US, and now EU economic figures too, include drugs, prostitution, being openly fixed

Friday 17th October 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

Listen live

First hour: News review with Green councillor for Ashley ward Rob Telford. Lord Freud thinks disabled are worth less than the able bodied, but he’s not the first top Tory MP to do so Philip Davies MP did too in 2011. TV Party election debates – other parties should be included; 40th anniversary of the re-election of Harold Wilson in October 1974 – a clip of Harold as new Prime Minister speaking on this occasion about nationalising land – MI5 and the far right in the army cooked up a story that he was a Russian spy and bullied him out of office –  election systems, manifestos, coalitions; Bristol’s duty to tackle homelessness which is increasing – austerity policies, housing; stock market jitters – Greek debt, Fed considering stopping QE, splitting banks never happened, political power of bankers; UK deficit up – a £25bn hole in income tax and tax offices closing due to cuts – QE, investment in green economy; recent pay squeeze the worst since Victorian times, according to TUC; figures showing a surge in economic growth due to a new EU accounting system – UK goes along with US & EU who are now fixing all the economic figures showing military spending as ‘an investment in the future’; Lord Freud and other Tories say disabled people are worth less than the minimum wage – disabled worst affected by austerity; Bush facility, Hengrove, for disabled kids, is having 10 beds cut to 5 beds; Chris Grayling’s Legal Aid cuts are illegal – KPMG, tax`cuts; housing developers event in London – protest outside by housing association tenants evicted for housing development; Morgan St, St. Pauls, Bristol – residents don’t have to pay for residents parking.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Jeremy Roe from Bully Banks; Jeremy Roe, from Bully Banks, discusses how banks mis-sold insurance to about 30,000 small businesses, causing many to go out of business and losing people their homes. Some redress has been made to some of these businesses after campaigning. helpline 01202 701047. Martin Upchurch on the new film about the 1984/5 Miners’ strike ‘Still The Enemy Within’; Martin Upchurch, has made a film about the 1980s miners strike – ‘Still The Enemy Within’. He discusses how in his opinion Mrs.Thatcher was trying to break the British workers movement – coal mining communities, British manufacturing, rising inequality, lessons to be learnt, reviving unions. Bristol Festival of Ideas – establishment approved ideas? Owen Jones and his new book ‘The Establishment’ criticised by Media Lens. Control of the media. Is Guardian writer Owen Jones a conscious or unconscious Gatekeeper? If he steps out of line might he lose his column?  Clip of Gareth Porter who wrote ‘Iran, a Manufactured Crisis’ – IAEA (International Atomic Energy Authority) was using Israeli intelligence documents as evidence of Iran nuclear weapons programme. Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scar by Gareth Porter
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