House of Commons, joins the Lords as Baroness Thatcher 1994 – Praises Tony Blair and New Labour as her ‘proudest achievement’ 2013 – April 8 – Lady Thatcher dies in The Ritz hotel owned by Daily Telegraph proprietors the Barclay twins.

Rhianan Rudd: Groomed girl under MI5 probe was ‘fixated on Hitler’ before death – Rhianan Rudd died aged 16 in a children’s home in May 2022 – A schoolgirl who was groomed online by a far-right extremist in the US became “fixated” on Adolf Hitler and wanted to “blow up a synagogue” before she took her own life, an inquest has heard. Rhianan Rudd, 16, downloaded bomb manuals, guides on guerrilla warfare and media glorifying white supremacy and Nazism, Chesterfield Coroner’s Court was told. Her mother referred her to the deradicalisation programme Prevent – but she was later arrested by counter-terrorism officers and then placed under investigation by MI5. The court heard several months after the charges were dropped, Rhianan was found dead at a children’s home in Nottinghamshire on 19 May 2022. Aged 15, she was the youngest girl charged with terror offences in the UK, before the prosecution was discontinued. Before the inquest evidence began, a statement paying tribute to Rhianan was read out on behalf of her mother, Emily Carter. In it, she said her daughter had a love of horses and cats and had a passion for cooking, which was “one of the times she was the happiest” and that art became an outlet “when she couldn’t say something”. But Ms Carter said Rhianan – who was autistic – became “fixated” on things due to her condition, and said: “Her being groomed was huge and I saw her change and it had a huge impact on her.”

Anti Muslim slogans sprayed on Mosques -. Socialist Workers Party – completely infiltrated by MI5. Mark on world moving towards ‘thought criminals’. Controlled Opposition, Nutter Magnets in alternative media. DEFENDING THE REALM Inside MI5 and the War on Terrorism Authors: Mark Hollingsworth, Nick Fielding In 1997, MI5 officer David Shayler went public with a series of damning criticisms of the Security Service. Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding broke the story in the Mail on Sunday but then took Shayler’s revelations as the starting point for an investigation into the agency. This is a brand new and updated version of the book that was originally published in 1999. Defending the Realm Synopsis What does MI5 do? Beyond the Shadows reveals how the security service is managed, run, financed, structured and operated, including details of MI5”s bizarre recruitment procedures, and revelations about phone tapping operations against MPs. A brand new edition of this fascinating book on M15 intelligence operations. Updated and expanded with brand new material on the war on Terrorism such as insider reports on the Bali bombing, M15’s tragic lack on intelligence on September 11th and how it is now regarded as a ‘massive’ intelligence failure. Both authors write for the broadsheets, are well-connected and are leading experts in the field. Defending the Realm provides a rare insight into the secret world of M15 and breaks new ground in revealing its covert techniques – from phone-tapping and mail tampering, to the running of agents and surveillance operations. This new edition also provides a profile of M15’s new female director, Hon. Eliza Manningham-Buller.

David Southwell’s book ‘Secret and Lies’ – good book finding the true and false conspiracies.

CONTROLLED OPPOSITION: THE MI5 NUTTER MAGNET FILES: UK Column – suspicious. The Light Paper – suspicious. Darren Nesbitt, Editor of The Light Paper, on This Morning explaining why he thinks the Earth is flat. David Icke – nonsense. Bucha massacre where British and Ukrainian soldiers killed Ukrainian citizens and made to look like Russians had done it A GENUINE conspiracy which was DELIBERATE whereas the Double Cross system uses dupes to propel utter nonsense into the ‘news feed’….

Controlled Opposition Intelligence Playbook: Mirror, Match, Pace, Lead: William Cooper, of ‘The Hour of the Time’ show – Alex Jones lying about him, and the terrible harmful lies on Alex’s show. Perhaps Bill sensed that Alex Jones was a doppelganger that was being deliberately created to replace him, just before Bill Cooper was killed by the FBI? Controlled opposition? Connecticut jury fine Alex Jones billions of dollars for saying Sandy Hook massacre a hoax. Real victims of school shooting traumatised. Mirror Match Pace Lead – controlled opposition. Bellingcat. Pacing is also highly effective in sales and negotiations, and similarly highly effective in asking for philanthropic gifts. The key to pacing and leading in gift asking is establishing rapport with your prospect and holding shared values, ideas and beliefs around the organisation’s case for support. Rapport can initially be built by asking questions, showing genuine interest in the prospect’s answers. Open questions using what, where, when, how, why and who are often the best. And remember, as in the sporting illustration above, you can allow the prospect to do most of the work, giving you rich and interesting answers. You may find that you become physiologically attuned to the prospect—sitting, gesturing, and even breathing in a similar way. You may even find that the rhythm and tempo of your speech patterns adjust to one another.

Israeli General’s secret genocide spin meetings with BBC, Guardian and FT editors revealed! Declassified UK, The Greyzone – good. Declassified – pro Israel bias in media. Declassified – General Amir Avivi IDF – meeting with Editors of UK newspapers. BBC and Guardian editors held private meetings with Israeli General Exclusive: Former IDF chief of staff met with Britain’s top journalists to promote Israel’s war on Gaza. Israel’s former top military officer, General Aviv Kohavi held private meetings with the editors of major British news organisations one month after the Gaza bombing began, Declassified can reveal. The meetings took place with Katherine Viner, editor-in-chief of the Guardian, Richard Burgess, director of news content at the BBC, and Roula Khalaf, editor of the Financial Times. Further meetings were due to be held with Sky News chairman David Rhodes at the Israeli embassy, and then shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, between 7 and 9 November 2023, according to Kohavi’s itinerary. By this time, Israeli forces had killed over 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and Israeli officials had made several public statements of genocidal intent. Kohavi had only stepped down from running Israel’s military months earlier. During his tenure, he justified attacks on journalists, saying the soldiers who shot reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in the West Bank “showed courage” and that he had not one “gram of regret” for flattening the Associated Press (AP) office in Gaza. The information about General Kohavi’s visit comes in documents obtained in Israel under the Freedom of Information Act by lawyer Elad Man and seen by Declassified. They reveal how Kohavi’s tour of Britain was planned with support from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), and Ministry of Defence.

Matt Jukes, new Head of Counter Terrorism, responsible for arresting pro Palestinian journalists. Nissim Vaturi, member of the Knesset – his shocking comments about Palestinians that were not covered in mainstream press.

Nazi newspaper Editors hanged for propaganda after end of WW2.  Völkischer Beobachter German Nazi newspaper editor was Alfred Rosenberg. Völkischer Beobachter, (German: “People’s Observer”), daily newspaper published by the Nazi Party in Germany from the 1920s until the fall of the Third Reich in 1945. The paper was originally founded in 1887 as a four-page Munich weekly, the Münchner Beobachter. It had become a daily anti-Semitic gossip sheet with a circulation of about 7,000 when it was bought by Adolph Hitler in 1923 to serve as the propaganda organ of his Nazi Party. In 1941 its circulation had passed 1.1 million. Publication of the Völkischer Beobachter was suspended three times in the early 1920s by the pre-Hitler German government because of anti-Semitic articles and attacks on government policies and officials. After the third suspension it resumed publication as a weekly in 1925 and became a daily again a month later. Hitler had made Alfred Rosenberg its editor, and the latter continued the anti-Semitic thrust of the paper while making it a forum for Hitler and propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. The Völkischer Beobachter launched Berlin and South German editions in 1930, and in 1933 the paper opened a new editorial and printing headquarters in Berlin. A Vienna edition began to appear following Germany’s annexation of Austria in 1938. Foreign correspondents and diplomats from the rest of the world followed it for indications of Nazi policy shifts and propaganda objectives, making allowances for its usual exaggeration and hyperbole. Truth and propriety were not always priorities for those who wrote for ‘Volkischer Beobachter’. Hitler’s failed Beer Hall Putsch was portrayed as a triumph; the Weimar government was labelled a pawn of Jews and Masons while the most senior member of the army, General Hans von Seekt, was vilified simply for having a Jewish wife. The paper was banned in 1924 while Hitler was in prison. It next reappeared on February 26th 1925 in an issue where the editorial was written by Hitler. Titled “A New Beginning”, Hitler was desperate to give a kick-start to the Nazi Party after it had stalled during his time in prison. Hitler wrote in this editorial: He was attacking the apparent split within the Nazi Party between left and right. In 1926, Joseph Goebbels split from the Strasser brothers and used ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ to denounce them. Goebbels also used ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ to make a direct address to Hitler: “Only now do I recognise you for what you are: revolutionaries in both speech and deed. We bow to the Fuehrer. We feel that he is a greater man than all of us, greater than you or I. He is the instrument of the divine will who shapes history with a fresh, creative passion.” Once Hitler had gained power on January 30th 1933, ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ served the sole purpose of pushing home Nazi ideology. Controlled by Joseph Goebbels it only printed what Goebbels knew Hitler would appreciate and approve of. Hence, it was the Jews that caused Krystalnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) and it was Rohm’s treachery that led to the Night of the Long Knives. As World War Two approached, it was the Poles who violated German soil and murdered German border guards. During World War Two, the ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ only ever published good news or re-wrote what was obviously bad news as good news. Goebbels control over the printed word was total and right up to the end of the war, the ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ claimed that the Nazis would win.

Sky News – BP reigning back from green energy. BP slashes renewables investment and boosts fossil fuel production The company has been under pressure to improve its financial performance and said it went “too far too fast” based on “misplaced” optimism about the pace of energy transition and decarbonisation. Oil and gas giant BP has again slashed its renewable energy investment and announced more funding for greater fossil fuel production. In a further row back of climate targets the company has said renewable energy investment will fall by $5bn (£3.95bn) a year to just $1bn to $2bn (£790m to £1.58bn). Less than half that investment will go to low-carbon energy. Funding for further oil and gas extraction will grow to $10bn (£7.9bn) annually as the business shifts focus back to its original mission of extracting fossil fuels. The majority (70%) of the funding will go to oil with the remaining 30% funding gas projects. The company also said it will have “selective” investment in biogas, biofuels and electric vehicle (EV) charging and “capital-light partnerships” in renewables like wind and solar. Under the tenure of old chief executive Bernard Looney, BP had dropped its 2020 goal of cutting production, revising it down in 2023 from 40% to 25%. The aim of dropping its oil and gas output by 2030 has been axed. The International Energy Agency has said no new fossil fuel project is compatible with the globally accepted goal of limiting warming to 1.5C. But BP now aims to grow production to 2.3 million to 2.5 million barrels of oil a day in 2030. Why is this happening? “Today we have fundamentally reset BP’s strategy,” chief executive Murray Auchincloss said. “This is all in service of sustainably growing cash flow and returns.” BP went “too far too fast”, Mr Auchincloss said, due to “misplaced” optimism on the pace of energy transition and decarbonisation which was not as fast as he envisioned. This latest scaleback comes as BP faces pressure from activist investor Elliott Management, which reportedly took a 5% share of the company. Elliott is renowned for forcing changes in companies to increase the share price and was reportedly pushing for a sale of BP’s renewable arm. BP’s share price had dipped below the all-time high in February 2023 and company profits have come off the record level in 2022. Dividends and company performance have been lower at BP than at its energy-producing peers. The current CEO Mr Auchincloss announced plans in January to cut BP’s workforce by 5% – reducing the headcount by 4,700 – as he sought to achieve $2bn (£1.62bn) of cost savings. It comes as the world breached the key 1.5-degree threshold in the 12 months from June 2023 to May 2024. Countries including the UK signed up to the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to the 1.5 target. There’s been a sector-wide retreat from green investment, however, as US President Donald Trump pledged to “drill baby drill”.

Subsidies for wood burning power plants. Merry Dickinson, from Stop Burning Trees, on the stupidity of burning trees in power stations, and how Police arrested them for trying to protest outside Drax. Agent provocateurs. Stop Burning Trees (SBT) is a grassroots coalition working to end all subsidies for wood fueled power stations. The coalition was founded in 2022 by a mixture of environmental, social and worker justice groups in Yorkshire and now has a national membership. We now have 25 membership groups, three thousand supporters and 50 active members, and has become a crucial organisation in the fight against Drax. We connect each element of the campaign, both resourcing the grassroots folk fighting Drax and supporting political push through NGOs and unions. SBT fosters the necessary relationships while providing the resourcing and information for the campaign against Drax to function. We act as a link between each element of the Drax campaign including government groups, NGOs, grassroots activists and local campaigning groups. We believe in democratic control over climate policy, and that starts within our coalition. Member groups control the strategic direction of the coalition through our steering group, which directs staff in their work. Political engagement is vital to ending the regime of subsidising tree burning power stations. SBTC takes a multi-level approach, working on a local, regional and national level to influence decision makers. We support people and groups to engage with their local politicians and institutions and work closely with big NGOs, supporting the grassroots side of all political engagement. This allows us to engage with formal processes through grassroots organising tactics, mobilising and supporting widespread opposition through structures often inaccessible to the public. SBTC supports the work of multiple campaigns to boycott Drax. This includes campaigning for Drax sponsorship to be dropped (i.e. York Pride, York Nature Fair); supporting parents to exert pressure on schools to cut ties with Drax, and providing training and information for other distributed campaigns working towards widespread boycott and divestment focused campaigns.

Sky Report – dangers of e-bikes – new Crime and Policing bill – search a premises without a warrant. A police inspector will be able to sign off entry to a premises, rather than waiting for a judge or magistrate, in order to act during the “golden hour” just after a theft and increase the chances of a conviction, ministers said. Police could search for stolen goods without warrant under new law Crime and Policing Bill introduces warrantless entry to retrieve stolen goods, but questions remain over police officer numbers. Police could search for stolen phones without warrants under new crime Bill Police would no longer need a warrant to search a property for a stolen phone under measures to be introduced in the Government’s new Bill to tackle crime. Officers would gain new powers to act in the “golden hour” of investigations to search a place where stolen items have been electronically located, such as through a phone-tracking app, wifi access or Bluetooth. Ministers believe it would mean police could take faster action to recover stolen goods by getting approval from an inspector or higher ranking officer instead of getting a warrant from court. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper announced the new powers after towns and cities reported seeing street theft “shoot up” over several years, and said it is “extremely frustrating” for victims to see where their phones are but nothing is done. The Government’s new Crime and Policing Bill is to be introduced to Parliament on Tuesday with a range of measures from tackling knife crime to antisocial behaviour. The Home Secretary said: “For too long communities have had to put up with rising town centre and street crime, and persistent antisocial behaviour, while neighbourhood police have been cut. “And for years too little has been done to tackle the most serious violence of all including knife crime and violence against women and children.

Grenfell Tower Report comes out. Angela Rayner on the report. Rock Fielding Melon – nickname. Jon Snow interviews a resident of Grenfell Tower, Eddie Daffarn – he predicted the only time Council would listen to residents was when the building had a fire. Joe Delaney, lived opposite Grenfell Tower, on the stitch ups that went on, and will riots be the only way to instigate change? JusticeforGrenfell.org website. Angela Rayner branded ‘disgraceful’ by Grenfell families over decision to demolish tower Deputy PM ignoring survivors over ‘unforgivable’ decision to pull down building Government Response to the Grenfell Inquiry Report We welcome the sentiment expressed during today’s response; MPs from all parties acknowledged that Grenfell was a travesty that must never be repeated. We appreciate their expressions of concern for our community and its unwavering commitment to preventing future tragedies like Grenfell. We urge all Members of Parliament to translate these words into concrete action. Words alone cannot ensure safety; meaningful changes are required to address the systemic failures that led to the devastating loss of life. We welcome the concept of a single, unified construction regulator. However, to ensure genuine accountability and prevent a recurrence of past failures, this regulator must be fundamentally resident-centred. We propose that leadership and boardroom positions within this body be filled by individuals elected and empowered by the residents of affected communities. This will ensure lived experience informs decision-making. The redevelopment plans leading up to Grenfell Tower faced significant objections from our community, not from “NIMBYs” or “ignorant residents,” but from professionals with expertise in architecture, planning, urban design, community relations, and risk management. These concerns were systematically dismissed, and residents were subjected to what we perceive as defamatory and slanderous attacks. We believe this was part of a broader strategy to prioritize profit-driven redevelopment over the safety and well-being of our community. We are deeply concerned that similar patterns persist, as evidenced by recent actions in Earl’s Court and the Ladbroke Grove Train Disaster memorial area. We believe that robust mechanisms are needed to protect residents from such actions. We advocate for a streamlined and accessible process for residents to seek redress, coupled with significantly increased penalties for those who prioritize profit over safety. We believe that the root causes of Grenfell lie in unchecked financial interests and systemic impunity. To effect real change, we call for: Resident-Led Regulation: A regulatory framework where residents have direct influence over policy and enforcement. Meaningful Accountability: A system that holds individuals and organisations accountable for their actions, with clear and enforceable consequences. Financial Penalties: Substantial financial penalties for those who violate safety standards, ensuring that the cost of negligence outweighs the potential profit. Transparent Processes: Clear, accessible, and transparent mechanisms for residents to report concerns and seek redress. Collaboration: Working with other groups and organisations with similar aims, in order to amplify the voices of the community. Detailed proposals: We are committed to working with government and industry to create detailed proposals for the implementation of these changes.

Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Netanyahu at the 7/7 London Bombings | Tony on Brexit & (4th Reich) Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Devil Worship: The Rise Of Satanism | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1976-8) | George Monbiot (1995-7) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Don’t feed them, kill them instead! Starmer’s speech on increase in defence spending. UK’s Starmer boosts defence spending on eve of Washington trip Defence spending to increase from 2.3% of GDP to 2.5% Cut to development budget will fund defence spending LONDON, Feb 25 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Keir Starmer said on Tuesday he would increase annual defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2027 and target a 3% level last seen just after the Cold War, a signal to U.S. President Donald Trump that Britain can boost Europe’s security. On the eve of his departure to meet Trump in Washington, Starmer told parliament he was bringing the increase in defence spending forward to offer Europe more support as the U.S. spearheads peace talks with Russia over its war in Ukraine. Advertisement · Scroll to continue With public spending already stretched in Britain, Starmer said the increase from its current 2.3% would be fully paid for by a 40% cut to international aid, an announcement he said he was not happy to make but one which was necessary to offer Ukraine and Europe support in a “new era”. Since Trump seemingly abandoned the United States’ more Ukraine-friendly approach to Russia’s war, blindsiding much of Europe, Starmer and other European leaders have stepped up diplomatic efforts to show a united front to support Kyiv. Advertisement · Scroll to continue “Starting today, I can announce this government will begin the biggest sustained increase in defence spending since the end of the Cold War,” Starmer said, adding that combined with spending on intelligence services it would reach 2.6% from 2027. “We must go further still. I have long argued that … all European allies must step up and do more for our own defence,” he said. He added that Britain would set a target for spending 3% of gross domestic product in the next parliament, which will convene after a national election due in 2029. U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth welcomed the spending rise after speaking to British defence minister John Healey. “A strong step from an enduring partner,” Hegseth said on X. The increase would see Britain spending 13.4 billion pounds ($17 billion) a year more on defence in 2027 than it does now, Starmer said, a figure which includes expected growth in GDP over the period. He told a later press conference the extra money would help rebuild Britain’s industrial base, create jobs and boost growth. Britain’s defence ministry said it spent 53.9 billion pounds in the 2023/24 financial year. To meet the increase in spending, the international aid budget will be cut from 0.5% of gross national income to 0.3% in 2027, meaning borrowing levels would not change, Starmer said. Britain last cut its aid budget in November 2020, during an economic crisis resulting from COVID, reducing the level to 0.5% of GNI from 0.7%, a move criticised by some development groups for diminishing the nation’s global influence.

Starmer in US – we want a peace deal. Starmer’s visit to Trump – US power more noticeable. Starmer and Trump press conference – cringeworthy. Key takeaways from Starmer’s talks with Trump While cordial, the initial meeting in the Oval Office between Sir Keir and Trump left no doubt that the US president hoped to be firmly in charge. The meeting was a pattern we’ve now seen six times with foreign leaders at the Trump White House, including with French President Emmanuel Macron earlier this week: Trump taking control of the room and using the opportunity to get his own messages, both domestic and international, across to the reporters there. During their half-hour session, Trump leaned forward and slightly towards Sir Keir – wearing a nearly identical, but slightly different coloured tie to Trump’s – dominating the conversation and taking charge of calling on reporters. A joint afternoon news conference later began with a slightly more diplomatic and matter-of-fact tone, with both Trump and Sir Keir standing at their respective lecterns and going to considerable lengths to lavish praise on the other. Trump joked he would have been president 20 years ago with Sir Keir’s “beautiful” accent. At one point, Sir Keir was asked about Trump’s controversial call to make Canada – a member of the Commonwealth – the 51st state of the US. “I think you’re trying to find a divide that doesn’t exist,” Sir Keir replied. Trump interjected quickly with the words “that’s enough” before moving on – again taking control of the room as he stood next to a visibly surprised Sir Keir. At the Munich Security Conference last week, US Vice President JD Vance attacked the UK and other European democracies, warning that “free speech is in retreat.” Asked about the comments, Trump called on his deputy to defend himself. Vance argued “there have been infringements on free speech that actually affect not just the British” but also “American technology companies and by extension, American citizens”. That led to Sir Keir cutting in, saying “we’ve had free speech for a very, very long time in the United Kingdom – and it will last for a very, very long time”. He rejected Vance’s claim, saying “in relation to free speech in the UK, I’m very proud of our history there”.

Fatima reports from Gaza. cold

Talk by Jeffrey Sachs on US breaking promises with Russia over the years, US and UK failing to understand Russia in Ukraine war, and West using one-sided Formal Game Theory. Jeffrey Sachs: The Geopolitics of Peace – Speech to the European Parliament February 26, 2025 – According to Brzezinski, Russia has no vocation other than the European vocation. So, as Europe moves east, there’s nothing Russia can do about it. So, says yet another American strategist. Is it any question why we’re in war all the time? Because one thing about America is we always “know” what our counterparts are going to do, and we always get it wrong! And one reason we always get it wrong is that in the non-cooperative game theory that the American strategists play, you don’t actually talk to the other side. You just know what the other side’s strategy is. That’s wonderful. It saves so much time. You simply don’t need any diplomacy. -These are wars that the United States has led and caused. And this has been true for more than 30 years now. The United States came to the view, especially during 1990-91, and then with the end of the Soviet Union, that the US now runs the world, and that the US does not have to heed anybody’s views, red-lines, concerns, security viewpoints, international obligations, or any UN framework. I’m sorry to put it so plainly, but I do want you to understand. I tried very hard in 1991 to get financial help for Gorbachev,(*2) who I think was the greatest statesman of our modern time. I recently read the archived memo of the National Security Council discussion of my proposal on June 3, 1991, reading for the first time how the White House completely dismissed it, and essentially laughed off the table my plea for the US to help the Soviet Union with financial stabilization and with financial aid to make its reforms. The memo documents that the US Government decided to do the very minimum to prevent disaster, but just the minimum.(*3) They decided that it’s not the US job to help. Quite the contrary. When the Soviet Union ended in 1991, the view became even more exaggerated. And I can name chapter and verse, but the view was we [the US] run the show. Cheney, Wolfowitz, and many other names that you will have come to know literally believed this is now a US world, and we will do as we want. We will clean up from the former Soviet Union. We will take out any remaining Soviet-era allies. Countries like Iraq, Syria, and so forth will go. And we’ve been experiencing this foreign policy for now essentially 33 years. Europe has paid a heavy price for this because Europe has not had any foreign policy during this period that I can figure out. No voice, no unity, no clarity, no European interests, only American loyalty.

Scott Ritter on the death of NATO. Trump thinks EU is against US. US blew up Nord Steam 2 pipeline ruining European economy. The End of NATO Scott Ritter The purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), according to its first Secretary General, Lord Ismay, was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” But this is not the whole truth-the purpose of NATO was to entrench US dominance vis-à-vis the post-War liberal order by manufacturing a Russian threat, perpetuating German disunity, and advancing the argument that America must retain a military presence on the European continent in perpetuity. Built on a foundation of half-truths, lies and outright distortions of fact, NATO was a vehicle for the American-led containment of the Soviet Union, promoting a false prophesy of doom at the hands of international Communism that served to legitimize American militarism. On several occasions it nearly became self-fulfilling and nearly destroyed the world. The End of NATO looks at the history of this intergovernmental alliance with the benefit of hindsight, exposing the cause and effect relationship between NATO policies and the creation of an ongoing East-West standoff in Europe, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons that created conditions that threatened a global thermonuclear annihilation. The reunification of Germany in 1989 and the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of NATO’s legitimacy but not its abandonment, due to the American desire to continue its military dominance of Europe. The End of NATO tracks how at American behest, NATO deviated from its original mandate of collective self-defence to one which is violating guarantees made to Russia’s Mikhail Gorbachev not to expand eastward, fighting offensive wars of aggression on European soil, and expanding its reach to North Africa, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. These missions have created deep divides within the expanded membership of the new NATO, prompting a debate about the primary mandate of the organisation-to protect Europe and the trans-Atlantic by promoting stability and security on the European periphery, or to return to containing the regional ambitions of what is now a rejuvenated Russia. Neither mission is in the interests of greater Europe. The End of NATO explores the many fissures created through the pursuit of these competing agendas and why they will ultimately lead to the demise of an organisation which has long lost its purpose and utility.

The Bowood House conspiracy to control the New World through infiltration and secret societies and Freemasonry as revealed by Anton Chaitkin in his book Who We Are (2020). Chapter 5 – Shelburne and Jefferson in France A detailed account of the British hand in turning the French Revolution to anarchy and mass bloodshed. British intelligence operations, led by Shelburne and his lieutenant Jeremy Bentham, employed French agents and a set of operatives from Geneva, Switzerland. Among those revealed here as British pawns were the most historically prominent leaders of the insurrection and the Terror. The instigating British role was widely known and was denounced in detail in a history written by a Franklin collaborator. Jefferson at the time denied the British intrigue, but denounced it in his old age. Just as Shelburne’s crew were setting themselves in place to blow up France, Jefferson himself went into a conference over many months with the leading British expositor of anti-nationalist economic strategy, a man sent to him by Lord Shelburne, to prepare Jefferson to fight against the founding American economic development program. Anton Chaitkin has been an activist since his childhood in the 1950s. In the early 1930s, his father, Jacob Chaitkin, a pro-Franklin Roosevelt lawyer, had blocked some of Wall Street’s financial arrangements with Hitler, and was legal counsel for the American Jewish Congress boycott against Germany. Anton grew up committed to justice, with a strong sense of the realities of power politics. About two years after the JFK assassination, Chaitkin heard from Lyndon LaRouche that financiers were shifting American strategy away from industrial progress, toward cheap labor, foreshadowing fascist policies and systemic collapse. An association was formed, to defeat those who had brutalized contemporary thought in science, economics, the arts, and philosophy. Chaitkin began a systematic inquiry into American history. He found that the mental map of our former leaders was far more profound and more pro-human than anything available in the post-JFK era. He has done sharply original work in American history, in hundreds of articles and in two books, Treason in America, from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman – a 600-page unveiling of the Eastern Establishment as the tory-British-racist-imperialist faction – and George Bush, the Unauthorised Biography.

Chapter 5 (Hi-res Color)

HAS DONALD TRUMP BROKEN THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST’S 200 YEAR OLD SPELL? After the English lost the US War of Independence in 1783 Lord Shelburn and The Bowood Circle (Jeremy Bentham, Étienne Clavière, François d’Ivernois, Étienne Dumont, John Dunning, Thomas Jervis, Jacques-Antoine Duroveray, Richard Price, Joseph Priestley, Samuel Romilly, Charles Stanhope, Lord Mahon, Benjamin Vaughan) conceding military defeat, decided to use Freemasonry and other secret societies to INFILTRATE US politics.  An Enlightenment Statesman in Whig Britain Lord Shelburne in Context, 1737–1805 Part Three The Bowood Circle Revisited 9 ‘Opening the Door to Truth and Liberty’: Bowood’s French Connection 10 Lord Shelburne’s Constitutional Views in 1782–3 11 Jeremy Bentham at Bowood 12 Shelburne and Perpetual Peace: Small States, Commerce, and International Relations within the Bowood Circle STUDIES IN EARLY MODERN CULTURAL, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY 11 – Jeremy Bentham at Bowood Lord Shelburne (after 1785, Lord Lansdowne) has often been presented as Bentham’s ‘mentor’, or ‘patron’, while Derek Jarrett, with a note of irony, called the utilitarian philosopher ‘another of [Lord Shelburne’s] tame intellectuals’. In the later part of his life, Bentham was keen to repeat a flattering comparison Shelburne had made between their relationship and that of Bacon and Buckingham. These comparisons and simplifications do not do justice, however, to the relationship between Jeremy Bentham and Lord Shelburne. By focusing on the links between Bentham and Shelburne, this chapter will clarify the meaning of the phrase ‘the Bowood Circle’, when used in connection with Bentham. As first used by Charles Milner Atkinson in 1905, it referred in a generic way to the people Bentham had met during his stays at Bowood, Shelburne’s Wiltshire residence in the 1780s. It was taken up by Jarrett in his 1955 thesis entitled ‘The Bowood Circle, 1780–1793. Its Ideas and its Influence’. Jarrett narrowed down the definition of that circle to Bentham, Etienne Dumont and Samuel Romilly, who were all close to Lord Lansdowne in the years 1788 to 1793. More recently, the phrase has been used by scholars to refer in a broader sense to Shelburne’s entourage at the time of the French Revolution, ranging from Price and Priestley to Fox and Sheridan, and also including Dumont and Romilly. Leaving politicians and aristocrats such as Fox and Sheridan aside, this chapter focuses on the relationships between Lansdowne and some of his protégés during the 1780s in order to put Bentham’s relationship with the aristocrat in context.

Radio4All download pages
COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download] 
#1 – Complete 4hr 15min show – [right click to download]
~Full interviews with…
#2 – Mark Hollingsworth BBC Blacklisting MI5 Economic League and china social credit – 00:35:00
#3 – Justice 4 Grenfell Org spokesman Joe Delaney Government vs 72 cremated Londoners – 00:45:00
#4 – Keir Starmer press conference and commons statement on defence spending as Trump drops support for Ukraine war – 00:35:10
#5 – Donald Trump with UK PM Keir Starmer At White House Press Briefing – 00:35:00
#6 – Jeffrey Sachs Brings Real Politics to the EU Parliament – 01:35:00
#7 – NATO Is Deaf MAGA Revolution Scott Ritter, Garland Nixon, NATOs Uncivil War – 00:35:00
#8 – Stop Burning Trees coalition Drax subsidies and police state – Merry Dickinson – 00:25:00


Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via www.bilderberg.org
Tony, Dave and Martin’s NOT The BCfm Politics show CANCELLED/EVICTED in a no fault, no appeal, no notice eviction from People’s Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC) arts centre – email from Chloe Slater and Keith Cowling explaining that: ‘Transphobic’ leaflets had been left in the building by a recent guest making Transsexual users of the building feel ‘offended’ and ‘unsafe’. Please let us know when you or Dave would like to come and retrieve your equipment and drop off your keys. Kind regards PRSC Directors (Keith Cowling, chair) PRSC / Stokes Croft China 17-35 Jamaica St Bristol BS2 8JP.
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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