– Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees, ‘wants to abolish the council’ turn city into private business? PM Boris Johnson, the new Churchill? Robert Fisk: echoes of Royal Navy’s failed 1980s Armilla patrol in this month’s Tanker Wars – YouTube now classes criticising Israelis as ‘hate speech’

Friday 26th July 2019

At six – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After seven – straight talking and investigative reports

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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BCfm audio files usually available 1hr, Radio4All 3-4hrs, after TX
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First hour news review: with Bristol’s LibDem group leader Gary Hopkins: Labour mayor Marvin Rees up for next Mayoral election – his claims of his achievements in his 2019 Mayoral Address to council;  scrutiny of boards that spend Bristol’s money – Marvin has banned all councillors from these meetings – refusing to work with ‘non-solution focused’ people; Channel 4 chooses Bristol’s Finzels Reach as the home of its new Creative Hub Marvin discussing C4 coming to Bristol and his One City plan – what is One City plan? Tory Councillor Mark Weston at Bristol Council – less checks and balances in Bristol Council than in parliament;  Auditors report to Council raising questions over pay off to Chief Exec, Anna Klonowski; Tory Councillor, Geoff Gollop, on the Auditor’s report – records have disappeared;

Last PMQs of Theresa May – Corbyn on her notable u-turns – Corbyn’s ideas he has gone back on;  PMQs Yvette Cooper – security threat  of No Deal Brexit;  PMQs UK railway company asset stripped by German company Glasgow’s St Rollox train yard rolls into history – Brexit and new investment leaving UK;

New PM Boris Johnson – does charisma matter and is he trying to be like Winston Churchill? Boris’ new cabinet and who is out; Trump saying well done Boris; Jacob Rees Mogg new Leader of the House on the ITV Robert Peston show trying to rationalise the economy – Tory turnaround on public spending; Boris’s first speech in Parliament – Brexit negotiations; Farage thinks there should be a general election.
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Second hour Investigative reports: the Armilla patrol: 1980s echoes of this month’s tanker wars? YouTube censoring criticism of Israelis as ‘hate speech’. Iran and Britain tanker stand off – Iran taking British tanker:  Fisk article: Echoes of Empire? More like Gilbert and Sullivan. Trump is powering the UK’s preparations for war – it is he who needs to be deterred, not Iran. Let’s stop pretending that Middle East sanity can emerge from the current inhabitant of the White House. Iran Iraq war; Iranians tested medium range missiles and British ships must be escorted. UK navy to escort British-flagged vessels through Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with Iran;  Ukraine seized Russian tanker in Black Sea;  affect price of fuel? PMQs Russian attacks on Idlib in Syria.  IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano passes away at 72,

‘MH17: A Call for Justice’ new documentary by Max van der Werff about how the Russians didn’t do it  – Malaysian President speaking out – part of documentary where phone tapes are deemed to be edited – pro Nazi groups in Ukraine.  Lawyers of Mob as police informers Faruk Orman: Murder conviction quashed in Australia ‘Lawyer X’ scandal.

YouTube censoring films which present evidence of potential Israeli involvement in 9/11 attacks as ‘hate speech’  BCfm 2018 9/11 anniversary programme with Richard Gage and 9/11 Revealed author Ian Henshall – and Chris Bollyn’s 2015 Israeli 9/11 connections talk – banned for  being ‘anti Semitic’ and ‘hate speech’ – he has moved them to Russian version of Facebook https://vk.com/videos219313416 Clip from one of You Tube films – Chris Bollyn on Arnon Milchan, a Jewish Hollywood film director, who claimed to be part of Mossad: and all the films he directed that could have a link to Mossad thinking and the 9/11 attacks such as ‘The Medusa Touch’ and‘The Lone Gunman’. Predictive programming; Haaretz – Arnon Milchan: Israel’s James Bond; Hollywood producer and Israeli intelligence agent. Milchan bribery Netanyahu. Epstein and links to Israel part 1: Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case  part 2 Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era. Appalling for both the villainous abuse of children itself and the chilling implications of government by blackmail, this tangled web of unsavory alliances casts a lurid light on the political history of the U.S. from the Prohibition Era right up through the Age of Trump.  by Whitney Webb on Mint Press News.

Miami Show Band massacre documentary – bomb by UDA in Northern Ireland – or was it orchestrated by Army intelligence? stopping investigations into Northern Ireland.

Twitter suspends Iranian news accounts over tanker wars coverage. Comparing Hong Kong protests and Yellow Jacket protests.

Germany to fine parents who won’t vaccinate children. Infanrix Hexa vaccines falsified drug company data to make it look like it improves health.
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4 Comments on “– Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees, ‘wants to abolish the council’ turn city into private business? PM Boris Johnson, the new Churchill? Robert Fisk: echoes of Royal Navy’s failed 1980s Armilla patrol in this month’s Tanker Wars – YouTube now classes criticising Israelis as ‘hate speech’

  1. So if the russians didn’t do it, then why did Igor Girgin aka Strelkov (russian for the shooter) brag about shooting down a large airccraft on VK and then when they found out it was the MH-17 airliner, he deleted the post ? How come you never address this and instead continue to spread fake news….

    Re: the radio and phone intercepts, it’s normal to edit out the gaps in between replies for continuity, nothing sinister there. I have a degree in comp sci and communications. Been decoding ACARS on scanners and PC’s back in the 90’s before any of you knew what it was.

    ALso the flight path was not out of the ordinary, it is normal when the flight levels are stacked up on one path to route aircraft either north or south on a new rtack and “stack them up” on that track at difering flight levels. I myself was on a Emirates flight from Dubai to Kyiv only 2 weeks before MH-17 and we flew directly over the war zone, donetsk city, they showed the track on the screen in the cabin.

    Regarding UPA and Stepan Bandera, they fought the Soviets and the Nazis, so if Bandera was a “Nazi” as you claim, why was he fighting the real Nazis to kick them out of Ukraine ? I am a “banderovac” but I am a communist! The political radicalism and militancy of Ukrainian ultra-nationalism has been employed by Soviet and Russian agitators and propogandists among Russian and Western media, otherwise largely ignorant about Ukrainian matters.

    ALways glad to help imrprove the quality of your show Tony, Regards. Emir

    • Ukraine celebrates nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera’s birthday

      UKRAINE marked the birthday of nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera today as a national holiday for the first time.

      The parliament voted that January 1 would be officially recognised for the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which fought alongside the nazis against the Red Army in the second world war and whose quest for an “ethnically pure” Ukraine saw it participate in the Holocaust, murdering tens of thousands of Jews and Poles.

      Though Bandera demanded the “destruction” of Jews, Poles, “Moskali” — as he termed Russians in Ukraine — and Hungarians and the OUN’s programme pledged to “combat the Jews as the prop of the Muscovite-Bolshevik regime,” Kiev now states he was “an outstanding figure and theorist of the Ukrainian national liberation movement.”

      Schools and universities have been instructed to hold classes on Bandera while the Ministry of Culture was told to stage exhibitions about him. Commemorative coins and stamps in the fascist’s honour have been commissioned.

      The city of Lviv, where Bandera was born, has declared 2019 a year in his honour, prompting US academic Tarik Youssef Cyril Amar, who formerly directed the Centre for Urban History in the city, to return a civic honour bestowed on him there in protest.

      “I do not need rewards from a city that praises Stepan Bandera, a fascist,” he declared.

      Since 2016 Ukraine has made the anniversary of the death of Symon Petliura, a far-right separatist leader who headed an anti-Bolshevik government in Ukraine during the Russian civil war, a holiday in his honour, despite his regime having sponsored pogroms that killed around 50,000 Jews.

    • I’ve heard you mention it on the show over the months. Interesting read Martin, but why would Sakashvilli want to be involved in such a thing, if it did happen ? He is a friend of Ukraine. Georgians share the common history of feeling the Russian jackboot of aggression. yes he had a falling out with Poroshenko, but that was well after the fact. He is still a friend of Ukraine. It makes no sense unless he is a psychopath and hides it well. He was no longer president of Georgia by the time Maidan happened too, so he would probably not have the connections and networking afforded by being in power. That Italian journo Micalessin,has a suspect past, wasn’t he an activist with the neo-fascist MSI movement in the seventies ? I’ve visited Maidan many times, there is evidence that one guy got shot from a bank on the other side of the where the hotel is. Anyway, what about Igor Girkin’s post on VK bragging about shooting down a large aircraft that was deleeted ? That alone is more or less case closed. He was hiding his guilt after he sent his men to check it out thinking it was a Ukrainian troop carrying Antonov and instead they quickly worked out it was civilians in an airliner. They also looted the site and stole stuff too, I heard. Girkin is a piece of garbage, he was in Bosnia killing slavs just cos they were muslim back in the 90’s. The entire fathers side of my family had to flee Bosanski Novi. Maybe you know it from your time there back then. Stuck in East Germany for several years then ended up in Canada and Australia. Anyway, cheers comrade..

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