Brexiteer Nigel Farage fronts campaign against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and has his bank accounts and is suddenly CANCELLED by Coutts bank. – De-banked. Blacklisted. Exiled from the financial system – Nigel Farage asks: “Are you next?” It was only a matter of time… As you may have seen on the news, my personal funds have been blacklisted. – EXCLUSIVE: Debbie Hicks from Keep It Cash campaign on how her HSBC bank account has been stopped early in June 2023. CBDCs Plan B? Philosophical money debate – Banks are insolvent and should be nationalised. Rising interest rates. Dave on Mike Graham’s show on Talk TV – why increasing interest rates won’t work. Accelerationism. – PM Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s ‘solution’ is deliberately making the economy worse. British economy destroyed after years of privatisation. – 75 years of NHS. Cost of PFIs. Esther Giles, former Finance Director of NHS says how she thinks Government is able to give more money to NHS, but chooses not to, and this is the only way to save it. – NHS hospital trusts paying hundreds of millions in interest to private firms Exclusive: Guardian analysis of hospital trust accounts found 101 owe about £50bn in future unitary PFI payments – Oliver Eagleton, author of Kier Starmer Project, on how Kier Starmer began the confected case against Julian Assange for the United States. – ‘Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster’ documentary on C4. Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster The story of the rise and fall of the world’s most enigmatic female sex trafficker – 07Jul23: The Together Declaration/Keep Bristol Moving meeting about new proposed clean air zones in Bristol. [highlights of audience contributions] – Retired Gloucestershire and England cricketer Syd Laurence about his problems with deliveries at his Dojo Nightclub on Park Row, Bristol, which has been blocked off by a bollarded cycle lane. – 04Jul23: Locals slam East Bristol liveable neighbourhood plans as ‘discriminatory’ Several locals spoke up at a public meeting in Barton Hill – First Bus price rises. Super market fuel rip off First Bus announces price rises for some Bristol fares – and they come in this weekend Discounts for students and young people have been cut – PETROL, BANKING, GAS AND ELECTRICITY: PRICE FIXING CARTEL GANGSTER-RUN BRITAIN Britain’s biggest banks not passing on interest rate rises to savers. – 1. FUEL RiP-OFF Big four supermarkets have ripped off drivers by nearly £1billion with fuel prices, probe finds – 2. ‘PROFITEER’ BANKS RAP BRITAIN’S biggest banks have been accused of “blatant profiteering” for not passing on higher interest rates to savers. – 3. ENERGY FIX TARIFF PAIN – HUNDREDS of thousands of households are being charged more than the energy regulator’s price cap after firms tied them into fixing at a higher rate. – Israelis attack Jenin and other attacks on Palestinians recently. Naftali Bennett, former Israeli PM, interviewed on BBC – why are Palestinian children being killed? – US to give Ukraine cluster bombs. Report: US Will Provide Ukraine Cluster Bombs as Part of New Weapons Package The news comes after HRW issued a report that said Ukraine killed civilians with cluster bombs – Biden says Assad has to go. Biden Says Assad Must Go While on the campaign trail, – EXCLUSIVE interview with the new head of Wikileaks, Kristinn Hrafensson, a former Icelandic journalist. How a leak about Icelandic banks sent some bankers to prison. – Is Assange being persecuted for publishing evidence that jailed bankers? Wikileaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson – Journalists refuse to testify against Assange- In Assange Case, Journalists Reject FBI Requests To Aid Prosecution – Records Destroyed of Starmer Trips to DC During Assange Case U.K. public prosecutor destroyed 2011 records showing Keir Starmer met with U.S. attorney general and other U.S. and U.K. national security officials – Laura Dodsworth, author of State of Fear on how woke Church of England is. – SIR – Church of England congregations are dwindling, and have been for years, yet Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is more concerned with “trans” issues – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Brexiteer Nigel Farage fronts campaign against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) [see above] and has his bank accounts suddenly CANCELLED by Coutts bank. Cancelling bank accounts, like Palestinian accounts CANCELLED by HSBC, In 2014 international banking giant HSBC suddenly closed the bank accounts of several prominent British Muslims. Anna Meisel and Peter Oborne reveal how the decision was made. . Nigel Farage has started a new campaign against CBDCs – he explains the problems. Find out what the Bank of England’s Central Bank Digital Currency taskforce means for cryptocurrencies, your money and your privacy in today’s Fortune & Freedom. It’s time to hold banks to account, says JUDY FINNIGAN Every other bank has refused to do business with Nigel Farage. But, banks must allow everyone to conduct their legitimate business; to save, spend – and speak, writes Judy Finnigan. You know what I find very sinister about what looks horribly like an attack on free speech by our banks? It’s that there seems to be a sort of underground network operating: a below-the-line unholy federation to cancel customers whose views they don’t like. Take the case of Nigel Farage, below. This whole disturbing story started a week ago. I hold no brief for Farage, but he speaks for millions with his views on Brexit and Europe, and he speaks to millions on his TV talk show. It’s not just that Coutts, the bank he’s been with for many years, has suddenly slammed the shutters down on him: every other bank he tried to take his cancelled account to initially refused point-blank to do business with him

De-banked. Blacklisted. Exiled from the financial system – Nigel Farage asks: “Are you next?” It was only a matter of time… As you may have seen on the news, my personal funds have been blacklisted. The commercial banking system has exiled me. I have been treated as an outlaw. An enemy of the state. Perhaps that is how they see me, for challenging them… for questioning the authorities over their rising lust for control. By speaking out against this worrying trend, I have made myself a target. But I won’t be deterred. And I won’t be silenced. Something disturbing is unfolding, before our eyes. I’m sure you can sense it too. Track and trace started with the lockdowns – and now it’s creeping into every aspect of our daily lives. Mark my words, if they can do this to me, they can do it to you too. Today, I am issuing a serious warning to every free-thinking man and woman in Britain: They’re coming for your money. Specifically, the government, the Bank of England, and the financial powers that be… They’re hatching a plan – already in motion – to take more control of at least SOME of your money. Rishi Sunak calls it ‘Britcoin’. And he’s a big fan of it. In fact, he seems to be something of a cheerleader for this ‘track and trace’ technology. It’s something that is being trialled or developed in over 100 countries around the world. Unsurprisingly China is leading the way. Make no mistake – this is about surveillance. This is about monitoring you in a new and disturbing way. I know you’ve probably heard of a ‘central bank digital currency before’. It’s been all over the news recently. But I’d wager you don’t know the full story. I don’t think anyone has walked you through it, in a calm and sensible way. That’s what we’re going to do here today. Because I’m worried that a lot of people – perhaps you – could be caught unawares by just how invasive and Orwellian this new form of digital money could turn out to be.

EXCLUSIVE: Debbie Hicks from Keep It Cash campaign on how her HSBC bank account has been stopped early in June 2023. China and CBDCs – state run crypto currency. Nick Corbishly book on CBDCs ….. Peter Oborne article ‘HSBC, The Muslims and Me’.   The Keep it Cash street campaign and initiative was set up in April 2022 as a response to the alarming rate at which the UK is moving towards a cashless society. The objective of Keep it Cash is to inspire and help develop a street based movement of activism in our town and cities to not only promote the use of cash more with the public, but to engage with the public more about how the financial system is changing into something dangerous and what a digital currency and economy means for them and their rights. Why are we campaigning? A digital currency, economy and digital id is a threat to us all for the future. Not only will a digital currency mean that the government and banks can track every transaction and every move you make, it also means that if linked with a social credit system, every purchase you make and every time you pay for a service your social credit and bank account could be cut according to what the government set as desirable. In a new economy based on data harvesting, this could be anything from how much meat you eat, how much alcohol you drink, how many miles you’ve done in your diesel or petrol car that contribute to carbon emissions , or it could based on what you say on social media or whether you’re a political activist that’s critical of the government. A digital economy not only is a likely tool for tyrants to control people, it is an attack on the most vulnerable in our society; the elderly, poor, disabled and self employed who rely on the use of cash. it is also an attack on jobs. Millions of jobs will go to automation, AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics.

Banks are insolvent and should be nationalised. Rising interest rates. Dave on Mike Graham’s show on Talk TV – why increasing interest rates won’t work. Accelerationism. PM Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s ‘solution’ is deliberately making the economy worse. British economy destroyed after years of privatisation. At the beginning of the 20th century banks had a reputation as “bloodsuckers”. Is it over-the-top to still describe them this way? When we consider the record of the major banks today (see accompanying article this page), this apparently lurid term is still entirely justified. Australia’s “big four” — the National Australia Bank (NAB), the Commonwealth Bank (CBA), Westpac and ANZ — can commit all their crimes, from closing branches to endlessly increasing fees, for a simple reason: they have the clout, financial and institutional, to get away with it. Most people have no choice but to maintain an account with one of them. Nearly all our wages and salaries are paid into bank accounts and it’s pointless to change banks because each treats small depositors with the same disregard. Such is the monopoly power of Australia’s “competitive” banking sector. This catch-22 situation has incensed small depositors, sparking demonstrations in Sydney and rural areas against the closure of banking services. The anger is growing among Liberal and National supporters such that Prime Minister John Howard felt obliged last February to call on banks not to close rural branches. This made the banks nervous. Would public pressure force the government to re-regulate the banking industry? They were relieved when a federal cabinet meeting ruled out using compulsion to force banks to provide branches in rural areas. Howard said that “the idea of legislating to force the re-establishment of institutions [rural bank branches] is a bit unrealistic”. But he did warn the banks that if they wanted further deregulation “one of the things that the government will take into account is the level of service provision in rural and regional Australia”.

75 years of NHS. Cost of PFIs. Michael Goodyear – stealth privatisation. Tories strategy to get rid of NHS. Esther Giles, former Finance Director of NHS for South West, says how she thinks Government is able to give more money to NHS, but chooses not to, and this is the only way to save it. Gordon Brown and NHS. Esther’s report on NHS. Britain has lowest amount of MRI scanners  The Marketisation and Privatisation of the NHS by Esther Giles, Former Director of Finance (Specialised Services) South Region of England, SHA member” This article tracks the extent and nature of marketisation and privatisation in the NHS up to the current proposed move to Integrated care systems (ICSs) and argues that the current ICS proposals are the logical conclusion of the marketisation reforms implemented progressively from Thatcher onwards. Some of David Cameron’s many famous last words were his pre-election pledge in 2010 that there would be no more “top-down reorganisations” of the NHS[1]. He then presided, in 2012, over the most chaotic and unlegislated top-down upheaval of the NHS that can be imagined or remembered. The resulting fragmentation and damage were never resolved, and so the NHS goes limping in the logical conclusion of the relentless drive away from a universal national service, and towards the current proposals for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) modelled on the US …… The very core purpose of ICSs is to drive down care based on demanding cost savings targets imposed by the Government, in a service that is already one of the most efficient in the world. The ethos, even the language is that of the American accountable care system, where being seen to be cutting costs (and creating an industry out of that) is a key organisational driver and measure of success. And it is crystal clear that the policy march started by Thatcher and continued through Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May was to implement the Kaiser Permanente model first introduced by Alain Enthoven, and whose thinking was adopted by the Central Policy Think Tank when the internal market was first introduced into the NHS 

NHS hospital trusts paying hundreds of millions in interest to private firms Exclusive: Guardian analysis of hospital trust accounts found 101 owe about £50bn in future unitary PFI payments NHS trusts spent close to a half a billion pounds on interest charges from private companies for private finance initiative (PFI) contracts last year – equivalent to the salaries of 15,000 newly qualified nurses. Hospital groups spent £2.3bn on legacy PFI projects in 2020-21, of which just under £1bn went on costs for essential services such as cleaning and maintenance. A third of the remaining PFI spend – £457m – went purely on paying off interest charges. PFI is a method of funding infrastructure projects such as NHS hospitals, which uses private funding to pay for upfront costs such as design, construction and maintenance. These costs are paid back over many years to the companies that financed the project – often banks and construction firms. Hospital trusts pay firms each year in a unitary payment, which is written into the contract. The government decided to stop any future PFI deals in 2018, after the collapse of Carillion, which was the main provider for two major hospital PFI contracts. The then chancellor, Philip Hammond, said: “I have never signed off on a PFI contract as chancellor, and I can confirm today that I never will.” A total of 101 NHS trusts are still on the hook for just under £50bn in future unitary payments, despite severe upcoming budgetary challenges, according to a Guardian analysis of hospital trust accounts. The figures reveal that four trusts saw more than half of their total PFI unitary payment going purely on interest to private companies. About 58.3% of all the money that Mersey Care spent on PFI was interest in 2020-21. That was followed by Northumbria healthcare (53.4%), Alder Hey children’s trust (52.9%) and Sussex Partnership (51%).

Oliver Eagleton, author of Kier Starmer Project, on how Kier Starmer began the confected case against Julian Assange for the United States. Another friendly relationship Starmer forged in these years was with Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s attorney general. Eagleton recounts how Starmer “made a number of transatlantic trips” to meet Holder and subsequently endeavored to extradite several suspects sought by the US Department of Justice. One was Gary McKinnon, an autistic hacker who broke into US military computer systems, seemingly in search of information about UFOs. For four years, Starmer “worked doggedly” to extradite an “increasingly depressed and suicidal” McKinnon to the United States, allegedly reacting “with fury” when the home secretary Theresa May finally blocked his extradition in October 2012. Starmer also sought to serve up Julian Assange to the US government, only for Assange to hole himself up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. When Assange’s lawyers asked Swedish prosecutors to question him in London about the sexual assault allegations he was facing, Starmer’s CPS stepped in and advised them not to do so. Sweden later mulled dropping the case, citing the passage of time and mounting costs, only for the CPS to urge them to keep it open. Starmer appears to have been in consultation with Holder throughout, meeting him in Washington days after Assange had an extradition appeal rejected. Providing Cover His service to the British security state was no less unquestioning. Detainee Binyam Mohamed had his penis and chest slashed with razor blades at a CIA black site in Morocco, with MI5 playing an active role in the interrogation by supplying his torturers with “detailed questions” and “discussing the timescale of his detention.” When Mohamed, later released from Guantanamo Bay without charge, supplied evidence that British agents had been involved, Starmer decreed that this was insufficient to prosecute. His office also halted an investigation into a torture case at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan on the same grounds. Starmer’s CPS was similarly lethargic when faced with cases of police brutality. When officers from the Metropolitan Police shot dead innocent Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes in 2005, the Met concocted “a series of falsehoods” to cover its back. No charges were brought until the police narrative was exposed as a sham at a 2008 inquest, after which the de Menezes case was sent back to Starmer for reconsideration. Again, Starmer appears to have been little troubled by the new evidence brought to light at the inquest and merely reaffirmed the earlier decision not to bring any charges against de Menezes’s killers.

‘Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster’ documentary on C4. Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster The story of the rise and fall of the world’s most enigmatic female sex trafficker Episode 1 A deep delve into Ghislaine’s early life – her lavish childhood, tyrant dad, and years as a socialite. Peeling back the layers, were there already signs of the terrible things to come? Episode 2 Ghislaine joins America’s high society. She and partner Jeffrey Epstein entertain presidents and princes in fabulous properties and a private island, while committing sex crimes behind closed doors. Episode 3 A police investigation into the sexual abuse of dozens of underage girls marks the beginning of the end for Maxwell – with an ultimate reckoning in court The Ghislaine Maxwell story has proved irresistible to documentary makers and will no doubt continue to do so for years to come. Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster, Channel 4’s latest take on this grisly morality play, arrives at an especially newsworthy moment, however, with the ex-socialite having recently received a 20-year sentence for conspiring to traffic young girls. It also does better than many of the previous films about Maxwell and her abhorrent co-conspirator, Jeffrey Epstein, in mapping Maxwell’s twisted psychological terrain. This is achieved through old-fashioned, shoe-leather reporting. Former friends and associates of Maxwell from her time at Oxford and her days running with the Manhattan smart set are tracked down and persuaded to share their recollections across a three-part series that delivers a gripping profile of Maxwell without slipping into grubby prurience. It is quite a gallery. Michael Crick, future political correspondent and author, recalls tutoring Maxwell at Oxford. “She was very self-assured. Incredibly bright… but she just didn’t do enough work.” He remembers her submitting a page and a half of an essay he had expected to run to seven pages. He sighs: “She’s probably written it in 10 minutes on the bus.” Oxford was her playground. And, as the daughter of press baron Robert Maxwell, she had the material means to dazzle her peers – even if the blue bloods never entirely accepted this child of an East European emigrant as one of their own. “A lot of alcohol, a lot of drugs, a lot of sex. It was pretty wild,” says newspaper columnist George Monbiot, who briefly intersected with Maxwell and her gang before running for the hills. “A lot of them had serious money. At its heart, among other people, was Ghislaine.”

07Jul23: The Together Declaration/Keep Bristol Moving meeting about new proposed clean air zones in Bristol. [highlights of audience contributions] Retired Gloucestershire and England cricketer Syd Laurence about his problems with deliveries at his Dojo Nightclub on Park Row, Bristol, which has been blocked off by a bollarded cycle lane. Masira Moutta on road closures in Barton Hill. Justyna Kowalska on how Council is like the three monkeys – they don’t want to see, listen, or speak. Tory Councillor Smith on how him and localers changed Westbury-on-Trym plan. Lady clip …. sinister scheme. Lady clip … solutions – public transport. Disabled man. Guy – the bigger picture – the Great Reset conspiracy. Disabled lady who may be able to get an exemption, but hasn’t looked properly. Alan Miller on what The Together Declaration is. Giving the people of Bristol a voice about how the driving restrictions of Liveable Neighbourhoods, School Streets and CAZ affect their lives, businesses and communities. If you have a job or children, run a business or are retired, like to see friends and family, use the services of tradesfolk or maintain a property, drive a car or van to access the Great Outdoors or attend community and cultural events – these measures affect you!<br /><br />JOIN the campaign to Keep Bristol Moving!

o4Jul23: Locals slam East Bristol liveable neighbourhood plans as ‘discriminatory’ Several locals spoke up at a public meeting in Barton Hill Locals slam East Bristol livable neighbourhood plans as ‘discriminatory’ Bristol locals have slammed plans for a ‘liveable neighbourhood’ as “discriminatory” against people with mobility issues and families with young children. A public meeting was held in Barton Hill tonight (July 4) for residents affected by the new proposals to meet with organisers. Plans for the liveable neighbourhood scheme were unveiled this year. Motor traffic would be proposed to be banned from driving through several roads in Barton Hill, Redfield and St George from this autumn, in a bid to prevent rat-running and traffic in residential areas to make cycling and walking safer. Residents have previously raised concerns about the East Bristol scheme, with some locals worrying about access for disabled people and people who may rely on their cars. Speaking in a public meeting in Barton Hill, one resident said she does consider the scheme “discriminatory”.

First Bus price rises. Super market fuel rip off First Bus announces price rises for some Bristol fares – and they come in this weekend Discounts for students and young people have been cut First West of England will be increasing the prices of some of its fares and cutting discounts for young people starting this weekend. The bus operator has said the price rises represent “good value for travelling sustainably at a time when fuel costs and the general cost of living remain high”. The announcement of the changes comes on the same day as the launch of the Bristol birthday bus pass scheme, offering free bus travel to people during their birthday month. Changes to a number of fares will be in place from Sunday (July 9). Single ticket fares will remain at £2 for adults and £1 for children as part of a government cap on bus fares in place until October 31, 2023. From November 1, the bus fare cap will change to £2.50 for single tickets. This cap will last until November 30, 2024. Changes across the region include in Bristol and Bath, the price of an adult 2-Trip ticket will increase by 30p to £3.80. There are also changes to Day ticket prices and other fares in Bath, with an adult Day ticket increasing by 40p to £6. First Bus has said student and young person discounts will be reduced to 20 per cent compared to up to 25 per cent previously. This means single fares in Bristol will rise to £1.70 and 2-Trip to £3.20. In Weston-super-Mare, the price of an adult 2-Trip ticket will increase by 20p to £3.40, and there will also be changes to other fares, including the adult Day ticket increasing by 30p to £3.60. A child 2-Trip ticket will increase by 20p to £2 in the rest of the West of England area.

PETROL, BANKING, GAS AND ELECTRICITY: PRICE FIXING CARTEL GANGSTER-RUN BRITAIN Britain’s biggest banks not passing on interest rate rises to savers. 1. FUEL RiP-OFF Big four supermarkets have ripped off drivers by nearly £1billion with fuel prices, probe finds THE big four supermarkets ripped off hard-pressed drivers by nearly £1billion by charging 6p a litre too much for fuel, competition watchdogs have found. Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons were named as ministers vowed yesterday to create a new PumpWatch fuel price checker to drive down bills. Asda and Morrisons were said to have “significantly increased” the amount of profit they made from drivers since private equity takeovers. Margins at Asda were three times higher than in 2019, while Morrisons had doubled in that time, the Competition and Markets Authority found. Overall, the supermarkets’ annual fuel margin rose from 4.6p a litre in 2019 to 10.8p last year as they clung on to profits rather than pass on falling oil prices to motorists. By charging higher prices drivers had to pay about £900million more in 2022 at the pumps than they should. It is the equivalent of £75million a month. Under the PumpWatch scheme, drivers will be helped with apps and websites to find the cheapest prices close to their home — with ministers consulting on the plans over the autumn. In the meantime, the CMA will introduce its own price-checking website by the end of the summer while waiting for the ­Government to pass laws. The Sun has been at the forefront in helping drivers since 2011 with the Keep It Down campaign saving £24billion in fuel duty. Energy Minister Grant Shapps last night said: “The Sun has been in the driving seat in helping expose rip-off retailers and holding them to account for their outrageous overcharging at the pumps.” Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said: “Consumers need to be treated fairly and so we’re empowering drivers to find the best prices possible for their fuel by taking swift steps following the CMA’s recommendations.” Fuel price campaigner Howard Cox, of FairFuelUK, said: “PumpWatch will be welcomed by motorists. “But it must have teeth and not be another costly quango.” The CMA’s review was launched after a surge in prices when Russia invaded Ukraine. CMA chief executive Sarah Cardell said: “Competition at the pump is not working as well as it should be. “We need to reignite competition among fuel retailers.” Asda said it was the cheapest traditional supermarket for both groceries and fuel. Morrisons insisted its margins remained very low. Tesco added it was committed to providing competitively priced fuel.

2. ‘PROFITEER’ BANKS RAP BRITAIN’S biggest banks have been accused of “blatant profiteering” for not passing on higher interest rates to savers. MPs on the Treasury select committee have written to Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC and NatWest and the financial watchdog the FCA to put pressure on them to boost rates for their customers. The Bank of England has raised interest rates to five per cent but the largest banks are offering rates of between just 0.95 per cent and 1.75 per cent on instant access savings accounts. Meanwhile, banks have made huge profits by charging higher rates on loans and mortgages. The committee’s Dame Angela Eagle said: “This blatant profiteering has been shocking.” The FCA’s consumer duty ensuring banks offer “fair value” comes into force this month. 3. ENERGY FIX TARIFF PAIN – HUNDREDS of thousands of households are being charged more than the energy regulator’s price cap after firms tied them into fixing at a higher rate. Today Ofgem will warn suppliers to “act responsibly” and not put profits and dividends above looking after customers. Brits should be benefitting from a £426 drop in their energy bills after Ofgem lowered the price cap to £2,074 from July 1. But suppliers have sold 300 tariffs which are above the price cap, according to new findings. Simon Francis, coordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, said: “This news will send shockwaves through households who thought they were doing the right thing by fixing their energy tariffs. “It turns out they’ve been taken for a ride by energy firms.”

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8)

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Israelis attack Jenin and other attacks on Palestinians recently. Naftali Bennett, former Israeli PM, interviewed on BBC – why are Palestinian children being killed? BBC’s Anjana Gadgil asks if ‘Israeli forces are happy to kill children’? Goes head to head with apartheid Israel’s ex-PM Naftali Bennett over IDF soldiers raid Jenin refugee camp on the West Bank concentration camp – FAIR PLAY BBC! A BBC spokesman said: ‘BBC News has received comments and complaints concerning an interview with Naftali Bennett broadcast on the BBC News channel about recent events in the West Bank and Israel. ‘The complaints raised relate to specific interview questions about the deaths of young people in the Jenin refugee camp. Across the BBC’s platforms – including our news channel – these events have been covered in an impartial and robust way. ‘The United Nations raised the issue of the impact of the operation in Jenin on children and young people. While this was a legitimate subject to examine in the interview, we apologise that the language used in this line of questioning was not phrased well and was inappropriate.’ On Monday, Israel launched what appeared to be a major military operation in the West bank, deploying hundreds of troops into Palestinian territory and conducting drone strikes on what it said were militant strongholds in and around Jenin. At least 12 Palestinians were killed in the strikes 100 injured, according to the Palestinian health ministry. ‘There is bombing from the air and an invasion from the ground,’ Mahmoud al-Saadi, director of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin, told AFP. ‘Several houses and sites have been bombed… smoke is rising from everywhere.’ The extensive raid, which Israel claims is focused on a military stronghold in Jenin, was launched under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government and has employed armoured vehicles, army bulldozers and drone strikes. In the city’s refugee camp – an urban community that was home to 18,000 people – multiple streets were ripped up. The raid left ]broken electricity cables, oil, and pools of water apparently after an Israeli anti-bomb bulldozer passed. The incursion resembles the wide-scale deployments carried out during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago, was described as an ‘extensive counterterrorism effort’ by Netanyahu’s office.

US to give Ukraine cluster bombs. Report: US Will Provide Ukraine Cluster Bombs as Part of New Weapons Package The news comes after HRW issued a report that said Ukraine killed civilians with cluster bombs used in Izium – The Associated Press reported Thursday that the Biden administration has decided to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs and will announce the munitions as part of a new $800 million arms package. The news comes after Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a report that said Ukraine has killed its own citizens using the munitions. US officials told AP that they expect the arms package to be announced Friday. The White House used to be opposed to arming Ukraine with cluster munitions, as they are indiscriminate weapons that cause harm to civilians, but the concerns have waned. Cluster bombs scatter small submunitions over large areas, making them especially hazardous to civilians who can find unexploded munitions years after they were dropped. Because of their indiscriminate nature, cluster munitions have been banned by more than 100 nations. The US, Ukraine, and Russia are not parties to the treaty, known as the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The HRW report said that Ukrainian cluster munition rocket attacks in the eastern city of Izium in 2022 killed at least eight civilians and wounded 15 more. HRW also said Russia’s use of cluster bombs in the war has killed many civilians. 

Biden says Assad has to go. Biden Says Assad Must Go While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Alla Tello, a Syrian American from Massachusetts, said she declared to Biden that “Assad must go,” to which the president responded “I agree.” That rallying cry was first uttered in 2011, when the Barack Obama administration began launching its dirty war against Damascus, an ultimately failed but extremely bloody regime change effort. Al-Qaeda affiliated militants and Islamic State fighters waged a war against the people of Syria and its government that is estimated to have resulted in the deaths of more than 500,000 people. The terrorist forces that carried out the failed regime change attempt were supported often by the CIA and its allies, including the British, the French, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.

EXCLUSIVE interview with the new head of Wikileaks, Kristinn Hrafensson, a former Icelandic journalist. How a leak about Icelandic banks sent some bankers to prison. His thoughts on why Julian Assange’s case has not taken the usual legal routes – he is a political prisoner – and how his extradition is imminent. Kier Starmer’s link to Assange’s case. Inquest in to how thousands of emails from Assange’s case have gone missing. Very important people around the world support Assange. Go to Don’t Extradite Assange website and Twitter.

Journalists refuse to testify against Assange- In Assange Case, Disaffected Journalists Reject FBI Requests To Aid Prosecution U.S. prosecutors have quite a struggle ahead if they hope to convince journalists frustrated with Assange’s behavior to aid them in their attack on freedom of the press. Three journalists, who worked with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, have been approached by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Justice Department to testify against Assange. Each one had a falling-out with Assange, yet they have made it clear that they will not help prosecutors bolster their case. In June, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age reported that the London Metropolitan Police had visited the home of Andrew O’Hagan. They left him a notice that indicated the FBI wanted to “discuss” his “experiences with Assange/WikiLeaks as referenced in The Unauthorized Autobiography of Julian Assange and Ghosting.” O’Hagan’s collaboration with Assange as a ghost writer broke down, and he previously wrote an essay that called out the WikiLeaks founder. But O’Hagan rejected the FBI request. “I would not give a witness statement against a fellow journalist being pursued for telling the truth.” The news was distressing to Assange’s legal team, especially in Australia where attorneys have been working to negotiate an arrangement that could end the prosecution and bring Assange home. Now, according to a report from former WikiLeaks volunteer James Ball, in the last several weeks former Guardian investigations editor David Leigh and transparency campaigner Heather Brooke were contacted by the London Metropolitan Police. The police asked them to respond to FBI requests for testimony.

Records Destroyed of Starmer Trips to DC During Assange Case U.K. public prosecutor destroyed records showing Keir Starmer met with U.S. attorney general and other U.S. and U.K. national security officials in D.C. in 2011, when Starmer led Assange’s proposed extradition to Sweden, Matt Kennard reports. Declassified UK Among his trips, Starmer, then head of Crown Prosecution Service, led five-person British delegation that met with Eric Holder for 45 minutes in Washington in November 2011 Delegation included the U.K. liaison prosecutor to the U.S., who dealt with extradition Meeting was also attended by head of U.S. Department of Justice’s national security division CPS refuses to clarify to Declassified UK if destruction of the Washington documents is routine procedure The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), England and Wales’ public prosecutor, has deleted all records of its former head Keir Starmer’s trips to the U.S., it can be revealed. Starmer served as director of public prosecutions (DPP) from 2008-13, a period when the body was overseeing Julian Assange’s proposed extradition to Sweden to face questioning over sexual assault allegations. Starmer, who became an MP in 2015, is now leader of the Labour Party. Assange, meanwhile, faces imminent extradition to the U.S. to face up to 175 years in prison under charges mostly related to the U.S. Espionage Act. While DPP, Starmer made trips to Washington in 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 at a cost to the British taxpayer of £21,603. It was his most frequent foreign destination while in post. Max Hill, the current DPP, has made just one trip to Washington during his five-year tenure. During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder. The organisation has admitted to destroying key emails related to the Assange case, mostly covering the period when Starmer was in charge, while the CPS lawyer overseeing the case advised the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange. An interview at that time could have prevented the long-running embassy standoff.

Laura Dodsworth, author of ….., on how woke Church of England is. SIR – Church of England congregations are dwindling, and have been for years, yet Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is more concerned with “trans” issues (Letters, July 8), and Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York, is suggesting that we shouldn’t use the phrase “Our Father” in the Lord’s Prayer (report, July 8). I despair. The Church should be concentrating its efforts on recruiting more priests, relying less on unpaid volunteers and looking after its remaining flock, not on “woke” issues. SIR – Once again, the archbishops speak from the point of view of sociological appeasement and not from theological scholarship. In the Old Testament, God is referred to by the masculine nouns Elohim and Yahweh. In the Greek New Testament, he is the masculine Theos. In the Lord’s Prayer, given by Jesus, he is Father. Jesus Christ is believed to be the Son of God. So far, so masculine. That is indisputable. However, the Holy Spirit referred to in the ancient Hebrew Old Testament (and the Aramaic and Syriac languages) is ruach, translated as wind or breath. This word is always feminine. When Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, therefore, he was speaking of the inheritance of the “ruach” as the feminine comforter, rather than its Greek translation of the gender-neutral pneuma. It follows that the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is masculine and feminine. The sociological intervention by the Archbishop of York is unnecessary and misleading. The ancient Church knew what it was doing. Today’s Church gives the impression that it doesn’t. SIR – So the Archbishop of York has problems with “Our Father”. What about “Mary, mother of God”, or should that change to “Mary, birth parent of God”? Indeed, why not rewrite the Bible and its gospels, because they are full of references to mothers, fathers, sons and daughters? His concern exposes the total absurdity of this gender propaganda, which we are all expected to swallow. SIR – The archbishops of Canterbury and York express fundamental doubts about Christianity. A Conservative government spearheads socialism. Publishers “correct” the work of authors, past and present. The BBC has abandoned political neutrality. Railway stations will no longer have ticket offices to help passengers. GPs drown in paperwork, to the detriment of caring for patients. Banks no longer speak to clients. Public servants, including MPs, no longer serve. Being male or female is no longer clear-cut. Stated facts may be false information. Those who are not digitally competent are excluded. What next?

Poem by Patricia Opulenza on Israeli attack on Jenin.

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#5 – IDF child killings in Jenin refugee camp ex-Israeli PM Naftali Bennett and Anjana Gadjil BBC – 00:08:30
#6 – Kristinn Hrafensson Wikileaks editor in chief – 11th Hour for Julian Assange banker Robert Tchenguiz -00:30:00
#7 – Laura Dodsworth on God and Church – 00:08:00 

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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