NATO’s Militarisation of Ukraine ‘Life Or Death For Russia… Irresponsible To Stay Idle’, says Vladimir Putin – Dropping Of Covid Restrictions In England On Same Day As Invasion Of Ukraine – NATO Alliance Impose ‘Russia Sanctions’ Over Ukraine Invasion … Which Will Cripple Western Economies, London Media Don’t Even Notice – Matthew Williams’ TheSecretVault Channel: Testing Security At Porton Down Chemical Biological Weapons Site Near Salisbury – Wellington, NZ Freedom Protester Phil Peters describes Police Agents Provocateurs Attacking Him And Other Vaccine Mandate Protesters – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Har reptlaced us with a student show repeating MSM stories, The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such deliberate anti-community dumbing-down you can contact the BCfm board chair and CEO ‘Don’ here.
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
‘If we look at the sequence of events, and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these [NATO] forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready, and waiting for the right moment. We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing for us to do. It is a matter of life and death for our country. A matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact.’ – Russian President Vladimir Putin 24 February 2022
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Putin’s statement. South Front website and Daily Mail – where Russian troops are. Russia’s point of view – Ukraine joining NATO a security risk. Maidan snipers. Sanctions on Russia. Long term demonisation of Russia. Kerry McCarthy, Labour MP for Bristol, on ITV Politics West show – sanctions on Russia, can you negotiate with Putin? Putin’s peace suggestions sent to US last December. THE DECEMBER 2021 SECURITY TREATY WHICH NATO IGNORED – Russian Foreign Ministry Lays Out Detailed Proposals for New Russia-US-NATO Security Agreements. The proposal comes amid the virtual collapse of Russia-NATO ties in recent months, and weeks of claims by the US and its European allies that Moscow may be ‘preparing to invade’ Ukraine. Russian officials and the military have dismissed the claims, accusing the West of artificially ratcheting up tensions and spreading fake news. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has outlined two comprehensive draft agreements on security guarantees between Russia, the United States and the NATO alliance on Friday, proposing a joint commitment to the peaceful resolution of all disputes between Moscow and the Western bloc, and a reaffirmation by both sides “that they do not consider each other as adversaries”. “The Parties shall settle all international disputes in their mutual relations by peaceful means and refrain from the use or threat of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations,” the Russian proposal suggests. The documents for both proposals were presented to US representatives in a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Moscow on 15 December, and were said to have been complemented by an explanation of the logic behind Russia’s thinking. Emergency Hotlines, Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Restraint in Drills. The detailed proposals include the creation of “hotlines” for emergency contacts between the parties. The documents commit the parties not to “create conditions or situations that pose or could be perceived to pose a threat to the national security of other Parties”..
President Putin Didnt Spark World War III, He Just Averted It! – A much larger war that could dangerously escalate into World War III was averted by Russias preemptive special operation in Ukraine aimed at neutralizing the US and NATOs latent, imminent, and hot threats emanating from that country. This makes Moscows military mission truly a peacemaking one since the Eurasian Great Power responsibly sought to prevent World War III, not spark it. Russia truly had no choice but to act now. The US-led Western Mainstream Medias latest information warfare narrative against Russia is that President Putin just sparked World War III, but the reality is that he just averted it. The Russian leaders address to his people on early Thursday morning made that abundantly clear and should be in full by those who truly want to know the truth about what just happened. As the author explained in his latest analyses about how Russias Shock & Awe Campaign In Ukraine Aims To Resolve The European Missile Crisis and Russias Special Operation In Ukraine Will Restore Global Strategic Stability, as well as his piece Tracing The Geostrategic Sequence Of The US Attempted Containment Of Russia, the Eurasian Great Power is simply waging a preemptive war before the US planned World War III can begin. In short, the US and its anti-Russian NATO allies were secretly establishing military facilities in Ukraine for launching their own impending war against that neighboring nuclear power. First, however, Washington wanted to neutralize Moscows nuclear second-strike capabilities through the regional deployment of anti-missile systems and strike weapons, including one day hypersonic missiles and even eventually to Ukraine itself too. This coincided with the US withdrawal from strategic arms pacts such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, and the Open Skies Treaty, all of which destabilized European security by making Americas military intentions all the more ambiguous to Russia. President Putins speech from Monday evening when he announced his countrys recognition of the Donbass Republics saw him meticulously detail the existential nature of the threat that the US and NATOs secret military infrastructure in Ukraine poses to Russia. He described their airfields, bases, and ports in the country that he warned will soon be used to strike his own, albeit after first presumably neutralizing its nuclear second-strike capabilities.
Thursday mornings speech compared post-Soviet Russia’s three-decade-long appeasement of US-led NATO to Stalin’s pre-World War II appeasement of Nazi Germany, declaring that We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so. Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. According to Russian intelligence, If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today, President Putin revealed, which is why In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. He then issued whats widely interpreted as a nuclear warning to NATO: No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. Its for all of these reasons that Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova clarified that Its not a beginning of war, it is prevention of a situation that could lead to global military confrontation. What she meant was exactly what President Putin himself had said, namely that a much larger war that could dangerously escalate into World War III was averted by Russias preemptive special operation in Ukraine aimed at neutralizing the US and NATOs latent, imminent, and hot threats emanating from that country.
Operation Baluga as a determined MI6 Russophobia psychological operation. Skripal lies used now to demonise Russia – Skripal affair – Operation Beluga. Kerry McCarthy MP – military in Ukraine. Boris in Commons – sanctions on Russia. Russian Vs West’s economy. Germany using Russia’s cheap oil and gas. Kier Starmer in Commons – same group think. The Alternative Skripal Narrative Let’s take the famous Nina Ricci perfume bottle, laced with novichok, which was found in a rubbish bin or charity bin by a homeless man and given weeks later to his woman friend, who tragically died after spraying it on her wrist. The police/MI6 narrative is that this perfume bottle was used to transport the novichok from Russia in the baggage of one of the alleged GRU men caught on CCTV in Salisbury. The novichok was then sprayed on the door handle of the Skripals’ house. The assassins then callously threw away the bottle (which they knew contained enough novichok to kill more people) in a dustbin or charity bin, demonstrating their indifference to loss of life as well as their indifference to leaving clues all over the place. There are problems with this narrative. Paul Burril exposes Operation Baluga to the world – but the press hardly notice – Renowned French security expert Paul Barril has let loose a bombshell: the existence of Operation Beluga, a covert Western intelligence scheme intended to undermine Russia and its leaders. Is that what’s behind much of the threatening rhetoric now going back and forth between the US and Russia? Barril exposed Operation Beluga in a recent interview with Swiss businessman Pascal Najadi on the 2006 Alexander Litvinenko death case. Litvinenko was a reputed former spy who many believe was murdered with radioactive polonium on orders of Vladimir Putin. Najadi says the interview drew out the converse revelation that Litvinenko was actually killed by “an Italian who administered the deadly polonium 210.” What’s more, he astonishingly says, the operation was carried out under the auspices of the US and UK.
Daily Express – Jeremy Corbyn blaming West for provoking Russia Stop the War position. Chris Bryant MP in Commons. Minsk agreement. West’s war interventions around the world. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn sparks fury after blaming UK & US for provoking Russia in Ukraine JEREMY CORBYN has accused the UK and the United States’s “build-up of military personnel” in Europe for soaring tensions with Russia over Ukraine. In an extraordinary comment made during a live stream titled “No War in Ukraine: Stop NATO Expansion”, former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who last year had the whip removed by Sir Keir Starmer, appeared to throw his total support behind Russia amid fears of an imminent invasion of Ukraine. Despite Russia’s previous invasions of Ukraine in both Crimea and the Donbas, Mr Corbyn was adament the latest tensions are the wests fault, not crazed Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Dropping of Covid restrictions in England – same day as invasion of Ukraine. Kerry McCarthy on no more free testing and itinerate farm labourers. Covid: End of legal need to self-isolate in England – All remaining legal Covid restrictions have been removed in England, nearly two years after the first rules were introduced. It means people are no longer legally required to self-isolate if they test positive for Covid – although they are still advised to do so. The changes are part of the prime minister’s Living with Covid plan, to “transition back to normality”. Some critics say the plan fails to protect the most vulnerable. All legal restrictions have already been lifted in Northern Ireland, but Wales and Scotland are easing measures more gradually. Boris Johnson told people “You must stay home” on 23 March 2020 The end of restrictions also means an end to self-isolation support payments – which were available to those on low incomes – and the end of routine contact tracing. Passengers are also no longer required to wear face coverings on buses and Tube trains in London, after Transport for London dropped the requirement. Although curbs are ending in England, free testing will continue until 1 April – both PCR tests for people with symptoms and lateral flow tests for those without.
Journalist MP Chris Mullin told to reveal sources over Birmingham pub bombings Chris Youett discusses this story and also Robert Maxwell being a Mossad agent – West Midlands Special Branch were close to arresting the five people responsible when the case was taken off them and given to the notorious Serious Crime Squad aka The Lying Squad. Three days after two of the three bombs exploded, I was walking past Coventry’s police HQ at about 2:10 pm. A group of coppers who knew I was a working journalist called me over and told me that the Lying Squad had arrested the wrong people. The Provo IRA cell and quartermaster had flown out of Birmingham International Airport that morning dressed as businessmen. They flew to separate European airports that had direct Aer Lingus flights to the Republic of Ireland. – Protection of sources is a principle worth defending now more than ever Trial of Chris Mullin for not revealing Birmingham Six sources begins this week That the NUJ stands shoulder to shoulder with Mullin will come as no surprise to those who know our union. It was the NUJ’s defence of Bill Goodwin in the 1980s and 1990s that established beyond any doubt that a journalist defending their sources has protection in law. Goodwin’s case went to the European Court of Human Rights (a body whose jurisdiction the UK has accepted since 1950 and is unrelated to the European Union). Its ruling was that: “Protection of journalistic sources is one of the basic conditions for press freedom… without such protection, sources may be deterred from assisting the press in informing the public on matters of public interest. As a result, the vital public watchdog role of the press may be undermined and the ability of the press to provide accurate and reliable information may be adversely affected.” This enshrines a vital principle. Alas, it has proved to be one that prosecutors have found depressingly easy to forget. A flick through the union’s legal case book provides a depressing litany. We successfully defended Ed Moloney in 1999 when the police demanded his records of a conversation with a loyalist paramilitary. Safeguarding Robin Ackroyd’s notebooks took seven years, but we stood with him and his notes retained their secrets when we won in 2007. A year later, we supported Shiv Malik at a judicial review that significantly narrowed the scope of information he was required to disclose. Similarly, the production order served on videographer Jason Parkinson in 2011 in respect of his footage from the Dale Hall Farm evictions was substantially resisted. And just two years ago, the NUJ supported Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey when they successfully argued they were entitled to protect their sources – despite suffering dawn raids and the hijacking of their computer server. Indeed, the assault on sources is ongoing and widespread. Julian Assange is facing extradition from the UK to face charges of cultivating and protecting a source. Daily we hear about intrusive software, such as NSO’s Pegasus, being used to snoop on journalists, to identify their sources. And, the UK government is preparing legislation that would broaden the scope of the Official Secrets Act to criminalise journalists who receive documents from whistleblowers. This should concern us all. The ability of reporters to expose wrongdoing, incompetence and corruption is a vital check on democracy. Undermine that ability and the electorates will be hoodwinked, the power of corporations will be unchecked, and the innocent will languish in jail.
Matthew Williams channel TheSecretVault filming in and around UK Chemical Bilogical weapons development facility at Porton Down near Salisbury, Wiltshire – Porton Down is a science park in Wiltshire, England, just northeast of the village of Porton, near Salisbury. It is home to two British government facilities: a site of the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) – known for over 100 years as one of the UK’s most secretive and controversial military research facilities, occupying 7,000 acres (2,800 ha)[1] – and a site of Public Health England.[2] It is also home to other private and commercial science organisations, and is expanding to attract other companies. Porton Down opened in 1916 as the War Department Experimental Station, shortly thereafter renamed the Royal Engineers Experimental Station, for testing chemical weapons in response to German use of this means of war in 1915. The laboratory’s remit was to conduct research and development regarding chemical weapons agents used by the British armed forces in the First World War, such as chlorine, mustard gas, and phosgene Until 2001 the military installation of Porton Down was part of the UK government’s Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) when it was split into QinetiQ, initially a fully government-owned company, and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). Dstl incorporates all of DERA’s activities deemed unsuitable for the privatisation planned for QinetiQ, particularly Porton Down.
Filmmaker Matt Williams got on to derelict Birnbeck Pier in Weston Super Mare, and also proved Porton Down security to be poor – Matthew Williams’ Channel TheSecretVault – Secrets and conspiracies. Hidden facts. Some of it right on the mark… some of it a bit wide. presented mostly uncut so you can decide. Birnbeck Pier, also known as the ‘Old Pier’, is a pier situated on the Bristol Channel in Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England, approximately 18 miles (29 km) south-west of Bristol. It is the only pier in the country which links the mainland to an island, linking to Birnbeck Island, a 1.2 hectares (3.0 acres) rocky island just to the west of Worlebury Hill.[1] The grade II* listed pier was designed by Eugenius Birch and opened in 1867.[2] Birnbeck Pier is one of only six Grade II* piers surviving in the country.[3] The refreshment and waiting rooms of 1898 were designed by local architect Hans Price and the clocktower and the piermaster’s house have been attributed to him. The pier has been closed to the public since 1994 and is now on the Buildings at Risk Register. During the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries the pier was popular both with locals and tourists to the town. As a boarding point for steamers plying their trade in the Bristol Channel, it underwent various extensions and modifications over the years. During the Second World War the pier was commissioned as HMS Birnbeck by the Admiralty as part of the Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development (DMWD) for research into new weapons. The pier reopened after the war, but the number of visitors and steamer passengers declined. The final excursion visited the pier in 1979. Since its closure, ownership has changed many times and it has been subject to a series of proposals for its redevelopment which have all proved fruitless. The pier remains in a largely derelict state. Part of the pier collapsed during storms on 30 December 2015.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria, joins Tony and Martin to discuss Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin’s reasonable requests he put on table in December 2021. Ukraine should remain neutral. Sanctions on Russia will affect us badly. Not beginning of WWIII… Yet… Pro Lockdown faction is also anti-Russia? Ex British Ambassador Peter Ford Cuts Through NATO’s Russia Invades Ukraine Propaganda UK could ban RT to keep ‘one narrative’ – former British ambassador – Former officials have blasted the UK government and questioned the independence of media watchdog Ofcom over threats to ban the channel UK could ban RT to keep ‘one narrative’ – former British ambassador Former British diplomat Peter Ford and former London Mayor Ken Livingstone have defended news channel RT after the UK government suggested it should be banned over alleged “disinformation,” while media watchdog Ofcom said it won’t tolerate “one-sided propaganda.” Ford, a former British Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, and Livingstone, who served as the Mayor of London from 2000 to 2008, both spoke out against the apparent threats to withdraw the outlet’s license, as each joined RT in separate interviews on Wednesday. “It’s appalling. The whole business is ridiculous,” Ford said, commenting on the recent announcement that British regulator Ofcom is stepping up its “oversight” of coverage on Ukraine, threatening that it will “not hesitate to take swift action where necessary.” Ofcom’s statement followed UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s stating that Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries had appealed to Ofcom to reconsider RT’s license. “The government demands one narrative, not just on Ukraine, but all international affairs,” Ford said, accusing British media of being “totally one-sided” on Ukraine coverage, and adding that he can’t bring himself to watch most networks, even as a former diplomat. Ofcom, Ford alleged, is working on behalf of the British government and won’t be the “real decider” of RT’s fate. According to the former ambassador, the government is only “pretending to pass the buck to Ofcom.” Ford blasted the regulator as a “creature of the British state, staffed by figures of the British state.”
Joe Biden’s speech sanctioning Russia.
Alex Krainer, author on Magnitsky Act and former hedge fund manager, on NATO and 2014 coup of Ukraine – what is Victoria Nuland thinking now? Russia strikes back against the Empire This article is the second of two parts about Russia’s radical new gambit in its relationship with Western powers. This part discusses Russia’s likely response to the US/NATO failure to respond to her security concerns
China on Ukraine: Hypocritical criticism of Russia by West. Victor Gao, from Centre for China and Globalism, on C4 News, saying Ukraine should not have been pressurised by NATO. China in alliance with Russia. Fear and panic mode of main stream media. Caught between the US and Russia, Ukraine’s only hope is to become neutral – Victor Gao While the US insists Ukraine is free to join Nato, Russia claims cultural ties with Ukraine and sees the eastern expansion of the alliance as a challenge to its security With the threat of a Russian invasion mounting, the best hope for Ukraine’s future peace is to become a neutral state like Switzerland The Ukraine crisis has degenerated into a melodrama with potentially devastating global geopolitical consequences. Ukraine wants to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) as a safe bet against any potential Russian aggression. The United States and Nato insist that the organisation’s expansion is not subject to any country’s veto, and seem eager for Ukraine to join. Russia sees the continued expansion of Nato, especially into Ukraine, as a direct challenge to its security and has vowed to ensure Ukraine never joins the group. While US President Joe Biden has sent 3,000 US troops to several front-line Nato member states in eastern Europe, he maintains that the US will not send troops to Ukraine to fight against a Russian invasion, instead promising tough sanctions, including personal sanctions against President Vladimir Putin, should Moscow invade. At the same time, political figures in Ukraine are accusing the US and other Western countries of being weak in the face of Russian aggression, and are calling for swift pre-emptive sanctions before an invasion occurs.
Bill Gates at the Munich Security Conference a few days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine explaining how cheap it will be to prepare surveillance and magic vaccines for the next pandemic. Bill Gates: ‘If every country does what Australia did,’ the world could prevent the next pandemic – Gates cited Australia’s Covid response as the gold standard to follow. The country reopened its international borders this week for the first time since March 2020. Over the course of the pandemic, returning citizens and approved international travelers have been required to quarantine in hotels guarded by police and military members. Australia’s states even periodically locked down their respective borders. Thousands of Australians protested those lockdowns, but the measures seem to have worked: Since the beginning of the pandemic, only 20 per 100,000 Australians have died from Covid, according to a New York Times analysis of John Hopkins University data. That’s a significantly lower figure than the 283 per 100,000 Americans who have died from Covid, according to the same analysis. Vaccine rates in Australia are also relatively high: 81% of the country’s population is fully vaccinated against Covid, according to John Hopkins University data. For comparison, less than 65% of the U.S. is currently fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Australia did struggle to contain Covid’s omicron variant. According to John Hopkins University data, 155 people died during omicron’s Australian peak on January 28. But omicron has similarly swept through the rest of the world, largely unimpeded and it appears that Australia’s death rate is already stabilizing, with a 7-day average of 38 daily Covid-related deaths, as of Feb. 23. There’s reason to believe Australia’s blueprint may have been less successful elsewhere: Its population of nearly 26 million is relatively small, and it’s an island without any land borders. But Gates still called it a “true outlier.” “They orchestrated diagnostics, they executed quarantine policies, and they have a death rate in a different league than other rich countries,” Gates said. “And everybody had the capability to do that.”
Five-To-One Phil (Peters) at the Wellington Freedom Protest outside the New Zealand Parliament, otherwise known as Portaloo Phil, explains how he got his face beaten up and eyes gouged after police staged a fake ‘car driving into police’ for the press and then how on of his so-called protester friends threw a hard object which hit him square on the back of the head. Discussion about infiltration of protest camps like this one against vaccine mandates by the authorities as a way to discredit them in the eyes of press and public and demoralise them so they gradually disperse. Protester claims police punched and eye-gouged him at Parliament occupation Phil Peters claims he was punched by police – and possibly eye gouged – during a fracas early on Tuesday morning. A parliamentary occupier is complaining to the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA), alleging police gouged his eye and punched him during one of the more fractious moments of the ongoing protest. A Stuff video recorded the incident, which occurred during a fracas early on Tuesday morning. A statement from police said the video did not “provide the full context of the protest activity and the situation police staff face”. In recent days at the occupation – now on day 16 – police have taken a more concerted effort to contain the area and prevent more vehicles from entering the site. Early on Tuesday, a man driving a white station-wagon drove towards police, who had to scatter out of the way. This was the start of the episode that saw Phil Peters, from the Wellington region, on Wednesday morning facing charges for obstructing police, and nursing a bruised arm, damaged face and ribs. Phill Peters has accused the police of assault after he arrestePhil Peters has accused the police of assault after he arrested following a clash between protesters and police early Tuesday morning. Peters, who is double-vaccinated but opted out of the booster shot, said he was at the front of a line of people as police moved in on Molesworth St and was practising “non-confrontational passive resistance”. He was filming with his phone, at the front of the line against police, with his back against a bank of portable toilets, when the incident happened. There were “troublemakers” among the protesters but Peters said he was trying to pacify the situation and was filming on his phone. Phil Peters, wearing a cap with his back to the toilet, was lefPhil Peters, wearing a cap with his back to the toilet, was left with a black eye after a scuffle with police. “I am down in the front line. I am trying to be respectful and hold the peace,” Peters said. About 40 police arrived, including some with riot shields. Phil Peters is a bruised man on Wednesday morning.“I yelled out, ‘riot squad’. I fell back to Hill St … we wanted to protect the toilets.” With police still pushing, one of the officers got dragged to the ground among the protesters, he said. Peters said he was trying to help the officer off the ground.Then he saw about eight riot shields push in to the crowd. “Some idiot from our side threw a can or bottle, hitting me on the back of my head.” A police officer then punched him with “three left hooks to the eye”, he said. The same officer gouged his eye and punched him in the ribs, he alleged. Peters said he was arrested and charged with obstructing police.
The O9A encourages its members to adopt insight roles in anarchist, neo-Nazi, and Islamist groups in order to disrupt modern Western society. According to Upchurch, it was most likely through the influence of Ryan Fleming that Iron March was introduced to the O9A ideology. Fleming subsequently went on to become a member of National Action. In early 2021, Fleming, who had previously been convicted of the sexual abuse of children, was jailed for unsupervised contact with children. Atomwaffen Division was closely associated with the American O9A affiliate Tempel ov Blood. National Action was linked to the O9A affiliate Drakon Covenant in the UK. Antipodean Resistance in Australia was involved with Kerry Boltons Black Order and the Temple of THEM. From 2010 to 2019, Haakon Forwald, head of the Norwegian branch of Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), was a devotee of a Scandinavian O9A current known variously as the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, the Temple of Black Light, and Current. The Iron March chat logs subsequently published by ProPublica revealed that there are around twenty Atomwaffen cells across the United States, and they also show members praising Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof, and Norwegian mass murderer and white supremacist Anders Behring Breivik. Eighteen-year-old Devon Arthurs, an Iron March user, killed his two roommates and fellow Atomwaffen members in May 2017. Police found neo-nazi literature, a photograph of McVeigh, and explosives in his home. Arthurs converted to Islam and described himself as a Salafist National Socialist. After he was arrested following a hostage situation, Arthurs was determined unfit to stand trial. In December 2019, several experts testified that Arthurs has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, among other conditions, experiences hallucinations and believes he can communicate with the dead. In January 2018, Atomwaffen member Samuel Woodward was charged in Orange County, California, with the murder of Blaze Bernstein, an openly gay Jewish college student.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 4hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews:
Alex Krainer the Naked Hedgie: NATO Just A Protection Racket 00:40:00
Bro. Chris Youett: Police Go After Ex-MP Chris Mullin Birmingham Six 00:30:00
Matt Williams: Rural/Urban Explorer The Secret Vault Channel 00:30:00
Sleepy Joe Biden’s speech after Russian invasion of Ukraine 00:30:00
Sleepy Joe Biden’s Insomnia Cure, 2hrs of mind-numbing speeches 01:50:00
Putin’s full ‘Empire of Lies’ speech from Thursday 24th February 2022 on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!
I should also appeal to the military personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine.
I believe in your support, in that invincible strength that our love for the Fatherland gives us.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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