Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: news review with LibDem deputy leader and film maker Christian Martin. Stories covered: Avon & Somerset police raid Christian Martin’s home under a pretext fishing for evidence. The City Deal and the Local Enterprise Partnership; macro-economics; The Mirror’s story ‘Poor paying more tax than the rich‘ National Audit Office figures show that the least well off households have been coughing up 36.6% of their income to the Treasury but the wealthiest have been paying less – only 35.5%; suicidal constituent calls MP over benefit cuts; Tories funded by hedge-funds and general funding of parties; Royal Mail sell-off, Vince Cable and pension funds; private prison and security contractors G4S and Serco overcharging the taxpayer for non existent and dead prisoners as well G4S’s Unlawful Killing verdict this week about the death of deportee Jimmy Mubenga; Stephen Barclay from the The Public Accounts Committee quizzes Sharon White, director of general public services, HM Treasury, Una O’Brien, permanent secretary at the Department of Health and Sir David Nicholson, chief executive of NHS England. Conflicts of interest in the privatised NHS, also failed NHS managers getting hefty pay-offs and nice jobs through the NHS Confederation.
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Second hour: Should we arm the Syria rebels? Tuesday evening’s BBC Newsnight didn’t cut the mustard without Martin, so we hold a mock ‘debate’ between former Foreign Secretary and chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) Sir Malcolm Rifkind and our very own Martin Summers. Microsoft giving Windows backdoors to GCHQ and NSA. Edward Snowden is running out of options as the US has been putting pressure on other countries to stop him being granted asylum or travelling to South America. Rights and wrongs of drug prohibition and links to international terrorism with Chris Bovey from NORML campaign for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Chris suggests secure communications if you don’t want the NSA or GCHQ selling on your private or business information with – Anti-Communist Jewish playwright Myron Fagan’s 1967 talk about the US Illuminati looking at the term ‘Liberal’ Fagan describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as traitors for their role in the downfall of America’s sovereignty.
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