Wandsworth, London ‘Pure Genius’ Land Occupation 1996: Community land project builder Julie Lowe from King’s Cross Battlebridge Centre (1992-99) and Chesterfield’s Big Red Food Shed (2010-22) – Growing food in Chesterfield 2 acres from Derbyshire County Council Potatoes Cabbages Leeks Courgettes Onions Garlic Tomatoes. – Tony Greenstein on the Church of England’s inquisition into the Reverend Stephen Sizer’s support for Palestinians describing it as Welby’s ‘crucifixion’ of Rev Sizer. – Jews were targeted in the Middle Ages because they were the only people allowed to lend money at interest under church usury laws – CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 1: The Yinon plan and European Jews creating a fake Jewish state rather like the Medieval Crusades – Home of the US state (statue of Satan) Arkansas passes law saying anyone who criticises Israel can be prosecuted as antisemitic – CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 2: Rev. Sizer’s Roadmap to Armageddon book. The term ‘Zionism’ was first coined in the late nineteenth century, – Matt Hancock Whatsapp messages leaked by Isabel Oakshott – making fun of those in quarantine ‘– Partygate’ Civil Servant who got rid of Boris Johnson as PM, Sue Gray, is offered job as Chief of Staff for Labour leader Keir Starmer – – Manchester Arena blast: ShowSec Security ignore Dawn Waddy’s ‘suspicious foreign woman’ warning before deadly explosion ORIGINAL Sky report – Manchester Arena bomb victim’s mother Caroline Curry gets upset criticising MI5 and names some of the heroes who attended the bomb attack – – So Manchester bombing: MI5 repeat ‘mistakes’ of 7/7, and smeared ‘terrorist’ Jeremy Corbyn loses the 2017 election – Graham Foulkes lost his son David in the 7/7 London bombings and got Deja Vu because so many of MI5’s ‘mistakes’ in the 7/7 London Bombings were repeated in Manchester – London mayor Sadiq Khan barracked and heckled at Ealing ‘ask the mayor’ event branding people campaigning against the ULEZ extension as ‘far right’ – Here are 11 billion-dollar mega-projects that will transform the world’s greatest cities by 2035 – NATO intends to alter charter to let Ukraine join at Vilnus July 2023 despite Atlantic 2k miles away – Martin Summers’ book: How did Putin come to power in 2000? – A battle with chief oligarch Boris Berezovsky over whether oligarchs or the Kremlin runs the country – Jeffrey Sachs talks about Nord Stream pipeline attack by USA last September and discusses the censorship in the US press – Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray looks at the history of Ukraine and how populations were moved westward at the No 2 Nato meeting ‘rave’ last Saturday – WHY ARE THE ‘STOP THE WAR COALITION’ TRYING TO TELL THE RUSSIANS WHAT DO DO RATHER THAN FOCUSSING ON THE BRITISH ROLE (BORIS JOHNSON SCUPPERED PEACE TALKS IN APRIL 2022)? – – Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov speaks in India at the G20 foreign ministers conference explaining gangster-like US ‘diplomacy’, – MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE? Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies ‘Will be the Master of the World’ Klaus Schwab, f – FBI reveal Covid was a Lab Leak pandemic coming out of China so it wasn’t an accidental lab leak – Iain Davis whose article on Accelerationism is brilliant – Julie Lowe’s booklist – 1. The Perfect Holocaust and those who Kept it Perfect by Chris Fogarty – – 2. Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients is a book by the British physician and academic Ben Goldacre – 3. One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb – One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment – Martin’s book: 2. Gladio, Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis by Richard Cottrell – Tony Gosling was talking to Mike Graham in Talk Radio this week discovering to his amazement that Mike lived in the same street, – Dennis Wheatley’s book ‘They Used Dark Forces’ about the use of ‘mediums’ and ‘astrologers’ to target the Nazi high command – Difference between Western Zoroastrianism and the Judeo-Christian faiths including Islam that see the spiritual as a dualistic world between good and evil whereas the Eastern faiths see both as ‘balanced, with a need for good and evil to equal each other out – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
PURE GENIUS LAND OCCUPATION 1996: Community land project builder Julie Lowe from King’s Cross Battlebridge Centre (1992-99) and Chesterfield’s Big Red Food Shed (2010-22) joins Martin and Tony. How she built these projects up and ran them, various objectives and challenges – Tony’s work with Julie back in 1996 ‘Pure Genius’ Guinness land occupation from the spring to the autumn of 1996 next to Wandsworth Bridge. Austerity pointless of the Cameron Osborne coalition government.
Growing food in Chesterfield 2 acres from Derbyshire County Council Potatoes Cabbages Leeks Courgettes Onions Garlic Tomatoes. Food growing project in Chesterfield. Julies role as a councillor in licencing and stopping evictions. Effect of Covid on The Big Red Food Shed. Role of the Labour Party, Tony Blair, Miliband, Starmer etc. Organic smallholding and learning facility. 4 acres of smallholding proving 2 acres of growing space for vegetables and 2 acres of Sensory Garden. We have 2 classrooms and 1 Yurt which is a Community Space. We grow around 2000 kilos (2 tonnes) of organic vegetables and fruit using standard growing techniques We work with various partners to provide space for vulnerable people to work, relax and improve their wellbeing. Three key objectives. 1. To grow fresh organic food for the Community and to sell it as VegBags and in our shop and to give away FREE to those in need. 2. To support people to be Happier, Healthier and Connected. Our experience in Therapeutic Horticulture is showing clearly that mental health improves through gardening in a relaxed and encouraging space. 3. Our SkillUp Courses teach Level 1 equivalent Horticulture and Cooking and are aimed at our own participants.
Tony Greenstein on the Church of England’s inquisition into the Reverend Stephen Sizer’s support for Palestinians describing it as Welby’s ‘crucifixion’ of Rev Sizer. Role of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Latest Israeli government is the most fascist ever, an apartheid state which is cooking up war – Rev Stephen Sizer has exposed the anti-Christian and anti-Jewish aims of Christian Zionists in his book ‘Christian Zionism: Roadmap To Armageddon. Zionists have got it all wrong. The Zionists dislike the book so have spent a great deal of effort character assassinating Stephen. The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians Instead of Condemning the neo-Nazis Who Attack Christian Palestinians Justin Welby prefers to play the role of Pontius Pilate The Church of England doesn’t have a good record when it comes to fighting racism, including anti-Semitism. Cosmo Gordon Lang, who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1928 to 1942, suggested to American diplomat James McDonald shortly before World War II that the Jews were responsible for their persecution by the Nazis. Terence Tastard writes in his PhD thesis ‘The Response of the English Churches to the Nazi Persecution of the Jews 1933-1945’ that: the response by Church of England leaders during the 1930s was fitful and issue-led. Despite his sudden eruption over the cartoon [in the Nazi paper Der Sturmer] , Lang had little to say about the situation of the Jews as the crisis in Germany deepened between 1934 and 1938. Welby is the most reactionary Archbishop of Canterbury since Carey, who was appointed by Thatcher after his predecessor Robert Runcie had issued Faith in the City, which was ‘an indictment of Thatcher’s free-market policies.’ Almost immediately Chief Rabbi Jakobovits leapt to her defence with From Doom to Hope, arguing: blacks should not look to the state but instead to themselves and take responsibility for their poverty. He argued that they should learn from the Jewish experience of working themselves out of poverty, educating themselves and building up a “trust in and respect for the police, realising that our security as a minority depended on law and order being maintained leading Thatcher to remark “Oh, how I wish our own [Anglican] church leaders would take a leaf out of your Chief Rabbi’s book.” British Jewish hostility to socialism did not start with Corbyn!
Jews were targeted in the Middle Ages because they were the only people allowed to lend money at interest under church usury laws. Martin suggests a recent The State of Terrorism by Thomas Suarez. Stephen Sizer has not made any antisemitic statements. The Massacre at Clifford’s Tower One of the worst anti-Semitic massacres of the Middle Ages took place in York in 1190. The city’s entire Jewish community was trapped by an angry mob inside the tower of York Castle. Many members of the community chose to commit suicide rather than be murdered or forcibly baptised by the attackers. England’s Jewish Population After the Norman Conquest of 1066, a number of Jews came to England from Rouen in France. The early Norman kings needed to borrow money to build castles and secure their kingdom, but money-lending was forbidden to Christians. It was, however, permitted to Jews. These French-speaking Jews were protected by the Crown, and in time established communities in most of the principal cities of England. In the later 12th century, members of the Jewish community in Lincoln settled in York. However, there was growing hostility towards the Jewish population in England. This was in part due to public disagreements in theology between Jewish scholars and Christian churchmen. In the mid-12th century several vicious stories were spread accusing Jews of murdering Christian children. Such slanders, now known as the ‘Blood Libel’, strengthened anti-Semitic sentiment in England.
CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 1: The Yinon plan and European Jews creating a fake Jewish state rather like the Medieval Crusades the idea of ethnic based states in the Middle East. Zionists are racists because they say Jerusalem must be for Jews only and Muslims and Christians must be kicked out of Jerusalem. American tourist armed with a hammer is arrested in Jerusalem for smashing up a statue of Jesus in a church on the historic Via Dolorosa and shouting: You cant have idols, this is the holy city – A tourist in the Old City of Jerusalem tore down statue of Jesus and was arrested – A witness described the accused as a Jewish man armed with a hammer –
Home of the US state (statue of Satan) Arkansas passes law saying anyone who criticises Israel can be prosecuted as antisemitic Arkansas’s Anti-BDS Law Remains in Effect Because Supreme Court Refused to Review It Politically motivated consumer boycotts have played a central role throughout U.S. history. While the far right Israeli regime escalates its repression of Palestinians, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to disturb an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to certify they are not boycotting Israel or “Israeli-controlled territories.” The high court didn’t specifically uphold Arkansas’s anti-boycott law. However, the court declined to review the case because there were not four “justices” who agreed to hear it. So Arkansas’s anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) law remains in effect. The BDS movement was launched in 2005, when 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called for boycott, divestment and sanctions “non-violent punitive measures” to last until Israel fully complies with international law. To do that, Israel must: 1) end its occupation and colonization of all Arab territory and dismantle the barrier wall; 2) recognize the fundamental rights of Israel’s Arab-Palestinian citizens to full equality and 3) respect, protect and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their land as mandated by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194.
CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 2: Rev. Sizer’s Roadmap to Armageddon book. The term ‘Zionism’ was first coined in the late nineteenth century, and referred to the movement for the return of the Jewish people to an assured and secure homeland in Palestine. Ironically, this vision was largely nurtured and shaped by Christians long before it received widespread Jewish support. The origins of ‘Christian Zionism’ lie within nineteenth-century British premillennial sectarianism, but by the early twentieth century it had become a predominantly American dispensational movement, and pervasive within all main evangelical denominations. The contemporary Christian Zionism movement emerged after the ‘Six Day War’ in Israel in 1967, and it has had a significant influence on attitudes towards the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. Evangelicals are increasingly polarized over whether Christian Zionism is biblical and orthodox or unbiblical and cultic. Stephen Sizer provides a thorough examination of the historical development, variant forms, theological emphases and political implications of Christian Zionism. His excellent and informative survey is interwoven with critical assessment that repudiates both nationalistic Zionism and anti-Semitism. ‘This is a masterly and highly readable analysis of the history, the world-view and the political implications of Christian Zionism. Sizer has thrown down the gauntlet in a way that demands a response from those who support the state of Israel for theological reasons.’ ‘Stephen Sizer’s work on Christian Zionism is the most important and comprehensive on the subject to date, and should be read by all students of the Middle East and by Christians concerned about a just resolution to the Palestinian–Israeli conflict. Christian Zionism raises vital theological and political challenges that must be addressed head-on by Christians in the West, particularly evangelicals. The impact of this terribly misguided movement is increasingly putting Christians in the Middle East at risk, and it seems a far cry from the witness and message of Jesus Christ.’ ‘Stephen Sizer’s masterly overview of Christian Zionism opens our eyes to a theology that manipulates, oppresses and shows no dignity or justice to Jew or Palestinian. It is time for a theology that values all equally instead of one that sees God as biased.’
Matt Hancock Whatsapp messages leaked by Isabel Oakshott – making fun of those in quarantine – role of Non Disclosure Agreements in keeping the lid on political corruption and incompetence – role of the media lawyers- Martin thinks this is a career move for Isabel Oakshott ‘Arrested at the airport? BRILLIANT!’ How Matt Hancock and Priti Patel shared stories of heavy-handed police covid crackdowns with childlike excitement on WhatsApp Ensuring lockdown and quarantine rules were stringently enforced became something of an obsession for Matt Hancock and the rest of the Cabinet as Covid cases continued to spiral throughout 2021. Leaked messages from his WhatsApp account show the Health Secretary, Boris Johnson and Priti Patel reacting to examples of police down on rulebreakers with almost childlike glee – hailing the cases as ‘brilliant’ and ‘superb’. In another exchange, Mr Hancock and Simon Case, the UK’s top civil servant, are seen joking about travellers being forced into quarantine hotels at airports – with Mr Case calling their plight ‘hilarious’. It comes as police criticised the former Health Secretary after a 2020 WhatsApp exchange emerged showing him telling Mr Case about the need to ‘get heavy’ with officers as part of a tough approach to lawbreakers. Sir Peter Fahy, former chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, said the often chaotic approach Mr Hancock and other ministers took to formulating and implementing anti-Covid rules caused ‘huge resentment’ within the ranks. As Matt Hancock and Priti Patel discussed Covid enforcement, the Home Secretary said the case of a ski group who were stopped from boarding the Eurostar was ‘my fav’
‘Partygate’ Civil Servant who got rid of Boris Johnson as PM, Sue Gray, is offered job as Chief of Staff for Labour leader Keir Starmer – Sir Keir Starmer’s job offer makes a mockery of Sue Gray report, says LEO McKINSTRY – Sir Keir Starmer thought he had pulled off a political masterstroke with the appointment of top civil servant Sue Gray as his new Chief of Staff. But the move now looks like it has backfired, amid mounting accusations at Westminster that both she and the Labour Party have made a mockery of Whitehall rules on impartiality. Sue Gray was until recently the ultimate arbiter of standards at the heart of government as head of the Cabinet Office’s Propriety and Ethics team. Yet she is now under fire for undermining the very code she was employed to uphold. It was in her position as the enforcer of ethical behaviour that she produced the damning report on the so-called “Partygate” scandal at Number 10 under Boris Johnson, in which she highlighted a culture of repeated lockdown breaches in Downing Street during the pandemic. Her report not only helped to bring about the demise of Johnson’s premiership but also contributed to the establishment of the Commons Privileges Committee to investigate his conduct further. Its findings could spell the end of his career as an MP. Yet now Ms Gray’s report looks hopelessly compromised by her decision to march under Labour’s banner. Johnson and his supporters have always claimed that, just as the Privileges Committee amounts to a witch-hunt, so Sue Gray’s inquiry was a political stitch-up. Now they have the deadly ammunition to back that assertion. As Johnson himself said yesterday of the Privileges Committee’s work, it is “surreal to rely on evidence culled and orchestrated by Sue Gray”. The former Prime Minister is right to feel bitter. But the impact of Ms Gray’s appointment goes far beyond Partygate. The damage she has done to Whitehall’s reputation is enormous, for her step dramatically reinforces the perception that the civil service, even in its top ranks, is riddled with anti-Tory bias. In her switch to Labour, she has provided support to the charge that our bureaucratic elite is more of a left-wing blob than the smooth “Rolls-Royce machine” that it is fond of boasting about. Even on a purely practical level, Sue Gray will be able to give a host of highly sensitive political information and ministerial secrets to Labour. On those grounds alone,
Manchester Arena blast: ShowSec Security ignore Dawn Waddy’s ‘suspicious foreign woman’ warning before deadly explosion ORIGINAL Sky report
MIHOP or LIHOP? Manchester Arena bomb: Did MI5 repeat 7/7 ‘mistakes’ to make sure ‘terrorist sympathiser’ Corbyn would lose the 2017 election? :Manchester Arena Enquiry Ramadan Abedi Salman Abedi’s father was working for MI6 in Libya – we hear from Sir John Saunders enquiry judge – was Salman Abedi a ‘patsy’ who was set up and had no intention to bomb anyone? Run-up to 2017 General Election this was one of three UK terrorist attacks which steered the election narrative onto terrorism, terrorism, terrorism. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was smeared as an associate of terrorists and he narrowly lost the election – A convicted terrorist has admitted he was in the same Libyan militia group as the Manchester Arena bomber’s father. Abdalraouf Abdallah, a friend of Salman Abedi, was brought from HMP Wakefield to give evidence at the Manchester Arena Inquiry into the 2017 attack. The 28-year-old accepted he joined the “Tripoli Brigade” in the Libyan war in 2011 and that Ramadan Abedi – Salman’s father – was also part of the militia. MI5 consider Ramadan played a role in radicalising sons Hashem and Salman. Twenty-two people were killed and hundreds more injured when Salman Abedi detonated his device at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. The inquiry is investigating what role Abdallah, from the Moss Side area of Manchester, may have played in radicalising Salman and whether he knew in advance about the Arena attack. Giving evidence, Abdallah said that Salman Abedi was “part of my circle” and he had known the Abedi brothers “since we were babies”.
Manchester Arena bomb victim’s mother Caroline Curry gets upset criticising MI5 and names some of the heroes who attended the bomb attack – she says the ministers just want victims families to go away and find a corner to grieve in – Martin looks at Madrid terrorist attack possible links to steering the outcomes of elections – Pauline Neville Jones former boss of MI5 says its just the mistake of an individual who failed to put Salman Abedi onto the ‘Prevent’ programme which could have stopped him doing the bombing (if he did it) – Mothers of Manchester Arena victims say cold-hearted ministers have left them ‘numb’ – The grieving families of teenage sweethearts Liam Curry and Chloe Rutherford want the government to change the law so they can register the deaths of their children The parents of two teenage sweethearts killed in the Manchester Arena bombing say they have been left “completely numb” as they accuse ministers of backtracking on promises to them. Liam Curry, 19, and Chloe Rutherford, 17, were among 22 innocent people who died in the attack at an Arianna Grande concert in May 2017. Their families have been campaigning to change the law to give them the option of being involved in registering their deaths. Current legislation prevents family members from registering the deaths of loved ones who are the focus of inquests or public inquiries and it has to be done by an official instead. Caroline Curry and Lisa Rutherford said they feel like they have been “punched in the face” after ministers dropped plans to change the law. Mrs Curry told the Mirror: “We feel led up the garden path. They have treated us with such disrespect, it is unforgivable. “We feel that we have not been listened to. They basically just want us to go away and quietly find a corner to grieve in.” The mothers from South Shields were told the government had decided not to change the law in a meeting in Parliament with Home Office minister Lord Murray and Justice minister Mike Freer last week. Their local MP Emma Lewell-Buck, who attended with them, said Lord Murray was “patronising” as he led the meeting. “He was very dismissive. It was like he was going into a meeting about planning or some other everyday issue,” she said. Mrs Curry said: “He basically read from a script in his little file. At one point he said we will not have to pay for the death certificate. It was like he was waiting for a round of applause.
Graham Foulkes lost his son David in the 7/7 London bombings and got Deja Vu because so many of MI5’s ‘mistakes’ in the 7/7 London Bombings were repeated in Manchester 1. MI5 said ‘sorry’ in this lame manner, 2. MI5 couldn’t tell families what happened because of ‘national security’, 3. in the UK you can buy bomb making chemicals too easily, 4. sorry, very bad coordination of emergency services at the terror scene. New system Joint Emergency Services Interconnectivity Process (JESIP) ordered after 7/7 London Bombings was never implemented hence same mistakes were made. Martin points out that anti-terror police exclude other emergency services from the terror scene so evidence can be removed from the ‘crime scene’. Lawyer for 11 families of Manchester victims Richard Scorer KC condemns MI5 failures. Were the Manchester Arena attacks part of a wider campaign to stop Jeremy Corbyn being elected. Graham Foulkes meeting with Theresa May with which he was not satisfied. No votes on being the MP that is holding MI5 to account. MI5 LIED: “We were told the bombers were clean skins who came out of the blue and were unknown to the intelligence services in this country, and therefore these attacks were unpreventable,” Foulkes said. “We now know this is completely untrue.
London mayor Sadiq Khan barracked and heckled at Ealing ‘ask the mayor’ event branding people campaigning against the ULEZ extension as ‘far right’ and ‘antivaxxers’ Piers Corbyn joins us to discuss the problems with Sidique Khan following the interests of the World Economic Forum and C40 cities group rather than the interests and wishes of Londoners – the ULEZ actually INCREASES pollution as people have to drive around the zones – its a World Government plan says Piers. Wed 15th March up-coming demo against the mayor’s friends coming to support him at public expense. Sadiq Khan is barracked by furious audience at public meeting as he brands some Ulez opponents ‘far-Right’ and ‘Covid deniers’ London Mayor was taking part in a People’s Question Time session in Ealing Sadiq Khan was barracked at a public meeting last night as he branded some Ulez opponents ‘far-Right’ and ‘Covid deniers’. The London mayor was holding a People’s Question Time in Ealing, west London, when the extraordinary confrontation developed. Tensions have been running high for months over the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone – where £12.50 is charged for driving polluting vehicles – which is due to cover all London boroughs from August. Critics, including some London Labour MPs, have branded the policy a ‘tax raid’ and warned it will price key workers and others who have no choice about using vehicles out of the capital.
Here are 11 billion-dollar mega-projects that will transform the world’s greatest cities by 2035 Shanghai, China — Todtown — Cairo, Egypt — New Cairo Capital — Paris, France — Europa City — Berlin, Germany — Europacity — Istanbul, Turkey — New City Istanbul — New York City, USA — The World Trade Center site — Los Angeles, California — Newhall Ranch — São Paulo, Brazil — The city’s new master plan — Tokyo, Japan — Shibuya Station Area Redevelopment — London, England — The Battersea Power Station development — Madrid, Spain — Castellana Norte redevelopment – Juiie looks at Smart City Mega City massive engineering projects which appear to show a series of massive new cities being constructed for the elite so where are the rest of us supposed to live. Sounds like a sci-fi film – watch Rollerball – that can never happen? Oh but the dystopias are coming true. To accommodate growing populations, cities like Paris, New York, and Tokyo are building more housing and public resources, including parks, schools, and subways, as part of large redevelopment plans. These cities will likely look very different (and in some neighbourhoods, gentrified) in the coming decades. Take a look at some of the biggest urban projects under construction below. POEM: Oh Sceptred Isle by Patricia Opulenza –
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
NATO intends to alter charter to let Ukraine join at Vilnus July 2023 despite Atlantic 2k miles away – Rishi Sunak at the Munich Security Conference suggests that NATOs annual summit in Vilnus, Lithuania, will see a possible new charter negotiated so that Ukraine can join the NATO alliance, thus formally plunging the UK and other NATO countries into war with Russia – the idea of leaders in stadia Putin has massive papular support but our leaders would do nothing of the sort because they do not have anything like the domestic support Putin has – Pushing for a new Nato charter to protect Ukraine from future Russian aggression, he is expected to say: “We must demonstrate that we’ll remain by their side, willing and able to help them defend their country again and again.” Last year, the UK provided military aid worth £2.3bn, including tanks, other armoured vehicles, and anti-tank missiles. No 10 has committed to matching or exceeding that level of support in 2023.
Martin Summers’ book: How did Putin come to power in 2000? – A battle with chief oligarch Boris Berezovsky over whether oligarchs or the Kremlin runs the country – Martin Summers’ book on the economics of Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union and during the Yeltsin era – During the 1980s, there was increasing pressure exerted on various Eastern European societies to “structurally adjust” their economies to the international market. The authors of this text argue that this process did not deliver any of the benefits which were promised – rather a structural economic crisis has been transmitted to the region. Why is this reform process failing? Starting from a non-technical viewpoint, the theoretical and practical inadequacies of present policies are analyzed, providing pointers to the kinds of policies which might provide a more rational alternative. – Putin’s bitter feud with oligarch Berezovsky and their unlikely link to Litvinenko – Boris Berezovsky once employed the murdered former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko. But who is he? And why are there still questions surrounding his death? It has now been 16 years since Alexander Litvinenko was murdered with the Russian defector ingesting an extremely dangerous substance, Polonium-210, in an unsuspecting cup of tea. The story of his death and his wife’s consequent battle for justice has come to the fore once again as it has been dramatised in a new ITVX production starring David Tennant as the former FSB agent on his deathbed, who was once employed by the Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky the man who Litvinenko said he was asked to murder in his role as an FSB officer. Now, Express.co.uk takes a look at who Mr Berezovsky was, and the complicated dynamic between him, Mr Litvinenko and the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
Jeffrey Sachs talks about Nord Stream pipeline attack by USA last September and discusses the censorship in the US press for the last eight weeks USA says its ‘a tremendous opportunity to wean Europe off of Russian energy’ – so its a massive humiliation for Germany – attacked by an ‘ally’ but they don’t dare say anything -Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs yanked off air after accusing US of sabotaging Nord Stream pipeline A Columbia University professor has accused the US of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea, prompting television hosts to pull the plug on his TV interview. Speaking with Bloomberg, Professor Jeffrey Sachs floated the idea the pipeline, which has been at the center of a global “whodunit” saga in recent weeks, was struck by the US not Vladimir Putin’s forces as a means of doing damage to Russia beyond economic sanctions. The Nord Stream pipelines deliver natural gas directly from Russia to Germany and are essential to keeping the lights on across swaths of Europe. The source of the explosions has remained a mystery, however, with both Moscow and Washington denying responsibility. Western analysts have so far mostly pointed the finger at Russia as being responsible for the sabotage. Sachs a world-renowned economist and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University was criticized for echoing a claim made by Russian authorities.
Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray looks at the history of Ukraine and how populations were moved westward at the No 2 Nato meeting ‘rave’ last Saturday – much of Ukraine was Poland – Lvov now called Lviv was a great Polish city now in Ukraine since 1946 – NATO is always exaggerating the capabilities of the Russians or Soviet Union – Ukraine was about to attack the Donbass in February 2022 when the Russians invaded – should Texas be in Mexico? No2Nato No2War campaigns against US proxy war in Ukraine and NATO aggression against China and Iran.
WHY ARE THE ‘STOP THE WAR COALITION’ TRYING TO TELL THE RUSSIANS WHAT DO DO RATHER THAN FOCUSSING ON THE BRITISH ROLE (BORIS JOHNSON SCUPPERED PEACE TALKS IN APRIL 2022) WHICH IS CENTRAL TO STOPPING THE UKRAINE WAR? – The message from the Stop The War hall was clear: Firstly ‘no’ to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.. Organised by the Stop The War Coalition, it came ahead of a global day of action against the war on Sunday. Lindsey German, Stop The War co-convenor, said, “I want to extend Stop The War’s solidarity to the people of Ukraine. “The launch of No2NATO – No2War last Saturday at the Bolivar Hall in London marked an historic new page in the British peace movement, with a new organisation challenging the domination of NATO in British and global politics and calling for an end to sending billions in arms to the Ukrainian government.” “The Stop the War movement has long ceased to play any positive role in the anti-war movement. It calls for “peace” whilst making the same demands as NATO for an unconditional Russian withdrawal from the Donbas and Crimea. But now we have the chance to close ranks around a new movement committed to genuine anti-war demands.” the New Worker (New Communist Party)
Nato holds a central responsibility for the war in Ukraine – Arguing that the war has always been a proxy war between Nato and Russia, CHRIS WILLIAMSON argues that opposing the US-led imperialist alliance is key to avoiding a global conflagration The portrayal of the conflict in Ukraine as a battle for democracy is absurd. The truth is Zelensky’s regime is backed by literal nazis and is brutally repressing political opponents. But the arrests, beatings, torture, and murder of Ukrainians who disagree with the Kiev regime are being ignored by politicians and the corporate media alike. Even the Orthodox Christian Church in Ukraine is in the firing line after Zelensky signed a decree imposing personal sanctions on representatives of religious groups deemed to have sympathies with Russia. Consequently, the regime in Kiev has crushed any semblance of meaningful democracy or dissent in the country, and it is a barefaced lie to claim otherwise. The geopolitical reality is that Nato wanted the war in Ukraine, to weaken and ultimately balkanise Russia. The aim is to provide rich pickings for global corporations who own the political class and mainstream media, which is why we are being deluged with pro-war propaganda, and that is why the No2Nato campaign is essential.
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov speaks in India at the G20 foreign ministers conference explaining gangster-like US ‘diplomacy’, threats and blackmail of the West ‘vote this way or else’, ‘if you vote with us you will not be punished’, ‘don’t forget you have a US bank account and that your children go to a US university’, arguments used by US diplomats. In September 2022 Zelensky made it a criminal offence to negotiate with Russia while Putin is president. Chess, initiative and the Russians have seized the geopolitical initiative in the Ukraine war – Russia accuses west at G20 of blackmail and claims it has China’s support Stormy meeting in Delhi breaks up without joint statement as west and Moscow spar over Ukraine Russia has accused the west of blackmail and threats and claimed it had China’s support for its position at a stormy meeting of G20 foreign ministers in India, dominated by the war in Ukraine. The event broke up with no joint communique, only a summary of the meeting prepared by the host, India, the group’s current chair. On the sidelines of the meeting, in Delhi, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, spoke briefly to Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, to tell him the US would not back down in its support for Ukraine. Neither side described the 10-minute encounter, the first direct meeting between the two men since June 2022, as talks. Blinken also urged Moscow to reconsider its decision to suspend participation in the Start Treaty and to release Paul Whelan, an American convicted in Russia for espionage. After a meeting between Lavrov and the Chinese delegation, the Russian foreign ministry released a statement that said: “A unanimous rejection was expressed of attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, to impose unilateral approaches through blackmail and threats, and to oppose the democratisation of international relations.” Russia appeared to be claiming that Blinken was putting pressure on delegations at the G20 to condemn the invasion of Ukraine, or support sanctions against China if Beijing decided to arm Moscow. Blinken told the G20 meeting: “We must continue to call on Russia to end its war of aggression and withdraw from Ukraine for the sake of international peace and economic stability”. He urged China not to supply arms to Russia: “It cannot publicly present itself as a force for peace while, in one way or another, it continues to fan the flames of the fire that Vladimir Putin lit.”
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE? WEF chief Klaus Schwab at the World Government Conference (WGC) he sponsors in Dubai is encouraging gentle transition despite Accelerationism driving these policies – Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies ‘Will be the Master of the World’ Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said this week that technologies emerging from the so-called fourth industrial revolution (4IR) are advancing exponentially and could “escape” the globalists’ “power to master” them. In his keynote speech to the World Government Summit on Monday, Schwab said shared global policies will be needed to mitigate this issue so globalists can be the “master of the world.” The 2023 World Government Summit is taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Feb. 13-15. Schwab said: “A few years ago, we considered some technologies a science fiction that was difficult to implement, but today it has become a reality that we live through artificial intelligence, new space technology, and industrial biology, which heralds a major change coming during the next ten years, and requires governments to be ambitious in their decisions.”
FBI reveal Covid was a Lab Leak pandemic coming out of China so it wasn’t an accidental lab leak – Iain Davis whose article on Accelerationism is brilliant looks at the geopolitical alignment of NATO, China and Russia. Can Russia rely on China? Do the Chinese want Russian to fight NATO so they can clear up afterwards? Are China and the USA secretly cooperating at the highest levels? FBI chief Christopher Wray confirms agency’s belief COVID came from Chinese lab leak FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday confirmed the bureau’s reported stance that the COVID-19 virus came from a Chinese lab leak. “The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” China, Wray said in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. Wray’s comments were aired two days after it was reported the Department of Energy determined with “low confidence” that the virus that causes COVID-19 came from a Chinese laboratory. The Wall Street Journal’s Sunday report had also revealed that the FBI concluded with “moderate confidence” that a lab accident in China was the origin of the disease. Wray told Baier that US officials were still probing COVID-19 origins and revealed China has been stonewalling the investigation. “The Chinese government, seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here, the work that we’re doing, the work that our US government and close foreign partners are doing and that’s unfortunate for everybody,” Wray said. The Department of Energy’s assertion that COVID was from a lab came with “low confidence,” according to a Wall Street Journal report. The department’s assessment came in an update to a 2021 document from Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’ office, the Journal reported. The update comes in light of new intelligence, more study of academic literature and with help from outside experts, a senior intelligence official told the Journal. It also reportedly reaffirms agreement in the intelligence community that COVID was not the result of a Chinese biological weapons program.
Julie Lowe’s booklist – 1. The Perfect Holocaust and those who Kept it Perfect by Chris Fogarty – This book, alone, provides the covered-up facts of 1845-1850 Ireland. There was no famine in the ordinary sense of that word. It was genocide perpetrated by more than half of Britain’s army (67 regiments of its 130 regiments total). They removed, at gunpoint, Ireland’s abundant meats, livestock, and food crops to the ports for export; thus starving the people. The book’s colored map shows the locations of lengthy deployments of each of the sixty-seven regiments while they removed livestock, meats, flour, oatmeal, and other food crops to the ports for export. The same map names the locations of some 180 of the resultant mass graves. The Perfect Holocaust is an achievement of the first magnitude and would be obligatory reading in a free Ireland – Tomás Mac Síomóin, Ph.D. I recommend this book to anyone trying to understand not only the history of Ireland, but the histories of Holocausts around the world http://www.irishholocaust.org/ –
2. Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients is a book by the British physician and academic Ben Goldacre – Medicine is broken. We like to imagine that it’s based on evidence and the results of fair tests. In reality, those tests are often profoundly flawed. We like to imagine that doctors are familiar with the research literature surrounding a drug, when in reality much of the research is hidden from them by drug companies. We like to imagine that doctors are impartially educated, when in reality much of their education is funded by industry. We like to imagine that regulators let only effective drugs onto the market, when in reality they approve hopeless drugs, with data on side effects casually withheld from doctors and patients. All these problems have been protected from public scrutiny because they’re too complex to capture in a sound bite. But Dr. Ben Goldacre shows that the true scale of this murderous disaster fully reveals itself only when the details are untangled. He believes we should all be able to understand precisely how data manipulation works and how research misconduct on a global scale affects us. In his own words, “the tricks and distortions documented in these pages are beautiful, intricate, and fascinating in their details.” With Goldacre’s characteristic flair and a forensic attention to detail, Bad Pharma reveals a shockingly broken system and calls for something to be done. This is the pharmaceutical industry as it has never been seen before.
3. One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb – One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth, and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections.
Martin’s book: 2. Gladio, Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis by Richard Cottrell – Gladio was developed from the Nazi Werewolves units as ‘stay behind’ forces – In this groundbreaking work of investigative journalism, Richard Cottrell lays bare a web of evil in high places. The recent pedophile Savile scandal in London was foreshadowed by rampant abuses in Belgium, fiefdom of NATO. Their purpose: to subvert democracy through blackmail. GLADIO reveals the story of mayhem and murder, of corruption and subversion of democracy, behind NATO’s secret “alliance” against decency and democracy. Masquerading as a rear guard against Soviet invaders, NATO’s covert forces warped into psychological and physical terrorism. These were the ‘years of lead,’ in which hundreds perished in a synthetic war in the streets of Europe. NATO commander General Lyman Lemnitzer ordered attempts to kill French president Charles de Gaulle. Sacked from the Pentagon and exiled to Europe by JFK, did Lemnitzer reap revenge in Dallas? The secret armies forged bonds with the Mafia. NATO-backed coups struck down governments in Greece and Turkey; Cyprus was sundered amid bitter genocide. Urban guerrillas like the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang were manipulated to torpedo democracy. Italy gained a deep-state government, the ultra-secret P2 pseudo-Masonic lodge, founded by former Blackshirts. Swedish premier Olof Palme and Italian ex-PM Aldo Moro were assassinated. Pope John Paul II was shot by Turkish gangsters who had regular work as Gladio guns for hire. In 2009, the Turkish Gladio unit named Ergenekon surfaced in Turkey. The shootings in Norway in July 2011, and in Belgium, France and Italy in 2012, all bore the classic stripe of Gladio false-flag operations.
Tony Gosling was talking to Mike Graham in Talk Radio this week discovering to his amazement that Mike lived in the same street, Rosecroft Avenue in Hampstead as the author of OP JB top WWII double agent John Ainsworth Davis aka Christopher Creighton and his wife Greta. Dennis Wheatley spoke to Fleming and encouraged him to write a novel rather than hit the bottle over the intelligence treachery of WWII and is thought to have convinced him to write fictio to get the evil WWII deeds ‘out of his system’ without the Official Secets people being able to get him. During the 1930s, the Nazi Party looted thousands of pounds, hiding the proceeds in secret accounts. The key to getting it back lay with Nazi treasurer, Martin Bormann. This book tells the story of Ian Fleming’s raid to snatch Bormann out of Berlin. Creighton led a commando raid into the city. Winston Churchill said: “History will be kind to me. I know, because I shall write it.” Borrow this from your local library or buy a second hand copy for a few quid, you will not be disappointed. It has the real inside story that so many FAKE histories of the end of the war have tried to smother. Brilliant in every dimension at exposing the pathway to today’s Nazi ‘Fourth Reich’ where they wear suits in stead of Swastikas & their war machines are banks and corporations rather than Panzer Divisions. Reading this it’s quite clear the Crowleyite figure Desmond Morton was a, if not THE KEY player Another key book to read alongside this is former CBS War Correspondent Paul Manning’s swansong – his 1982 Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile for which his publisher had his legs broken and his eldest son was shot dead in NYC.
Dennis Wheatley’s book ‘They Used Dark Forces’ about the use of ‘mediums’ and ‘astrologers’ to target the Nazi high command and convince them that certain German individuals were ‘in touch with higher powers’ where actually they were getting coded secret messages from London to build their cover and deceive the enemy in crucial operations such as D-Day. Recorded in the late 1960s/early 1970s WWII Deception Planner Dennis Wheatley says ‘The powers of light and darkness’ are ‘warring powers striving for the soul of man’ and that ‘civilisation is disintegrating and things are getting worse and worse every day’ also that the forces of darkness are looking like they might come out on top! They Used Dark Forces is the eighth in Dennis Wheatley’s bestselling Gregory Sallust series featuring the debonair spy Gregory Sallust, a forerunner to Ian Fleming’s James Bond. It is 1943 and secret agent Gregory Sallust parachutes into Nazi Germany. In the company of an ex-Bolshevik General, the two of them join forces with the widow of a German diplomat who is in contact with Allied Intelligence. It is through her that Gregory becomes unwillingly involved with a Black Magician. Sixteen months later they meet again and decide to pool their knowledge of the dark arts, concocting a plan to use occult forces in an attempt to destroy Hitler once and for all.
Difference between Zoroastrianism and the Judeo-Christian faiths including Islam that see the spiritual as a dualistic world between good and evil whereas the Eastern faiths see both as ‘balanced, with a need for good and evil to equal each other out. So the Eastern faiths such as Buddhism and Hindu rehabilitate the forces of evil as legitimate which is exploited by the dark forces. Eastern religions claim that all human beings are inherently divine but just do not realize it or that this truth has been overlaid and obscured by religious doctrines that were corrupted. The true spiritual goal is to attain perfect oneness with this divine being or Ultimate reality. Hindus believe that by attaining knowledge of the self (atman), it is possible to become one with brahman or the Ultimate reality. Many New Age spiritualities embedded within the West today are inspired by these beliefs, have appropriated them, and maintain that there exists a kind of metaphysical energy with which the individual can become one. In Christianity, however, human beings, although made in the image of God, are not God or inherently divine in the sense of being God. Human beings boast some traits of God although God is fully and wholly distinct in his goodness, being, and essence from them.
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Full interviews with…
#2 – Tony Greenstein: Archbishop Welby Crucifies Rev Stephen Sizer 00:20:00
#3 – Piers Corbyn ULEZ extension Big Demo Wed 17 March 00:20:00
#4 – Sir John Saunders Manchester Arena bombing enquiry judge 00:25:00
#5 – Caroline Curry Richard Scorer Manchester Arena bomb famliies 00:08:00
#6 – Dame Pauline Neville Jones ex MI5 chief on Manchester bomb 00:04:00
#7 – Graham Foulkes lost son David on 7/7 on Manchester report 00:12:00
#8 – Craig Murray Ukraine Context No2Nato meeting 26Feb23 00:15:00
#9 – Jeffery Sachs NATO blew up Nord Stream Europe is Doomed 00:08:00
#10 – Klaus Schwab WEF ‘State of the World’ speech World Government Summit Dubai Feb 2023 00:15:00
#11 – Russia’s Sergei Lavrov at G20 foreign ministers conference in India 00:30:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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