MP3 of Friday 17th March 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 UK TIME – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, …

– Elle Williams, from Creative Youth Network, joins Tony and Martin. Youth services in Bristol having a 45% funding cut – Community services dealing with knife crime to be cut in Bristol, and replaced by CCTV – – Heidi Gedge joins Tony and Martin 5 Years Jail For ‘Kill The Bill’ Bristol ‘Political Prisoner’ Marielle Gedge-Rogers Resisted Social Cleansing – Protest on the 2 year anniversary of the ‘Kill the Bill’ protest to take place on 21st March 5.30pm beginning at The Bearpit, Bristol. – Police retract claims that officers suffered broken bones at Bristol protest – – YOU’RE NOT EXCLUDED, YOU’RE JUST NOT INVITED’, BRISTOL LABOUR MAYOR MARVIN REES SEES ALL COUNCIL MEETING AS HIS ‘BIRTHDAY PARTIES’ – AL JAZEERA PROVE BBC PANORAMA LIED ABOUT ANTISEMITISM CLAIMS TO SMEAR CORBYN – Jeremy Hunt Budget speech. I Newspaper summary of the Budget. How to deal with a coming housing and banking crisis. – A knifeman tried to murder a woman who he thought worked at GCHQ because she represented “the state”, a court has heard. Joshua Bowles, 29, has been charged with attempted murder – Gary Lineker’s well covered comments on those that want to stop illegal immigration by organised crime gangs across The Channel being like the Nazis – JEREMY CORBYN BACKED GARY LINEKER OVER NAZI TWEET BUT DIDN’T REALISE LINEKER URGED LABOUR TO ‘BIN CORBYN’! – PMQs Migration not helping British economy. Question to the Prime Minister on immigration and skills – PMQs hospital buildings. NHS workers getting a pay deal this week. PMQs hospital buildings needing repairs. Tories don’t want the NHS – Yannis Varoufakis on energy companies hiking wholesale prices and green energy is pegged to the price of gas – Ukraine war. Scott Ritter on the US drone over the Black Sea and how the Russian’s dealt with it. Judge Napolitano & Scott Ritter: Drone incident – – Russian Su-27’s Finally Down American Drone Near Crimea Russia has finally downed one of those pesky, extremely expensive American drones – Russian Ambassador on Andrew Marr LBC Ambassador Andrei Kelin NATO countries, with UK among the leaders, are getting deeper and deeper into the Ukraine conflict. – FORMER AUSTRALIAN PM MALCOLM TURNBALL BLASTS UK/US SUBMARINE DEAL Aukus submarine deal being a bad deal, – DOUBLE TROUBLE: DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) FROM UKRAINIAN TANK BATTLES APPEARING IN UK AIR SAMPLES? – UK Airborne Uranium Doubled From Feb 2022: NATO Giving DU Anti-Tank Weapons To Ukraine? – – 100,000 Ukranians killed in Ukraine war . Turkey approves Finland’s NATO bid, but not Sweden’s Poland gives Ukraine fighter jets – GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/NSA TRY TO ERASE DUTROUX SCANDAL FROM HISTORY: PLEASE DOWNLOAD/SAVE/SHARE THE MP4 OF BBC DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE PAEDOPHILE MURDER RING AT THE HEART OF NATO AND THE EU IN BRUSSELS: – NSA Try To Erase Dutroux Scandal From History: Please Download/Save/Share The MP4 Of 2002 BBC Documentary About The Paedophile Murder Ring At The Heart Of NATO And The EU In Brussels – David Livingstone on how evil, Satanism and Nihilism are related. – – GMail ‘error message’ which is blocking all gmail users from receiving my weekly email to which they have attempted to subscribe – – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 10th March 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

John Langley, aka ex porn star ‘Johnny Rockard’, autobiography ‘The Sexual Philanthropist’ joins Tony. Sex industry in 1980s. Is sex industry empowering for women? Sex industry nowadays. Jimmy Saville and abuse. – Mayor Marvin and planning permission in Bristol. Former Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson, on corrupt planning permission for luxury flats where Bristol Zoo used to be – BIG DEVELOPMENTS, PLANNING COMMITTEE CANCELLED! Bristol City Council head of Development Control Gary Collins’ job is being advertised after his 15 years in the post. Has he been sacked or resigned? – Bristol Waste and Bristol Housing companies to be scrapped following in the footsteps of disastrous Bristol Energy? – WESTMINSTER ORDERS END TO BICKERING: Dan Norris, WECA Mayor, on Government watch list, after promising to franchise bus system and failing – ANOTHER LABOUR LIAR POLITICIAN:‘No analysis done’ on bringing buses under public control despite West of England Metro Mayor’s claims – BRISTOL TUBE, OR MAYORS PIPE DREAM? Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees says there will be an Underground system in Bristol but WECA Metro Mayor Dan Norris says Bristol will never get one – KIDS AGAINST THE DARK ENLIGHTENMENT ‘Better than Greta’ Jasmin on ‘the greedy people’ power elite. Jasmin’s Dad, Ian Spence, on his worries about Digital IDs combined with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and mRNA ‘vaccines’. Will they be used to control the population so that only certain people will be allowed to buy food or even have any of the new digital money? – CHARLES MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN WINDSOR AND THE WEF! Many musicians: Elton John, the Spice Girls, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, Adele & Robbie Williams all snub invites to play at King Charles’ Coronation concert. – Rishi Sunak and Macron’s meeting in France – both technocrats and ex bankers. Goldman Sachs employee, Goldman Sachs’ Roger Un, imprisoned for 1MDB scandal – Migrant boat crisis. Zeke Bond’s daughter, Indigo, is put in prison for aggression towards police at Kill the Bill protest in Bristol – DEPLOY A NEW VARIANT TO SCARE THE PANTS OFF THE PUBLIC: Matt Hancock ‘drunk on power. Dr. David Halpin, who exposed the 2003 ‘dodgy dossier’ murder of Dr David Kelly – WILFUL BLINDNESS: Margaret Heffernan, author of ‘Wilful Blindness’, on how it took 25 years to stop x-raying pregnant women, – KAGAN DEATH CULT: Don Debar interviews Mark Sleboda about Ukraine. Robert Kagan – Victoria Nuland’s husband? Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine – Natalia Vitrenko, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Feb 2022, on West’s meddling in Ukraine banning her party – Kerr Rawdon – Kerrbear Adventures Wild Camping on Dartmoor…. Kerr Rawdon of Kerrbear Adventures has done a full investigation into wild camping corruption ban in Dartmoor national park, involving Alex Darwall and Anthony Mangnall MP for Totnes – Organic farmer Mark Purdey on how organophosphates used on cattle and sheep, caused Mad Cow’s Disease and CJD in humans. – David Livingstone on Nick Land and Accelerationism. Nick Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change – Accelerationism is the name of a contemporary political heresy: the insistence that the only radical political response to capitalism is to accelerate it – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 3rd March 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

Wandsworth, London ‘Pure Genius’ Land Occupation 1996: Community land project builder Julie Lowe from King’s Cross Battlebridge Centre (1992-99) and Chesterfield’s Big Red Food Shed (2010-22) – Growing food in Chesterfield 2 acres from Derbyshire County Council Potatoes Cabbages Leeks Courgettes Onions Garlic Tomatoes. – Tony Greenstein on the Church of England’s inquisition into the Reverend Stephen Sizer’s support for Palestinians describing it as Welby’s ‘crucifixion’ of Rev Sizer. – Jews were targeted in the Middle Ages because they were the only people allowed to lend money at interest under church usury laws – CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 1: The Yinon plan and European Jews creating a fake Jewish state rather like the Medieval Crusades – Home of the US state (statue of Satan) Arkansas passes law saying anyone who criticises Israel can be prosecuted as antisemitic – CHRISTIAN ZIONISM EXPLAINED 2: Rev. Sizer’s Roadmap to Armageddon book. The term ‘Zionism’ was first coined in the late nineteenth century, – Matt Hancock Whatsapp messages leaked by Isabel Oakshott – making fun of those in quarantine ‘– Partygate’ Civil Servant who got rid of Boris Johnson as PM, Sue Gray, is offered job as Chief of Staff for Labour leader Keir Starmer – – Manchester Arena blast: ShowSec Security ignore Dawn Waddy’s ‘suspicious foreign woman’ warning before deadly explosion ORIGINAL Sky report – Manchester Arena bomb victim’s mother Caroline Curry gets upset criticising MI5 and names some of the heroes who attended the bomb attack – – So Manchester bombing: MI5 repeat ‘mistakes’ of 7/7, and smeared ‘terrorist’ Jeremy Corbyn loses the 2017 election – Graham Foulkes lost his son David in the 7/7 London bombings and got Deja Vu because so many of MI5’s ‘mistakes’ in the 7/7 London Bombings were repeated in Manchester – London mayor Sadiq Khan barracked and heckled at Ealing ‘ask the mayor’ event branding people campaigning against the ULEZ extension as ‘far right’ – Here are 11 billion-dollar mega-projects that will transform the world’s greatest cities by 2035 – NATO intends to alter charter to let Ukraine join at Vilnus July 2023 despite Atlantic 2k miles away – Martin Summers’ book: How did Putin come to power in 2000? – A battle with chief oligarch Boris Berezovsky over whether oligarchs or the Kremlin runs the country – Jeffrey Sachs talks about Nord Stream pipeline attack by USA last September and discusses the censorship in the US press – Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray looks at the history of Ukraine and how populations were moved westward at the No 2 Nato meeting ‘rave’ last Saturday – WHY ARE THE ‘STOP THE WAR COALITION’ TRYING TO TELL THE RUSSIANS WHAT DO DO RATHER THAN FOCUSSING ON THE BRITISH ROLE (BORIS JOHNSON SCUPPERED PEACE TALKS IN APRIL 2022)? – – Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov speaks in India at the G20 foreign ministers conference explaining gangster-like US ‘diplomacy’, – MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE? Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies ‘Will be the Master of the World’ Klaus Schwab, f – FBI reveal Covid was a Lab Leak pandemic coming out of China so it wasn’t an accidental lab leak – Iain Davis whose article on Accelerationism is brilliant – Julie Lowe’s booklist – 1. The Perfect Holocaust and those who Kept it Perfect by Chris Fogarty – – 2. Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients is a book by the British physician and academic Ben Goldacre – 3. One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb – One Nation Under Blackmail is a damning indictment – Martin’s book: 2. Gladio, Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis by Richard Cottrell – Tony Gosling was talking to Mike Graham in Talk Radio this week discovering to his amazement that Mike lived in the same street, – Dennis Wheatley’s book ‘They Used Dark Forces’ about the use of ‘mediums’ and ‘astrologers’ to target the Nazi high command – Difference between Western Zoroastrianism and the Judeo-Christian faiths including Islam that see the spiritual as a dualistic world between good and evil whereas the Eastern faiths see both as ‘balanced, with a need for good and evil to equal each other out – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

Apologies. All audio files disappeared off radio4All server earlier. Emergency full show link here MP3 of Friday 24th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS …

Joe Banks, freelance journalist and historian, joins Tony and Martin – Plan for tallest building in city’s history is ‘assault on Bristol’ – The tower block plan has ‘grown’ by seven storeys on the drawing board in three months – INSIDE STORY ON PLANNING CORRUPTION: Simon Killane, [see this week’s long interviews] ex Councillor from Malmesbury, on planning in Wiltshire and his Neighbourhood – Mayor Marvin gives his ex boxing club, Empire Fighting Chance, a free 999 year lease, handing over £1.35million of public land to his friends – Chinese run British steel closure. British Steel to cut 260 jobs as it plans to close coke ovens at Scunthorpe – INSIDE STORY ON UK DE-INDUSTRIALISATION AND MINING: Arthur Scargill on how British coal could still be used and not create too much CO2. – TIN MINE CLOSED IN 1980s WHEN US FLOODED THE MARKET COULD MAKE £1 MILLION A MONTH IF ALLOWED TO REOPEN: – Greg Lance Watkins, blogger and Brexiteer, compares the Ukrainian 1932-33 Holdomor and the Irish 1845-52 potato famines – BREXIT MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 1 OF 2: DCI John Caldwell shot by ‘New IRA’ in Northern Ireland but was it MI5? – Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, being questioned by MPs who seem to know nothing. – PROFESSOR URGES VOLUNTARY CULL OF ELDERLY: Yale University says mass suicide of older people needed Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, – LORDS OF CHAOS LATEST: Traffic chaos as Smart Motorway system fails – Smart motorway network failure renews calls for ‘death trap’ system to be axed – Smart Cities protest, 15 Minute Cities protest in Oxford last Saturday: 12 yr old Jasmine SMASHES greedy, evil Accelerationist Politicians, speaks truth and justice in Oxford. – NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 2 OF 2: Keir Starmer’s speech – 5 election 2024 pledges – Protocol: Hopes raised for Brexit deal – A.I. wanting to make decisions like a human – Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be HUMAN, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes – A.I. used for targetting in Ukraine war – Ukraine is outflanking Russia with ammunition from Big Tech [Times article now taken down] – Sci Fi publisher – A.I. generated pictures overwhelmed them – Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories – – Putin’s speech Putin’s state of the nation speech: What exactly did he say? President Putin blames the West and Ukraine for the war he ordered a year ago. – British ‘Prime Minister’ Rishi Sunak in Q&A at Munich Security Conference getting the Baltic and the Black Seas mixed up just like Liz Truss did when foreign secretary in 2022 – ‘British Army already fighting in Ukraine and at war with Russia’, ex-UK ambassador to Syria, war through this and economic, cyber and psychological (media) warfare. – Boris Johnson scuppering peace deal between Ukraine and Russia last year. – BBC choose Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia Editor for The Economist, to debut live off the back of Putin’s speech – Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – Scott Ritter on how the West doesn’t have enough ammunition to give to Ukraine – Michael Hudson on the massive sacrifice the West has made to ‘help’ Ukraine. The picture for the world this year. – THERE ARE REALLY ONLY TWO RELIGIONS, BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY AND LUCIFERIANISM: David B, from Round Saturn’s Eye, on non Christian imagery. – The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 17th February 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

Cancelled Bristol University Sociology professor David Miller joins Tony and Martin who will speak next Saturday in London at the No2Nato meeting – Cancelled Labour MP Chris Williamson on the strikes and…. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to stand as a Labour MP but he does not react to the decision by announcing his intentions at next year’s General Election – UCU strikes and failed Neoliberal model of Universities. Do lecturers have any ‘industrial muscle’? James Cussans UCU – Big REACH PLC pay settlement for journalists … to Mesmerise the public? – Pre-Pay meters criminal scandal and Chris O’Shea’s 3.3bn Centrica profits – Sonia Mortimer. – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is in Turkey but is it about NATO expansion or the earthquake? COULD BOTH BE RELATED (see below)? – War-hungry West’s ‘Security Conference’ kicks off in Munich, 1920s Nazi party HQ – Admiral John Kirby cannot admit that NATO has expanded Eastwards threatening Russia. – Charlie Skelton on Sullivan, Burns, Baker: Bilderberg 2022’s Nord Stream Saboteurs Named By Sy Hersh BALTOPS exercise to plant the mines began the day Bilderberg 2022 ended in Washington. – Nord Stream was an attack on Germany, a supposed ally,all stories about weather balloons and airships are just a distraction from this US government act of war against Germany and Russia. – Russian Airborne officer Andre Konsevich on Scott Ritter Show says Russia is dealing with military corporations and the Western banking system, not individual governmnets. – David Miller: European arms and other industries are being ‘killed off’ by US empire policies. – 350-500k Russian soldiers ready to go on FM Lavrov’s warning for anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine. – Retired US Colonel Douglas McGregor says Ukraine is about to be annihilated – Spy balloons and other aerial spy equipment JUST A LONDON MEDIA DIVERSION PSYOP. Colonel Douglas McGregor on anti Russia propaganda. – Nord Stream sabotage mastermind Jake Sullivan would rather be the permanent government. Now a week to the first anniversary of beginning of Ukraine war. – Turkey Earthquake Geoengineered By US says Romanian Senator Diana Ivanovici Sosoaca citing evidence – Voltaire Network – could Turkish/Syrian earthquake be US underground nuke? – 01Feb23 (5 days before ‘earthquake’) Turkey’s Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t even bother’ with NATO bid if Quran-burning is allowed – 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] US/NATO Threatened Turkey Three Days Before Earthquake – ‘Take your dirty hands off of Turkey’, – 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] Turkey is still holding up Sweden, Finland’s NATO membership – US stockpile of chemical weapons in WWII kills THOUSANDS of ALLIED servicemen and civilians – World War II: – Ban using geo- engineering. Evidence 2010 Haiti earthquake was caused by an underground bomb. – Lat week’s glorious ‘media whores megaphone man’ Chris Burns cured his lifelong asthma hay-fever illness just by cutting out dairy products in the summer months. For his asthma, pharmaceuticals didn’t work at all – Mark Purdey – NAZIS INVENTED ORGANOPHOSPHATES? – organo-phosphates causing mad cows disease – Neil Oliver with Sandi AdamsONE WEEK LEFT TO STOP DIGITAL ID CARDS Proposed benefits from the data sharing for individuals and households include…. slavery – Aaron Russo: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) correctly predicted by Aaron Russo in Reflections and Warnings (2009) – Banking world government and chips in people. Kees van der Pijl, author of ‘States of Emergency’, on gaining control over an unruly world population. – Irish Mail – Ireland must cut livestock by 1/3 ‘Worse than Cromwell’ – Ireland must cut livestock numbers by a third – Charlie Skelton Lisbon Bilderberg 2023 & Bilderberg 2022 Nord Stream War Criminals – Bilderberg Conference coming up Lisbon 17 May 2023 . Other important groups such as Le Circle.WEF, Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, security, big media groups. – Palantir’s MetaConstellation – Bilderberger Alex Karp A defence source told The Times: “A digital army is fighting an analogue army. “ – Lavrov, speaking on Thursday 2nd Febrary, says stage 2 of war begins Russia threatens it ‘will gain world’s attention’ on Ukraine invasion anniversary – Ross Patterson, a colleague of Jonathan Grey, on surprising discoveries in the Holy Land:The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah’s Ark, The Arc of the Covenant, Red Sea Crossing – Shocking! Inside REAL Hell Fire Club Secret Temple (R$E) – Filmed on location at Hell Fire Caves in West Wycombe – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »