MP3 of Friday 24th January 2025 show [right click to download] (from c. 11pm) This week’s full interview mp3s, bottom of page. SHOW STARTS 17:00 London time FOR c. 3½ HRS TO c. 20:30 – OUR LIVE STREAM to Listen …
Will Artificial Intelligence, ‘The Golem’ legend, run the world for the super-rich, and prove they are gods? – – SIGNS OF THE HOUR & THE MESSIAH Ben Abrahamson Alsadiqin Institute, Al-Quds Jerusalem This paper explores the intersection of religious and social crises – Former Guardian editor Alan Rushbridger on how behaviour of Murdoch press means people don’t trust legacy media. – Kevin Cahill, former Deputy Editor of the Sunday Times Rich List, explains Murdoch has admitted to himself and his senior managers – Murdoch perverting the course of justice and committing perjury, both very serious crimes. But the Met police are refusing to investigate. – The News Of The World was closed down in 2011 not out of embarrassment but to destroy email and other documentary evidence that it had been committing very serious crimes such as blackmail, and phone hacking of MPs, judges and the royal family. – Laurie Flynn and Stephen Dorrill, Media North, on criminal activities of Police, and control and destruction of protest groups. – Axel Rudakubana, Southport triple child murderer, craved notoriety – A classmate told the Daily Mail of a previous knife attack: ‘He only stopped when two teachers managed to get hold of him – Order of the Nine Angles. Neo Nazi satanist Cameron Finnigan – report. Neo-nazi satanist jailed for encouraging girls to kill themselves Neo-Nazi satanist – Trump’s Inauguration Speech. Reverend Franklyn Graham, son of Billy Graham, gives prayers for Trump. Invocation on Inauguration Day Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York – Harley Shlanger, from La Rouche Public Affairs Committee, on who’s in charge – UK or US? The inauguration of Donald Trump coincides with Day 1 of the WEF meeting in Davos – CENSORED 150 new US nukes B61-12 deployed in Europe. US deploys upgraded nuclear weapons in Europe – The new B61-12 gravity bombs are “fully forward deployed,” – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »