Migrant Crisis and the Cheap Labour Mafia – Dick Hobbs, author of ‘The Business: Talking with Thieves, Gangsters and Dealers’ – Katharine Gun: WHO Turns Definitions Of ‘Herd Immunity’ And ‘Vaccine’ On Their Head, Also How Bill Gates got Keele University’s Prof Chris ‘Mr Aluminium’ Exley sacked – Australia: Nurse Tells Media “Adelaide Hospitals Are Full Of Jabbed People” – Hugo Talks On 11 Deaths At Horrifying Travis Scott Astroworld Concert Surrounded By Satanic Demonic Imagery – Identity Of The Israeli ‘World Saviour’ Or ‘Messiah’ … Or Antichrist? Tim Cohen says Prince Charles, Grace Powers Prince William – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 12th November 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]
Download or Listen live online each week 17:00 to c. 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 EST, 09:00-12:00 PST. 08:00-12:00 NZ Winter Time – Repeats 11 & 5 AM and PM BST daily on the stream www.internet-radio.com/station/PRSC alternative live stream www.radioquk.com
Tony’s channels: Bitchute – Radio4All – Bilderberg.org – The Land Is Ours – 911 Forum – YouTube: This Show, Peter Borenius and Public Enquiry

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
Radio4All audio files usually available 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast
Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Migrants on the Poland Belarus border – Martin appears on RT this week and explains the Turkish connection. Why are they there? ‘I want border police!’ Polish border town tightens security to keep refugees away. A mayor of a Polish town bordering with Germany has adopted strict security measures to keep refugees away. He explained to RT his move follows fears expressed by the town’s residents after calls to share the flow of newcomers between EU member states.
Proof of Gaddafi’s innocence I – ‘Murder in St. James’ Dispatches documentary about Yvonne Fletcher. An important investigation into the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher, who was shot whilst on duty during a protest outside the Libyan Embassy in 1984. The two-part documentary suggests that she was killed, not by someone inside the Embassy as originally claimed, but by a gunman in an adjacent building used by the British security services.
UN Special Rapporteur for Torture, Nils Melzer, on how Britain and US are torturing Julian Assange. US Extradition: ‘If Julian Assange Dies, He Would Have Been Tortured To Death!’- Nils Melzer – We speak to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer on the trial of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. He discusses his assessment that Julian Assange has been psychologically tortured by UK authorities, why it has become harder for the UK courts to refuse the US extradition request, the parallels between the video of the murder of George Floyd and Julian Assange’s revelations and what Julian Assange’s persecution means for the average citizen’s rights.
Why is Russia always vilified? ‘The Great Game’ book by Peter Hopkirk. Putin, on CNBC, explaining how the US is behind rising European gas prices and how Russian gas supplies to Europe are increasing. THE GREAT GAME For nearly a century, the two most powerful nations on earth – Victorian Britain and Tsarist Russia – fought a secret war in the lonely passes and deserts of Central Asia, called as ‘The Great Game’. This book tells the story of the Great Game through the exploits of the young officers, both British and Russian, who risked their lives playing it. The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia by Peter Hopkirk – For nearly a century, the two most powerful nations on earth – Victorian Britain and Tsarist Russia – fought a secret war in the lonely passes and deserts of Central Asia. Those engaged in this shadowy struggle called it ‘The Great Game’, a phrase immortalized in Kipling’s “Kim”. When play first began, the two rival empires lay nearly 2,000 miles apart. By the end, some Russian outposts were within 20 miles of India. This book tells the story of the Great Game through the exploits of the young officers, both British and Russian, who risked their lives playing it. Disguised as holy men or native horsetraders, they mapped secret passes, gathered intelligence, and sought the allegiance of powerful khans. Some never returned.
Migrant Crisis and the Cheap Labour Mafia – Russia may be about to invade Ukraine? Britain sends 10 soldiers to Polish Belarus border. Belavia flights now cancelled from Turkey to Belarus. The U.S. is raising the alarm with European Union allies that Russia may be weighing a potential invasion of Ukraine as tensions flare between Moscow and the bloc over migrants and energy supplies. With Washington closely monitoring a buildup of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border, U.S. officials have briefed EU counterparts on their concerns over a possible military operation, according to multiple people familiar with the matter. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov Friday dismissed the report as “empty and unfounded efforts to exacerbate tensions.”
Dick Hobbs, author of ‘The Business: Talking with Thieves, Gangsters, and Dealers’, discusses the normality of criminality in 1950s to 1970s working class London. Professor Dick Hobbs is a leading commentator on the culture of crime and criminality. East End born and bred, he is a fascinating dichotomy of the criminal and the intellectual world, allowing him a unique insight into a subject that holds fascination for so many. When he was growing up, the East End was rocking with dock strikes, thievery and the kind of family values practiced by the Krays the Tibbs and a few dozen other outlaw clans. Violence was everywhere Crime was an unavoidable fact of life. However, his real education in Plaistow taught him that the real essence of illegal capitalism is to be found amongst the poor bloody infantry of the crime world; the jump up merchants, lorry highjackers, warehouse thieves, and middle-market drug dealers. These are the people with whom he has spent most of his professional life, and along with more exalted villains such as Mad Frankie Frazer and Charlie Richardson, these are the characters who will feature in the book, weaving the stories of these fearsome gangsters with the history and evolution of the UK underworld.
Ex Cardiff PC Tony Roach, sacked former Police Officer in South Wales, on how he wanted his full interviews with the Swansea Police, but wasn’t allowed them. Decriminalisation of drugs – CIA and drug running. Sacked police officer launches legal battle over six-month surveillance operation against him – Cardiff police officer Tony Roach was fired in 2015 by South Wales Police after being accused of gross misconduct – A sacked former police officer has launched a legal case against South Wales Police calling for details of the six-month surveillance operation he says was mounted against him. Former licensing officer Tony Roach was fired for gross misconduct in 2015 after an investigation by the force’s professional standards department. Mr Roach, who was responsible for ensuring that pubs and clubs in Cardiff operated in accordance with the conditions included in their licences, says he was kept under surveillance for six months with cameras and microphones, and his personal phone calls intercepted, and his phone records accessed. He says that he was told about the surveillance during a police interview and that the surveillance was given the code name Operation Kansas. Mr Roach said that he was arrested in 2014 on suspicion of misconduct in a public office and that he and his wife Janet were both arrested on suspicion of tax fraud but that this never resulted in criminal charges. He claims that South Wales Police went too far in its surveillance of him and breached his rights. He has launched a legal case at Liverpool County Court in pursuit of a disclosure order to force South Wales Police to release details of its investigation. In a witness statement, Mr Roach’s solicitor Mark Crompton stated: ‘The claimant [Mr Roach] is pursuing a claim against the defendant [South Wales Police Chief Constable Matt Jukes] for the misuse of private information, breach of confidentiality and a breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Edward Curtin on where the term ‘conspiracy theory’ came from. Linked to the JFK assassination and much else as Martin explains
Sanya Burgess does a critique of the ‘anti-lockdown’ movement on Sky TV. SKY News Hit Piece On Indy Media Is A Damp Squib – The establishment wants to destroy the independent media and is using the legacy media to wage a propaganda war against it. I have been saying for several years that theyre coming for The Richie Allen Show. If The Online Harms Bill passes, the very act of interviewing scientists who claim that a government mandated medicine might be doing more harm than good, will be a crime. The legacy media has been trying to undermine The Richie Allen Show for years. Theyve all had a pop, The Guardian, The Mail, SKY News previously, Talk Radio, The Times, The red tops. For years, they have harassed politicians and academics for daring to appear with me. Why? Because The Richie Allen Show is the most listened to independent news radio show in the world. I had to laugh at the line, 20-30,000 listeners on its main platform. If that were true, the media wouldnt be constantly targeting the content of the show and my guests. I told Burgess that the show is a live radio show with a far wider reach than she had suggested, but of course she ignored that. She told me that my response to her emails would feature prominently in her article. I laughed hard at that. You be the judge. Heres her article
Neil Oliver, on GB News, criticises COP26. ‘For reference around what people say and what people do, I look to St Francis of Asissi. Born into wealth in 12 century Italy, he might have led a pampered and privileged life. Instead he gave it all up, gave it all away, and lived a life of poverty for the rest of his days, attracting others to his side and thereby establishing religious orders that have persisted to this day. He talked the talk – but he also walked the walk. He said there was a better way to live, a right way to live, and he lived that life. I say those that would have live differently must do likewise. Be like St Francis. They must lead by example. In the future they predict for us, we will, to quote the World Economic Forum, own nothing and yet we will be happier than ever before. Let me see the presidents and princes and politicians showing us that new way, and its resultant happiness. Come on Mr Johnson, Mr Biden – Klaus Schwab of the WEF, Bill Gates and the rest of the technocratic visionaries who know so much better than us. Walk the walk. Let us see you surrender all of that cumbersome wealth, all of that troublesome property that’s presumably making you unhappy. Let us see you downsize to properly insulated eco homes. No more international travel or transport via fossil fuels. No more meat consumed. Instead of flying-in that plant food from thousands of miles away – those avocados, that rice and quinoa, restrict your diet to what grows close by your eco homes, and that can be transported to those homes in the baskets of your bicycles. I am open-minded. I am prepared to be persuaded of what you say. Show me the way. Or am I right in thinking the life you have in mind for me and mine will never be one you will live yourselves. Am I right in thinking you are all just hollow, bags of wind, self-serving hypocrites with your eyes on yet more cash, more power? Is it just same old same old, which is do as I say, and not as I do? Until further notice, and until persuaded otherwise, I shall continue to believe it’s not about what they say it’s about, and never has been.’
London ‘Labour’ mayor Sadiq Khan promises green ‘new world’ after being appointed city climate ‘king’ at COP26 – City Hall votes down ULEZ Blue Badge exemption plea – Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, wins an award at COP26 for his actions for cleaning up London air – but ULEZ is also affecting disabled people. COP26 and China. Currently, owners of vehicles which do not meet minimum emissions standards are only temporarily exempt from the £12.50 daily charge until 2025 if their vehicle is tax classified as “disabled” or a “disabled passenger vehicle”. But thousands of disabled drivers are still liable to pay the charge if they drive an older vehicle that does not have the correct tax classification. At a meeting of the London Assembly on Thursday, Conservative Assembly Member Nicholas Rogers proposed a motion that called on Sadiq Khan to exempt all Blue Badge holders from having to pay the charge for driving in the zone. Mr Rogers said: “This motion is simple; it’s about protecting some of London’s most vulnerable residents. Disabled Londoners are often more reliant on their vehicles to move about the city, and they frequently face up against a public transport network that is simply often inaccessible to them. “While some Londoners on the highest levels of disability benefits are exempt from ULEZ, the rules are complicated and exclude the vast majority of disabled people in London. It would be fairer and simpler to exempt all Blue Badge holders from the ULEZ just as they are from the Congestion Charge.” He added that “we need to clean up London’s air, but we can’t do it on the backs of disabled people”. The motion was voted down, however, with Labour and the Liberal Democrats voting against it while the Conservative and Green Party groups voted in favour.
Thousands of items of PPE not used costing taxpayers £1m a day to store at Felixtowe – Piles of unused PPE costing £1million a day to store in ‘grotesque waste of public money’ – The Department for Health paid contractor Uniserve £124million for ‘storage costs’ of unused PPE in the last four months – the Good Law Project said it was a ‘grotesque waste of public money’ Huge stockpiles of excess PPE are costing the Government £1million a day to store, the Mirror can reveal today. It includes thousands of shipping containers piled high beside the UK’s largest commercial port. Over the last four months, the Department for Health paid contractor Uniserve £124m for “storage costs”. The Good Law Project’s Gemma Abbott has hit out at the “grotesque waste of public money”. She said: “Not only did the Government squander billions on over-priced PPE that can’t be used but it turns out their mistakes are still costing taxpayers millions.” The Good Law Project is also challenging No10’s Covid contracts. The Mirror can now reveal the Department of Health spent £7m this summer buying shipping containers to slash storage costs for tens of billions of items of PPE. How has the Government handled the situation? Have your say in the comment section
Geoffrey Cox MP and his second job helping tax havens – overwhelmingly Tory MPs who have second jobs. Geoffrey Cox’s island idyll revealed: No wonder he was keen to get away from Westminster… while MP colleagues toiled 4,000 miles away, THIS was his paradise retreat – Sir Geoffrey Cox stayed at the Cooper Bay Villas on the isle of Tortola while working his ‘second job’ Worth 3.1million, it boasts five bedrooms, five bathrooms across two villas Secluded Cooper Bay is short walk and beach of Trunk Bay is around the corner Discreetly located above a secluded bay on the sun-drenched holiday isle of Tortola, Cooper Bay Villas is the last word in luxury. Set in 1.7 acres of perfectly manicured tropical gardens, this dream destination is where Sir Geoffrey Cox QC, the Tory MP for Torridge and West Devon, was billeted while beavering away at his second job. As far as temporary digs are concerned, it is certainly not too shabby. Worth 3.1million, the five-bedroom, five-bathroom residence is split across two villas and no expense was spared, gushes a local estate agent, in the property that redefines luxury and contemporary island living.
Katharine Gun’s weekly column V – Covid 19 is psychological warfare and lockdowns to stop political dissent – definitions of herd immunity and vaccines have been changed by WHO. CDC And WHO Redefine Vaccine’ And ‘Herd Immunity’ To Manipulate People Into Getting The Jabs – The CDC and WHO have reportedly redefined three key medical terms pertaining to diseases, thus redefining today’s “reality” about COVID. In her report re-published by The Epoch Times, Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, analyzed how the CDC has meticulously “evolved” the vaccine’s definition to compensate for the evident eroding efficacy of some modern “vaccines,” notably the COVID-19 vaccine.
– “Instead of requiring medicine to meet the definition of ‘vaccine,’ it appears CDC has changed the definition of “vaccine” to accommodate what the medicine does,” she wrote. – “After the COVID-19 vaccines were introduced, and it was discovered they do not necessarily ‘prevent disease’ or ‘provide immunity,’ CDC altered the definition of vaccines again to say that they merely ‘produce protection,'” she noted in another section of her report.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – World Round-Up And Investigative Reports
Katharine Gun – top expert on aluminium Prof Chris Exley is sacked after he says it is dangerous to put it in vaccines – asymmetric war and Covid 19 to bring in a new capitalist system as the old one is dying – how to fight it? Don’t comply. SCIENCE SOLD OUT: How one of the UK’s top research scientists has been smeared, vilified, and forced into silence for his lifelong commitment to genuinely ‘following the science’ by Miri Anne Finch Internationally renowned scientist, Professor Chris Exley, has been forced out of his longstanding university position because his ground-breaking research challenged vaccine dogmas. Researching vaccine safety has lost him the support of standard funders, attracted malicious media smear campaigns, and, eventually, cost him his livelihood. Here is the full report of how it happened, how I got involved, and why it is critical we expose this shocking story of corruption, injustice, and science sold out. The bullying, censoring, silencing, and personal and professional persecution directed at Professor Chris Exley, one of the most talented, prolific, and courageous scientists of his generation, is nothing short of a national scandal, and deserves to be thoroughly exposed and investigated by all the relevant bodies as such. Scandalous as it is, however, this is but a small slice of the systematic corruption and strangulation of real science that rages within all our most trusted institutions, including universities, the Houses of Parliament, and the NHS. Events of the last 18 months have revealed irrefutably that our democracy hangs by a thread and that our most prized social values of personal liberty, academic freedom, and freedom of speech are dangerously imperilled. Please act now to ensure this story, and all stories like it, are widely circulated to encourage eyes and minds to open to the critical danger we as a liberal democracy face – before it is too late.
NHS ‘on its knees’ with chronic staff shortages and millions waiting for treatment According to NHS England data, 5.8 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of September. All ambulance trusts in England are on a high level of alert and are under significant strain The NHS is said to be “on its knees” due to chronic staff shortages and millions of people waiting for treatment, leading health experts have warned. The King’s Fund health think tank said staff are exhausted from the coronavirus pandemic and patients needing treatment have to wait much longer than usual. The warning came as figures showed huge waits for treatment, as well as long waiting times for ambulances to reach 999 calls. The data, from NHS England, shows 5.8 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of September – the highest number since records began in August 2007. The number of people having to wait more than 52 weeks to start treatment stood at 300,566 in September, up from 292,138 in the previous month and more than double the number waiting a year earlier, in September 2020, which was 139,545. Patients also face long waiting times when calling an ambulance. Deborah Ward, senior analyst at the King’s Fund, said: “Today’s stats reveal the worst performance since current records began for ambulance calls, A&Es and waits for planned hospital care. “In a normal year any one of these would ring alarm bells; taken together before winter has even begun, they suggest a health and care system running hot for such a sustained period whilst still dealing with Covid-19, it is now on its knees.”
A suspended nurse in Adelaide, Australia, describes 38 out of 40 inpatients there having been vaccinated and the vaccine injured so it is not so surprising that thousands of South Australian nurses do not wish to have the jab. Outside Channel 9 TV there in Adelaide protesting against compulsory vaccination for nurses. – Outside channel 9 studios Adelaide ,South Australia, Australia.
“The hospitals are not full of Covid patients, the hospitals are full of vaccinated patients….to the media please start telling the truth”
Hugo Talks on Travis Scott’s Astro-World concert which was surrounded by satanic and demonic imagery including the stage being an inverted cross and the audience having to enter the concert arena through the mouth of a giant model of Travis’ head, where 11 people in the crowd had heart attacks possibly due to a crush.
Catherine Austin-Fitts, on the underestimated power of China and her being invited to join the Council on Foreign Relations.
Biblical evidence that Prince Charles or Prince William may be the Anti-Christ of the book of Revelation? Given that a coming ‘Great Peacemaker’, False Messiah will be in league with those that started Albert Pike’s Zionist/Islam WWIII… Who will be this Antichrist? Candidate 1: Prince Charles. Tim Cohen, [full audio from this week] author of ‘The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea’ believes the evidence points to Prince Charles.
Given that a coming ‘Great Peacemaker’, False Messiah will be in league with those that started Albert Pike’s Zionist/Islam WWIII… Who will be this Antichrist? Candidate 2: Prince William. Grace Powers who directed ‘The Zion King’ 2012 documentary, goes for Prince William to be the antichrist…
Catherine Austin-Fitts describes the present push, using myriad hidden agendas, for global governance as a war on God which God, thankfully, will win. Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and publisher of “The Solari Report” Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) says all that’s happening now can be boiled down to one simple, but evil, concept. CAF explains, “It’s a war on God, and God is going to win.” Because America was set up with Biblical principles, it’s also a war on America. Fitts says, “You see this in the founding documents that an individual’s freedom is created by divine authority. So, in the founding documents, our governor is God. We are created by divine authority. Our freedom comes by divine authority, but we are individual sovereigns. We have the power to create sovereign governments and to end them if they stop serving us. The model is very clear, and you and I have grown up with this model our whole life. Now, we have a new model, and it’s called transhumanism, and the idea is you basically chip everybody, you put them on remote control through the cell tower system and instead of resonating with the divine, they resonate with a machine.”
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 250 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Katharine Gun V interview 00:50:00
Full Criminologist Dick Hobbs interview 00:30:00
Full Tony Roach Swansea interview 00:25:00
Full Nils Melzer interview on Julian Assange 00:15:00
Full Tim Cohen COP26 interview 00:30:00
Full Grace Powers Lion King documentary 02:55:00
Full Catherine Austin Fitts interview 00:40:00
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Unacceptable !
Inoculate – to implant disease, immune, protect, resistant
I almost posted this item last week but didn’t preferring to focus on the injection. However, it ties in well with this week’s show :-