Jasmine York, Kill the Bill protestor (29) who was jailed, joins Tony and Martin. Jasmine explains what it was like going to one of the worst women’s prisons in Britain. – Ian Henshall, author of ‘9/11: The New Evidence’ also joins Tony and Martin. Drugs trade and secret services – Ex-Cllr Simon Kilane, former Councillor in Malmsbury, on how people can be bought off, or destroyed if they won’t take a bribe. – Leaked Bristol NUJ branch letter warning journalists to be careful of violent protesters (not police, who injured and arrested journalists at the Kill The Bill demos, then lied about police injuries) – James Garrett documentaries about Freemasonry and Merchant Venturers – Bristol’s elite club who financed John Cabot’s ‘discovery’ of North America. – Julia Hartley Brewer, Talk TV, interviews Jacob Rees Mogg about Rishi Sunak’s tax affairs and UK economy. – Kees van der Pijls book ‘States of Emergency: ….’. Ever since March 2020 we suspect some sort of global seizure of power and social transformation is being implemented – France demos turning violent – King Charles cancels visit. Al Jazeera – French protests report. History of protest and human rights in France. – Dr Chris Busby on depleted uranium and modular reactors. Chris Busby on George Monbiot, The Nuclear Cancer Conspiracy, Radiation from Ukraine and the Greens. – King Charles on the ‘Terra Carta’ road map – the 10 most polluting systems that the private sector are ready to change. As part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, ‘– Jimmy Saville, by the people he abused and worked with’ documentary – police not interested. MI5 and blackmail. Close confidante of King Charles – Covid vaccine injuries. PMQs payout for Covid vaccine injuries. Dr. John Campbell introduces Andrew Bridgen’ MPs latest pseech in Parliament on Covid vaccine injury – CIA takeover of journalism in West – book by Udo Ulfkotte ‘Presstitutes’. Press being bought out. Killing of political figures by the State. Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA – UK sending radioactive Depleted Uranium equipped tanks to Ukraine – Scott Ritter, on Judge Neopolitano show, depleted uranium in Ukraine. – Depleted uranium in Iraq – book by Joanne Baker. Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah ‘worse than Hiroshima’ – JEFFREY SACHS VERSUS GOLDMAN SACHS? Ukraine in proxy war between Russia and US, but China is what US is really worried about. – Israel turns from Apartheid State into Fascist Dictatorship as Netanyahu visits London – ‘BIGGEST ISRAELI PROTESTS IN HISTORY’: Netanyahu’s ‘dictatorship’ law and growing Israel protests now in their 11th week – Israel’s former spy chief warns that country could turn into a ‘dictatorship’ Nadav Argaman, former head of the Shin Bet – Christians will face jail in Israel for proselytising under proposed bill- Christians could face one year prison sentence for encouraging conversion – Netanyahu in UK and meets Rishi Sunak. Israel turmoil dogs Netanyahu’s UK trip – TWO MAIN POLITICAL PARTIES AS THE ‘A’ TEAM AND THE ‘B’ TEAM OF A ONE-PARTY STATE: J ex-CIAohn Stockwell, author of ‘In Search of Enemies’ – Sustainable Development Goals as a mass-impoverishment and de-industrialisation via King Charles Accelerationist Keynote Address to the COP26 Climate Conference in 2022 – Religious disagreements about who the next main prophet will be from fringe types including Christians – words and sense perhaps coming out their mouths. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Jasmine York, Kill the Bill protestor (29) who was jailed, joins Tony and Martin. Jasmine explains what it was like going to one of the worst women’s prisons in Britain. Jasmine’s diary she wrote in prison. Many of her fellow prisoners were mentally ill. How can society and policing improve? Mental illness dealt with by Police. Jasmine’s speech at Kill the Bill anniversary march. Strategy of Tension orchestrated by security services. A protestor’s speech at Kill the Bill anniversary march. Peaceful ‘kill the bill’ protest staged two years on from riot ‘Kill the bill’ protesters took to the streets on Tuesday evening to mark two years to the day since the infamous demonstration that descended into violence outside Bridewell Police Station. The ‘stand against state violence’ peaceful protest was held to show solidarity with people sentenced for their actions during the riot on March 21, 2021, and their families, and “the brutality of the police towards demonstrators”. More than 200 people came together in the Bearpit before marching to the same police station, on Bridewell Street, that came under attack two years ago. Shouts of “whose streets? Our streets!” and “no justice, no peace, no racist police” could be heard as the droves of people, many with their faces covered with scarves and marks, weaved through the city centre, stopping oncoming traffic. It was lead by half a dozen marchers holding a banner reading ‘free the prisoners, drop the charges’, with police officers closely monitoring the demonstration. One protester was Heidi Gedge, mother of Mariella Gedge-Rogers who was sentenced to five and a half years for riot for her actions during the 2021 riot. She says her daughter was “unfairly” imprisoned and “brutally attacked” by police, and has been campaigning for a year with the Justice for the Bristol Protesters group. Gedge told Bristol24/7: “Our campaign is set on getting the narrative out there, finding out why police officers have not been punished for their role on the day because a lot of the violence was instigated by the police.” “We want to get the riot charges dropped and get them freedom.”
Bristol CopWatch: Yesterday evening we attended the peaceful Kill The Bill 2 demonstration and march in Bristol and as John said in his speech outside Bridewell Police station ‘over the past few years of our existence we have seen numerous abuses of power. We have witnessed the machinery of the state in action! We understand the damage the criminal justice system and the police can do to people’s lives.’ Which is why in 2023 we are very keen to develop more of a street presence and routinely monitor the police in our communities where we know stop and search is bad, where police harassment and targeting is commonplace and where some of the most vulnerable in our community can feel alone. We want you to know that you are never alone and that as always we see you because #WeCopWatch. This Friday we’re discussing predictive policing in Avon and Somerset with the awesome Liberty and other civil society groups and community activists. All we know so far is that the police have risk scored 250,000 of us in this county and the IBM Offender Management predictive policing technology they use has no safe guarding to prevent profiling and discrimination, not only that but officers receive no training. What does police intervention for offenders on their localised gang matrix look like? We don’t know because Avon and Somerset Police won’t say. This is not how you build trust and heal divides. But being honest, we expect nothing less from Avon and Somerset Police. Our casework team has developed working relationships with the IOPC and organisations such as SARI to help support our community yet we remain fearless independent of police oversight as we will not erode trust in the communities we have supported since 2020. In 2023 we would like to see the police take ownership and acknowledge the damage and trauma they can create in people’s lives.
Ian Henshall, author of ‘9/11: The New Evidence’ also joins Tony and Martin. Drugs trade and secret services. The original 9/11 Revealed attracted lavish praise from reviewers in the Daily Mail and Sunday Times for the ‘huge gaps’ it exposed in the official 9/11 story. It became a non-fiction bestseller despite a wall of silence by the broadcast media and condemnation in a special web page set up by the US State Department. Since then the story has produced many sinister new twists, including: Pentagon whistleblowers have accused the ‘Independent 9/11 Commission’ of lying; long-suppressed eyewitness testimony has been released confirming multiple explosions in the Twin Towers before and during their collapses; the much vaunted video purporting to prove that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon showed nothing at all; and an analysis of terrorist trials and arrests since 2001 indicates that far from the ‘600 Al Qaeda sleeper cells in the US’ (CIA) there were none at all. In this sequel to 9/11 Revealed, Ian Henshall examines the precedents of black operations by the US/UK, from Northern Ireland to Italy, from Vietnam to Kosovo; he looks at the various 9/11 theories, including the latest twists in the official story, and tests them against the evidence. Finally, he asks what might happen when the storm of popular outrage collides with the regime in Washington and London and outlines the radical changes needed if Washington and London are ever again to function as genuine democracies.
Simon Kilane, former Councillor in Malmsbury, on how people can be bought off, or destroyed if they won’t take a bribe. Malmesbury councillor publishes list of complaints against him thrown out by Wiltshire Council A COUNCILLOR believes there is a campaign against him after a series of failed complaints about his behaviour were lodged with Wiltshire Council. Cllr Simon Killane, who sits on the town council and represents Malmesbury on Wiltshire Council, was the subject of a number of complaints from town councillor Julie Exton and members of the public. But he said most of the allegations have been thrown out by Wiltshire Council and he expects the rest to be dismissed too. Cllr Killane, who has been on Wiltshire Council for more than five years, told the Standard that one of the allegations by Cllr Exton followed an exchange between the two after a town council meeting. Recommended by He admitted that he criticised Cllr Exton after she made comments about his popularity following the meeting, but insists that there were no grounds for a complaint. Following this argument, Cllr Exton’s son, Chris Exton, launched a petition calling for Cllr Killane to resign and then more people made complaints against him. Cllr Killane said: “These included untrue accusations of inappropriate behaviour, completely false claims that my behaviour towards people in the High Street warranted police action, unfounded accusations of corruption and cruel, untrue accusations alleging abusive behaviour towards my son.” He also said there have been instances of threatening behaviour towards him from some members of the community, both online and in real life. “My wife has been put through tremendous stress and struggles to take the kids to school in the mornings thanks to these vicious and totally out of order accusations,” he added. Cllr Exton said she stands by the complaints she has lodged, stating that she was not alone in her views on Cllr Killane.
Leaked Bristol NUJ branch letter warning journalists to be careful of violent protesters (not police, who injured and arrested journalists at the Kill The Bill demos, then lied about police injuries). Response to criticism of letter by branch chair James Garrett. Kill The Bill: Are Bristol branch of the NUJ too close to Avon and Somerset Police? The Bristol NUJ has sent out ‘advice’ to local journalists regarding the ‘Kill the Bill 2’ protest meeting at the Bearpit this Tuesday (21 March) from 5.30pm. And there’s some very interesting framing and attitudes in it indeed: Our observations and comments on this email are in italics: Some of you will be covering what’s billed as KilltheBill2, a demonstration on Tuesday next week which marks the second anniversary of the notorious disturbances in which Bridewell police station was attacked and many arrests made. No mention of police attacking protestors first as plenty of eye-witness statements claim? We can expect this event to be well attended and it may be the most antagonistic public order event in Bristol since the attack on Bridewell. Surely the most anatagonistic protest since Avon and Somerset Police assaulted protestors outside Bridewell? There may also be hostility towards the media from a minority of protesters. Really? Surely the hostility towards journalists came from police, with at least one local editor being arrested last time? If protestors are ‘hostile’ to journalists it’s usually because they’re being filmed for clickbait articles. This film can be and is seized to use as evidence to lock protestors in Bristol up for a long time through abuse of the Riot Act. The kind of miscarriages of justice those same local journalists won’t bother reporting. Regardless of who you are or who you think you are, film people at protests and you’re asking for trouble. The mood may be heightened by the release on Tuesday of the Casey report, expected to show endemic racism, sexism and homophobia in the Met. Turns out that those of us who have said for years that the cops are a violent racist misogynist gang are correct.
James Garrett documentaries about Freemasonry and Merchant Venturers – Financed John Cabot’s ‘discovery’ of North America. Ran much of the transatlantic slave trade for two centuries. Now own large shareholdings in UK national infrastructure like water, electric, gas, railways, telecoms, ports & airports privatised by Margaret Thatcher & Victor Rothschild in the 1980s More recently running semi-privatised institutions such as schools and hospitals. They can buy up or shut down anything which opposes them. Only the Privy Council can scrutinise their accounts & wealth, as the MVs are constituted under a royal charter. They are known locally as The Bristol Mafia, perhaps better described as The Bristol Illuminati? NB. end of credits from this film and decade later BBC film on the MV are here http://youtu.be/gKdCIYdgd7Q Merchant Venturers of Bristol – Dirty money? The Society’s investments http://www.merchantventurers.org/money.html The Merchants run a company called SMV Investments that owns properties and trades shares. Most of the people we identify in the Society’s inner circle are directors of the firm.
PMQs only 4% of burglary gets charged. Julia Hartley Brewer, Talk TV, interviews Jacob Rees Mogg about Rishi Sunak’s tax affairs and UK economy. Divide between rich and poor. Michael Hudson, author of ‘Destiny of Civilisation …..’, on finance capitalism vs the rest of the world – failure of US system like fall of the Roman Empire. Bank crisis. Deutsche Bank shares slump. Bond holders in Credit Suisse lost billions – causing insecurity in bonds in other banks LINK**. Will banks be bailed out as they go down? Bank of England and FED raise interest rates. Inflation. PMQs food inflation – prices up 18%.
Van life – rents too high. Ways to live outside the system. Kees van der Pils book ‘States of Emergency: ….’. Ever since large parts of the world were placed in lockdown in March 2020 in the name of public health, there has been a growing public suspicion that some sort of global seizure of power and social transformation is being implemented under guise of the extraordinary suspension of democracy and unprecedented restrictions of basic freedoms occurring in so many countries at the same time. This book contends that since the financial collapse of 2008, populations in many countries have become restive in the face of extreme inequality and diminishing life chances. In a digital economy, one to two billion people will soon be superfluous, but they are not likely to remain sitting on their hands; in many parts of the world their resistance has begun. The Western capitalist elites have lost the capacity to engage their respective peoples in an equitable social contract and have resorted to stoking fear — from the terrorism scare and the Russian threat to the COVID infliction, with more variants coming on line — as a formula for curtailing protest and maintaining power. It analyses the social forces driving this process: the US national security state and its intelligence apparatus, the IT giants spun off from it, and the large media conglomerates that have joined forces to create a comprehensive surveillance system of Orwellian dimensions The production of disease threats is amplified by the Gates Foundation and other public international organizations including the WHO, along with the pharmaceutical industries, foresee unprecedented profit in plans to inoculate the world population with experimental gene therapies sold as vaccines. Ideas on using a pandemic to initiate a worldwide state of siege have matured until the need for collective intervention — the threat of a new financial meltdown and the need to remove Trump — prompted global elites to seize the day.
France demos turning violent – King Charles cancels visit. Al Jazeera – French protests report. History of protest and human rights in France. Jasmine’s campaigns she supports – Bristol Anti Repression Campaign and Justice for Bristol Protestors. Police vehicles set on fire as French riots continue after King’s visit cancelled Police vehicles were set on fire by protesters in France, as President Emmanuel Macron faced another day of violent demonstrations. Thousands fought running battles with heavily armed officers at a gathering on Saturday at Sainte-Soline, near Poitiers. Gerald Darmanin, the interior minister, said two critically injured people – one of them a police officer, the other a protester – were transported by helicopter to hospital. They were protesting against the deployment of a new water-storage centre, and comes a day after clashes elsewhere in the country over Mr Macron’s plan to push the retirement age up from 62 to 64 without a parliamentary vote. Those riots had led to the cancellation of a royal visit from King Charles III. “While the country is rising up to defend pensions, we will simultaneously stand up to defend water,” said the organisers gathering under the banner of “Bassines non merci” (“No to reservoirs, thank you”). As the violence intensified on Saturday Mr Darmanin said “far left” rioters were also using mortars to fire explosives at the police. Three police vehicles were completely burned out, and multiple officers injured. Mr Darmanin said: “In Sainte-Soline, the ultra left and the far left are extremely violent against our gendarmes. This is appalling and unacceptable.” “No-one should tolerate this,” he added. “My full support is with the police.” Earlier this week, Mr Darmanin accused anti-government thugs of “trying to bring down the state and kill police officers”. “Police have completely lost control,” said one of the demonstrators at Saint-Soline. “Vehicles have been set on fire using Molotov cocktails, and officers are running away, while firing tear gas cannisters at us.” A police spokesperson said: “Explosives are being used against us, and we are trying to bring the situation under control. “There are radicals in the crowd who are trying to severely injure the forces of law and order.” He said an estimated 6,000 people had turned up to the protest – ecological demonstrators swelled by those demonstrating against Mr Macron’s retirement reforms. The Sainte-Soline water reserve is one of 16 installations developed by a group of 400 farmers to reduce mains water usage in summer. Opponents claim these so-called “megabasins” are reserved for large export-oriented grain farms, and work against the local community. It follows more than a week of intense social disorder across France that made cancelling Charles’s visit inevitable. Threats made against him included the words “Death to the King”, a macabre message that was scrawled by protesters on walls in Paris. They prompted Mr Macron to say: “I think it would not be responsible and would lack some common sense if we invited His Majesty the King and the Queen Consort for a state visit in the midst of the demonstrations.” Senior politicians including Mr Macron had received threats evoking the guillotine used to execute Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette – the last rightful king and queen of France. The words “Death to the King” had even appeared in bright red graffiti on Place de la Concorde – the central Paris square where Louis and his wife were killed. Another scrawled message read “Charles III do you know the guillotine?” The French feared the security of King Charles could not be guaranteed “because of his interest in mingling with crowds”, according to security sources. A crack team of officers from the SDLP Protection Service unit rigorously studied the monarch’s profile. “They became aware of the King’s habit of impromptu handshakes, and talking to ordinary people whenever he could,” said a source who was involved in the planning of events. “There are huge social tensions in France, and there is no doubt that such good manners could have been very dangerous indeed.” The development was a major humiliation for Mr Macron, especially as a visit to Germany by the Royal couple next week will go ahead as planned. Eric Ciotti, leader of the opposition Republicans party in France, said the chaotic security situation was a national embarrassment. “The visit of Charles III is cancelled by the government due to social unrest,” said Mr Ciotti. “What an image for our country, which is not even able to ensure the security of a head of state.”
Chris Busby on depleted uranium and modular reactors. Chris Busby on George Monbiot, The Nuclear Cancer Conspiracy, Radiation from Ukraine and the Greens. Uranium weapons being employed in Ukraine have significantly increased Uranium levels in the air in the UK Christopher Busby Environmental Research SIA, Riga Latvia christo@greenaudit.org Abstract Data covering the period November 2017 to November 2022 was obtained from the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston to find if there was an increase in Uranium associated with the Ukraine war. Results from 9 High Volume Air Samplers deployed onsite and offsite by AWE showed that there were significantly increased levels of Uranium in all 9 HVAS samplers beginning in February 2022 when the war began. The result has significant public health implications for the UK and Europe. Keywords: uranium, depleted uranium, particles, Ukraine War, Aldermaston, cancer, birth defect. Background Uranium weapons have been increasingly employed in battle action since their first use by the US and UK forces in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Since then, they have been used in the Balkans in the late 1990s, then Kosovo in 2000, probably in Afghanistan in 2002 and then also in the 2nd Gulf War (GW2) in March and April 2003. On impact, uranium penetrators burn fiercely to give an aerosol of sub micron diameter oxide particles which are largely insoluble and remain in the environment for many years [1]. There is considerable public and scientific concern that these radioactive particles may remain suspended for long periods, or may become resuspended and are therefore available for inhalation by non-combatants at some distance from the point of impact. Little research seems to have been carried out on the distance travelled by the uranium aerosols. The military maintain that the uranium remains near the point of impact, and the Royal Society report also states that the material does not travel more than some tens of metres. On the other hand, measurements of uranium in local populations in Kosovo some nine months after the use of uranium weapons tested positive for depleted uranium in urine and the United Nations (UNEP) found uranium particles in air filters in Bosnia and Kosovo some years after its use. The author visited both Kosovo in 2001 (with Nippon TV) and South Iraq in 2000 (with Al Jazeera), and measured DU residues in the environment using scintillation counting for beta and alpha radiation. Samples were taken in Kosovo and analysed in Wales to show the presence of DU particles precipitated from snow and present in puddles far from the impact points. Later, information on Uranium in air samplers deployed by the Atomic Weapons Establishment showed the presence of Uranium from the 2nd Gulf War in 2003 [2] in a study similar to the present one. The question of the dispersion of uranium aerosols from battlefields is of significant legal interest, since if a radioactive weapon resulted in the general contamination of the public in the country of deployment or elsewhere, the weapon would be classifiable as one of indiscriminate effect.
King Charles on the ‘Terra Carta’ road map – the 10 most polluting systems that the private sector are ready to change. As part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, The former Prince of Wales, launched the Terra Carta in 2021 – a mandate that puts sustainability at the heart of the private sector. Marking a year since The former Prince of Wales announced his Sustainable Markets Initiative at Davos in 2020, the Terra Carta is the guiding mandate for the Sustainable Markets Initiative, providing a proposed set of principles to 2030 that puts Nature, People and Planet at the heart of global value creation.
‘Jimmy Saville, by the people he abused and worked with’ documentary – police not interested. MI5 and blackmail. Close confidante of King Charles, Jimmy Savile abused hundreds of people, many of them children. Exclusive testimony from some of the women who survived Savile’s abuse, and the people who knew the awful truth, speak out about one of the biggest names in British showbusiness.” Jimmy Savile abused hundreds of people, many of them children. Exclusive testimony from some of the women who survived Savile’s abuse, and the people who knew the awful truth, speak out about one of the biggest names in British showbusiness. A decade after Savile’s death, a new documentary shares brave, horrific testimony from victims about the ‘huge multi-institutional cover-up’ which continues to this day Unusually for someone who presented TV and radio programmes for six decades, Jimmy Savile is most significantly represented in the archives by shows he didn’t host. In When Louis Met Jimmy (BBC Two, 2000), Louis Theroux raised questions about longstanding rumours of paedophilia, which were rebuffed but later certified by Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile (ITV, 2012). Screened after the broadcaster’s death, that film triggered institutional investigations concluding he had sexually abused at least 450 people, 80% of whom were young people and children. The 10th anniversary of Savile’s death in October will greatly add to the TV credits the presenter wouldn’t want to have. Discovery’s Jimmy Savile: The People Who Knew is the first; a Netflix two-parter is due later this year and a BBC docudrama, The Reckoning, is also in production. (Disclosure: I witnessed, and reported to the BBC, an assault by Savile on a BBC staff member in 2006, as recorded in the Dame Janet Smith report of 2016. I was interviewed for the Netflix films.)
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Covid vaccine injuries. PMQs payout for Covid vaccine injuries. Dr. John Campbell introduces Andrew Bridgen’s speech in Parliament on Covid vaccine injury – hundreds have contacted him – Gov. figures on Covid vaccine injury vs Covid injury. Covid Jab Boosters in the Commons MPs Andrew Bridgen & Christopher Chope introduced by the splendid Dr John Campbell 17Mar23 Andrew Bridgen empties Parliament with anti-vax tirade No-one fancied sticking around to hear Andrew Bridgen’s latest take on the COVID-19 vaccines, which emptied Parliament in a flash. Almost every elected MP in Westminster decided to give Andrew Bridgen’s latest crusade against the COVID-19 vaccines a miss this week, after he ramped-up the rhetoric once more during a debate in the House of Commons. Parliament ‘almost empty’ for Andrew Bridgen’s latest rant Bridgen had the whip removed by his seniors in the Conservative Party earlier this year, when he compared the coronavirus vaccine campaign to the Holocaust. The abhorrent comments caused an almighty outrage, but he still remains in his position as an MP. His social media output is now almost exclusively anti-vax content. He has rallied against the reported side effects of the jabs, while failing to acknowledge the scientific evidence of their life-saving capacities. Bridgen is staking his entire reputation, and political future, on this path. Anti-vax MP not backing down on controversial stance However, if his latest performance in Parliament is anything to go by, he might need to start thinking about a ‘Plan B’. Speaking at an adjournment debate on Friday, Mr. Bridgen started his address with an already-sparse audience, before the numbers dwindled further.
CIA takeover of journalism in West – book by Udo Ulfkotte ‘Presstitutes’. Press being bought out. Killing of political figures by the State. Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession by Udo Ulfkotte (2019). So, who was Udo Ulfkotte? Was he a highly-respected, mainstream journalist or just some unhinged conspiracy theorist? Presstitutes is the closest we will ever get to an Udo Ulfkotte autobiography. It is both an apology for his own personal conduct and a warning to a new generation of journalists. With his own career as the example, he details how easily young journalists are lifted up and swept along by the mainstream, unable to resist the reward system that shapes the Western media. From his first nudge as a university student toward working with the BND, German Intelligence, Ulfkotte’s career provides many a look behind the scenes at what is packaged and sold in the media. After graduation, without any journalism background, but having been vetted by the BND, young Ulfkotte miraculously landed a job as an assistant foreign policy editor at Germany’s most prestigious newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). He stayed with them for 17 years, travelling to 60 countries and spending more time in the Middle East than in Germany. In 1988 he nearly died from an Iraqi nerve gas attack on Iranian troops, and discovered the gas had come from Germany. His reports and photos were buried. Gradually he became disillusioned with the dishonesty. His first critical book title, Classified Information: Federal Intelligence Service (BND), was published in 1997 and was promoted by the FAZ. He also began lecturing on “security management” in the University of Lüneburg’s business school. But the FAZ was not happy when he published How Journalists Lie in 2002. He suffered another serious physical injury in 2003. The last straw was when a political party offered him a fat bribe to use his press credentials to spy on a rival politician’s private life. After a heart attack, Ulfkotte decided he must expose as much political corruption as he could before he died… Dr. Udo Ulfkotte survived a poison gas attack in Iraq, a bout with cancer, and head injuries from being pushed down the stairs of his home by a spy for the ISI, the Pakistani CIA. He died of his fourth heart attack on January 13th 2017, just before his 57th birthday. Did he die a natural death? We may never know.
UK sending radioactive Depleted Uranium equipped tanks to Ukraine – Scott Ritter, on Judge Neopolitano show, depleted uranium in Ukraine. Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning The UK is sending 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv to aid Ukrainians in the fight against Russia President Vladimir Putin has said Russia would be “forced to react” if the UK sent shells made with depleted uranium to Ukraine. He accused the West of deploying weapons with a “nuclear component”. The UK Ministry of Defence confirmed it would provide Kyiv the armour-piercing rounds alongside Challenger 2 tanks but insisted they had a low radiation risk. Depleted uranium “is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons”, the MoD said. “The British Army has used depleted uranium in its armour piercing shells for decades,” the statement added. “Russia knows this, but is deliberately trying to disinform. Independent research by scientists from groups such as the Royal Society has assessed that any impact to personal health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions is likely to be low.” Former British Army tank commander – and chemical weapons expert – Col Hamish de Breton-Gordon, said Mr Putin’s comments were “classic disinformation”. He said depleted uranium rounds used by Challenger 2 tanks contained only trace elements of depleted uranium. He added it was “laughable” to suggest depleted uranium rounds were in any way linked to nuclear weapons, which uses enriched uranium. Depleted uranium is what is left over after natural uranium has been enriched, either for weapons-making or for reactor fuel. It is mildly radioactive in its solid form. But it is a very heavy substance, 1.7 times denser than lead, and it is used to harden rounds so that they can penetrate armour and steel. When a weapon made with a depleted uranium tip or core strikes a solid object, like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it and then erupts in a burning cloud of vapour. The vapour settles as dust, which is poisonous and also weakly radioactive. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said sending depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine would mean the UK was “ready to violate international humanitarian law as in 1999 in Yugoslavia”. “There is no doubt this will end badly for London,” Mr Lavrov added.
Depleted uranium in Iraq – book by Joanne Baker. Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah ‘worse than Hiroshima’ The shocking rates of infant mortality and cancer in Iraqi city raise new questions about battle Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study. Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents. Their claims have been supported by a survey showing a four-fold increase in all cancers and a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in under-14s. Infant mortality in the city is more than four times higher than in neighbouring Jordan and eight times higher than in Kuwait. Dr Chris Busby, a visiting professor at the University of Ulster and one of the authors of the survey of 4,800 individuals in Fallujah, said it is difficult to pin down the exact cause of the cancers and birth defects. He added that “to produce an effect like this, some very major mutagenic exposure must have occurred in 2004 when the attacks happened”. US Marines first besieged and bombarded Fallujah, 30 miles west of Baghdad, in April 2004 after four employees of the American security company Blackwater were killed and their bodies burned. After an eight-month stand-off, the Marines stormed the city in November using artillery and aerial bombing against rebel positions. US forces later admitted that they had employed white phosphorus as well as other munitions. In the assault US commanders largely treated Fallujah as a free-fire zone to try to reduce casualties among their own troops. British officers were appalled by the lack of concern for civilian casualties. “During preparatory operations in the November 2004 Fallujah clearance operation, on one night over 40 155mm artillery rounds were fired into a small sector of the city,” recalled Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster, a British commander serving with the American forces in Baghdad. He added that the US commander who ordered this devastating use of firepower did not consider it significant enough to mention it in his daily report to the US general in command. Dr Busby says that while he cannot identify the type of armaments used by the Marines, the extent of genetic damage suffered by inhabitants suggests the use of uranium in some form. He said: “My guess is that they used a new weapon against buildings to break through walls and kill those inside.” The survey was carried out by a team of 11 researchers in January and February this year who visited 711 houses in Fallujah. A questionnaire was filled in by householders giving details of cancers, birth outcomes and infant mortality. Hitherto the Iraqi government has been loath to respond to complaints from civilians about damage to their health during military operations. Researchers were initially regarded with some suspicion by locals, particularly after a Baghdad television station broadcast a report saying a survey was being carried out by terrorists and anybody conducting it or answering questions would be arrested. Those organising the survey subsequently arranged to be accompanied by a person of standing in the community to allay suspicions. The study, entitled “Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009”, is by Dr Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Ariabi, and concludes that anecdotal evidence of a sharp rise in cancer and congenital birth defects is correct. Infant mortality was found to be 80 per 1,000 births compared to 19 in Egypt, 17 in Jordan and 9.7 in Kuwait. The report says that the types of cancer are “similar to that in the Hiroshima survivors who were exposed to ionising radiation from the bomb and uranium in the fallout”. Researchers found a 38-fold increase in leukaemia, a ten-fold increase in female breast cancer and significant increases in lymphoma and brain tumours in adults. At Hiroshima survivors showed a 17-fold increase in leukaemia, but in Fallujah Dr Busby says what is striking is not only the greater prevalence of cancer but the speed with which it was affecting people. Of particular significance was the finding that the sex ratio between newborn boys and girls had changed. In a normal population this is 1,050 boys born to 1,000 girls, but for those born from 2005 there was an 18 per cent drop in male births, so the ratio was 850 males to 1,000 females. The sex-ratio is an indicator of genetic damage that affects boys more than girls. A similar change in the sex-ratio was discovered after Hiroshima….
JEFFREY SACHS VERSUS GOLDMAN SACHS? Al Jazeera report on China and Russia. Zelensky says more sanctions are needed against Russia, and can he have more weapons please. Jeffrey Sachs – Ukraine in proxy war between Russia and US, but China is what US is really worried about. Pakistan report – Imran Khan. Syria drone story.
‘BIGGEST ISRAELI PROTESTS IN HISTORY’: Netanyahu’s ‘dictatorship’ law and growing Israel protests now in their 11th week. Thousands of Israelis block streets in anti-government ‘Day of Shutdown’ Protests have escalated since Netanyahu introduced new legislation that would limit the authority of the Supreme Court earlier this year. Israelis have taken to the streets en masse in protest against the government’s proposed changes to the judicial system, blocking roadways across the country and intensifying a months-long campaign decrying the move. Thousands of people carrying flags and signs marched on a Tel Aviv thoroughfare on Thursday, stopping traffic in the middle of the workday. A small group burned tyres on the street outside a seaport, briefly blocking trucks. Police forced demonstrators from the road in front of a conference centre in central Israel. The protests have escalated since the start of the year when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s hard-right government introduced new legislation that would limit the authority of the Supreme Court. Military reservists have joined the protests and senior officials in the finance ministry warned this week of an economic backlash. In Jerusalem, crowds gathered along the walls of the Old City from which they hung a huge replica of the country’s declaration of independence. “What we are doing here is we are fighting for our lives. We are fighting for our lives as a Jewish people together in the state that we have been building for 75 years,” said Avidan Friedman, who was wearing a prayer shawl over his head. “We are fighting because we feel like what’s going on now is tearing us apart and we are calling on the government to stop.” Netanyahu in the meantime pushed ahead with the legislation, which includes bills to give the government decisive sway in electing judges and to limit the court’s power to strike down laws. Netanyahu – on trial for corruption charges he denies – says the judicial modifications are needed to restore the balance between the branches of government. Critics say it will weaken Israel’s democracy and hand uncontrolled powers to the government of the day.
Israel’s former spy chief warns that country could turn into a ‘dictatorship’ Nadav Argaman, former head of the Shin Bet, hits out at the Netanyahu government, saying ‘the anarchist has become the ruler’ Israel’s former spymaster has likened the government’s overhaul of the judicial system to “a car hurtling towards the abyss” in an interview with a local TV channel. Nadav Argaman, former director of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, hit out at the reforms on Thursday evening. Argaman warned that the checks and balances holding the Israeli government accountable in parliament had broken down, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was hijacking the process. “This is a world turned upside down, a crazy world. The anarchist has become the ruler,” said Argaman. “Only one person can stop this madness. That’s the prime minister,” the former spy chief said. “He is the one who pushed for this whole move, which was meticulously planned in advance, and he’s the one who can stop it. Everything is entirely in his hands.” Israel is currently experiencing a political crisis that has pitted Netanyahu’s far-right government against the country’s civil society, academic and business elite, as well as former government ministers and military figures. The prime minister is currently on trial for corruption, and the reforms could enable him to evade conviction or see his case dismissed. Since being indicted in 2019, Netanyahu has railed publicly against the justice system, saying it is biased against him. Argaman warned that Israel could be on the brink of a constitutional crisis and insisted that Ronen Bar, the current head of the Shin Bet, “must listen only and exclusively to the law”. “The head of the Shin Bet is subordinate to the prime minister, but above all, he is subordinate to the law,” he said. ‘Regime change’ – Sounding the alarm in unusually strong words for someone who has been part of the political establishment for decades, Argaman warned that the reforms were part of “a regime change” aimed at “legally turning Israel into a dictatorship”.
Christians will face jail in Israel for proselytising under proposed bill- Christians could face one year prison sentence for encouraging conversion to their faith, according to a new controversial legislation being introduced in Israel. The legislation which is being proposed by ultra-Orthodox members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition would also proscribe Christians from engaging in religious discussion with Jews. Titled Proposed Penal Law: Amendment – Prohibition of Solicitation for Religious Conversion – 2023, the legislation is introduced by United Torah Judaism’s Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher. The law would apply to anyone who would attempt to persuade someone to change their religious beliefs, however the legislation specifically mentions the Christian faith, saying that “recently, the attempts of missionary groups, mainly Christians, to solicit conversion of religion have increased.” “Solicitation”, according to the text of the legislation, refers to anyone “who solicits a person, directly, digitally, by mail, or online in order to convert his religion” and the punishment for such solicitation is “one year imprisonment; and if the person was a minor, the punishment – two years imprisonment.” According to All Israel News, the bill “appears to be making it illegal for followers of Jesus (“Yeshua” in Hebrew) to explain why they believe that Jesus is both Messiah and God with the hope that Israelis might consider following Him.” The Jerusalem based news agency explained that under the new legislation “producing and publishing online videos explaining the Gospel to Jewish or Muslim people in Israel – and to those of any other religious faiths – would suddenly become illegal.” Publishing books, other printed literature, online articles, podcasts, or other forms of media that explain the life and ministry of Jesus and His message found in the New Testament would also become illegal.
Netanyahu in UK and meets Rishi Sunak. Israel turmoil dogs Netanyahu’s UK trip A Downing Street readout of Friday morning’s meeting hints at some mild criticism from Rishi Sunak of Mr Netanyahu’s proposed legal reforms. “The prime minister stressed the importance of upholding the democratic values that underpin our relationship,” a spokesperson said, “including in the proposed judicial reforms in Israel.” The fact that cameras were not allowed into Number 10, and the absence of customary statements or a news conference, hinted at an air of embarrassment surrounding Mr Netanyahu’s visit. But outside, in Whitehall, Mr Netanyahu’s British critics were rather more direct. “For the first time in a really long time, British Jews are really taking a stand,” Sharon Shochat, one of the organisers of today’s protest, told the BBC. “We don’t want anything to do with what we’re seeing in Israel. The racism, the extremism, the deterioration from democracy and liberal values.” Neither Ms Shochat nor the tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrating on the streets of Israel for the past two months can necessarily claim to represent a majority opinion, but this is a moment of doubt and anxiety for the Jewish state’s supporters abroad, as they watch Israelis coming to blows. Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Sir Ephraim Mirvis, was sufficiently alarmed to issue a plea for Jewish unity, while urging Israel to “hold fast to the principles upon which it was founded”. Of more concern, for Israel, are signs that the US administration is losing patience with its traditional ally. Last week the Biden administration took the highly unusual step of calling the Israeli ambassador to the state department to explain why his government was planning to undo part of a 2005 law on settlements withdrawal, which could see Jewish settlers returning to highly contentious sites in the occupied West Bank.
TWO MAIN POLITICAL PARTIES AS THE ‘A’ TEAM AND THE ‘B’ TEAM OF A ONE-PARTY STATE: John Stockwell, author of ‘In Search of Enemies’, on ….. Relevance of 9/11 today. Former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell looks at the 1988 presidential elections. He analyzes the amazing loss by the Democrats of a seemingly certain victory. He also assesses what a Bush administration can be, particularly when so many people inside and outside the government, at home and abroad, have knowledge of so much damaging information about Bush’s past. Stockwell views the elections from the power elite and ruling class perspective in which we operate under a single party system which is split in two, with both parties being controlled by powerful ruling class institutions and individuals. He places Dukakis’ performance within this framework. Recorded December 10, 1988
Sustainable Development Goals as a mass-impoverishment and de-industrialisation – WEF’s hostile takeover of UN. King Charles Keynote Address to the COP26 Climate Conference in 2022 – As part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, The former Prince of Wales, launched the Terra Carta in 2021 – a mandate that puts sustainability at the heart of the private sector. Marking a year since The former Prince of Wales announced his Sustainable Markets Initiative at Davos in 2020, the Terra Carta is the guiding mandate for the Sustainable Markets Initiative, providing a proposed set of principles to 2030 that puts Nature, People and Planet at the heart of global value creation.
Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 35mins show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 Andrew Bridgen MP Dr John Campbell UK Parliament Vaccination problems 00:24:00
#3 Scott RItter on British Depleted Uranium to Ukraine Judge Napolitano China and Russia against the US 00:22:00
#4 Jimmy Savile By The People Who Knew (2021) 00:20:00
#5 John Stockwell CIA Colonel on How the US Power Elite Deep State Is A One Party State (1988) 01:00:00
#6 Destiny Of Civilisation Finance Capitalism Industrial Capitalism or Socialism Prof Michael Hudson 01:00:00
#7 Dr Chris Busby Depleted Uranium from Ukraine Nuclear Fraudster George Monbiot and the Fake Greens 00:40:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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