SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The Gates Family At The Court Of Henry VIII: The Genetics of Bill Gates by Johnny Vedmore – Sir Geoffrey Gates I was born about 1481 and would marry Elizabeth Clopton in 1500 – The Stark Entitlement of the Dark Enlightenment: Johnny Vedmore Tony Gosling (04Jul23) – Tony Gosling is an intrepid journalist who is documenting some of the least researched events in history. – Joanna Booth’s investigation of the Nighttime Economy Czar Carly Heath paid for by council tax payers but often lobbying against their interests, Bristol’s first black Merchant Venturer Marti Burgess – SPECIAL REPORT CRIMINALITY AT BRISTOL’S LAKOTA NIGHT CLUB – Licencing organised crime at Lakota Night Club? Deaths, rape, violence, directors suspended, companies collapsed, tax unpaid – – Labour Cllr Marley Bennett Licencing Organised Crime at Bristol’s Lakota Night Club? Deaths, rape, violence, tax and creditors unpaid, directors suspended, companies collapsed – South Bristol shopping centre will be knocked down after planning councillors’ shock U-turn – Opposition councillors slammed a decision to redevelop the Broadwalk Shopping Centre – Save our RIghts’ Louise Creffield bank account CANCELLED by Co-Op – Iowa rally: Trump pitilessly rips into Biden – Closing of people’s bank accounts. Louise Creffield from Save Our Rights on how they got nearly a million people out on the street of London during the 2021 Lockdowns a – BBC newsreader Huw Edwards sacked over paying for explicit photos from a 17 year old. THE SUN SAYS We have never doubted that our story on Huw Edwards was in the public interest – Public sector pay ‘settlement’ announced by Goldman Sachs PM Rishi Sunak. How the pay rise for public sector workers compares to people in the private sector – WHO says artificial sweetener aspartame is a ‘possible cause of cancer’ – !but still safe! The World Health Organization’s cancer agency has deemed the sweetener aspartame – Ukraine war. NATO conference. Josh Friedman, journalist, on how ex Swedish PM went to Bilderberg this year, but wasn’t on the list – Sweden joining NATO. Turkey given an IMF loan – Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, at Conference, on Ukraine joining NATO after war has finished. Stoltenberg on NATO and China. Who’s winning the Ukraine war? – Donald Trump in top ‘stand-up-comedy’ form at Iowa rally on the stupidity of electric cars, fighting the deep state, ending the Ukraine war, and both Biden and DeSantis’s ineptitude. Trump Pitilessly Rips Into Joe Biden – Israeli lady Zohar on a Norwegian fishing boat Handala going to Gaza to protest against treatment of Palestinians. Freedom Flotilla Coalition. Palestine Freedom ship docks in Bristol – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
MP3 of Friday 14th July 2023 Show [right click to download]…
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TONY’S BOOKS: Bilderberg.org – PAPERBACKS – TONY’S CHANNELS: Telegram – Bitchute – 911 Forum – Radio4All – The Land Is Ours – VK – Twitter – NSAbook – Odysee – Rumble – Censorious YouTube: Peter Borenius & Public Enquiry
Radio4All mp3 audio files usually available from 23:00 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast. Any probs. mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The Gates Family At The Court Of Henry VIII: The Genetics of Bill Gates by Johnny Vedmore – Sir Geoffrey Gates I was born about 1481 and would marry Elizabeth Clopton in Kentwell in 1500. This era is very well documented in comparison to the previous two centuries. Sir Geoffrey Gates I would have 8 children, most notably Sir John Gates MP, Sir Henry Gates MP, and Sir Geoffrey Gates II. We’ll be following the line of Sir Geoffrey Gates II to meet up with the billionaire creator of Microsoft but, to understand why he and his brother were eventually executed, we should look at the more well documented story of his brother Sir John Gates. As the funeral procession, carrying the body of Henry VIII, moved through his kingdom and to its final resting place, Sir John Gates proudly rode on horseback beside the corpse of his beloved king. This was a somber day for the loyal courtier of the recently deceased monarch, he had made his fortune thanks to some shrewd dealings, but mainly with the help of the chubby ruler. When King Henry ordered the dissolution of the monasteries, Sir John Gates managed to take control of many former church buildings all across Essex including the famous Beeleigh Abbey.
The Stark Entitlement of the Dark Enlightenment: Johnny Vedmore Tony Gosling (04Jul23) – Tony Gosling is an intrepid journalist who is documenting some of the least researched events in history. Whether it’s the post war world of Martin Bormann and the creation of Bilderberg or the death of Princess Diana, Tony Gosling goes where most journalists fear. You can find Tony Gosling at Bilderberg.org where you’ll also find links to his articles, his podcasts, his books, alongside many other interesting and important documents. You can also keep up to date with his media appearances at radio4all.net
Joanna Booth’s investigation of the Nighttime Economy Czar Carly Heath paid for by council tax payers but often lobbying against their interests, Bristol’s first black Merchant Venturer Marti Burgess and Marley Bennett who’s paid by the people seeking to secure licences but also chair of the Bristol City Council licencing committee which is supposed to look after the interests of residents and voters. Lakota Nightclub, Bristol. The Merchant Venturers. Listen: Bristol Unpacked with the city’s ‘night Tzar’ Carly Heath on sexual entertainment, drugs on the dancefloor and the recovery of a bruised sector After a long stint working in Bristol’s nightlife, in March Carly Heath was appointed by the council as Bristol’s first ever Night-time Economy Advisor. Carly is charged with supporting a battered industry recover from the pandemic and for improving the vibrancy and safety of Bristol’s nightlife for all. Neil and Carly cover the raging debate on sexual entertainment venues, drugs testing and a new set of ‘Bristol Rules’ to make the dancefloor safe and fun for everyone.
SPECIAL REPORT ON CRIMINALITY AT BRISTOL’S LAKOTA NIGHT CLUB – Licencing organised crime at Bristol’s Lakota Night Club? Deaths, rape, violence, directors suspended, companies collapsed, tax unpaid – History of the Lakota tribe, an American Indian tribe which collaborated in the colonisation of North America, joining with the newly formed US Army to attack and kill other Native American tribes such as the Pawnees. Sophie and Joe Banks on Lakota Nightclub, it’s noise, and difficulties dealing with them. Young people dying of drugs sold in Lakota. Rape inside Lakota. Serious physical assault in Lakota. Bristol nightclub Lakota cleared of links to illegal rave A nightclub’s license has been renewed after it was cleared of being linked to an illegal rave. Lakota’s owners faced questions from Bristol City Council about whether it played a part in the rave on 14 May – the same night as the Stokes Croft Block Party, organised by the club. The hearing followed a complaint from local resident, Sophie Cooper, who said she fled the area after feeling unsafe. Councillors found no evidence the club was not complying with its licence. Ms Cooper said she felt “frightened” while walking home after a 12-hour shift as a carer, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service. She also claimed drug dealers were selling laughing gas canisters “the size of fire extinguishers” outside Lakota, which the club denied. Ms Cooper requested the council change the club’s licence, to bring closing time from 04:00 to 02:00, adding the license had been appropriate 10 years ago, but due to “the amount of housing squeezed into there… it affects so many more people” now.
How Commonly Was Smallpox Used against native American Indians by Merchant Venturer colonialists as a Biological Weapon? Once introduced into the Americas, smallpox spread everywhere. Is it possible to know how often that was done intentionally to kill people? Debates over whether General Jeffrey Amherst ordered his subordinates to infect Native Americans with smallpox in 1763 has long raged. But, writes scholar Elizabeth A. Fenn, a preoccupation with Amherst has kept us from recognizing that accusations of what we now call biological warfarethe military use of smallpox in particulararose frequently in eighteenth-century America. By the second half of the [eighteenth] century, many of the combatants in Americas wars of empire had the knowledge and technology to attempt biological warfare with the smallpox virus, Fenn writes. Actual incidents of intentional smallpox infection may have occurred more frequently than scholars have previously acknowledged. Actual incidents of intentional smallpox infection may have occurred more frequently than scholars have previously acknowledged, according to Fenn. Threats of infection were also certainly used, and not just by military forces, against indigenous peoples.
What’s the connection between the Burgess family and Lakota nightclub?
The transition from the old Avon Coroners court to the Lakota nightclub we have today – Siblings Marti and Bentleigh Burgess bought Lakota in 1994 with private Venture Capital funding.
In 1999, their mother Beverley Burgess set up Beatdraw Ltd to run Lakota, with the siblings’ father Vincent Burgess as equal shareholder with Beverley.
Who were and are the native American Lakota tribe?
Originally Lake Superior hunter gatherers
Sub tribe of the Sioux Native Americans now settled in Dakota
1770s Sioux tribes victims of smallpox killed three quarters of
Famous: Sitting Bull Crazy Horse tribe most favoured by the colonists 1823 joined US army in inter-tribal wars particularly Pawnees between 1843 1973 culminating in the Pawnee massacre. Over 150 Pawnee including women and children killed. Virtually destroyed rival tribe
moved west 500 miles or so west just south of the Canadian border
population doubled from 1805 to 1881 from 8 to 16k now 170k although now only 2k speak the Lakota language
Back to Bristol: After three years Beatdraw were in deep trouble?
In August 2002, Beatdraw went into liquidation.
Winding up papers show in three years The Burgesses company owed about 350k in unpaid bills to creditors, including 67k to HM Customs and Excise and Inland Revenue, and 18.5k to Bristol City Council local tax
indicating despite turning a tidy profit they hadn’t paid any local or national taxes they owed during this period.
Any consequences?
This took two years to chug through the enforcement process and in 2004, Beverley Burgess was barred for four years from running or acting as a director in any company. She did not dispute her conduct had been unfit.
She had allowed Beatdraw Limited to trade when there was no reasonable prospect of paying creditors’ claims.
She also caused or allowed the company to fail to submit VAT returns.
Neither Vincent nor Bentleigh Burgess were subject to the order.
So Beatdraw Ltd was in administration, one of the directors responsible for the books had been forcibly removed and banned for four years but the company operating Lakota was not wound up?
Beatdraw continued to operate the nightclub through the naughties but was finally wound up in 2012, In 2013 Teton Events was formed with the following shareholders: Vincent Burgess, Beverley Burgess, Bentleigh Burgess, Martino Burgess, Elanzo Burgess, Brent Taylor and Cassara Burgess,
By January 2017 the premises licence holder for Lakota was Teton Events Limited and Designated Premises Supervisor was Bentleigh Burgess.
So in 2013 Teton Events was set up[ to run Lakota are they still in charge?
Six years after it was formed a Petition to wind up Teton Events was presented on 7 February 2019 by guess who – the COMMISSIONERS FOR HM REVENUE AND CUSTOMS. Again just not paying their taxes VAT again? Its not clear.
But Lakota carried on operating – so which company took over then?
In March 2020, the exact same shareholders and directors in Teton Events, set up new company Swift River LLP. But the first black Merchant Venturer (MVs), Marti Burgess, now also joined the board of directors. Presumably to bring some expertise from the MVs corporate lawyers to the board about the latest legal techniques as to what they could and could not get away with. And she appears to have done that because new tactics are being employed –
After Marti joined Two other companies had been set up in parallel to run Lakota in the meantime, Iktomi and Lakota Limited.
So were there any consequences for the non-payment of taxes by Teton events which was wound up in 2019?
Not for three years 0 the wheels of justice turn very slowly
In 2022, Bentleigh Burgess was removed as demanded by the insolvency service. and rather than an individual, Lakota limited was appointed as director.
Bentleigh Shaun Burgess was banned from acting as a director for 3 years from 1 August 2022;
Beverley and Vincent Burgess were banned for 3 years from 15 March 2021.
So why haven’t we heard more about this catalogue of tax evasion – fraud and running up debts they seem to have no intention of ever paying the organised crime technique of running up bad debts then deliberately collapsing companies every six or seven years? First Beatdraw in 2012 then Teton Events in 2019?
Bentleigh Burgess was one of the original directors at Bristol247. He resigned in July 2022. Marti Burgess is still a director at B247.
What about the actual nightclubbers – and Lakotas immediate neighbours? Lots of student flats have been built around there.
Halloween Dance of the Dead with the tribe of frog is one of the annual attractions at Lakota but some surviving family members of their paying customers wont be amused:
Trip Advisor lots of 1 star reviews Avoid drug fuelled, rude staff, violent security
April 2011 – 16 year old Joe Simons from Bath died after buying ecstasy, according to his friend, inside the club.
April 2018 – under age 15 year old Jackson Gibbons from Pontypool who shouldnt have been allowed into Lakota went in… and later that night died after taking three so called ecstasy pills
October 2019 man punched in the face unprovoked head smashed into the floor and he was taken to hospital with a bleed on the brain
February 2022 two men assaulted in Lakota one punched in the face who had teeth knocked out and another head butted both needed hospital treatment
June 2022 a woman is raped inside the Lakota and police release a CCTV image of the suspect
May 2022 Lakota was the subject of a July 2022 Bristol City Council licensing committee hearing after an illegal rave in St Pauls three minutes walk from Lakota the same night as a US-style Stokes Croft Block Party. A local resident said because of open drug dealing outside Lakota and feeling frightened and intimidated walking home by groups of drug and alcohol fuelled revellers as well as unbearable noise levels in her flat at 3am which made it impossible to sleep she felt it necessary to flee the area. It was alleged Lakota had been promoting the event as an experiment, to see what they could get away with. But close confidant of mayor Marvin Rees, Cllr Marley Bennett dismissed the claims and renewed the clubs licence.
October 2022 Fatboy slim rave had to be closed down by police after wannabe revellers had been climbing over the walls to an already packed outdoor rave which the owners decided to allow to carry on despite overcrowding way outside their licence.
Marti Burgess is co-chair of Bristol City Council’s board Bristol @ Night, sits on the Bristol Cultural Development Partnership, on the board of the Bristol Music Trust. on Bristol City Council’s Economy Board, on the City Centre Resilience Board, and on the Western Harbour Advisory Group. On her Linked In she says about Lakota, “I have very limited involvement in the day to day running although I help set strategy and work with the promotions and marketing team” [ALL DOCUMENTS ON THIS STORY AVAILABLE FROM THE AUTHORS]
South Bristol shopping centre will be knocked down after planning councillors’ shock U-turn – Opposition councillors slammed a decision to redevelop the Broadwalk Shopping Centre after a developer said it could deliver extra affordable homes there – although no promises were made. New development for failed Knowle Broadwalk shopping centre in South Bristol. New chief planning officer in Bristol. . Speaking to the BBC, Laura Chapman, from the Knowle Neighbourhood Planning Group, said: “We are furious at this total and utter subversion of democracy. The community has been sidelined, and a democratic decision has been trampled over, for reasons that are not yet clear – but which do appear deeply undemocratic.” Voting in favour of granting permission for the Redcatch Quarter were Eddy, Hulme and Labour councillors Farah Hussain (Central ward) and Chris Jackson (Filwood). Voting against were Greens Hance, Hathway, Ed Plowden (Windmill Hill), and Liberal Democrat Andrew Varney (Brislington West). Conservative John Geater (Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston) abstained. As the vote was tied, Eddy used his casting vote as chair in favour.
Closing of people’s bank accounts. Louise Creffield from Save Our Rights on how they got nearly a million people out on the street of London during the 2021 Lockdowns and the campaign groups bank account has been shut down. ……. Our History – On 16th April 2020, Louise May Creffield was spending the day with her children in the woods and she felt a calling. A calling to make a real difference by utilising the skills and knowledge she had gained from working in the official political system. Louise went searching for a group that was taking action. She felt it necessary to highlight that parliamentary protocols had gone out of the window, that our Human Rights were being infringed upon and to raise the voice of those suffering as a result, particularly children, the vulnerable and those in domestic violence situations. Not being able to find such a group, Louise started her own group on Facebook called Save Our Rights UK. Within a few days this group had reached 1,000 members and now, two years later, her organisation has over 100,000 followers. Being eager and proactive Louise arranged the first protest on 20th April 2020, just four days later, on Brighton beach. Louise had never organised a protest before but she doesn’t let that sort of technicality stop her. Six people turned up and they went shouting down the seafront as she didn’t even think to bring a megaphone. This only grew weekly gaining more momentum and more support. This evolved into huge London rallies with up to hundreds of thousands of people hitting the streets almost monthly. In addition, Save Our Rights UK has run campaigns on issues such as the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill, Medical Freedom, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill and more utilising bespoke online technology to amplify people’s voices to a level that means they cannot go unheard.
BBC newsreader Huw Edwards sacked over paying for explicit photos from a 17 year old. THE SUN SAYS We have never doubted that our story on Huw Edwards was in the public interest Parents who needed help WE have never doubted that our story on Huw Edwards was in the public interest. A desperate couple approached us with firm evidence that he was paying large sums to a young person with a spiralling drug addiction and that the star had been sent sexual pictures. Huw Edwards was named by his wife as the BBC presenter embroiled in the ‘sex pictures scandal’Credit: BackGrid The parents were at their wits’ end. They wanted the payments to stop. But police said nothing could be done and, despite a detailed complaint to the BBC, it did nothing either. The couple sought no money from The Sun. They wanted help. Acutely aware of privacy restrictions, we took extreme care not to publish anything that could identify the presenter or the fragile youngster. Mr Edwards was named only by his wife four days later, by which time several other young people had made troubling accusations against him. We stand by our story and the voice it gave to two worried parents. But the BBC, frantically circling the wagons around its top news presenter, has tried to remould it to attack The Sun. It and its media supporters, sanctimonious haters of tabloids and The Sun especially, leapt on the police’s initial finding that no criminality had occurred and claimed the story thus had no public interest. What self-serving duplicity. Many of these same people have crucified political opponents for lesser sins with no hint of illegality. Hypocrisy of tabloid haters Had this story been about a Tory Cabinet Minister, or a Brexit-backing presenter on a right-leaning TV channel, they would be screaming for his sacking. The hypocrisy doesn’t end there. Wednesday’s BBC Newsnight attempted a hatchet-job on The Sun. Yet its own reporters, to their credit, were probing allegations about Mr Edwards BEFORE our first story. They clearly believed there was a public interest in them then. And the results were revealed during this schizophrenic broadcast as it interrupted its attack on us with claims from BBC colleagues that the star behaved inappropriately with them too. Yesterday, in its continued confusion, it was both kicking The Sun AND giving the scandal blanket coverage. It is the BBC with questions to answer.
Public sector pay ‘settlement’ announced by Goldman Sachs PM Rishi Sunak. How the pay rise for public sector workers compares to people in the private sector Millions of public sector workers were this week offered pay rises of between 5-7% in the coming months. Teachers have been offered an increase of 6.5%, junior doctors, consultants and dentists 6% and police and prison officers 7%. These awards apply to those working in England and Wales, with devolved administrations making separate offers to their staff. Senior civil servants will receive 5.5%, while military personnel are in line for an increase of 5-6%, which will apply UK-wide. Teachers will be given a 6.5% pay rise. (PA) The government has ruled out paying for the pay rises with more borrowing or taxes, saying it will be funded from current budgets. The government hopes the offers will put an end to the wave of strikes that have plagued the public sector for the past year, with several unions already indicating they will accept the offer. How does it compare to the private sector? Rishi Sunak has described the pay award as the government’s final offer. However, workers’ new pay increase will still be way below the current inflation level of 8.7% – meaning despite the new offer everyone will still be getting a real terms pay cut. Plus, if the average public sector pay works out at an average of 6.5%, it will still be behind the average for the whole economy. Charlie McCurdy, economist at the Resolution Foundation, told Yahoo News UK: “Pay growth in the private sector has outstripped the public sector for several years, and we’re seeing the effects of this as schools and hospitals struggle to recruit and retain staff.” The latest figures by the Office for National Statistics showed average wage growth was 7.3% between March and May 2023. This was driven by 7.7% growth in the private sector and just 5.8% in the public sector.
WHO says artificial sweetener aspartame is a ‘possible cause of cancer’ – !but still safe! The World Health Organization’s cancer agency has deemed the sweetener aspartame found in diet soda and countless other foods as a “possible” cause of cancer, . ‘Sweet Misery’ documentary about aspartame. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World – ‘Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World’ is a shocking documentary unraveling the ugly truth behind Aspartame, an artificial sweetener. The film explains that Aspartame is a toxic food that came into the world as an investment by Donald Rumsfeld, while ignoring the deadly effects the tests showed. It is not a natural product; it is a chemical, each molecule of which is made up of three components: Two amino acids, the so-called building blocks of protein and one Methyl Ester. Phenylalanine and Aspartic acid, the two amino acids constitute about 50% and 40% of the molecule respectively, while the third component, Methyl Ester, which constitutes the remaining 10%, becomes a real poison as soon as it is swallowed. Aspartame is thus dangerously harmful and the film advises that it is better avoided by being conscious of reading labels on food products before consumption.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | CONSPIRACY CLASSICS: longer interviews/lectures, Mana for the revelation generation
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Ukraine war. NATO conference. Josh Friedman, journalist, on how ex Swedish PM went to Bilderberg this year, but wasn’t on the list – Sweden joining NATO. Turkey given an IMF loan if they agree on Sweden joining NATO. Why Turkey changed its stance on Sweden’s NATO membership Ankara supports Stockholm’s bid after it receives backing on key conditions that range from buying US F-16s to visa-free travel to Europe’s Schengen area. Turkey has agreed to allow Sweden to join NATO after closed-door negotiations between NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and the leaders of the two countries ahead of a NATO summit in Lithuania. “Completing Sweden’s accession to NATO is an historic step that benefits the security of all NATO allies at this critical time,” Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Vilnius late on Monday. Hours after Ankara’s decision was revealed, the administration of United States President Joe Biden announced it will move forward with the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey in consultation with the US Congress, in what seemed to be a trade-off for Ankara’s green light to Stockholm’s NATO membership. Separately, the Pentagon said on Tuesday that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin discussed his country’s role in Turkey’s military modernisation with Turkish Defence Minister Yasar Guler on the phone – another indication that negotiations over Sweden’s entry were helped along by a US-Turkey defence deal. Ankara sought to purchase US F-16s and modernise the ones it already owns as compensation for its 2019 removal from a US-led international programme developing and producing new F-35 fighter jets. Washington sacked Turkey from the popular scheme after its purchase of the S-400 defence system from Russia despite warnings from the US. The development led to a bilateral crisis between the two allies and Washington’s imposition of sanctions on Turkey in December 2020 in the area of defence under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) – the first time such sanctions targeted a NATO member. This made Ankara’s veto on Sweden’s NATO bid a thorn in an already rocky relationship with the West for more than a year. Sweden and Finland applied for membership in May 2022 following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
– Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, at Conference, on Ukraine joining NATO after war has finished. Stoltenberg on NATO and China. Who’s winning the Ukraine war?
Donald Trump in top ‘stand-up-comedy’ form at Iowa rally on the stupidity of electric cars, fighting the deep state, ending the Ukraine war, and both Biden and DeSantis’s ineptitude. Trump Pitilessly Rips Into Joe Biden In Fiery Iowa Rally Remarks. Former President Donald Trump gave remarks on Friday in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Early leaders don’t always go on to win their party’s nomination, but a growing sense of Trump’s inevitability is raising alarms among some Republicans desperate for the party to move on. Some described a sense of panic — or “DEFCON 1,” as one put it — as they scramble to try to derail Trump and change the trajectory of the race. But there’s no clear plan or strategy on how to do that and Trump’s detractors aren’t rallying around a single alternative candidate yet.
Israeli lady Zohar on a Norwegian fishing boat Handala going to Gaza to protest against treatment of Palestinians. Freedom Flotilla Coalition. Palestine Freedom ship docks in Bristol for Harbour Festival a challenge to Israeli apartheid: Zohar – “It’s really nice to be part of this community and show solidarity with Gaza but I am flying home tomorrow. I have to mow the lawn, it’s getting overgrown.” The boat is named Handala after the famous cartoon image of a refugee Palestinian child. Over the following days, Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has a range of events planned to raise the issues around the 16-year blockade of Gaza and the effects of this on children in particular. Activists from Bristol hung a banner from the Junction Swing Bridge as the ship arrived at Cumberland Basin. (Image: Yvonne Deeney) This will include tours of the Handala, a film about a previous mission to break the blockade, a fundraising concert, panel talks, middle eastern buffet and a picnic. The 16-year blockade of Gaza has had devastating effects on the population of the territory, many of whom are refugees. Water consumption is well below the internationally recommended minimum, while electricity is frequently only available for a few hours a day. Earlier this year, Israel’s bombardment of Gaza killed 49 Palestinians, including 17 children. The UN and human rights monitoring bodies have repeatedly condemned the blockade as illegal, drawing attention to its disastrous effects including on services like essential healthcare, education and sanitation, access to food, and on Gaza’s economy. The blockade has a particularly harsh impact on children, with Save the Children reporting that four out of five children in the Gaza Strip live with depression, grief and fear. After finishing its tour of Europe, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has announced its intention to sail to the Gaza Strip in 2024. Helen Wheeler, Secretary of Bristol PSC, said “The blockade of Gaza is illegal, immoral and barbaric. “It is designed to punish and control an entire population by limiting their access to the resources required to live fulfilled lives. It needs to be brought to an end alongside Israel’s wider system of apartheid exercised over all Palestinians. “The flotilla’s visit to Bristol is an important means of raising awareness of these injustices and building the pressure on our Government to take meaningful action to hold Israel to account for its violation of Palestinian rights and of international law.”
Patricia Opulenza poem about Kier Starmer.
Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Lakota Burgess family Merchant Venturers Sophie Cooper Joe Banks Tony Gosling – 01:30:00
#3 – Joanna Booth, Carly Heath night time economy Marley Bennett Turley licencing one city plan – 00:11:00
#4 – Louise Creffield Coop Close Her Bank Account Save Our Rights – 00:35:0:0
#5 – Aspartame Sweet Misery In A Poisoned World 2004 Russell Blaylock MD Neurosurgeon – 00:10:00
#6 – Nazi Nick The Stark Entitlement of the Dark Enlightenment Johnny Vedmore Tony Gosling (04Jul23) – 01:20:00
#7 – Josh Friedman Bilderberg scoop and NATO Vilnus Conference with secret government officials NOT a private meeting Bilderberg 2023 – 00:20:00
#8 – Ukraine will become a member of NATO FULL SPEECH from Jens Stoltenberg – 00:10:00
#9 – Donald Trump Pitilessly Rips Into Biden In Council Bluffs Iowa Rally – 01:30:00
#10 – Zohar PalestineSolidarity Freedom Flotilla in Bristol Harbour – 00:13:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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