Bristol Kill The Bill Protests: £15k Donations To Protesters Jailed For Fighting Back Against Police – John Potash: Did Courtney Love And The US Deep State Assassinate Kurt Cobain? – Gates Foundation and IBM – Wellcome Trust And Burroughs – Big Pharma And Surveillance Computers – Wikispooks: 50 ‘Vanished’ Nazi Origin Bilderbergers Controlling The ‘New Medical Tyranny’ – Millions Under Strict Lockdown In China After Jul/Aug2021 Covid Outbreaks – Amazing Polly: UK Covid Passport Contract Awarded To ‘Entrust’, Quandt’s Nazi Blood Money Firm – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 6th August 2021 mp3 [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Kill the Bill protests – £15k donations to protesters convicted for causing damage. Black Cross – Anarchist – ‘WE ARE PROUD OF THOSE WHO FOUGHT BACK AGAINST THE POLICE’ – By MARTIN BOOTH, Tuesday Aug 3, 2021 = More than £15,000 has so far been raised for people jailed for their involvement in Bristol’s ‘kill the bill’ riot. Fifty pounds will be offered to each person per month for the duration of their sentence, to be used for phone credit and essential items in prison. The Kill the Bill Prisoner Support Fund also hopes to raise funds for books, clothes, distance learning courses, and helping people’s friends and families visit them. The crowdfunder has been set up by Bristol Anarchist Black Cross, a group who support prisoners both locally and internationally. The five people so far sentenced for their part in the riot have received prison sentences of up to three years 11 months, with longer sentences expected to be given when other cases come to trial. In a recent statement, Bristol ABC said that what happened outside Bridewell police station on March 21 ‘was an outpouring of rage against the violence of the police’. ‘The crowd fought back after police officers attacked the crowd with batons and riot shields. Pepper spray was used indiscriminately, people were charged with police horses.’

Two attacks on tankers – supposedly by Iran – Prof. Mohammed Mirandi on World Service mentions a potential false flag, but show can not be listened to again on BBC iplayer. Benny Ganz says Israel is ready to attack Iran – Frank Gardner on BBC about the Asphalt Princess. NATO and false flag operations. Victor Ostrovsky – quote from ‘By Way of Deception’ book, about Mossad. Iran summons British, Romanian envoys to protest false accusations over oil tanker attack . Iran’s Foreign Ministry has summoned Britain’s chargé d’affaires and Romania’s ambassador to convey to them Tehran’s strong protest at false accusations leveled against the Islamic Republic in relation with the Thursday attack on an Israeli-owned ship in the Sea of Oman. In the first meeting, the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Third Western European Bureau on Monday expressed regret over baseless allegations raised by the British foreign secretary, saying, “These remarks, which were made in a hasty manner and without providing any proof or evidence, are rejected and strongly condemned.” The Iranian official added, “This is not the first time that the UK has leveled hasty accusations without evidence against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The country has previously accused Iran of certain moves, which were never proved and no evidence has been ever provided to substantiate them.” The Iranian Foreign Ministry official said the source of instability in the Persian Gulf is not Iran, but the presence of ships and troops of extra-regional countries in the region, adding, “Iran has always considered the Persian Gulf a safe waterway for safe passage of ships, and has made efforts to establish and bolster security there.” Warning against any acts of adventurism by the Israeli occupying regime or any other parties, the Iranian official said the definite policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to defend itself and give a decisive, timely and befitting response to any act of adventurism. The British envoy promised to relay Iran’s protest to his respective country as soon as possible. Earlier in the day, Britain summoned Iran’s Ambassador to London Mohsen Baharvand after the United States and the United Kingdom joined Israel in accusing Iran of orchestrating the attack on an Israeli merchant vessel.
Air strikes on the Taliban in Afghanistan. Rory Stewart on BBC World at One about Afghanistan. Craig Murray saying Rory Stewart definitely ex MI6. Rory on Afghanistan collapsing, and country falling in to civil war. The Afghan military started a massive counter-attack in Lashkar Gah on Wednesday night, and Thursday saw an intense pick-up in US and Afghan airstrikes against Taliban targets in and around the city, trying to help in the new fight. Taliban offensives are in more than just Helmand, however. While the focus of the airstrikes is on slowing the Taliban down from taking that province, they are looking to make further gains up north. This has the Taliban pushing into Sar-e Pul, where they now control much of the provincial capital. They’re also slowly making gains in Jawzjan Province, where they’ve been fighting for months.
Putin shut down Khodorkovsky’s media in Russia. Khodorkovsky tried to sell YUKOS oil to the Israeli Mafia, and started Open Russia fund. Russia bans media outlet that published Vladimir Putin scoops Proekt outlawed in act of revenge for embarrassing revelations about the president and top Kremlin officials The Kremlin’s war on independent journalism in Russia has escalated after the Proekt investigative media outlet was outlawed in an act of revenge for a series of deeply embarrassing revelations about Vladimir Putin and top Kremlin officials. The rare decision to ban a critical media outlet by fiat is a bellwether for Russia’s new wave of investigative news outlets, which compete to publish damaging scoops about top officials and are now bracing for the Kremlin to employ similar pressure on them to shut down. State media on Thursday announced that Russia’s justice ministry had added Proekt to a list of “undesirable organisations”, meaning its journalists must stop working for the site or face criminal prosecution, and added eight journalists, including Proekt’s editor-in-chief, Roman Badanin, to a register of “foreign agents”. Several reporters for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Russian news outlet Open Media were also declared foreign agents. It is illegal for other news agencies to link to or directly quote materials from an undesirable organisation, meaning, theoretically, they would have to purge their archives of any reference to Proekt’s work or possibly face criminal charges. The status would also outlaw any efforts by Proekt to crowdfund; their donors could also face charges. The assault on Proekt on critical and independent media in Russia has seen news websites like Meduza and VTimes declared foreign agents (the latter has since shut down), journalists from the student journal DOXA put on trial, the investigative arm of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Fund declared “extremist”, and millions sought in fines against the US-funded RFE/RL.
Julian Assange and Craig Murray jailed – two great journalists. Assange’s last speech before he went in to Ecuadorian Embassy. Ex-UK ambassador Craig Murray’s jailing is the latest move to snuff out independent journalism – The most glaring, and disturbing, legal innovation in Lady Dorrian’s ruling against Murray – and the main reason he is heading to prison – is her decision to divide journalists into two classes: those who work for approved corporate media outlets, and those like Murray who are independent, often funded by readers rather than paid big salaries by billionaires or the state. According to Lady Dorrian, licensed, corporate journalists are entitled to legal protections she denied to unofficial and independent journalists like Murray – the very journalists who are most likely to take on governments, criticise the legal system, and expose the hypocrisy and lies of the corporate media. In finding Murray guilty of so-called “jigsaw identification”, Lady Dorrian did not make a distinction between what Murray wrote about the Salmond case and what approved, corporate journalists wrote. That is for good reason. Two surveys have shown that most of those following the Salmond trial who believe they identified one or more of his accusers did so from the coverage of the corporate media, especially the BBC. Murray’s writings appear to have had very little impact on the identification of any of the accusers. Among named individual journalists, Dani Garavelli, who wrote about the trial for Scotland on Sunday and the London Review of Books, was cited 15 times more often by respondents than Murray as helping them to identify Salmond’s accusers.
One year after the ‘ammonia nitrate bomb’, or more likely a massive fuel air bomb planted by a foreign power in Beirut harbour, Lebanon. A thermobaric weapon, aerosol bomb, or vacuum bomb is a type of explosive that uses oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion. In practice, the blast wave typically produced by such a weapon is of a significantly longer duration than that produced by a conventional condensed explosive. The fuel–air explosive is one of the best-known types of thermobaric weapon. Most conventional explosives consist of a fuel–oxidizer premix (black powder, for example, contains 25% fuel and 75% oxidizer), whereas thermobaric weapons are almost 100% fuel, so thermobaric weapons are significantly more energetic than conventional condensed explosives of equal weight. Their reliance on atmospheric oxygen makes them unsuitable for use under water, at high altitude, and in adverse weather. They are, however, considerably more destructive when used against field fortifications such as foxholes, tunnels, bunkers, and cavespartly due to the sustained blast wave and partly by consuming the oxygen inside.
Siege of Heaven’ book by Tony containing all his RT articles including ‘The Assassin’s Guide To Western ‘Democracy’ “Elite institutions such as broadcasters become stuffed with a mixture of control freaks and cowards. While they may not know or care anything about how to run a country, Western elites do know how to kill and, Stasi-like, they’ve worked over the years to reduce the chances of their being caught.”’ – download at – John Potash, author of ‘Drugs as Weapons Against Us’, which he has just made in to a film – he discusses the assassinations of John Lennon, Jimi Hemdrix, and Tupac Shakur. ‘Assassins Guide to Western Democracy’ 2014 article by Tony for RT – John Potash on CIA’s Counter Intelligence Programme for destabilising musicians and those in the media. John Potash on possible foul play in supposed ‘suicide’ of Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, involving his wife Courtney Love. For centuries international relations, even in times of war, were conducted according to diplomatic codes of honor with each side knowing that good honest slaughter on the battlefield was the best way. Cheating, lying and otherwise spineless tactics would hand a propaganda victory to your opponent, running the risk of neutral nations wading in against you. But all that changed after two world wars and the installation of the Nazi-leaning Dulles brothers in the US State Department and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The military-industrial complex they helped create has been made almost unassailable by today’s colossal but secretive world of strategic communications, more correctly described as the propaganda industry.
U.S. Intelligence Coverup? Newly Declassified FBI File on Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain Compounds Evidence Implicating his Wife’s Role in his Murder By John Potash If so, The Question Is Why? The grisly death of mega rock star Kurt Cobain in 1994 (by a shotgun blast to his head) was officially ruled a suicide by the Seattle police, but evidence quickly came to light that Cobain had actually been murdered. However, despite serious holes in the official narrative about Cobains death, the verdict of suicide has held firm for 27 years. On May 7, the FBI quietly and without fanfare declassified 10 pages of never-before-seen documents relating to Cobains death, which alongside a mass of accumulated evidence suggest that the agency had purposely avoided looking into the radical activist musicians death. One potential explanation for this failure could be due to the CIAs involvement in the murder. The latter seems plausible given the connections to the CIA of Courtney Love, Cobains former wife, who is the top suspect in the murder. Love happened to be a drug distributor during the same time that the CIA was heavily involved in trafficking opium and using drugs as political weapons. The latter links call for deeper scrutiny. Opium Wars, MK-Ultra, Musicians and Courtney Love. Professor Al McCoy, Peter Dale Scott and numerous other authors have documented how the U.S. launched the second longest war in U.S. history at least partly for control of the Golden Triangle of poppy fields around Vietnam in the 1960s.
Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations
Forest fires across many parts of the world. John Potash on anomalies of Covid 19.
Gates Foundation and IBM – Wellcome Trust and Burroughs – Big Pharma And Surveillance Computers – Nazis Use IBM Computers To Rond Up Jews For Slaughter – Mossad Monitoring Arafat And Arab Leaders In 1980s with Burroughs Computers – fascists and computer monitoring programmes. MRNA vaccines contain nano technology. COVID19 PSYOP , GPMB ,BILL GATES ,WELLCOME TRUST ,CHATHAM HOUSE One of the main bodies linked to the SARS-CoV-2 is the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board which was conveyed by Director-General of the World Health Organization and the President, World Bank Group The report A world at risk: annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies submitted by September 2019 was authored by the GPMB Secretariat, , under the direction of Alex Ross with writer Nellie Bristol and significant contributions from Amelie Rioux, Tore Godal and Benedikte Alveberg (co-Chair support teams), from Toomas Palu, Sam Loewenberg, Carolyn Reynolds and Victoria Birungi Alex Ross was the former Director, WHO Centro for Health Development, Kobe, Japan in October 2011,and before that the Director of the World Health Organization’s Programme for Partnerships and UN Reform Nellie Bristol is a Senior Associate Global Health Policy Center which is part of The Center for Strategic and International Studies the Pritzker family funded NWO Think Tank The Background papers are authored by Anthrologica & the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; Independent Oversight Advisory Committee (IOAC) for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme; Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security; University of Oxford & Chatham House; Wellcome Trust; the World Bank Group; and, the World Health Organization. Here’s a fragment of GPMB report on SEPT 2019 THE pandemic began in December 2019 How very prescient of the GPMB How could the authors of the report have such clear cut vision about what was to come two months later?
Pros and cons of Covid 19 lockdowns. Covid 19 vaccines could not have been used legally for emergency use, if there were viable treatments for Covid 19 – hence quashing of Ivermectin use? Anna de Buisseret, lawyer, on legality of Covid 19 vaccines and encounters with the police.
Wikispooks: 50 ‘Vanished’ Nazi Origin Bilderbergers Controlling The ‘New Medical Tyranny’
Bilderberg goes underground: 50 Nazi Origin Bilderbergers, exposed by Wikispooks, now control much of the evil plandemic response and new medical tyranny – Wikispooks – 50 Bilderbergers involved with the Covid 19 programme
![]() |
Date | June 2020 |
Perpetrators | Bilderberg/Steering committee |
Description | The 2021 Bilderberg is an unknown quantity. This page highlights the involvement of numerous Bilderbergers in the COVID-19 event. |
It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; no leaks have emerged and the group has made no public statement. The 2020 Bilderberg was reportedly cancelled due to concerns about COVID-19. All Bilderberg meetings of the 2010s began and ended in June. Bilderberg meetings tend to invite about 50% newcomers. The other half the guests might have been expected to be from the list of 2982 past Bilderbergers.[1]
Bilderbergers who have played important roles in the COVID-19 event include (Steering committee members in bold):
Virus R & D
- Full article: COVID-19/Origins

- Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR[2]
- Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)
Pandemic Planning
- Full article: Pandemic/Planning
Many Bilderbergers have experience at Pandemic Planning, and the group has been well represented at such exercises for at least 20 years.[3] Those with the most obvious ties:
- Gro Harlem Brundtland – 1982, 1983, introduced the 2019 Pandemic planning exercise, and attended Atlantic Storm, A Spreading Plague and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise
- Sam Nunn – 1997, 1996 – Long experience at pandemic planning, Operation Dark Winter, A Spreading Plague, the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise
- Judith Rodin – 2005 – As President of the Rockefeller Foundation took part in the Lock Step exercise which foresaw a pandemic as the means by which a technototalitarian government might unfold
- Avril Haines – 2017 – US Deep State actor who participated in Event 201 and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercises. Deputy Director of the CIA 2013-15, Director of National Intelligence since 2021
Task Force members
- Matthew Pottinger – 2019 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force, told world leaders that he believed SARS-CoV-2 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.[4]
- Sylvia Burwell – 2018 – Co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations‘s “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”
- Vittorio Colao – 2018 – Leader of a special task force to handle “Phase 2” of the Italian Covid Task Force
- Christopher Liddell – 2017 – White House Coronavirus Task Force
- Jeffrey Zients – 2017 -Became White House coronavirus coordinator in 2021.[5]
- Mitchell Daniels – 2012 – Member of the Council on Foreign Relations‘s “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”
- Andrew Liveris – 2012 – Ex Dow CEO and Member of the Board of Citigroup, “Special Adviser” to the Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission[6]
- Kathleen Sebelius – 2007, 2008 – On Joe Biden’s White House Coronavirus Task Force[7]
- Full article: COVID-19/Lockdown

- Demis Hassabis – 2018, 2016, 2015 – Dialed in to a meeting of SAGE, which promoted the UK COVID Lockdown.
- Norbert Röttgen – 2014 – As chair of the CDU he was promoting the German Covid lockdowns[8]
- Jens Spahn – 2017 – As German Federal Minister of Health he aggressively promoted vaccinations and played a key role in the German lockdowns.
- Erna Solberg – 2011 – Norwegian PM who led the national lockdowns. Directed billions of dollars to international vaccine programs (GAVI etc)[citation needed]
Track and Trace
- Dido Harding – 2016 – Placed in charge of producing the NHSX app for Covid
Controlling the Narrative
- António Guterres 2005, 1990 – In March 2020 claimed asking for increased censorship by big tech of online “hate speech” in response to COVID-19.{{cn}
- Full article: COVID-19/Panic
Commercially-controlled media‘s coverage of COVID-19 was a monotone echoing of the fear-driven official narrative, while calmer, more scientific voices “were never invited to the expert table”, as the editor of Bild admitted in August 2021.[9]
- Shiraz Maher – 2015 – A “Terror expert” who reportedly had a case of COVID-19 which was “classified as “mild” by British health authorities”. Maher wrote a “horrifying account of his experience with COVID-19” which was picked up by the commercially-controlled media after it “went viral” on Twitter.[10]
Big media
The non reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media.
- Juan Luis Cebrián – 2018–2001, 1993, 1990–1987, 1985, 1983– Billionaire, media mogul, one of the ten most influential Spaniards in Spain and Latin America for 44 years (from 1976 to 2019).
- Mathias Döpfner – 2019–2014, 2007–2005 – Billionaire, Axel Springer Publishing House/CEO
Big tech censors
- Full article: COVID-19/Censorship
Big tech is notoriously opaque in its censorship, which reached record heights in 2020/21 on the topic of COVID-19.[11] As such, involvement is the censorship is difficult to prove, but it seems likely that censorship was carried out with the agreement of (or at the behest of) the following chief execs:
- Reid Hoffman – 2019–2014, 2012, 2011, LinkedIn Executive Chairman
- Jared Cohen – 2019, 2018 – Jigsaw CEO (formerly Google Ideas)
- Patrick Pichette – 2018 – Was appointed Twitter/CEO in June 2020.[12]
- Eric Schmidt – 2019, 2017–2007 – US billionaire who works for Alphabet. Has a track record of arranging YouTube censorship of dissent[13]
Sidelining cheap Covid treatments
A keystone of the push towards mandatory COVID-19 vaccination has been the sidelining of drugs to treat the disease.
- Jens Spahn – 2018 – German Health minister since March 2018, close to big pharma.[14] Rejected a donation of hydroxychloroquine in 2020[15] and was specifically requested to look into ivermectin as a tool to control the spread of the disease.[16], but moved towards mandating vaccines and stated that “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”.[17]
- Médecins Sans Frontières – Started by 2005 Bilderberger Bernard Kouchner, boosting the COVID-19 Official Narrative and termed repurposed drugs “disinformation“.[18][19]
- Full article: COVID-19/Vaccine
- Melinda Gates – 2004 – Of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which sponsored ID2020 and is heavily invested in vaccine research, development and advocacy
“People act like they have a choice. You don’t have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population [against COVID-19].” Bill Gates (2020) [20]
- Bill Gates – 2010 – Aggressive promotion of vaccines, ID2020, vaccine passports. Commented in March 2020 that “Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”[21]
R & D
- John Bell – 2013 – Researcher whose interests include DNA mutation, on the UK Vaccine Task Force, who stated in an interview that “These [COVID-19] vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population. They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.” [22]
Production & distribution
- Full article: Operation Warp Speed
- Jared Kushner – 2019 – Charged with fast tracking a Covid vaccine, announced Operation Warp Speed.[23]
- Alex Karp – 2019–2012 – Co-founded Palantir, which has been active internationally[24] with COVID,[25][26] and provided the software for Operation Warp Speed.
- Peter Thiel – 2019–2007 – Co-founder and largest shareholder of Palantir as of 2020
- José Manuel Barroso – 2019–2015, 2013, 2005, 2003, 1994, GAVI CEO from 2021[citation needed]
- Full article: Vaccine/Mandation

- Ursula von der Leyen – 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015 – President of the European Commission since December 2019, in 2021 announced a proposal to “revive the EU tourism industry and for cross-border friendships to rekindle – safely,” referring to permitting travel only for recipients of the COVID-19/Vaccine[27]
- Emmanuel Macron – 2014 – As French President, set up France’s COVID-19 Scientific Council in March 2020.[28] Declared mandatory vaccines for access to common facilities in France in 2021.[citation needed]
- Tom Tugendhat – 2019 – UK MP who in November 2020 suggested that COVID vaccination could be mandated for UK workers or travellers.[29] In 2021, asked for investigation of the claim of Matthew Pottinger (also a 2019 Bilderberger) that the virus came from the WIV.[30]
- Angela Merkel – 2005 – Stated in February 2021 that “I stressed in my intervention that the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated“[31], later that “We have all agreed that we need vaccine certificates.”[32]
- Mario Draghi – 2009, 2008, 2004–2000, 1995,1994 – As Prime Minister of Italy announced mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers in Italy.[33]
- Bernard Kouchner – 2005 – 3 time French Health Minister who started Médecins Sans Frontières, took part in Atlantic Storm. Aggressive promotion of mandatory vaccination.[34][35]
Vaccine Passports
- Full article: Vaccine/Passport
- Kyriakos Mitsotakis – 2018, 2016 – As Greek PM displayed Klaus Schwab‘s The Great Reset on his desk. In 2021 he was promoting the idea of a “vaccine passport“.[36]
- Tony Blair – 1993 – Aggressive promotion of “Vaccine passports“,[37] suggesting that lockdowns should not apply to the vaccinated.[38]
Great Reset
- Full article: Great Reset
- Klaus Schwab – 2016, 2007, 2003, 1997–1995, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, which has been central in the entire deep event. Former member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
- Thomas de Maizière – 2016 – Suggesting the German constitution needed to be changed to account for the next great emergency after Covid…[39]
- Mario Monti – 2015–2013, 2011–2003, 2001,n1999, 1996, 1994–1983 – Took over leadersip of the European WHO commission in August 2020.[40]
Controlling minds?
- Henry Kissinger – 2019–2010 , 2008–1994 , 1992–1980, 1978, 1977, 1971, 1964, 1957 October, 1957 February – deep politician, numerous influential public pronouncements on COVID-19
- Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020.[41]
- Regina Dugan – 2015 – DARPA, Facebook, Google, “The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik”, CEO of Wellcome Trust
Unsubstantiated allegation
- Christine Lagarde –2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2009, according to some articles was the first public floater of the term “great reset“, in 2014, a claim for which evidence is lacking.[42][43]
Film of a ‘fun’ vaccine event in London, where no-one turned up LINK**.
Amazing Polly – company ‘Entrust’ that have contract for UK vaccine passports – part of the Quant family empire with a dubious past – ‘Silence of the Quants’ book.
Amazing Polly: UK Covid Passport Contract Awarded To ‘Entrust’, Nazi Blood Money Firm – Amazing Polly Oh boy, you aren’t going to like this. I go over the history of ENTRUST, the company that has the contract for the Digital Passports in the UK (coming soon to your country?) Go Subscribe to my 2nd channel, MorePolly: REFERENCES: DOCUMENTARY: The Silence of the Quandts: UK Vax passport article: BMW Breaks Silence on Nazi Past: Billionaires Lives are Harder than You Think: Quandt Media Prize List: #covipass #vaccinepassport #GreatReset #medicaltyranny #amazingpolly
Article about Sweden Sweden: Despite Variants, No Lockdowns, No Daily Covid Deaths Since the Covid pandemic broke out, Sweden has been fought over more than any other part of Europe since Germany in the 30 Years War. In refusing to use an iron fist to control a virus, lockdown advocates claimed it was either committing murder or suicide; choose your favorite metaphor. Relatively few such as me, in three separate articles, claimed the Nordic country was sparing both the economy and something called “liberty” with its light-handed approach. My favorite title (editor chose it): “Media Enraged That More Swedes Aren’t Dying.” Thus last year we saw such headlines as CNN’s “Deaths Soar In Country That Didn’t Lock Down. Officials Identify Big Reason Why.” Around the same time “Sweden Steadfast In Strategy As Virus Toll Continues Rising,” claimed another source. “Sweden’s Coronavirus Strategy Drives Up Infection Rate,” screamed the BBC. Everyone was playing pile-on. “Sweden Has The Highest Daily Coronavirus Death Rate In The World – And It’s Getting Worse.” That’s from Yahoo Sports. Sports?
China’s lockdown policy may not work with the Delta variant of Covid Millions under strict lockdown in China after Covid outbreak Fast-spreading Delta variant has reached more than 20 cities in biggest outbreak in months Millions of people have been confined to their homes in China as the country tries to contain its largest coronavirus outbreak in months with mass testing and travel curbs. China reported 55 new locally transmitted coronavirus cases on Monday as an outbreak of the fast-spreading Delta variant reached more than 20 cities and more than a dozen provinces. Local governments in major cities including Beijing have now tested millions of residents, while cordoning off residential compounds and placing close contacts under quarantine. The capital city has cut all rail, bus and air links with areas where coronavirus cases have been found, and closed its doors to tourists during the peak summer holiday travel season. Only “essential travellers” are allowed to enter, if they have a negative nucleic acid test.
Paul Craig Roberts – Covid PCR scam unravelling at high speed. Sooner or later perhaps the CDC and NIH will consider whether there is a “delta variant” or whether the “variant” is the illnesses caused by the vaccine. With the majority of what are called “new Covid cases” or “breakthrough cases” in Singapore, UK, Israel and many other countries occurring among the vaccinated, certainly the circumstantial evidence is that the “outbreak cases” are illnesses caused by the vaccines. The irony is that the “pandemic” will likely turn out to be the product of the pcr test that is being withdrawn because of its high rate of false positives and inability to differentiate between flu and Covid, and the real outbreak is the result of injecting people with the Covid spike protein. In other words, the vaccination program created the Covid problem. Instead of considering these likelihoods, the health agencies and Big Pharma shills are trying to achieve universal vaccination for profit reasons and are ignoring the evidence of the mass outbreak of Covid illnesses among the fully vaccinated. What we are likely facing is a public health catastrophe entirely caused by Big Pharma greed and incompetent and corrupt public health agencies
The mass media are not acknowledging the extent of the current evil – Orthodox Priest Father Spyridon Bailey on the Anti Christ.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Kurt Cobain John Potash interview 00:50:00
Full Julian Assange Occupy London Speech Sat08Oct2011 00:07:00
Full Andrew Wakefield 1986 The Act speech 00:15:00
Full Wikispooks Bilderberg Covid Operation 00:10:00
Full Amazing Polly on Nazi UK Vaccine Passports 00:30:00
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Your guest claimed hundreds of RUC officers were killed in “The Troubles”. Offical figure is 55.